Crystal Grids Power

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Crystal Grids Power Page 5

by Ethan Lazzerini

  How To Cleanse Your Crystals With Universal White Light

  Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Sit down with your legs crossed if you can or use a chair. Close your eyes and take three deep breaths.

  Hold your crystals in your hands. One hand over the other if possible or cupped.

  Now visualise a beam of pure white light coming down from above into your Crown Chakra (At the top of your head) down to the Heart Chakra (the centre of your chest). Moving out along your arms and into your hands.

  See this Universal White Light in your mind’s eye filling the crystals and surrounding them.

  Focus on clearing them as you say out loud or in your head “I cleanse, purify and rebalance these crystals of all negative, unbalanced or fear based energies, now!”

  Wait a few moments or when you feel this has been done, open your eyes. You may need to take some time before you get up again.

  Consecrating New Crystals

  It is a good idea to consecrate any new crystals. This is also called dedicating or blessing and is related to programming. Consecrating is really just setting your intention, so that the crystal always works for the highest good. It also adds some protection to your crystals.

  As you are using crystals to bring about changes, which may affect others, you want to make sure there is no chance you can interfere with things or make a situation worse. This is unlikely but safeguards this from ever happening. Also if you were to use them in a way that was not entirely ethical even with good intentions, the crystal would have little or no effect.

  Programming is really just a way to direct and use the energy of a crystal for a very specific task or purpose. Consecrating crystals to only serve the highest good is a bit like installing the operating system on your computer. It is the default behavior of your crystals regardless of how you use them in the future.

  You only need to do this once before you first use your new crystals. You always want to consecrate new crystals after they have been cleansed for the very first time. Once consecrated you never have to consecrate them again. Cleansing them in the future will not erase the consecration.

  If you already have crystals that you have used but feel you would like to consecrate them, you can do so. You are going to be connecting with divine energy, this is a very personal thing so I have offered some alternative words you could use if you are not comfortable or familiar with the words “Creator Source”. Feel free to also add to this any spiritual Guides, Deities, Angels or Ascended Masters that you work with.

  How To Consecrate Your Crystals

  Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Sit down with your legs crossed if you can or sit on a chair. Take three deep breaths before you begin.

  Hold your Crystals using both hands in front of you, just above eye level (This is the position of the Third Eye Chakra).

  Say out loud or to yourself “I dedicate these crystals to the Creator Source (Or God, Goddess, Great Spirit, Divine Light, Universe, Infinite Intelligence, Source Energy, All-That-Is etc.) Please bless and protect these crystals. May these crystals serve and only serve my highest and greatest good and the highest and greatest good of all”

  Once you have cleansed and possibly consecrated all your crystals they are ready to be put in place and activated. There are three activation methods below and you only need to select one of these.

  1. The Activation Wand Method

  This is the most well known method for activating a Regular Crystal Grid. It requires the use of a large Crystal Point or cut and polished Crystal Wand. As explained earlier in the chapter on tools, you want to use Clear Quartz for this job.

  Your Activation Wand should be cleansed and consecrated before use, just like your other crystals. You can do this all at the same time to make things easier. You are going to be using the Activation Wand to program all the crystals in your grid. All this really means is that the wand acts as a tool to transfer your intention for the Crystal Grid to all the crystals.

  Crystals naturally record and store energies and information. Programming a crystal is simply communicating to the crystal what you want help with so they can help you. You could call this process charging the crystal with your intention. The Mineral Kingdom is happy to help us. Throughout this book I will be using the word program for this process. As an alternative, when you activate your grids you could say something like “I charge this crystal grid with my intention to...” or an even more personal approach “I ask these crystals to assist me with...”

  Activating your Crystal Grid also connects the crystals to the Central Stone and with each other. Once completed the grid is activated, meaning it is now working and broadcasting your intentions. I just want to make it clear that there is no one right way to set up and activate a Crystal Grid. This popular method can seem complicated to some and those new to Crystal Grids.

  Do not worry too much about whether you are doing it right. In the beginning it may feel like you are having to remember the procedure and it may not feel very natural to you. Like anything over time this will fade away and you may even develop your own personal ways to activate your grids. This is just a way for you to get started. This is also why I am also including the simpler method in this book that does not use a Crystal Wand at all.

  How To Activate a Crystal Grid With an Activation Wand

  Arrange all your crystals and anything else needed into position before you start. Start with the Central Stone and work outwards.

  Sit for a few moments holding your Activation Wand in your hands with eyes closed. Take three deep breaths and get really clear about your intention.

  Open your eyes. Hold the Activation Wand with both hands. Point the tip of the Activation Wand towards the top of the Central Stone. It may help to visualise a beam of light leaving your Activation Wand and entering the Central Stone.

  Focus on your desired result, use visualisation and emotion. See it and feel it as manifested now. Say to yourself or out loud a statement of your Crystal Grid’s intention. You can use the one I have included with all Crystal Grids in this book or create your own: “I program this Crystal Grid for...” or “I charge this Crystal Grid to...” or “I ask these crystals to assist me with...”

  Still focusing on your intention trace a line with the Activation Wand from the Central Stone to one of the Support Stones from the inner part of the grid, then return back to the Central Stone (See the following diagram). It may help to start from the Support Stone at the top, 12 o’clock position. If only one set of Support Stones is used then go to those. Repeat for each of the crystals in that group, going around clockwise. You could visualise the beam of light joining up the crystals like the spokes of a wheel.

  Now point the Activation Wand at this group or ring of Support Stones and join them up to each other. Trace a circle or square depending on the design of the Crystal Grid. Go around in a clockwise direction until you get back to the first crystal (See the following diagram). Start from the Support Stone at the top or 12 o’clock position. Connecting Support Stones in a circular way will work for all shapes but if you prefer you can also trace the geometric pattern, such as the star design. If Crystal Points or Arrowheads are used that point anticlockwise, you would go that way instead for these.

  Now repeat steps 5 and 6 for the Outer Support Stones in the grid if there are more. Connecting each crystal to the Central Stone. Then connecting each Support Stone in the group with each other as before.

  2. The All-In-One Method

  This programming based All-In-One method of Crystal Grid activation is much more simple. It is also ideal for activating Location Crystal Grids and Body Crystal Grid layouts. No Activation Wand, extra crystals or tools are needed. The method is quicker and less complex. With not so much to think about, some may find this easier to work with, but it really is up to you. Both methods will work.

  The crystals are not joined by the activation crystal but by your intention. They are activated once they have all be
en laid out in their geometric pattern. This method of activation is the same as you would use to program a crystal. You are just instructing the crystals with your desired intention for the Crystal Grid. This is transferred from you directly to the crystals, without the use of an Activation Wand.

  How To Activate a Crystal Grid All-In-One

  Hold all your crystals in your hands if possible. If not work in batches.

  Sit for a few moments with your eyes closed. Take three deep breaths and get really clear about your intention.

  Raise your crystals up in front of your Third Eye Chakra. Between and just above your eyes.

  Focus on your desired result, use visualisation and emotion. See it and feel it as manifested now. Say to yourself or out loud a statement of your Crystal Grid’s intention. You can use the one I have included with all Crystal Grids in this book or create your own: “I program this Crystal Grid for...” or “I charge this Crystal Grid to...” or “I ask these crystals to assist me with...”

  Lastly arrange your crystals into position to form your Crystal Grid. Start with the Central Stone (If it has one) and then work outwards.

  3. The Combination Method

  This is a method I have created that combines elements of both methods but still in a simplified form. If you are still drawn to working with an Activation Wand but find the activation wand method a bit too much, then this may suit you better. You will be using a Crystal Wand to program the entire grid through the Central Stone, so it is only suitable for Regular Crystal Grids.

  How To Activate a Crystal Grid with the Combination Method

  Arrange all your crystals and anything else needed into position before you start. Start with the Central Stone and work outwards.

  Sit for a few moments holding your Activation Wand in your hands with eyes closed. Take three deep breaths and get really clear about your intention.

  Open your eyes. Hold the Activation Wand using both hands. Point the tip of the Activation Wand towards the top of your Central Stone. It may help to visualise a beam of light leaving your Activation Wand and entering the Central Stone.

  Focus on your desired result, use visualisation and emotion. See it and feel it as manifested now. Say to yourself or out loud a statement of your Crystal Grid’s intention. You can use the one I have included with all Crystal Grids in this book or create your own: “I program this Crystal Grid for...” or “I charge this Crystal Grid to...” or “I ask these crystals to assist me with...”

  Crystal Grid Placement Considerations

  Always place your Crystal Grids on a flat surface where they will not be easily disturbed. Give your Crystal Grid some breathing space, even from nearby crystals or any other grids. Avoid areas that are also dumping grounds for other items such as keys, phones, letters, bills, junk mail, magazines or drinks.

  You are creating a sacred space here. Other nearby items may not only knock the crystals in your grid but they also disturb the energy very easily. You do not want to place a Crystal Grid right next to the TV or a computer for this reason. I would also avoid placing a Crystal Grid on a bedside cabinet. This will almost certainly get knocked. A Crystal Grid is very energising and will likely disturb your sleep. The crystals may also absorb too many of your thoughts from dreams. The exception would be sleep or dream related grids.

  Pets and children may also pose a problem but this is hard to avoid. If you can select places that are a little higher or out of the way it may help. If you see crystals have been moved, just put them back as soon as possible. The tops of chests of drawers, cabinets, sideboards, small tables, window sills and Home altars are all a good choice. Some people like to align their grids with magnetic North. Explain to others you live with that you have placed it there and that you do not want them to touch or move it and they should understand.

  Feng Shui Placement Ideas

  I do not think it is essential that you use Feng Shui or place your Crystal Grid in a specific room in the Home. This may be something that you wish to experiment with later as you work more with Crystal Grids. Test things out and see if following these systems is helpful for your grids and brings better or faster results for you.

  The subject of Feng Shui is vast and way beyond the scope of this book. How you would use Feng Shui with Crystal Grids is up to you. A good idea would be to place the grid in the part of the Home that relates to the purpose of the grid. In traditional Feng Shui, which goes back thousands of years, a compass is used. This helps determine the different sectors of a building as they relate to the magnetic field of the Earth and the elements. These sectors represent different life areas like career, relationships or wealth.

  So a Crystal Grid for abundance would work well in the Wealth Sector of the Home. A Crystal Grid for healing could be placed in the Health Sector. This is not always easy as you do not want to put a Crystal Grid in the bathroom, kitchen or under the stairs. There are also many other Feng Shui factors to consider but this is certainly an interesting area to explore if you wish to.

  Summery of Crystal Grid Preparation:

  Gather all your crystals and anything else you need together.

  Cleanse the energy of the crystals and any other items to be used. Consecrate them if you wish and if you have not done so already.

  Activate your crystals by programming them with your intention. Use either the Activation Wand, All-In-One or the Combination method.



  Once you have a Crystal Grid set up and working, it will be broadcasting its energy 24/7 for you. Although you do not need to do anything more, there are some things you should do to make sure that your grid is working at its best.

  Dusting Crystal Grids

  If your Crystal Grid is left for at least a few weeks you will likely start to see dust building up around the crystals. When your crystals become dusty they are less effective. Dust is like stagnant energy, by cleaning your crystals and the surrounding surface you bring in fresh energy. Allowing your Crystal Grid to build up lots of dust around it could even stop it from working.

  Cleaning a Crystal Grid can seem like a bit of work, but there is a way to do it that I find easier. First you need a dusting cloth. I recommend you use a lint free one. I find the best ones for cleaning crystals are the soft microfibre cloths that come with glasses, phones and computers. You can also use cloths that are designed for cleaning windows and glass. Just make sure they do not have any chemicals in them and are dry.

  Here’s a tip, there is a way to move the crystals without mixing up the stones. First move the crystals out of the way one by one but reproduce the same Crystal Grid design where you move them. This way it is easier to put them back where they were. You can also refer to this book as a guide. It is better if you can put the same crystal back into the same position it was in before. This is so that the energy pattern is the same as when you first made your grid.

  When the crystals are out of the way you can now clean the surface and any templates the crystals were placed on. Then one by one, clean each crystal with the dry soft cloth. Do not use any cleaning products on crystals. Once free of dust you can place the crystals back where they were, on the now clean area.

  Cleansing Crystal Grids

  This is something you should consider if a Crystal Grid has been in place for over a month or so. The other reason you may want to energetically cleanse the crystals again is if you feel the Crystal Grid seems to have lost its effectiveness.

  Crystals are very sensitive tools and while being placed in our Homes they will absorb energies that are not conductive to our original intention. When you cleanse the crystals that are part of an active Crystal Grid it does not remove the original program placed into them when it was activated. That is called Deactivation and we will get to how to do that later.

  You do not need to move the crystals for this. There are ways to cleanse your Crystal Grid without touching the crystals directly. If you have your own preferred cleansing method
s then please use those. It is much easier to use smudging, Palo Santo, Ting Shas or a Tibetan Singing Bowl as you do not need to move the crystals around. With incense methods you can waft the smoke around the area of the Crystal Grid with your hand or a feather. With Ting Shas or a Singing Bowl, simply hold them over the Crystal Grid and sound them as you would for cleansing crystals or a room. Another alternative is the following energy based technique, which uses Universal White Light but in a different way than before:


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