Stone Cold NV: World of Sin, Book 1

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Stone Cold NV: World of Sin, Book 1 Page 9

by J. A. X. Mikesell

Dante hesitated, looking back and forth between me, Az and Joan for a moment.

  “I don’t think I could do that. It’s not fair. I only have $200 right now that I can spare. I wouldn’t be able to pay for a majority of it, so I couldn’t keep it.” Dante said. “Maybe after I am able to get home to help my mom, I can bring it back and we can count it as I rented it from you guys.”

  “Dante, do me a favor?” I asked and waited for him to look at me. “Shut up and just accept it. We don’t need to keep it. We only need to get home.”

  “Look at it this way, Dante. You’re helping me get a higher rating for the registry with your amulet. So that alone can help me get a better job. That pays for the car itself, plus a hell of a lot more.” Az told him.

  “I guess so. We can figure this all out later as well. I really do need to get home as fast as possible.” Dante said sullenly.

  “The Rav is over here. Let me go get the keys for it and we can take it out on a test run.” Joan said, pointing off to their right as she backed away towards to office.

  They walked past the RV and in the direction she had shown them until they came up on the section for the Toyota’s. They found the grouping of SUV’s and went past the newer cars, then stopped at the corner section where they found the only Rav and stopped.

  “It looks pretty decent.” Cory said, “No rusted spots, no big dents, and no chipped paint.”

  “What do you think, Dante? Is it something you could see yourself driving?” Az asked.

  “It does look really nice. Has a great interior. If a little spotty with stains. I can get seat covers for that, though. And it has a decent amount of space in the back for storage or hauling things.” Dante said while walking around the vehicle and looking through the windows. “I also like the tinted windows.”

  “Here we are, I have the keys and the license plate for the test drive. Now, who would like the first crack at it?” Joan asked, striding up.

  “That would be all on Dante, it’s ultimately his choice.” Az said


  A couple hours later, we were on the highway. Dante driving, Az riding beside him and me in the backseat scrolling on my phone.

  “I’m really glad we could help you get this car, Dante. And Joan certainly held up her end of the bargain. Five hundred on this thing was a great deal.” Az said.

  “Yes it was. It definitely helps us all with saving a little money. Are you sure I can’t give you the two hundred I have? It will help to have a lower amount to pay you back later.” Dante said. “I’m sure I’ll be able to find something soon after I get home, and I can pay you the other three hundred later when I start getting paid.”

  “Dante, we’re not worried about it. We would have paid a lot more if we had done the taxi like the ticket salesman said to do at the train station. And this way, it helps you with something a bit more stable.” Az said. “Besides, you need to focus more on getting your mom the help and meds she needs more than anything else.”

  We rode in silence for a while. Az and Dante making small talk and playing those boring and stupid games of slug bug, cruiser loser, and the alphabet game.


  I snapped awake as my phone is ringing and picked it up.

  “Hello?” I said groggily.

  “Corsanna? It’s Pappy. I’m sorry to call you like this, but where are you guys? Shouldn’t you have been back from camp by now?” The voice on the other end said.

  “Hi Pappy. We would have been, but the train got derailed before it could even get to where we were. So we actually pooled our money in with a guy we met there and bought a car. We’re driving back now. I think we’re just a few hours away.” I said, waving off Az as he was trying to reach for the phone. “I didn’t know you were going to be there. Is Aunt Marge there as well?”

  “Uh, no, I’m sorry. But she isn’t able to help out with much of anything for a while. She has a lot that she’s doing and needs the free time to finish it off.” Pappy was saying, “Listen, I don’t want you to be blown away when you get here. But I think there’s been an issue. It looks like your mother and father have been murdered.”

  “What?” I exclaimed. “What do you mean murdered?”

  Az spun around and tried to spider crawl his way into the backseat, only to be pulled back down again by the seat belt still locked in place. He unbuckled and climbed in the backseat and took the phone from my limp hand, putting it on speaker.

  “Pappy, it’s Az. What’s going on?” He asked in a rush.

  “Asril, I’m sorry to have to tell you. But I believe that your parents are dead.” Pappy replied.

  “You believe that they are dead?” Az asked, short of breath. “How do you not know something like that?”

  “Well, there really wasn’t a lot of DNA that we could use to identify the bodies. But one is male, and the other is female. They roughly fit the right height and weight of your parents. I’m very sorry.”

  “Dante, step on it. We need to get there now.” Az said.


  A slight wind was picking up and blowing through the leaves of the nearby trees. A cat sat by the mailbox across the street, when a white car pulled up and two young boys and a girl got out, rushing into the house. When the door closed, the cat slunk across the street and around the corner to a partially open window and jumped onto the sill, settling down to watch and listen.

  “Pappy!” One of the boys called out.

  “Pappy, where are you?” The girl asked.

  An older man in a dark blue robe came through a doorway from the back of the house into the family room they were standing in. His hair was gray, which made his eyes look an even brighter shade of green.

  “I’m here. I was finishing the preparations for the pyre.”

  “What happened? The last I heard from Mom, everything was fine. She called the day before graduation to congratulate me for getting a potential mark in mental magic.” the girl said.

  “I got a message from Dad that they were proud of my promising mark in alchemy.” The first boy said. “Nothing sounded off at all.”

  “All I know is that a neighbor called me yesterday afternoon. She had come here to pick up an order from your parents and found the house torn apart. She found the bodies in the kitchen,” the man called Pappy said. “She called the local MICAW and they, in turn, called the council since you are all my family.”

  “Was anything taken?” The girl asked.

  “Not as far as I can tell. We’ll need your help with that though.” Pappy said. “I’m sorry, who is this?” He asked, pointing towards the other young man.

  “This is Dante. We met him on the train going to camp. Dante, this is our grandfather. We call him Pappy.” The boy said.

  “Pleasure to meet you, sir.” Dante said, reaching out and shaking Pappy’s hand. “If only under better circumstances.”

  “Agreed. I’m glad Asril and Corsanna were able to find a friend, though.”

  “Pappy, we go by Az and Cory.” Az said, annoyed.

  “I know, I just like teasing you both.” Pappy said, letting a small smirk show. “Got to have some small light somewhere.”

  “Who is running the investigation? The council or the MICAW?” Cory asked.

  “The MICAW are. It is still technically in their jurisdiction, and the rest of the council would throw a fit if I even attempted to help. Even if we are able to take over if we wanted to.” Pappy said. “For now, I am just here to help with the funeral and then to take custody of you two.”

  “We’re almost adults as it is, why can’t we stay here and help the MICAW find the person that did this?” Az asked.

  “Because the council specifically said no. Even if you are just shy of being an adult and able to take over the business here, you’ll have to wait until after the investigation to come back.” Pappy said with a look of apology.

  “That’s just stupid.” Cory said, “The council doesn’t even know us.”

  “As much as I would
like one of us to be in on the investigation, the council is right. They are just making sure that the MICAW can do this with no interruptions. Now, before we continue on with this talk and what we wish could happen differently, we need to complete the funeral. I’ve already contacted all the friends and family I could get ahold of, and they are all on their way to the clearing. We need to get going.”

  The cat jumped down from the sill and slunk around the side of the house, hunkering under a bush close to the front door, and waited for them to exit. The green and purple eyes watched them all walk out, Pappy and Cory continuing on down the street a little as Az walked Dante to the car.

  “I’m sorry about your parents, Az. I wish I could stay and do something. But my mom-”

  “I know. She really needs you right now. Let me know when you get there.” Az said, putting a hand on Dante’s arm.

  “I will. Let me know if you need anything and I’ll be back as soon as I can.” Dante said, pulling Az into a hug. “I don’t want to lose either of you. You’re far too good to lose.”

  The cat's tail twitched as it watched the whole thing. Waiting until Dante got in the car and pulled away, then for Az to run to catch up to the other two before it ran after.


  Entering the clearing, I looked around. I saw my grandmother from mom's side. She must have been waiting and watching the entrance since she was walking toward us.

  Oh no. Just keep a smile on your face, Az.

  “There you two are. Took you long enough to show your faces to your own parents' funeral procession. What have you been doing? Playing in the woods?” The woman asked, “Mr. Stone. I see you still don’t know how to properly dress for an occasion. A blue robe is not customary for a funeral.”

  “Hello to you too, Grandma.” Cory said before she turned away and headed to the far end of the clearing.

  “Grandma. Please be polite today. Yes, you lost your only daughter, but I lost both my parents. We both have something to grieve over.” I said, “But that doesn’t give you the right to be rude.”

  “I’m not being rude, simply stating what I see. I never could understand what my precious Eliza saw in the Stone’s. This funeral is barbaric.” The woman said, sniffing.

  “This funeral is tradition, and Eliza chose to be a part of it in her own will.” Pappy said to her. “Gertrude, I implore you to please stand aside and just allow for us all to grieve in our own ways. Please don’t add hatred into the mix.”

  Gertrude huffed and turned away, pulling her black cashmere scarf back up around her shoulders, running a hand smoothly over her already perfect hair bun. She sat primly on the edge of the seat close to the pyre and stared at the wrapped bodies.

  Others came up to Az and gave their condolences, offering help and to bring dinners for him and Cory. Some chatted for a few minutes. He could see Cory sitting stiffly across the clearing on a fallen log. Excusing himself, he went over to her.

  “It’s time, Cory. The sun is just about to set.” I told her, “I’ll get Pappy and we can start.”

  I found Pappy on the edge of the clearing, standing and looking out toward the Great Salt Lake.

  “Pappy, it’s time. Cory and I are ready.” I said.

  “Alright, I’m coming.”

  We joined Cory at the head of the pyre, calling for everyone’s attention.

  “As patriarch of the family, it is my duty to say a few words for the deceased. As everyone knows, I am unfortunately not around as much as I would like to be since being on the council takes up a lot of time. From what I do know of their lives, both my son, Terrance, and his beautiful wife, Eliza, were some of the most caring people I have ever known. They not only opened their home to all their neighbors and friends that were sick or had any other ailments they were able to help with, they also raised two beautiful children that are also very kind and giving. I know that they will in turn continue to help others as their parents had before them.” Pappy cleared his throat. “As is custom, we will now send these two beautiful souls back to nature. If you have any flowers or other item that you would like to send with them, now is the time to place it on the pyre with their bodies.”

  A few people walked up and placed some roses, carnations, irises and lilies on the wrapped bodies. Some brought forward small carvings of different animals for protection. Az stepped forward and pulled out a postcard with a note he wrote to his parents on the last stretch home with Cory and Dante and placed it in between his parents. He watched Cory pull out hers and place it in between them as well.

  As Cory turned to go, Az noticed there was a small bottle of dark liquid at the feet of the pyre, with a note that simply said: I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner - T. Picking it up, he slipped it into his pocket and stepped back to stand with Pappy and Cory.

  “If everyone has given their offerings…” Pappy said, pausing for everyone to nod. “Good, Cory, Az, let’s begin.”

  Pappy stayed at the head of the pyre, Cory and I moved to the sides and finished making a triangle with Pappy. We raised our hands and let out a stream of our Madgie mist to connect between each other. My light blue reached out and connected with Pappy’s emerald green, and to Cory’s jade green. Once all the mist connected and moved together in the triangle, a sheet of fire erupted from the edges and sped to the center, hitting in the middle it sent a column down into the pyre and ignited everything. Sending a heat wave out and forcing people to put up a shield of their own Madgie mist, Shifters and mutants huddling behind the Madgie in front of them to be shielded as well. Once the pyre was fully lit, and the process started, Pappy, Cory and I lowered our arms and backed away to watch.

  A clear chime pierced the air, echoing in the surrounding wilderness.

  “Whose troll brained idea was it to bring a cell phone to a funeral and not turn the ringer off?” Gertrude shouted, “Turn it off now or I will do it for you. You won’t like it if I do either.”

  “That would be mine Gertrude, it’s the official line to the council and must remain on at all times.” Pappy said. “Excuse me.”

  Pappy turned and walked into the trees to talk so as to not disturb anyone further, and everyone else turned back to the pyre and their memories of Eliza and Terrance.

  After a few moments, Pappy came back and gathered Az and Cory, moving off to the side away from others.

  “I’m sorry, I have to go meet with the council for a while. Something has come up that requires our immediate attention. I promise I will be back by tomorrow night to help pack and then we can get you home with me.”

  “Why can’t they do this without you for today? We want you here.” Cory said.

  “I know little bird. It was classified as very high risk and all council members are required to be there for the meeting to know exactly what is happening and what we need to do.” Pappy said with a frown.

  We said goodbye to him and watched as a light flashed at the edge of the clearing and a portal opened up. A MICAW agent stepped out and waited for Pappy to step through before he entered again and it disappeared. I was still looking at the spot for a moment before I noticed a cat sitting at the edge of the clearing, close to where Pappy just left. It’s green and purple eyes watching everything we did.

  “Hey, Cory?” I said, turning to catch her attention. “Do you see that?”

  I pointed to where I had seen the cat, but when we both turned, it was gone.

  “Um, ok. Well never mind. I guess I must have just imagined something.” I said.

  We watched the pyre finish and friends and family slowly start to disappear, then finally it was just us and the ashes remaining. Not even grandma Gertrude stayed to console us. Cory and I clasped hands and raised our other hands up, palms pointing towards the ashes. A gust of wind blew up and gusted all the ashes up and into the mountains. Once they were out of view, we turned and left.



  Purple and pink light leaked into a window to illuminate my bedroom of half packed boxes and
random stacks of books and papers. Clothes were strewn across the bare mattress of my twin size bed. School books and homework sat on a desk in a corner with different plates and cups of half-eaten food all over them.

  Out of the silence came a knock on the door.

  “Come in.” I called.

  The door opened to reveal Cory wearing her fashionable clothes, but had mascara cascading down from her puffy eyes.

  “Your mascara is very telling Cory. You might want to clean it off before Pappy gets here unless you want him to believe you've gone soft.” I said as I tossed more garbage onto the desk.

  “Oh, shove it Az. You don't look a pretty picture yourself. At least my gorgeous hair would never be caught looking like a light socket decided to jump out and bite me.” She said as she looked around the room, “Why haven't you finished packing? Pappy will be here any minute, and you know he doesn't like being held up by procrastinators.”

  I tossed an old toy into a box marked donate.

  “I've been going as fast as I can alright? Not everyone can become a hardhearted ghoul like you and get everything done in less than a day. If you want it done faster, then help me. If not, then leave me be and go call up your next fling or something.”

  Cory sat heavily on the bed and sighed. Picking up a shirt, she balled it up and tossed it into a random box.

  “I'm not being hardhearted, and I'm certainly no ghoul. Maybe a beautiful succubus, but certainly no ghoul. And I don't have flings, they're just temporary play things for when I get bored. I got my packing done so fast because I used my magic. Which you should to. Don't just let it go to waste you dolt.”

  “Could you be a little more caring that our parents were murdered? I swear you don't have a heart at all. Fine, if it will make you leave me alone for a while then I'll use my magic to pack. Now go away, Cory.” I picked up a sock and threw it at her.

  Looking disgusted, Cory started for the door. Stopping at the door frame, she silently added, “I really do care that our parents were murdered Az. I care about you as well. Besides Pappy, we're alone. I will always be there for you, no matter what.” She turned her teary gaze and looked into my emerald eyes, “Even if you are my annoying twin.”


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