Undeniable Attractions: The Too Bad Series Contemporary Romance Box Set

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Undeniable Attractions: The Too Bad Series Contemporary Romance Box Set Page 22

by Emma Vikes

  “Call me every day.” She’d said simply as tears began to pool in her eyes.

  I’d thought she was simply missing me but over the years, every time I revisited that memory, I’d discovered there was more.

  She’d turned and entered the cab as I shut the door. As the cab had driven off, tears had begun to pool in my own ears. After all, it was the end of another era in me and Vanessa’s friendship.

  I had never talked to Vanessa about that last incident, but five years later in this tiny office cubicle, I couldn’t help but wonder one more time, ‘Does Vanessa have feelings for me?’

  I looked at my work one more time before shutting my laptop and closing the case folder. I couldn’t focus on work with the turmoil that was currently going on in my mind. I needed to take a breather.

  I stood up and began making my way to the dispenser to get some water. On the way, I toyed with the idea of calling Vanessa and have an in-depth conversation about everything. If she truly had feelings for me, I’d be able to decipher it, if I got her to talk extensively on the marriage subject.

  I took a disposable cup and placed it under the dispenser’s tap. Seconds later, it was full and I was taking a gulp. I refilled the cup and carried it along with me on my way back to my cubicle.

  Just as I sat down, my desk phone began ringing.

  I picked up to the sound of Charlotte’s voice.

  “Damian, have you been able to reach out to the opposing counsel yet?” She asked.

  My mind retuned to the fact that I’d been waiting for Mike Duncan to return my call.

  “I actually called his office, but according to the receptionist, he is not on seat.” I responded. “I’m waiting for him to return my call.” I finished.

  “Hmmm. I’m not sure we have the luxury of waiting. We need to find him soon. This case could blow up any minute. What’s the attorney’s name?”

  “Mike Duncan.” I responded.

  “What! Mike Duncan is the opposing counsel?”

  “Yes, Charlotte.” I answered cautiously as I heard the alarm in her voice. It was the same alarm I’d heard in Vanessa’s voice earlier.

  “And they said he wasn’t on his seat?” She queried.


  “Damian, I have a feeling they lied to you. Did you introduce yourself when you called?”

  “Yes, I did.”

  “Then there is a high probability Mike Duncan rejected your call.” Sha stated plainly.

  ‘What exactly is Mike Duncan about? And why does everyone have the opinion that he is a sleaze bag?’

  “If he rejected my call, then he knows exactly why I’m calling. It also means he isn’t interested in the reason for my call.” I responded after a brief moment in which I’d reassessed the case all over again.

  “And if that’s the case, then we can’t get the ego out of this deal as originally planned. Mike Duncan is ego personified. We need to start preparing for war as well.”

  I exhaled into the receiver and stayed silent as I could literally hear the gears grinding in Charlotte’s head.

  “Figured out a way with Sanders & Co yet?” She finally asked.

  “Still on it, but I’m close.” I responded.

  “Ok then. Try and reach out to Mike Duncan one more time. If he is still unreachable, then come to my office. We need to start preparing arguments for court.”


  As I dropped the call, I opened my laptop and typed Mike Duncan’s name into the search engine that popped up on my screen. I needed to know more about him, so I could know how best to handle him.

  The first images and articles that popped with his name had my arching my brows in realisation.

  ‘Oh, so that’s why everyone has ill things to say about you huh? You really are a sleaze bag.’

  I pulled the desk phone from its cradle and dialled Mike Duncan’s law firm again.

  “You better receive my call this time.” I muttered under my breath.



  I PULLED MY DRAWER open and tossed all the case files on my table. Next, I shut down my laptop and closed it. Picking up my bag, I stood up and headed for the door.

  Lisa was stepping out of her office at the same moment and so we met in the hallway.

  “No romance, just talks.” She blurted out causing me to erupt in laughter.

  “Got it, ma’am.” I responded as we both headed for the elevator.

  At the door of the elevator, she suddenly remembered she’d forgotten her car keys on her table and so she turned back.

  “See you tomorrow.” She shouted as the doors of the elevator closed on her receding figure.

  Moments later, I was in the lobby and heading out of the office building. I opened my back in motion to pull out my car keys. I also pulled out my cell phone so I could dial Dylan’s number.

  I’d already mentioned to him while at lunch with Lisa, that I was coming over after work so we could talk. He’d responded animatedly, saying he couldn’t wait to see me. I’d responded that he shouldn’t get any cute ideas because I was just coming over to talk.

  ‘No romance, just talks.’ I heard Lisa’s voice in my head, causing me to chuckle.

  “Yes, Lisa. Just talks.” I said as I dialled Dylan’s number.

  “Hello love.” He answered when the call connected.

  “Hey babe. How was your day?” I responded just as I arrived at my car in the parking lot.

  “It was alright. Yours?”

  “Mine was fine as well.”

  “Ok. You still coming over, right?” He asked.

  “Yes. I’m about to leave the office now. Just thought to inform you.” I responded.

  “Ok then. See you soon.”


  With the call ended, I opened my car door and slipped in. I started the engine and drove out of the parking lot.

  On the drive home, my morning conversation with Lisa continued to replay in my mind. I began to formulate my speeches and questions for Dylan in my head. I had to be careful after all, because I didn’t want him to get the wrong impression. All I needed was to talk to him and let him know the fears and doubts I had.

  By the time I got to his house and pulled into his driveway, which was big enough to contain two cars, dusk was already descending on the Chicago skyline. I came down from my vehicle, locked it and headed for the front door.

  As I climbed the steps unto his front porch, his door swung open.

  “Evening my love.” He said in his most melodic tone as music wafted from within the house to my ears.

  He stood in the doorway looking dashing and holding two glasses of champagne, one of which he tried handing over to me. The alarm bells in my head began blaring.

  ‘Oh no. Romance! No wonder he’d been sounding so animated all this while.’

  “I thought I made it clear that I just wanted to come over and talk?” I blurted out rejecting the champagne flute he was offering me.

  “Oh, it was clear my love. Still who says we can’t talk while you relax with a glass of champagne? It’s been a long day after all.” He commented seductively.

  “Really? A long day and you bring out the bubbly? So, what is the celebration for?” I queried.

  “With you my dear every day is a celebration.” He responded with a wink.

  I stifled a chuckle then and finally accepted the champagne flute. It was a smooth line after all and it was all I could do to keep from blushing.

  “Thank you.” I said as he stepped aside and let me in to the house.

  The song playing on the stereo had switched to Marc Anthony’s ‘I need you’.

  “Oh brother! How the hell am I supposed to have a talk with this man in this kind of scenario?” I muttered under my breath.

  Looking around, I realised it wasn’t just the playlist he’d made an effort in. The dining table was set, complete with candle lights. Before I could protest, he placed his hand on my back and guided me towards the dinin
g table.

  As I sat down, he opened up the dishes, filling the whole house with the scintillating aroma of dinner. Even though I’d had a late lunch at the office, I discovered I was uncharacteristically hungry. I was also suddenly so nervous.

  I took a gulp from my champagne flute to calm nerves.

  “Dylan, we need to talk.” I said.

  “Yes, my love. And we will talk. Let’s have dinner first.” He smiled.

  I conceded and proceeded to wolf dine the meal he’d prepared.

  Thirty minutes and three champagne glasses later, I cleaned my lips with the napkin and stood to begin clearing the table.

  “Oh no my darling. You just go seat and enjoy the music. I’d clear the table and come meet you. Then we can talk.”

  He filled my glass before walking away with some of the dishes. I snickered sarcastically before walking towards the living room.

  ‘Keep it together...we are here to talk. No, I am here to talk. We...I...we need...I need to talk.’

  “What the hell?” I muttered, noticing that I was losing my train of thought.

  The golden liquid in my flute was definitely to blame. Three glasses and currently on the fourth and I could barely get a hold of my thoughts.

  ‘Darn it!’

  I stood there trying to regain a little of my composure as time passed. Suddenly, Dylan was behind me and holding my waist. As the music continued to blare softly into the air, he began waltzing gently with me.

  “Dylan.” I said after what seemed like an eternity.

  “Yes, my darling?” He responded, continuing the waltz.

  My back was to him as he guided my waist from side to side, in rhythm with the music.

  “We need to talk.”

  “I’m listening.” He responded as he brought his head to rest between my neck and shoulder.

  ‘No...no romance...just...’ I could hear Lisa’s voice fading in my head.

  Slowly I began to forget what she had said earlier in the day as Dylan began planting kisses on my neck.

  We continued sashaying to the music as his breath and kisses continued to wash over my neck. I drained the last of my champagne in a bid to get the verve to start the conversation.

  Suddenly and without warning, he spun me to face him. Then he cradled my back and pulled me closer, till I could feel his breath on my face.

  “You were saying?” he said smugly.

  ‘Darn it!’ I thought. For the life of me, I couldn’t remember what I was saying.

  My lips parted as I tried to speak.

  “Well... I was...”

  I was cut off mid-sentence as he took my lips captive with his. It was a deep and riveting kiss that made my mind go blank. For what seemed like an eternity, I was floating on his kiss when the sound of breaking glass brought us back to the present.

  “Jeez!” I blurted out.

  Somehow, I had let go of the champagne flute in my hand and it had crashed to the floor, shattering into pieces.

  “I’m so sorry.” I moaned as I tried to pry away from his embrace to go get a broom and sweep away the glass shards.

  Instead of letting me go, he held me firmly in place, before proceeding to plant another kiss on my lips. Once again, my mind went blank.

  He let go of my lips and just as I was about to speak up about the need to go get a broom, he lifted me off the ground and cradled me with both hands. I gasped from the speed of his action and immediately wrapped my hands around his neck to steady myself.

  He must have interpreted that as a signal because he leaned his head forward and kissed me again.

  There I was, suspended in the air and kissing Dylan like my life depended on it. Lisa’s warnings were so far away from memory and all that mattered was the desire that was slowly building up within me.

  He raised his head from the kiss and slowly began stepping around the glass shards from my broken champagne flute, on his way to the stairs. He carried me effortlessly up the stairs, and I stayed mute throughout the journey, simply content to stare into his eyes.

  By the time we got to his bedroom door, he nudged it open to reveal a setting that could have been straight out of a Hollywood movie. There were rose petals scattered all over the floor and by the time I looked closer, I noticed a pattern. In fact, the rose petals formed the shape of the heart with an arrow going through it.

  The scent of jasmine also filled the air and I wondered where it came from. My eyes and nose eventually figured the sources as two scented candles, that were burning on both bedside stools on either side of the bed.

  He arrived at the bed and gently lowered me into it. I was all but ready to be devoured by him as he began to caress my body with his lustful gaze.

  I pursed my lips as I watched his eyes feast on me. I could feel his lust washing all over my body sending my mind into frenzy.

  ‘You should be having a talk, Vanessa. What the hell are you doing?’ I thought as he lowered himself and continued kissing me.

  The last of my resistance faded away as my hands came up around his neck and I began responding to his kiss. As the kiss deepened, his hands began to roam all over my body, squeezing, massaging and pinching on all my sensitive spots. Finally, one of them came to rest on my breast, kneading it gently, while the other pillared by my side to support his weight above me.

  As his fingers brushed my erect nipple, that was currently straining through my blouse, desire shot up within my leg. Slowly, my hand found its way down and rested on the bulge that was growing in his pants. I squeezed it gently, causing him to groan in pleasure. He broke the kiss and rose up to stare into my eyes.

  After a bit, he pulled me to a sitting position and began undressing me. Moments later, I was stark naked and looking at him. He pushed me gently, back unto the bed and spread my legs. Realisation dawned on me, just as the walls of my stomach tightened.

  Slowly, he bent down towards my privates, as my lips pursed in anticipation. As soon as his lips touched my labia, I inhaled deeply. His tongue began to lap the juices that my pussy was producing, sending all sorts of sensations coursing through my body. My back arched as soon as his tongue found my clit, driving me wild with passion. A moan escaped my lips and I heard myself utter some sweet nothings.

  “Yes baby. Right there.” I said, as my hands came to rest on the back of his head encouraging him to dig deeper.

  As his tongue licked away at my clit, he inserted his middle finger into my vagina, made a hook and began rubbing on the lining within. I gasped as I felt a combination of both an orgasm and a urinating sensation building within.

  “Wait...wait...” I began to whisper in protest and attempted to draw back.

  His free hand shot up and held my hips in place, as his tongue and middle finger continued to ravage me. With nowhere to go, the combination of sensations overwhelmed me, causing me to scream and squirt in ecstasy. With his tongue still lapping up my squirted juices and stroking my clit, I continued to convulse and pant, yearning for a respite. Finally, he let go and raised his head, causing my orgasms to subside to mere shivers.

  In a flash, he was off the bed, out of his clothes and back on it. This time, his lips settled on one of my still erect nipples. As he began to suckle, desire began rising within me again. He bit lightly on the already sensitive nipple almost sending me over the edge. With my need reaching a climax, I reached down again and held unto his erection.

  He raised his eyes to look at me and the message in my eyes was crystal clear. ‘Are you going to fuck me already?’

  While he stared, I began guiding his erection towards my moist centre. He obliged and leaned in, following my lead. As soon as the cap of his penis touched and went into my vagina, I gasped and let go, letting him take over.

  I was so wet, thanks to my previous orgasms. As a result, his erection began gliding in and out of me without much resistance. A moan escaped my lips as my back arched to meet his thrusts.

  “Yes...yes baby. Oh my God!” I exclaimed in pleasure.
/>   As the speed and depth of his thrusts increased, so did my moans. I was almost at a half scream when I felt the arrival of yet another orgasm.

  “I’m gonna cum baby. You gonna make me cum.” I screamed as he continued to pound me.

  I felt the walls of my vagina tighten, just as my eyes rolled back and a silent scream danced around the edges of my throat. Few moments later and I was at full scream as my orgasm washed over me. Dylan wasn’t far behind.

  In the middle of my orgasm, I sensed his penis stiffen. His ejaculation flowed into in spurts.

  The tight walls of my vagina continued to milk him dry even as I remained lost in my own orgasm. Finally, he collapsed on me even as my hands came up and wrapped him, pulling him closer and deeper into me.

  We remained like that for what seemed like eternity, before he began to stir.

  His lips came to rest beside my ears as I felt his breath begin to tickle my neck.

  “I can’t wait to marry you.” He whispered.

  “Me too.” I responded, my decision already made.

  ‘I’m going to marry you Dylan.’



  I STEPPED OUT OF THE elevator and headed straight for Charlotte's office, half expecting her to be there.

  It had been over a week and I had still been unable to get in touch with Mike Duncan; he also hadn't returned any of my phone calls or numerous messages.

  Vanessa and Charlotte had been right about the man. Mike Duncan was truly an ass.

  There was a pleasant highlight in the past week though, as it wasn't all wasted. My research on the Sanders & Co case had yielded some success. I'd found some precedents that absolved Sanders & Co of any liability. As a result, Sanders & Co couldn't be held responsible for the outbreak of salmonella poisoning. Also, since the customers suing couldn't prove beyond reasonable doubt, that their cases of food poisoning had originated from meat, they'd eaten from Sanders & Co, the case had been struck out.

  It had been a big win, one that reverberated around the firm, especially since a senior partner had lost a similar case with another of our food processing company client in court.


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