Undeniable Attractions: The Too Bad Series Contemporary Romance Box Set

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Undeniable Attractions: The Too Bad Series Contemporary Romance Box Set Page 26

by Emma Vikes

  In that moment, I could have sworn I saw something flicker in his eyes.

  ‘What was that? Had I struck a nerve? Or had I found the chink in his armour?’ I’d reasoned.

  After making my threat, I’d added a few more words before standing up and walking off. I’d tracked him down hoping this would be resolved. However, I’d come out of that meeting with a huge case on my hands.

  I’d gone back to the office and walked straight into Charlotte’s office to tell her how the meeting had progressed.

  “Then we would see them in court.” She’d said simply, affirming that she approved of my reaction and encouraging me to get ready to whoop Mike Duncan’s ass. As such, I was currently at my desk making preparations to file the counter suit I had threatened Mike with.

  But something else remained at the back of my mind and that was Mike’s reaction after my threat. After having mulled over the event since yesterday, I was increasingly certain that the flicker had emerged not because I made the threat, but because I had asserted that his clients would be filing for bankruptcy as well, when I was done with them.

  At the time I’d made that statement, I had known it was just a cheque that I couldn’t cash. If Mike had laughed, I’d have most certainly understood. But instead, he had shuddered so briefly that I’d almost missed it.

  There was no way I could floor his clients so much so that they file for bankruptcy. A big corporation like that was definitely above my threats of bankruptcy. Yet Mike Duncan didn’t address my statement for what it was; bullshit.

  ‘Is that it? Is that what I’ve been looking for? Is there something wrong with his client’s finances?’ I began wondering.

  ‘Horacio should be able to help with that.’ I thought as I pulled my cell from my pocket and proceeded to dial his number.

  My phone began vibrating in my hand before I had finished typing Horacio’s number.

  “Speak of the devil.” I murmured under my breath as the Caller ID indicated Horacio was the one calling me.

  “Hello, Horacio. I was literally dialling your number before your call came through.” I responded as soon as I picked the call.

  “I need you to check on the finances of...” He cut me off mid-sentence.

  “I’m sorry Damian, but I have some bad news.” He said.

  “Bad news?” I repeated, wondering what he might mean.

  “This Dylan character you asked me to investigate is bad news Damian.”

  Alarm bells immediately began ringing in my head.

  “What’s the bad news?” I responded immediately, instantly alert.

  “Damian, Dylan has a history of running love scams on unsuspecting single successful adult females. He gets them to marry him, then separates after a while where he goes on to get half of their net worth.”

  “What!” I screamed in my seat.

  “I’m afraid it gets worse Damian. Dylan is suspected to have gone as far as murder to get the wealth of his victims. He’s never been convicted, because the authorities have been unable to make anything stick thus far. Plus, he only re-emerges after he has blown through his stash from his previous victims which could take anywhere from three to five years. He keeps changing addresses and identities; Dylan isn’t even his real name. His name birth name is Collins Glendale.”

  “My goodness.” I gasped.

  “I’m sorry Damian. It’s really bad news.” Horacio repeated. “If his current victim is your best friend as you say, I’d advise you to get her away from him as fast and as discreetly as possible.” Horacio advised.

  “Why discreetly?” I asked with my pulse racing.

  “Because like I said earlier, Dylan has been suspected to go as far as murdering his victims just to get his way. If he is in play again, it means he is desperate for cash. Taking his potential source away from him can cause him to react violently. You need to get your friend away from him as quickly and as quietly as possible.” Horacio insisted.

  ‘Desperate for cash. No wonder he proposed after just three months.’ I reasoned.

  “Can’t we get the authorities in Chicago to pick him up?” I asked in despair.

  “On what charges Damian? Come on! You are part of the judicial system. You know how these things work. If they can’t prove anything, they can’t go after him.” Horacio responded.

  “I need to get to Vanessa. I need to get to her immediately” I said absentmindedly.

  “Good luck Damian. Let me know if you would need my help. I know a few rough characters down in Chicago who can help to ruffle him up if need be.”

  “Thank you, Horacio.”

  With that, the call ended.

  I proceeded to dial Vanessa’s number immediately. Her phone rang and went unanswered.


  My mind began wandering on every possible reason for her not answering and fear began to creep up my spine.

  ‘Lord please, let her be ok.’ I prayed internally.

  I dialled her number again and as before, it went unanswered. I spied the time on my watch as an idea began to form. If I left for the airport now, I could make it to Chicago in three hours.

  My mind made up in an instant, I grabbed my suit from the back of my chair and headed straight for Charlotte’s office. Before I reached her office, I’d have come up with a viable excuse for why I needed to leave now.

  ‘Lord please, let Vanessa be ok...please Lord.’



  I STEPPED INTO MY VEHICLE, placed my bag with my free hand on the passenger seat and shut the door.

  Today had been a long day, one in which I had barely been close to my phone. As a result, I had missed so many calls, including Damian’s.

  Sometime during the day, I eventually began to develop a migraine and thus had to leave work early.

  As I pulled out of the office parking lot, my phone began ringing with an incoming call. Damian was calling again for the umpteenth time today. When I’d seen his missed calls, I’d sent him a text message that I was going to call him back when I got home. Apparently, he hadn’t read the text, or what he wanted to tell me was pretty important.

  ‘He must really want to talk to me.’ I thought.

  With my left hand remaining on the steering wheel, I stretched the other to pick the phone. I was too late as it suddenly stopped ringing.

  ‘I’d call you when I get home Damian.’ I reasoned even as my migraine began increasing in severity.

  I managed to drive all the way home without incident, pulling into my driveway as relief flooded my body. I placed my head on the steering wheel, wincing in pain just as my phone began ringing again.

  ‘Perfect. I can answer your call now Damian.’ I thought as I reached for the phone.

  The Caller ID showed that it wasn’t Damian calling this time however.

  “Hello Dylan.” I said with as much emotion I could muster.

  Ever since I’d realised that I was in love with Damian, my attitude towards Dylan had changed drastically. From the way I answered his calls, even to my lack of will to see him for dinner after work, giving the excuse that I was tired and needed to go home; I suspected he might have noticed.

  Even though I hadn’t told Damian how I felt about him yet, Lisa was right; nothing could continue between me and Dylan.

  I needed to find time – probably this weekend – to officially end things with Dylan. I knew I was going to hurt him in no small measure, but I reasoned it was better to end things now than have them end later, when I could no longer pretend that I loved him. The pain then would literally be unbearable for him.

  “I’m ok.” I responded to his question of how I was doing.

  “Where are you?” He asked, obviously because he had heard the still and quietness of my surroundings.

  I was about to answer truthfully before my mind quickly considered the implications.

  ‘I’m at home’

  ‘Oh, what’s wrong? Thought you said you were fine?’

; ‘Yea. Actually, I have a migraine. So, I had to come back home early’

  ‘Awww. Stay put. I’m coming over.’

  ‘There really is no need. I’m fine.’

  ‘I insist. See you in a bit.’

  Call ended.

  Fuck me!

  Even though I’d decided to see him this weekend to end things, I wasn’t ready to see him just yet. So, I lied.

  “Oh, Lisa and me just pulled up to a meeting. Your call came through as I was about to get down so I sat in the car to answer it.” I lied.

  “Awww... How about after your meeting, you pack up for the day and come this way, so I can pamper you?” He asked.

  ‘Oh brother!’ I thought as I smacked my forehead. The pain that shot through had me wincing and gritting in pain. However, I managed to suppress it.

  “That would have been nice, but a couple of us are going out for drinks after work to celebrate a huge victory we recorded this week.” I lied again.

  The going out for drinks part was true, but I had backed out thanks to the migraine. Dylan didn’t know that, so it served as a perfect excuse at the moment.

  “Well I could come join you and your colleagues. We could all have a good time and then head home together once we are done.” He stated.

  ‘Darn it! Won’t you just give up already?’ I wondered.

  “Oh, that would have been nice but this is a purely work thing. Not sure how the others would feel about me, bringing a date to a work function.”

  “I’m not just a date, Vanessa. I’m your fiancé. There is a huge difference. Or are you avoiding me?” He responded.


  “I’m not avoiding you Dylan.” I said, which was a lie.

  “So why do I feel that way?” He continued.

  I exhaled in frustration. I needed to get off the phone as my migraine wasn’t slowing down one bit. I also realised I couldn’t continue to put off the conversation between me and Dylan any longer.

  “Ok how about this? Tomorrow, once I’m fully awake, I’d call you so that we can meet up at a restaurant, have lunch and talk. What do you think about that?”

  “Why not we have lunch at my place or yours?” He insisted.

  ‘There is no pleasing you, is there?’ I sighed.

  “Let’s do lunch at a restaurant, Dylan. We are always meeting at home. Let’s go out and talk.” I rebutted.

  “Alright. What time to...”

  “I’d call you when I wake up Dylan.” I responded immediately, cutting him off mid-sentence.

  With that, the call ended. I sighed heavily as I took the cell phone off my ear. It took me another five minutes to gather the strength to get my things and get down from the car.

  I squinted as I stepped into the sun, locking my car and turning instantly to rush towards my front door.

  I heard a car screech to a halt behind me, but I didn’t pay it much attention as I continued with the task of opening my door. As soon as I succeeded in turning the lock and pushing the door open, I heard someone walking up behind me.

  “Vanessa!” Damian said just as I turned round to see him walking up to me.

  “Thank goodness.” He said as he rushed forward and hugged me tight.

  I, on the other hand, couldn’t understand what was going on.

  ‘What is Damian doing in Chicago? Hell, what is he doing here, in front of my house? And why is he sounding so relieved?’ I wondered even as he squeezed me tighter.

  His embrace however made me feel good and I could have sworn that my migraine had lessened in severity.

  ‘You smell nice, Damian.’ I thought as I sniffed at him. Not like I could do anything else as I was nestled in his arms and chest.

  “Damian? What the hell are you doing here?” I asked in shock as he released me from his embrace.

  “Come inside.” He said with a sense of urgency that sent alarm bells ringing in my head.

  I followed him as he pulled me into the house and shut the door behind us. Damian was acting really funny as he began securing the locks on my front door, before going to peep out the window after shifting the curtain slightly.

  “Are you ok? Are you hurt? Did he do anything to you?” He asked as he continued to look out of the window.

  “What the hell are you talking about Damian? Who did something to me? I’m confused. Plus, what the hell are you doing in Chicago?” I fired, not out of anger, but out of confusion.

  “Oh Vanessa.” He said as he turned and looked at me. “Thank goodness you are fine.”


  He left the window and began walking towards me.

  “You have no idea the vows I made to God on the chance that I met you safe.” He continued.

  He arrived and gathered me into his arms once more and before I could understand his next move, he bent over and kissed me. It was a simple kiss that lasted a few seconds but it had succeeded in throwing my mind into chaos.

  Damian’s head was currently leaning against my forehead even as he continued to mutter his gratitude at finding me safe.

  When I finally got a hold of my voice, I pulled back and asked him for the umpteenth time. “Damian, what is going on?”

  “What is going on is that we need to get you out of here. And fast. Let’s get you some clothes. I’d explain everything on the way.” He responded with a renewed sense of urgency.

  “At least tell me where you are taking me to and for how long, so I know what to pack?” I answered as he dragged me towards my room.

  I had complete trust in him. If he was jittery about something, the honest truth was that I was safer by his side. I couldn’t wait to hear what it was though that had got him on edge.

  Ten minutes later, we were back downstairs with Damian peering through the window again.

  “Ok. There’s no one out there. We are going to exit quickly now. Head straight for the rental, we are leaving your car behind.” He said briskly.

  In a flash, we were out the door and in his rental car, cruising down my street. I turned to look at him and he was still cautiously gauging his surroundings through the mirrors.

  When he had driven a distance and I was certain we were out of harm’s way or out of the sphere of whatever had him on edge, I turned and faced him.

  “Damian. What is the matter?”

  He heaved a heavy sigh before responding.

  “Hmmm... Simply put Vanessa, your fiancé is a murderer.”

  “What!” My jaw dropped open.



  I GOT THE KEYS TO OUR room and walked back to the car to get Vanessa. On the way, I continued to glance around me, more out of paranoia than an actual fear that Dylan had followed us.

  I had explained as much as I could on the drive over, but I still had more explanations to give since Vanessa was more confused than clarified on the actual situation.

  “What do you mean by Dylan is a murderer?” She’d asked in shock.

  “Long story short, Dylan runs love scams with women and goes as far as killing them sometimes just to get what he wants.” I’d responded.

  When I’d turned to look at Vanessa then, she’d looked like she’d seen a ghost.

  “Wait, wait, wait, are you saying that I am a con project to Dylan?”

  “At the moment, all evidence indicates so.” I’d responded truthfully.

  I’d gone on trying to explain the situation and how I had come to find it out. How after we’d talked last week on Saturday, I’d gone on to place a call to my private investigator to investigate Dylan and find out if there was anything fishy about him. How my private investigator had called me back this morning with the terrible news of who Dylan was. How I had tried calling her almost immediately and when I couldn’t get through, had feared the worst. How I’d jumped on a plane without thinking and rushed to her office only to be told that she’d gone home. And how I’d followed her home and to my relief saw her in front of her door trying to get in.

  She’d listen
ed in disbelief as I’d continued talking. The look in her eyes told me, that if she was hearing everything I was saying from someone else, she’d have been quick to shut them down. But the fact that the news was coming from me had left her frozen.

  “I have no reason to lie about any of this.” I’d found myself saying over and over again before she finally responded with “I believe you.”

  Back at the car, I went to her side of the door and opened it for her to get down.

  “How did I fall for his tricks?” Was the first thing she said as soon as she stepped down from the car.

  On closer inspection, I discovered that she had been crying in the period that I’d gone to get our room key. Realisation was finally dawning on her.

  “Come on honey.” I said gently. “Let’s get to the room.” I finished as I began guiding her gently towards the room.

  Five minutes later, we were safely in the room. As she walked to the bed, I went towards the window and began stealing peeks through the curtain.

  “Come on Damian. There’s no way he followed us her.” She sniffed.

  “I know. I’m just making sure.” I responded without turning back.

  After what seemed like an eternity, she asked me, “So what now?”

  “What now is that we stay here till we can figure something out.”

  “Can’t we just go to the police?” She queried.

  “Well we can but Horacio already told me that was futile. The police have got nothing to go on as Dylan never leaves any evidence behind.”

  “Wow. Do you know how many women so far?”

  I heaved before responding.

  “I don’t have an exact number. But Dylan, or should I say Collins, has been on this for a long time now without getting caught. I would imagine that he would have gone through quite a number of victims.”


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