FILTHY: A Steamy Romance Collection

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FILTHY: A Steamy Romance Collection Page 58

by Brent, Amy

  Convinced that this was all just a simple drunken hallucination, I let go of my inhibitions and decided to make the most of it. With a thumping heart, I raised my sluggish arms to the back of Ben’s head and dipped my fingers into the soft tresses of his dark hair, pulling his face even closer to mine. My lips parted, and his tongue instantly ventured into my mouth, massaging mine with soft, arousing strokes.

  The kiss was so intense I felt my lungs burning with the need for breath, but I just couldn’t bring myself to pull away from his expert mouth for an inhale. It was as if the air had become unnecessary for my survival. All I needed was that kiss and his touch and the heat that started to build in my core.

  I moaned as Ben’s lips pulled away from mine to kiss a slow line from my cheek to my neck and upward until he found the lobe of my ear. He nibbled at my flesh causing the juices from my arousal to ooze out of me until my panties were completely soaked. I pressed my crossed legs together, hoping for some relief to the hungry throbbing I felt but found none. After so many months pleasuring myself to porn movies and thoughts of my daddy, I knew my body well enough to know that the need I felt would only be sated one way—with something rubbing at my clit or pounding in and out of my pussy until I found that delicious and all-consuming orgasm.

  Desperate for more, I tightened my grip on Ben’s hair as he continued to lick, nibble and kiss my flesh. As if reading my thoughts and knowing the need I felt, Ben’s right hand slid in one fluid motion down my neck and shoulder until it covered my breast. Through the layers of fabric, his skilled fingers kneaded and teased my sensitive skin while his other hand slowly traveled from my knee all the way down to my calf. His touch was so hot and intense it was almost painful, but still, it made me want more.

  Holding my leg firmly, Ben uncrossed my legs and scooted forward a bit more to occupy the space between them. A shiver ran down my spine as his fingers started traveling in the opposite direction and inching their way closer and closer to my throbbing center. I moaned and dug my fingernails into the skin of his neck as he flicked the strap of my dress off my shoulder to expose my left breast.

  “Fuck! That is one perfect tit, Jess,” he groaned while dipping his head toward my cleavage to nuzzle and kiss the bare skin of my boob.

  Although I had played with my nipples many times in the past, nothing I had done to myself had prepared me for the feeling of a man’s mouth on my rosy peak. It was electric and hot and overwhelming in the best way possible, but at the same time, it was sobering as shit. Having Ben’s mouth clasped around my nipple made me realize that this really wasn’t a drunken dream or hallucination. It was real and amazing and way over my head.

  In an attempt to control my stupid raging emotions, I pulled in the largest breath I had ever inhaled in my life. When that didn’t help, I tugged at his hair until he released my nipple and looked down into his gorgeous blue eyes.

  “You want me to stop?” he asked in a voice that was filled with emotion.

  I shook my head and said, “No, but I’ve just realized that this isn’t some realistic wet dream so I feel the need to explain that I may not be very good at this.”

  “At what? Sex?” Ben’s tone was genuinely intrigued.

  “Yeah,” I muttered with a nervous nod. “I mean, I might be good at it, but I wouldn’t know because I’ve never done it before.”

  A slow, sexy, almost predatory smile curled on Ben’s lips as he held my gaze. Despite the silence and anticipation between us, the fingers he had on my inner thigh continued to climb up my leg toward my center. I visibly shivered.

  With eyes narrowed, he asked, “Jessica, are you telling me you’re a virgin?”

  “Yes,” I admitted under my breath as I looked down with embarrassment.

  “Holy fucking shit,” Ben muttered as his hand returned to my breast and his fingers started kneading it. “How the hell did that happen?”

  The excitement in his voice made me feel a little less awkward about my admission, and I was finally able to look up at him. Holding his gaze from under my lashes, I shrugged. “I don’t know. I’ve always liked being independent, and up until recently, I hadn’t found anyone I wanted to give myself to in that way. That was one of the main reasons Trey and I broke up back then and why he’s annoying me now.”

  “Because he wants to fuck you?” he asked, and my cheeks flushed. It was pathetic how he could have a hand up my skirt and another covering my naked boob, and I didn’t blush until he said the word fuck.

  I pulled in a long, calming breath and nodded once more. “Yeah. He wants to, but I don’t. He doesn’t make me feel that way.”

  Ben tilted his head and inched the hand he had on my leg a bit closer to my center. “And which way is that?”

  His blunt question was so arousing I wanted to press my legs together to find some relief, but that was impossible with his hand lodged right between my thighs. Our contact and my inability to find any comfort to the ache in my center only intensified the need I felt for him.

  “Aroused and hungry,” I replied in a breathless voice. “Like my skin is on fire and my body will give up if I don’t find my release.”

  A crooked, wicked looking smirk curled up in his lips, and his fingers inched a little bit closer to my pulsing pussy, but still, he didn’t touch me there. “And have you felt that way before?”

  Too overwhelmed to form words, I just nodded my reply. That wasn’t enough for Ben who pressed me for an actual answer. “Don’t hold back, baby. I want to know how and when you felt aroused.”

  “The first time I felt like that was right before we met,” I started without even thinking. This was something I would never voluntarily share, but there was something about the way he asked me and the appreciation in his eyes as I said it that compelled me to speak. “I was alone at home, channel surfing one night and ended up on a porn channel. A girl was sucking a guy’s cock, and they both looked so into it that it woke up something deep within me.

  “For the first time in my life, I wanted to be that girl. The one with a cock in her mouth, a guy’s load on my chest and a real man in my life. Then, a few days later, we met, and you’ve kept that fire lit in me, but now it’s burning me to the ground.”

  With a new and kind of dangerous spark in his eyes, Ben asked, “How did I do that?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know, you just do. The way you look, the way you speak to me, the way you make me feel naked whenever your eyes are on me. It makes me . . .”

  “What?” he demanded once I trailed off.

  Unsure of how to say it, I simply pulled in a lungful of air and brought my hand to the elbow of the arm he had between my legs. Holding his gaze, I slowly pushed his arm forward until the tips of his fingers touched the wetness of my folds and then said, “Like that.”

  At the contact, Ben’s tongue lapped at his lips. A second later, he leaned forward and pressed those luscious wet lips on mine. His kiss was demanding and sexy, but if that wasn’t enough, he proceeded by pinching my nipple between his forefinger and thumb. I moaned against his mouth as he started to roll the sensitive flesh back and forth, hardening and elongating it in the most pleasurable way.

  He pushed his fingers deeper into me, probing my opening with soft bouncing motions and exploring my clit with the pad of his thumb. The pressure was heavenly and made it impossible to contain the moan building in my chest.

  “Shit, Jess,” he whispered with his mouth still pressed against mine. “You’re so fucking wet.”

  Not really knowing what to say but still unable to keep my mouth shut, I blurted out the first thing that came to my mind. “Yeah, I get that way easily.”

  Ben pulled back just a little to look at me. His eyes contained equal amounts of amusement and desire as he chuckled. “How do you know that?”

  “Because it happens every time I see you,” I deadpanned, once more unable to contain my thoughts inside my head. “You look at me, and I’m soaking wet. You touch me, and it’s like a waterfall in my p
ussy. Even after I masturbate, all I have to do is think of you, and I’m dripping again. It’s very annoying actually.”

  “Not to me,” he retorted with a little bite on my lower lip. “To me, that’s very convenient and sexy as an actual fuck.”

  His admission and the evident desire in his voice made me feel strangely empowered. It was as if knowing that he wanted me finally finished the job that porn movie started. For the first time in my life, I felt desired and comfortable in my own skin enough to be bold and let go of every fear, plan, and reservation I had held over the years.

  “Does that mean you’re gonna fuck me now?” I asked with my eyes completely focused on him. A smirk formed on his mouth, but before he could say anything, I puckered my lips and gave him a quick peck before adding, “Because I really want to be fucked by you.”

  His smile widened as he replied, “No, baby girl. I’m not gonna fuck you tonight.” I looked at him with protesting eyes, but he quickly explained, “You have a boyfriend, and I’m not a sharer. If you want my cock, then you’ll have to be mine completely.”

  “But you won’t,” I said as reality dawned on me. “You won’t be mine. You’ll still be married to my mother.”

  For the first time since this whole moment between us started, Ben looked less than happy. He stared at me for long, silent seconds with an expression so full of doubt and concern that I could almost see the wheels in his head spinning as he looked for a way to make this whole thing—me included—disappear.

  Dread took hold of me as every inch of my body worried about what would happen to my poor little heart if he pulled away from me again. After tasting his mouth and feeling his touch so intimately, I knew that I wouldn’t be able to go back to the distant treatment I usually got from him without blaming and hating my mother for it.

  My heart pounded against my ribs as I continued to wait for a reaction from him. Then, just as I was about to lose hope and push him away to go cry in my room, Ben exhaled and that sexy light returned to his blue eyes.

  “Yes,” he replied in a serious tone. “Legally, I’ll still be bound to this marriage until next year. However, I promise that you won’t be sharing me either. You know that Pam and I are just friends, and I give you my word that once you allow me in your pussy, I won’t fuck anyone but you. My cock and my body will be yours for as long as yours remain mine.”

  It wasn’t a perfect arrangement, and I knew it. In fact, it was all kinds of wrong and twisty, and if I were smart, I would have walked away. But I wasn’t smart. I was horny and too attracted to him for my own good, which left me with only one option.

  “Okay,” I replied without a speck of hesitation. “I’ll break up with Trey and give myself to you, but I’m too aroused to just go to bed. I want you now.”

  A broad, happy smile curled on Ben’s lips as he leaned forward and gave me another long and passionate kiss. Once he pulled away, he held my gaze and said, “I told you I wouldn’t fuck you tonight, and I won’t. That doesn’t mean, however, that I’m done with you.”

  Despite the chill that ran down my spine, my brows pulled together in confusion. With a wicked smirk on his lips and fire in his eyes, Ben explained, “You said you masturbate thinking of me, and I want to see that. I want to see what you do when you’re alone, and I’m on your mind.”

  His request took me by surprise. Masturbating was such a private thing and doing it while someone was watching felt strange, but at the same time, it was an incredibly sexy idea, and I was all too willing to try.

  I bit my bottom lip and nodded, “Okay.”

  At my agreement, Ben pulled his hands away from me and in one graceful movement sat back in his chair. He sucked the finger he had used to pleasure my pussy clean as he made himself comfortable. Then, with a hand over the impressive bulge on his crotch and his eyes on me, he motioned with his hand and said, “Whenever you’re ready.”

  “You want me to do it here?” I asked looking around the living room through wide eyes.

  He nodded. “Yeah, right there on that chair.”

  The fear that someone would walk in and see me added a new layer of danger to the whole thing, but it also made the request sexier and me hornier. Taking in a strengthening breath, I got up and slowly removed my dress. Ben’s eyes carefully followed each step of the process, from me flicking the remaining strap off my shoulder to me sliding the fabric down the length of my body until it was nothing more than a pool of fabric at my feet.

  “A perfect body to go with those perfect tits.”

  His compliment breathed new life to my libido and gave me the strength to continue. With my eyes fixed on his handsome face, I hooked my thumbs on the sides of my panties and pulled it down my legs. Once I was completely bare, I straightened by back allowing a man to see me naked for the first time in my life and kicked the garments away.

  The lust in Ben’s eyes as he stared at my pussy made me blush, but it also urged me to continue. Without losing momentum, I sat down on the chair and leaned back, making myself comfortable. Ben licked his lips as I brought my hands to my chest and started massaging my breasts and teasing my nipples. Just like he had done, I rolled and tugged at my rosy peaks until they hardened between my fingers.

  My eyes fluttered with the sweet sensation, but I refused to let them close. The entranced arousal in Ben’s face as he watched me was the fuel I needed it to keep going. As my heart started to race and the throbbing in my center became too intense, my right hand drifted down my chest and stomach until the tips of my fingers touched my mount.

  Slowly and staring intently at Ben, I scooted down a bit and parted my knees wider, so my pussy was completely exposed to him. He licked his lips and grabbed his crotch a bit harder as my fingers finally reached my center. My gaze instantly drifted to the bulge beneath his hand, but just knowing he was hard wasn’t enough for me. After so long fantasizing about him and this moment, I wanted more. I wanted every inch of him bare and exposed to me.

  With my forefinger rubbing a small circle around my clit, I said, “I want to see you.”

  “You are seeing me, baby. I’m right here,” he replied in a sexy, velvety voice.

  “I’m not seeing enough,” I whispered as my finger continued to move against my clit. “I want to see your cock and what you do when you do when you think of me. I want to see you . . .” I trailed off unable to finish the request.

  He arched a brow. “You want me to see me come?”

  I bit my lips at the question and nodded. “Yes.”

  “Like the girl in the porn movie?” he asked in a serious tone.

  The images returned to my mind and added a whole new layer of excitement to my already aroused body. Pulling a shaky breath through my mouth, I nodded.

  A crooked smirk formed on Ben’s lips as he continued to just watch me for a few seconds. Then, he got up from his chair and undid his necktie. “Don’t stop pleasuring yourself, okay?”

  I nodded my agreement and continued to circle my finger around my clit as Ben slowly removed his clothes and tossed them to the floor. The anticipation of finally seeing the only man I had ever desired naked, made my hand take a life of its own. My movements became faster and more urgent with each discarded garment until I felt my belly contract with the prelude of an orgasm.

  My lips parted to pull in a deep breath as his shirt finally found its way to the ground and the sight of the defined muscles of his chest and abdomen came into view. Ben had the most perfect anatomy, every single muscle developed and visible. Although the future doctor in me wanted to name each group muscle and study him like an anatomy book, the horny, needy woman in me just wanted him to come closer so I could run my tongue over each ridge and valley of his incredible physique.

  Following his command, I continued to pleasure myself as he removed his pants and underwear. I gasped as his cock finally came into view. Although I had no experience with penises whatsoever, I was entirely sure that Ben was way above average. He was long and thick with a massive p
ink head, and I couldn’t help but wonder how in heaven’s name that would fit inside me.

  The buildup of pleasure in my belly intensified as he took a step in my direction, placing that delicious beast right in front of me. I kept my gaze focused on him as one of his hands reached for my boob and the other curled around his shaft. Slowly, Ben teased my nipple and brought his cock to my neck. He traced an upward line to my jaw and circled the tip around my lips.

  The thought of having his cock rubbing against my face was so erotic it made crazy with need. My fingers moved faster against my clit as my lips parted to release a heavy moan. Taking advantage of my opened mouth, Ben placed the tip of his cock right between my parted lips and started pumping his hips ever so slightly while moving his hand up and down his shaft. His baby pulses weren’t enough to make me feel like he was actually fucking my mouth, but they still gave me a taste of how good it would be to have him inside of me.

  I kept my eyes fixed on the live action porn scene happening in front of me and felt the first sparks of my orgasm flicker inside of me. The room was flooded with moans, groans and our whispered voices calling each other’s names as we continued to pleasure ourselves until it became too much to be contained.

  “Oh, god,” I moaned as the warmth of my impending orgasm started to spread through every inch of me. “I’m almost there.”

  A strained smile curled on Ben’s face. “Good, baby girl. Come for me.”

  As soon as those words were out of Ben’s mouth, I closed my eyes and felt my core explode with a pleasure so intense it was almost painful. In an almost unintelligible voice, I called Ben’s name over and over as the feeling ripped through every inch of me.

  Right in the middle of the most amazing sensation I had ever experienced, Ben released my nipple, grabbed my hair and ordered, “Open your eyes, Jessica.”

  Like a good girl, I obeyed. Looking straight forward, I saw him pump his cock twice more. Then, with a loud, primal groan, Ben followed me to an orgasm. Warm, white liquid poured out of him in powerful jets that covered my opened mouth, chin, and chest.


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