Crystal Grids Power

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Crystal Grids Power Page 11

by Ethan Lazzerini

  Other factors you need to consider are rarity, price and availability. Some crystals are expensive or rare. These can sometimes be okay for a Central Stone. When it comes to multiple Support Stones, some options may just not be possible. There are also some crystals that you will never see in larger forms, suitable for Central Stones or gridding your House.

  Choose Your Geometric Shapes

  Before you make your final selection of stones you should also think about the geometries you are going to use. For this you can refer to the Sacred Geometry Reference Guide at the beginning of this book. You may also wish to study books on Sacred Geometry and symbols. My quick reference guide was designed to summarise the key properties and uses of these symbols to make this really easy for you.

  Just like selecting crystals, you want to harness the energies of geometric shapes, which will support the intention of your Crystal Grid. As you come across shapes that have meanings that relate to your Crystal Grid, note them down or draw a little sketch of them. You should have a few possible shapes you could use in your grid. The Star of David and the Flower of Life are so universal that they will be possible options for most grids.

  Design Your Crystal Grid

  Once you have looked at all the options, circle any shapes that you think suit your grid the best. You may be able to use just one geometric shape or consider combining two or even three. Take your pen and try to draw different ways to combine the shapes. Try overlaying them or placing one shape inside the other. Eventually you will create something that just jumps off the page and feels right. Circle or highlight your final chosen design.

  If you’re creating a Regular Crystal Grid you will want to mark the location where the Central Stone will sit. This is usually in the exact centre of most geometric shapes. I draw a small circle or put a large dot here.

  Most geometric shapes have corners and intersection points, which you can place other crystals. There are usually at least two areas where a group of Support Stones can be placed. If you look at the grids in this book, you can see most grids have a group of Inner Support Stones and Outer Support Stones. Where you place these crystals is up to you but try to go with what feels and looks right. You may only wish to work with one group of crystals. Once you have decided where the Support Stones should go, mark these points off with smaller circles or dots.

  Select Your Central Stone

  This should be a crystal that represents your core intention, the main purpose of your grid. Because this crystal needs to be bigger, you may find that the crystals on your list may not always be suitable. In this case I would use Clear Quartz as this can be used for any Central Stone.

  Once you have chosen your Central Stone write this on your diagram next to the circle or dot in the central part of your grid. Or you can draw an arrow pointing to the location. Now the only thing left to do is choose the form of your Central Stone. My list of recommended Central Stones will help you. You can of course use other shapes not listed in this book.

  Select Your Support Stones

  These crystals should also represent the intention behind your Crystal Grid or supporting qualities, which are related to the main purpose. This may include other properties, which will assist you in reaching your goal, or bring in additional energies that will be beneficial to the desired result. Your grid may need one or two groups of Support Stones. If using more than one group, think about which crystals add properties that will help you.

  These crystals can be Tumble Stones or in some cases small Crystal Points. You can also use more specialist shapes like spheres and pyramids if they are available and you are able to do so. What is more important is that you can find enough crystals to complete your grid. Look at your Crystal Grid plan and think about where you wish to place these stones. This is where your intuition will come into play. Imagine the crystals in a location around the grid. How does this feel?

  If you already have some of the crystals you are considering, then you could even lay them out and plan your grids that way. There will be a combination that just seems to fit. Mark your final selections down on your diagram.

  Consider How The Energy Flows

  One last thing that you will have to consider if you create your own Crystal Grids is energy flow. Wherever you place Crystal Points or other geometric crystal shapes, you are channeling energies in different ways and directions.

  As explained earlier Crystal Points direct energies, so if you use them think carefully about how you will point them. Generally most Crystal Points in a Crystal Grid will point outwards. This is based on the idea that you are sending energies out into the Universe for manifesting, releasing or sending healing for example. Inward pointing Crystal Points could be used to draw energies inward. This could be used in healing Body Crystal Grids or when increased energy is needed. In Location Grids you may wish to bring positive energies into your Home for example.

  Crystals can also be placed to create a circuit such as in a circle. I find this is useful if you want to create some kind of continuous supply or for a protective shield. This type of arrangement can either build up energy like a vortex or create a wall of energy. Your intention will be the key here as always. As a general rule place Crystal Points pointing in a clockwise direction for attracting something or building energy. You could point the crystals in an anticlockwise direction for releasing, breaking an energetic connection or protection.

  Putting It All Together

  Once everything is planned and ready, you can cleanse and consecrate the crystals or any additional items. Then activate and arrange your Crystal Grid in your preferred way.

  If all of this seems like too much work, don’t worry. I wrote this book to give you lots of ready made grids, which can be altered and customised as you wish. If you want more grids, let me know and I may just write a second volume...



  Crystals Grids are a tool for manifesting and creating change. As with all manifestation methods, sometimes things do not work out exactly as planned or not at all. There are reasons why this can happen and I want to address these in this chapter. If you have created a Crystal Grid and have yet to see the results or feel the effects of it yet, see if any of the below could be the reason and find out what to do about it.

  Divine Timing

  This is something that applies to any spiritual work or manifestation technique. Often people give up on something or say that something they tried to make happen did not work. You need to give your Crystal Grid time to work. Things will not just fall out the sky just because you ask. Fruit takes time to grow and ripen.

  Your desire sometimes will take longer than you would like. If it is something big or life changing, events may need to happen to allow it to manifest. Often you will get everything you need but just not exactly when you want it. Things may turn up later down the road and usually only when you are ready. Sometimes we can ask for things that at the time we ask could actually cause more problems for us.

  We may have to go through situations or experiences, which are far more important to us and our personal growth. This is often not evident at the time and can only be understood in hindsight. Try to have faith that what you want is on its way.

  Negative Thinking & Limiting Beliefs

  Having negative thoughts throughout your day is normal. Doubts in your goals and dreams are part of the human experience. That being said, excessive negative thinking and worries can bring your vibration down. Manifesting something positive in this state of mind and energy is not very easy.

  Sometimes we learn limiting beliefs from our family, society, the media and through experiences we had when we were younger. These negative beliefs can stay with us our whole life if you don’t learn how to spot them. Try to be honest with yourself. Do you have any limiting beliefs about the intention behind your Crystal Grid?

  Your Crystal Grid is doing its thing, but if you are putting up a constant black cloud over your head, you may be creating your own ro
ad blocks. There are many methods to help you develop a more positive and success drawing mindset. If this sounds like something you have a problem with, look into ways to think more positively.

  There is no quick fix for this but awareness of your thoughts and emotions is the best place to start. Consider daily meditation, affirmations, mindfulness, hypnosis or any number of self help books we have available to us now. Carrying or wearing Smoky Quartz or Snowflake Obsidian daily can also be helpful to absorb negative energies and thoughts.

  Are You Taking Action?

  Remember the Crystal Grid Diamond at the beginning of this book? The central facet was action. This may not always be something that you can take action on but most often there are things you could do. Explore what other people do in your situation or even better those who have overcome it. How can you increase your chances of success? What can you do on a consistent or daily basis? Perhaps it is time you changed your actions and tried a new method. It is all about showing the Universe or anyone else involved that you really want this.

  How’s Your Sacred Space?

  Have you been taking good care of your crystals and Crystal Grid since you set it up? Is it covered in dust? You must keep the area where the grid is placed and the crystals free of dust. Remember dust is like stagnant energy, it slows things down. Make sure you dust your grid regularly to keep the energies fresh and alive.

  The other thing you need to consider is anything that is placed close to your Crystal Grid. Is there a pile of newspapers or magazines nearby? Boxes of junk or a project that you have since abandoned or keep putting off? Watch for electrical items or even other crystals too. Other crystals placed close to the grid could interfere with the energy and flow of your grid. Remove or move these objects to another location and see if things improve. Test things to rule out these possible issues.

  Cleanse The Crystal Grid Again

  Both the energy of the room you have placed your Crystal Grid plus the grid itself, will need cleansing from time to time. I recommend once a month. You can use the Universal White Light method for cleansing explained earlier. The easiest way to cleanse a grid and the room is with sacred sound or incense. You could use smudging or some other cleansing incense like Palo Santo, Sandalwood, Camphor, Copal or Frankincense and Myrrh.

  Or use a Tibetan Singing Bowl or Ting Shas, the small brass Buddhist cymbals. Your grid may have absorbed some negative energies from your worries or fears, which could be blocking the crystals from working at their best.

  Tweaking Your Crystal Grid

  Occasionally some of the crystals in a grid are just not right for you. Perhaps you chose one of the crystals because it was the only one you had. Or the crystal you wanted was not available at the time. Perhaps another crystal will work better for you? Sometimes even the form or shape of the crystal just needs changing to get things moving.

  Select another crystal option or substitute stone from this book or if you know of a stone that you feel is more suitable for you personally, use that. If you know how to use a pendulum, you could dowse to find the best crystal for you. You can either reprogram and activate the grid again or just do this for the new crystals. Crystals that are removed will need to be cleansed and deprogrammed of course.

  You may just want to add something to the Crystal Grid. This could be extra Quartz Crystal Points to further focus and amplify the energies of the grid. Or it may be the inclusion of a photo, printed image or some other symbolic item.

  Note the change you made and the date you added or replaced the crystals or items. Give any tweaks like this some time to see changes. If nothing happens differently you may want to try grid reactivation as a last resort.

  Consider Grid Reactivation

  If you have tried all of the methods above, you may wish to reprogram and reactivate your Crystal Grid. Sometimes especially when we are new to programming crystals, our minds get too caught up in doing everything right that we don’t really connect with the crystals well. This will take time and practice to feel more natural.

  By starting again with your crystals you get to do everything again and hopefully in a much more relaxed and focused state of mind. Were you happy with the wording of your statement of intention and note if you used one? Consider revising it and get really clear. A lack of clarity can bring unclear results.

  Remove all the crystals, cleanse and deprogram them so that you are starting with a clean slate. Try and activate your grid when you are feeling relaxed and not rushed or stressed. To help you can burn some lavender essential oil and meditate for a while before you begin.

  If you are empathic or worried about energies from the day interfering with the process, cleanse your Aura. You can use visualisations to do this or use the Aura Clearing Crystal Grid included in this book. Another easy way to do this is to visualise a shower of cosmic silver white light raining down over and through you. Allow this cosmic energy shower to cleanse your Aura for around two to three minutes or until you feel it has been done.

  Chakra Clearing

  As well as keeping your Aura clear of the energies of the day, you may want to cleanse your Chakras too. The Chakra System relates to all areas of your life, mindset, psychic energies and emotions. When your Chakras are out of balance or blocked they can inhibit your ability to attract positive things into your life. When they are clear your energy is clear and that clarity attracts things to you and helps you manifest what you need. Chakra clearing can be a very useful technique for spiritual growth, personal development and healing work. When your Chakras are kept clear, you will find you can manifest things quicker.

  Here’s a little secret you may not have heard before. It is a very good idea to cleanse and balance your Chakras before you activate your Crystal Grids. There are many ways to do this. Using Chakra Crystals is one of the easiest and most effective ways. If you want to learn more about this, you may be interested in my book Crystal Healing For The Chakras.


  Hopefully this book has given you a better understanding of the workings of Crystal Grids and Sacred Geometry. I hope this book will be a valuable go-to source for Crystal Grids whenever you need one. Using Crystal Grids is a useful tool to have on your journey with crystals and Crystal Healing. May they help amplify your intentions, open new doorways and bring blessings and positive change into your life.

  If you enjoyed this book and found it helpful in any way, please consider leaving me a short review on Amazon. Your reviews are hugely helpful to me as an Independent Author and will help others be able to find this book in the search results.

  Thank you for your support,



  Ethan Lazzerini is an author and blogger based in Yorkshire, England. He has been working with crystals for more than 25 years. Ethan works intuitively and practically with crystals to access the information and energy they hold. He believes crystals are spiritual tools and allies for personal development, spiritual growth, manifesting and psychic protection. In his books and popular blog articles he aims to make Crystal Healing clear and easy to apply to everyday life.

  When he is not writing, reading or hunting for crystals, he makes Crystal Healing jewellery for his successful jewellery line Merkaba Warrior. For lots of helpful Crystal Healing guides and tips, please visit his popular website and blog:

  Stay connected with Ethan Lazzerini on Social Media:

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