by James Joyce
carnons but more
hander, 1 free of his florid future and the other
pulfers turnips.
singing likeness, dirging a past of bloody altars,
Omnitudes in a
gale with a blost to him, dove without gall.
And she, of the jilldaw’s nest 2 who tears up
For all us kids
lettereens she never apposed a pen upon. 3 Yet
under his aegis.
sung of love and the monster man. What’s
Saving the public
Hiccupper to hem or her to Hagaba? Ough,
his health.
ough, brieve kindli! 4
Superlative abso-
Dogs’ vespers are anending. Vespertilia-
lute of Porter-
bitur. Goteshoppard quits his gabhard cloke
to sate with Becchus. Zumbock! Achevre!
Yet wind will be ere fadervor 5 and the hour of
fruminy and bergoo bell if Nippon have pearls
or opals Eldorado, the daindy dish, the lecking
out! Gipoo, good oil! For (hushmagandy!)
long ’tis till gets bright that all cocks waken
and birds Diana 6 with dawnsong hail. Aught
darks flou a duskness. Bats that? There peepee-
strilling. At Brannan’s on the moor. At Tam
Fanagan’s weak yat his still’s going strang.
And still here is noctules and can tell things
acommon on by that fluffy feeling. Larges
loomy wheelhouse to bodgbox 7 lumber up
with hoodie hearsemen carrawain we keep
is peace who follow his law, Sunday
1 He gives me pulpititions with his Castlecowards never in the twowsers
and ever in those twawsers and then babeteasing us out of our
2 My goldfashioned bother near drave me roven mad and I dyeing to
keep my linefree face like readymaid maryangs for jollycomes smashing
3 What I would like is a jade louistone to go with the moon’s
4 Parley vows the Askinwhose? I do, Ida. And how to call the cattle
Moopetsi meepotsi
5 I was so snug off in my apholster’s creedle but at long leash I’ll
more capritious in his dapplepied bed.
6 Pipette. I can almost feed their sweetness at my lisplips.
7 A liss in hunterland.
Why so mucky
King. 1 His sevencoloured’s soot (Ochone!
pick bridges
Ochonal!) 2 and his imponence one heap lump-
span our Flumi-
block (Mogoul!). And rivers burst out like
nian road.
weeming racesround joydrinks for the fewnral-
P.C. Helmut’s in
ly, 3 where every feaster’s a foster’s other, fian-
the cottonwood,
nians all. 4 The wellingbreast, he willing giant,
the mountain mourning his duggedy dew. To
The throne is an
obedient of civicity in urbanious at felicity
umbrella strande
what’ll yet meek Mike 5 our diputy mimber when
and a sceptre’s a
he’s head on poll and Peter’s burgess and Miss
Mishy Mushy is tiptupt by Toft Taft. Boblesse
Jady jewel, our
gobleege. For as Anna was at the beginning
daktar deer.
lives yet and will return after great deap sleap
Gautamed bud-
rerising and a white night high with a cows of
ders deossiphys-
Drommhiem as shower as there’s a wet en-
ing our Theas.
clouded in Westwicklow or a little black rose a
By lineal in pon-
truant in a thorntree. We drames our dreams
dus overthepoise.
tell Bappy returns. And Sein annews. We will
not say it shall not be, this passing of order and
order’s coming, but in the herbest country and
in the country around Blath as in that city self
of legionds they look for its being ever yet. So
shuttle the pipers done. 6 Eric aboy! 7 And it’s
time that all paid tribute to this massive mor-
tiality, the pink of punk perfection as photo-
graphy in mud. Some may seek to dodge the
1 I wonder if I put the old buzzerd one night to suckle in Millickmaam’s
honey like they use to emballem some of the special popes with a book in
hand and his mouth open.
2 And a ripping rude rape in his lucreasious togery.
3 Will ye nought would wet your weapons, warriors bard?
4 Roe, Williams, Bewey, Greene, Gorham, McEndicoth and Vyler, the
lays of ancient homes.
5 The stanidsglass effect, you could sugerly swear buttermilt would not
melt down his dripping ducks.
6 Thickathigh and Thinathews with sant their dam.
7 Oh, could we do with this waddled of ours like that redbanked
with his bakset of yosters.
Pitchcap and
gobbet for its quantity of quality but who
triangle, noose
wants to cheat the choker’s got to learn to
and tinctunc.
chew the cud. Allwhichhole scrubs on scroll
Uncle Flabbius
circuminiuminluminatedhave encuoniams here
Muximus to
and improperies there. 1 With a pansy for the
Niecia Flappia
pussy in the corner. 2
Minnimiss. As
Bewise of Fanciulla’s heart, the heart of
this is. And as
Fanciulla! Even the recollection of willow
this this is.
fronds is a spellbinder that lets to hear. 3 The
Dear Brotus,
rushes by the grey nuns’ pond: ah eh oh let
land me arrears.
me sigh too. Coalmansbell: behoves you
Rockaby, babel,
handmake of the load. Jenny Wren: pick, peck.
flatten a wall.
Johnny Post: pack, puck. 4 All the world’s in
How he broke the
want and is writing a letters. 5 A letters from a
good news to
person to a place about a thing. And all the
world’s on wish to be carrying a letters. A let-
ters to a king about a treasure from a cat. 6
When men want to write a letters. Ten men,
ton men, pen men, pun men, wont to rise a
ladder. And den men, dun men, fen men, fun
men, hen men, hun men went to raze a leader.
Is then any lettersday from many peoples,
Daganasanavitch? Empire, your outermost. 7
A posy cord. Plece.
We have wounded our way on foe tris
prince till that force in the gill is faint afarred
1 Gosem pher, gezumpher, greeze a jarry grim felon! Good bloke him!
2 And if they was setting on your stool as hard as my was she could beth
her bothom dolours he’d have a culious impressiom on the diminitive that
chafes our ends.
3 When I’am Enastella and am taken for
Essastessa I’ll do that droop on
pohlmann’s piano.
4 Heavenly twinges, if it’s one of his I’ll fearly feint as swoon as he
5 To be slipped on, to be slept by, to be conned to, to be kept up. And
you’re done push the chain.
6 With her modesties office.
7 Strutting as proud as a great turquin weggin that cuckhold on his
and Clay’s hat.
and the face in the treebark feigns afear. This
is rainstones ringing. Strangely cult for this
ceasing of the yore. But Erigureen is ever.
Pot price pon patrilinear plop, if the osseletion
of the onkring gives omen nome? Since alls
war that end war let sports be leisure and
bring and buy fair. Ah ah athclete, blest your
bally bathfeet! Towntoquest, fortorest, the
hour that hies is hurley. A halt for hearsake. 1
1 Come, smooth of my slate,to the beat of my blosh! With all these gelded
ewes jilting about and the thrills and ills of laylock blossoms three’s so
more plants than chants for cecilies that I was thinking fairly killing
times of
putting an end to myself and my malody, when I remembered all your pupil-
teacher’s erringnesses in perfection class. You sh’undn’t write you can’t
if you
w’udn’t pass for undevelopmented. This is the propper way to say that, Sr.
it’s me chews to swallow all you saidn’t you can eat my words for it as
sure as
there’s a key in my kiss. Quick erit faciofacey. When we will conjugate
gether toloseher tomaster tomiss while morrow fans amare hour, verbe de
and verve to vie, with love ay loved have I on my back spine and does for
ever. Your are me severe? Then rue. My intended, Jr, who I’m throne away
on, (here he inst, my lifstack, a newfolly likon) when I slip through my
I’ll get my decree and take seidens when I’m not ploughed first by some
Rolando the Lasso, and flaunt on the flimsyfilmsies for to grig my
juniorees who, though they flush fuchsia, are they octette and virginity
in my
shade but always my figurants. They may be yea of my year but they’re
nay of my day. Wait till spring has sprung in spickness and prigs beg in
to pry
they’ll be plentyprime of housepets to pimp and pamper my. Impending mar-
riage. Nature tells everybody about but I learned all the runes of the
game ever from my old nourse Asa. A most adventuring trot is her and she
vicking well knowed them all heartswise and fourwords. How Olive d’Oyly
and Winnie Carr,bejupers, they reized the dressing of a salandmon and how
peeper costs and a salt sailor med a mustied poet atwaimen. It most have
bean Mad Mullans planted him. Bina de Bisse and Trestrine von Terrefin.
Sago sound, rite go round, kill kackle, kook kettle and (remember all
I forget to) bolt the thor. Auden. Wasn’t it just divining that dog of a
in Skokholme as I sat astrid uppum their Drewitt’s altar, as cooledas as
cumbre, slapping my straights till the sloping ruins, postillion,
postallion, a
swinge a swank, with you offering me clouts of illscents and them horners
stagstruck on the leasward! Don’t be of red, you blanching mench! This
isabella I’m on knows the ruelles of the rut and she don’t fear andy
mandy. So
sing loud, sweet cheeriot, like anegreon in heaven! The good fother with
twingling in his eye will always have cakes in his pocket to bethroat us
for our allmichael good. Amum. Amum. And Amum again. For tough troth
is stronger than fortuitous fiction and it’s the surplice money, oh my
friend and ah me sweet creature, what buys the bed while wits borrows the
Bibelous hics-
A scene at sight. Or dreamoneire. Which
tory and Barbar-
they shall memorise. By her freewritten
assa harestary.
Hopely for ear that annalykeses if scares for
A shieling in cop-
eye that sumns. Is it in the now woodwordings
pingers and por-
of our sweet plantation where the branchings