Crystal Grids Power

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Crystal Grids Power Page 2

by Ethan Lazzerini

  These fascinating geometries, energy fields, repeating patterns and structures all seem to add weight to the metaphysical belief that crystals emit and store energies or information. As for the source of their manifesting properties, when you think about it crystals are creative energy in physical form. The minerals that created these crystals came from ancient Stars and Planets as they were still forming. Many crystals are thousands if not millions of years old. Some grew billions of years ago and are older than all life on Earth.

  Crystals contain elements that are a fundamental part of all life on Earth, such as Iron and Silica. Crystals are crystallised seeds of creative energy. The alchemical process that created these crystals deep within Earth’s fiery furnace, can be tapped into for manifestation work.

  From the spiritual point of view, crystals also act as catalysts. They alter the vibration of energies around you or within you, to create change in your life. They can be programmed for specific needs and desires. The crystals that are used in a Crystal Grid are selected to carry the types of energies needed for a situation. They can be seen as the power source or batteries of a Crystal Grid. Some crystals are used to amplify or broadcast these energies out into the Universe or towards a person or place.

  Even the forms of crystals used such as Crystal Points, Double Terminated Crystals or Crystal Pyramids all have their own purpose and way of directing energies. We will be looking at this in more detail later on.

  The physical structure of the crystal also acts as an anchor point for energies. The Crystal Grid becomes a physical yet symbolic representation of the intention behind it. This structure also acts as a visual reminder of the purpose behind the grid. It speaks to us both consciously and at a subconscious level.

  Sacred Geometry

  Sacred Geometry is the belief in the spiritual or divine significance and power of geometry. These geometric shapes, which exist everywhere from our cells to the Galaxies, are seen to represent the fingerprint of the divine. They are like the framework for creation and all life. Without geometry there would be no manifested world or life forms.

  In recent years Sacred Geometry has become more and more explored outside of esoteric groups. This subject is vast and encompasses ancient cultures, traditions, religions, architecture, genetics, biology, physics, astrophysics, spirituality, cosmology, numerology and philosophy. Hundreds of books have been written about it and whole volumes could be written about just one of the key geometric shapes. If you look, Sacred Geometry is the basis of nearly all Crystal Grid designs. They are not just to look symmetrical or appear mystical.

  As already explained the crystalline structure of most minerals is geometric. The formations of certain crystals such as Quartz crystals show clear geometric shapes. These geometries form part of the synergistic power of Crystal Grids. The shapes and microscopic geometric patterns of crystals help form the energetic blueprint behind Crystal Grids.

  Sacred Geometry is used to align with greater energies such as those of the Earth and the Universe. Crystals are arranged into these shapes to plug into these geometric energy fields and focus the energies of the crystals towards a desired result. Tapping into the Earth’s energy field and Ley Lines helps manifest things in the Physical World, where they are needed.

  By using Sacred Geometry you are also making sure that your desire or goal is in alignment with that of the Universe and the greater plan or purpose for your life.


  Numerology is the metaphysical science of numbers and their meaning. The belief in the spiritual significance of numbers is also ancient and can be found in many cultures, religions and traditions all around the world.

  Although most people are more familiar with numerology being applied to names and birth dates for personality and destiny analysis, it has lots of other applications. The symbolic meaning of numbers has been used in Temples, religious, magical or shamanic ceremonies, dream interpretation and art.

  Numerology is closely related and some would say the very root of Sacred Geometry. A single point in space becomes two, forming a line. Add another point to make three and we get the first geometric shape, the triangle. The symbolic meaning of numbers is very similar to that of their related geometric shapes. In a Crystal Grid we would use three crystals to form a triangle, so naturally the number three and the triangle both hold a very similar significance and power that you may want to tap into.


  Manifesting is a metaphysical term used to describe the process of creating something in your life or the world. This could be drawing a situation, opportunity, new job or significant person into your life.

  This is based on the belief that all humans have a spiritual creative power. That we can attract things into our life, if we focus on them. Everything around us is made of energy, including ourselves. So it makes sense that employing the right use and amount of energy could attract something or change things in our life. These energetic changes are believed to influence the Physical World around us, which is made of energy too.

  There is now a lot of information, techniques and methods to manifest things out there. Crystal Grids are just one way. You will be programming or infusing your crystals and the grid with your desired intention. These energies are meant to alter the energy of a situation, open new doors to change or attract your wishes. Crystal Grids do go beyond the world of just manifesting our goals like creating better finances for example. They can be used to create a peaceful environment, bring healing or receive divine guidance for example. The possibilities are endless.

  Your Intention

  As with all aspects of Crystal Healing, I believe that your intention is what is going to really matter the most. Having a clear intention as to what it is you want to manifest or happen is essential. Really think about what it is that you want and why you want it. Be sure this is something that you would like to happen in your life and that you are prepared to really act on this, should it happen.

  The Crystal Grids in this book are designed for different purposes, but see them as guides. They can always be personalised for your unique situation. Being clear about exactly what it is you wish to happen is going to really help you a lot.

  Although it is also worth remembering not to be too specific that we limit ourselves. This can happen if we state exactly how we think the outcome will manifest. Watch that you are not too rigid or controlling that you actually block opportunities or something that is even better than you dreamed. You should try to avoid things like “I will get x amount of money by this time next month through the sale of my House”. It would be better to say, “My Home will sell with ease”.

  I will give you a suggestion for the wording of your statement of intention for each of the grids, which you can use to base yourself on. You can use these as they are or adapt them for your specific needs. Always remember these are your words of power so keep them positive, clear and empowering.

  I believe we are more like co-creators with the divine, manifesting is not as simple as some have made out. There are lots of factors involved and timing is not something that can be easily controlled by anyone. The important thing is to be clear about what you want but not too specific about ‘how’ exactly it will happen. Your crystal clear intention will program the Crystal Grid and make sure that it is in alignment with your goal.

  The other thing that can take all your manifestation work to the next level is using visualisation. While you are programming your crystals with your intention, you want to really see it and feel it as if it were manifested already. Visualise your desired result and all the blessings that it brings to you and to others involved.

  Charge this vision by feeling all the positive emotions like joy, satisfaction and peace you would feel if it were happening now. For something like healing, see the person in perfect health. For an end to arguments in the Home, see everyone getting along again and feel the good energy filling your House.

  Your vision and emotions add power to your Crysta
l Grids. They imprint the energy with more clarity on how this could look and how you or others want to feel. This is not always conveyed in words. If you struggle with this part you may need to consider why you are creating the Crystal Grid. Make sure you are not manifesting something that you think you should have.

  As with anything like this it is worth also remembering to make sure that your use of Crystal Grids is ethical. If you alter the purpose of a grid here or create your own, make sure that it is not in any way trying to control another person or cause harm. It is always best to ask someone for permission if you want to use a Crystal Grid to help them with things like protection or healing. Although you may mean well, you need to get permission. There may be valid exceptions, such as when a person is unable to communicate after an accident or illness for example.

  This is a very personal thing that will vary from person to person. Only you can decide what is right for you. It’s a good idea to add to your intention that the healing or protection be sent to someone only if it is for their highest good. This makes sure that you are not doing anything that you should not be doing or violating anyone’s free will. I have inbuilt this into the intention statements for the Crystal Grids in this book for you.

  A Complete & Balanced Approach

  It’s important to remember that no matter what you do on an energetic or spiritual level, you must also take physical action where possible. Crystal Grids can help you manifest your goals and make changes but should not be used as a substitute for the time and work needed to get to where you want to be. Crystal Grids are not a magic bullet for all your problems.

  The Universe does not work like a microwave meal. Things may take time to manifest. Although we have all heard stories of people that asked for something to come into their lives and then it happened the next day, this is not normal. If you created a Crystal Grid for a better paid job but do not actually apply for any jobs, there is very little chance you will be offered one. This is because your actions do not align with your intentions.

  When you take the armchair approach to manifestation, you are sending very mixed signals to the Universe. If you’re not prepared to put any effort or energy into getting that job, then why should the Universe help you? How much do you really want it? If you want something to happen you need to do as much as you possibly can to make it happen. You want to take spiritual action through the Crystal Grid. Take mental and emotional action by staying focused and positive about your goal. Take physical action by doing what needs to be done to get to where you want to be.

  The Crystal Grid Diamond

  To summarise how Crystal Grids work take a look at the following diagram. This diamond shows the different facets of energy that are used to crystallise your intentions into reality. Crystal Healing, Sacred Geometry, Numerology, Intention and Action in the centre.

  All these forces need to be working together. Without a clear intention or purposeful action, the diamond is broken and incomplete.



  This is an introduction and illustrated guide to the geometric shapes and symbols of Sacred Geometry that are used in the creation of most Crystal Grids you will find. These geometric shapes are the components of all the Crystal Grids featured in this book. There are many layers of meaning to these symbols and different sources may have different viewpoints. We will look at some of the history and symbolism behind these geometric shapes, so that you can understand their meanings better. All the shapes come with their numerical correspondence.

  What you will also learn is how these symbols can be used within Crystal Grids for different purposes. I have condensed this into the form of keywords for ease of use and quick reference. These keywords will summarise the energy and very essence of each geometric shape for you.

  I do not want to bury you under complex science or metaphysics. It is not essential to know this to use Sacred Geometry. For those of you who are interested in doing further research, please see the Bibliography at the end of this book.

  This guide can be used to familiarise yourself with these recurring geometric shapes and their key meanings. You can use this to better understand the energetic blueprint and mechanics behind the Crystal Grids inside this book. You can use it to unlock the secrets of other Crystal Grids too. You could also use this as a guide to help you create your own Crystal Grids if you want to. There is more about this later.

  You may wonder how using some of these symbols, which have multiple meanings does not produce an unwanted result. The key here is your intention. The same applies to crystals used in Crystal Healing. Your intention directs the energies most needed the way you need them at the time.



  Protection, Wholeness, Renewal, Continuous Flow, Cosmic Support, Commitment, Focus, Unity

  Numerical Vibration: 1, Infinity

  History & Symbolism:

  The Circle is believed to be the oldest symbol used by humans and has been used by all cultures in all ages. The Circle has no beginning or end, representing eternity. It can be drawn with one single line. Circular shapes can be seen in the celestial bodies of the Sun, Moon, Planets and the Earth. This ring shape is used as a sign of commitment in a wedding ring.

  The Circle was also used to mark a clear boundary of protection to the ancients. This symbol is used in many protective amulets and talismans. Bracelets, beads and necklaces all use this continuous shape as a base. It can be seen in the Stone Circles at Sacred Sites in Europe and across the globe. You will find the Circle used for protection almost everywhere, even to this day.

  Vesica Piscis


  Rebirth, Renewal, Creation, Creativity, Goddess, Transformation, New Opportunities, Spiritual Worlds

  Numerical Vibration: 2

  History & Symbolism:

  This shape is also known as the Mandorla, which means almond in Latin. The word piscis like the astrological sign of Pisces comes from the Latin word for fish and it is the basis for the fish symbol used by Christianity. This shape can also be seen in medieval paintings surrounding Christian religious figures associated with rebirth and change. In nature it can be found in the petals of lotus flowers, leaves of plants and trees, lemons and the seeds of fruit.

  The Vesica Piscis is formed by two converging circles, representing the Spiritual and Physical Worlds. It creates a shape which represents the feminine doorway to birth and new life. When we create something we need at least two forces or ingredients. The Vesica Piscis is a gateway to new experiences, new worlds and even other dimensions.



  Growth, Cosmic Support, Spiritual Development, Guidance, Focus, Wisdom, Kundalini Energy

  Numerical Vibration: Infinity

  History & Symbolism:

  This is also one of the most ancient symbols. It can be found etched and painted onto cave walls and rocks all around the world. The Celts and the Maori revered this form. The Spiral shows a path of focused movement and intensified energy. In the natural world it can be seen in shells, ferns, Galaxies and even our DNA strands.

  A Spiral can represent cosmic cycles of time, the Milky Way Galaxy and even the whole Universe. It can symbolise the coiled serpent like energy of the Kundalini, at the base of the spine or the Root Chakra. Snakes have been associated with knowledge and wisdom since ancient times. The Chakras themselves have been observed by some to look like a spiral of light.



  Creativity, Creation, Manifestation, Harmony, Balance, Divine Connection, Intuition, Psychic Abilities, Inspiration, Raises Energy, Releases Energy, Protection

  Numerical Vibration: 3

  History & Symbolism:

  This is one of the most mystical shapes. The Triangle is created by three lines and has three points, making it a representation of a trinity. This could be Mind, Body and Spirit, the Triple Goddess or the Holy Trinity. It is formed when two separate points
create and are balanced by a third point.

  It can be seen within the Sanskrit symbol for the Third Eye Chakra. When pointing up, a Triangle is a symbol of a flame and fire, or a torchlight that illuminates the darkness. It becomes a masculine symbol that raises energy upwards and connects with the divine. When reversed a Triangle becomes a cup that holds water or a vessel of spirit. It then becomes a feminine symbol, which anchors energy or receives spiritual information.

  Square & Diamond


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