Filthy Secrets: A Steamy Romance Boxset Collection

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Filthy Secrets: A Steamy Romance Boxset Collection Page 8

by Nova Rain

  That does it. Grabbing her by the hips, I spin her around. Her pretentious scream fills the room when her body hits the fridge. She throws her arms around my neck as I sear my lips to hers. My palms slide down her hips, the goose bumps on her silky skin proving to me how much she wants this. If one night is all we’re ever going to have, then I’ll make it a night to remember.

  Chapter Twelve


  Yes, you big brute. Make me pay for it.

  That thought dominates my mind, and my heart pounds fast and hard as if it’s ready to burst right out of my chest. I’m not dreaming. This isn’t part of some fantasy, although I’ve pictured it quite a lot these days. I’m in Joe’s arms, savoring his full lips while he maps out my skin. I hook my legs around his hips, his hard breath teasing my chin. He squeezes my outer thighs at the same time, my palms sliding down his chest. Dangling my heels, I rip at the front of his shirt in impatience. A few buttons fly off, enough for me to reach in and caress that strong, enormous chest. I can feel his muscles twitching and flexing, his tongue brushing my lower lip. A long whimper escapes me when I sense his hardness through his pants, just as I did during our first kiss. This time however, Joe isn’t going to back down. He’s there to give me what I want. The rustle of my nylons fills my ears as he moves his hands further down my legs.

  “I fucking love stockings,” he grunts into my mouth, causing my inner muscles to clench.

  “Don’t stop kissing me,” I whisper, sliding my tongue between his lips. I tug them between my teeth, surprising myself for a moment. This man is making me do things I’ve never even considered. I’m a traditional girl; I prefer to let men do all the work; but with Joe, I’m someone different. I dressed up in sexy lingerie to seduce him, and now, I’m acting as if I mean to devour him. Yes, I’d love to devour this delicious man, in spite of his secrets. I tip my head back, exposing my neck, just before he turns me around. Holding me tight, he shuffles off down the hallway, planting hot kisses over my chin. I kick my heels off, his hands traveling up my legs. He grabs and holds onto my ass cheeks, his warm, wet lips making their way down the side of my neck.

  Joe eases me down on my bed, and then peels off his shirt. I let out a gasp, half admiration, half arousal, fixing my gaze on his stomach. His ripped abs are like small rocks, neatly placed next to one another. Those deep ridges beckon; I can’t wait to dip my tongue into them. Still, when he rolls his pants down his thighs, I get a bigger craving. His nine inches are standing out in front of him, pre-cum oozing out of the hole on the head. Joe climbs into bed, gazing deep down into my eyes. Reaching down, he places his hands on either hip. In a quick move, he flips me over on my chest.

  “It’s time you paid, bad girl,” he utters, his voice thick with arousal. Squatting down on his knees, he pulls me up on all fours. A firm slap on my right ass cheek forces a lustful moan from me. I squeeze my eyes shut, feeling the full weight of his hand on my flesh. A second smack stimulates every nerve ending, leaving me craving for more. “You’ll pay for teasing me back in your place,” Joe mutters, holding onto my flesh. I jiggle my ass around, encouraging him to keep going. There’s no pain in his slaps. They’re hard enough for me to feel them. If this is his idea of punishment, he can do it for as long as he likes. Smacking my ass cheeks at the same time, he bends towards me. “It’s so fucking creamy,” He groans, shutting his eyes. I hiss, sensing his hot mouth on my skin, just next to my crack. Joe kisses his way up, the tips of his thumbs less than an inch away from my entrance.

  “Yeah, baby,” I whimper, my pussy throbbing in anticipation. I shiver, feeling his teeth graze against my skin. Opening my eyes, I see his rock-hard cock resting on the sheet. I can’t believe it, but pre-cum has been smeared over either side of his shaft. I haven’t even touched him, and yet, he’s just as turned on as I am. He won’t stop laying fervent kisses over my ass cheeks. He’s making each and every moment special, teasing me, pampering me… spoiling me. I’m the center of his attention, reveling in his worship. All I have to do is let him take charge, and I know he will satisfy me. Joe slides his tongue down my crack, his right hand creeping around my waist.

  “Yeah, that’s it!” I moan, feeling the wet tip at my entrance. I grip the edges of my pillow tighter as he French kisses my pussy. Kneading my ass cheek, he sucks my juices with vigor while his fingers close in on my clit. Joe presses his middle finger against it, the fast pace of his kissing making my insides melt with desire. My butt muscles flex over and over again, my moans getting longer by the second. Tapping his finger onto my clit, he slaps my ass once more as he slides his tongue up and down my wet folds.

  “You taste so good, Michelle.” Hearing him say my name is more than I can handle. I toss my head back, my mouth shooting wide open as my orgasm rips through me, taking away my breath. My wild cries of pleasure rock my room as waves of delight storm through my system. Unable to stay on all fours anymore, I tumble down on my bed and roll over on my back.

  “Wow…” I gasp out. “Just wow…”

  “I’m only just getting started,” he claims, straightening himself up with a smug smile on his face. Wrapping his arms around my thighs, he pulls me closer to him. His rock-hard cock rubs against my clit. I spread my legs, gazing up at his muscled chest. Joe takes his hand off my body and pushes his cock down, aligning it with my entrance.

  Closing his lips around my ankle, he slides into me with ease. I hiss, biting my lower lip as inch after inch parts my inner walls, holding him tight. His hand returns to my upper outer thigh once he’s all the way in. Joe snakes his tongue out, rocking into me while I marvel at his incredible body. He does love my stockings. It’s clear to me now. His tongue slowly travels down my calf, his groans fueling my arousal even further. With my eyes narrowed to slits, I watch the muscles in his chest and his stomach flex. My only problem is that my legs are blocking my view. But I’m not going to ask him to stop, and I’m definitely not going to complain. His long, deep strokes are stretching me out, his groin sending ripples down my thighs. His large, thick cock is massaging my insides. I lift my hips towards it, eager to feel him deeper and deeper. His masculine grunting is ringing in my ears, while he slides in and out of me at a steady pace.

  “Harder, baby,” I moan, locking my gaze with his. “Come on: fuck me hard.”

  “Fuck, that’s so hot,” he groans, shoving himself deep inside of me, making me cry out yet again. I thrust my pelvis, tilting my head back, enjoying the sensation of his pulsating cock between my legs. Joe is plunging into me, trying to send me to a heaven of delight for the second time. His flesh is filling me, dominating me with every thrust.

  “God, I’m dying for a kiss right now,” I moan, my breasts bouncing wildly up and down. Once again, he’s willing to please me. Bending down towards me, he releases my legs. Cupping my face in both of his hands, he claims my mouth in a hot, passionate kiss. I throw my arms around his shoulders, nibbling on his upper lip. His chiseled chest is pressing against my nipples, the wet heat in my core surrounding his ample inches. He growls into my mouth as I hold onto his shoulder blades. Tiny drops of sweat moisten my fingertips, his hands moving down my neck. They circle my breasts first and then squeeze them together, sending me to another, building climax. I throw my head back, moan after moan of pleasure flying out of my mouth as I explode in a thunderous orgasm that has me crying out in sweet delight. With a deeper thrust, Joe squeezes his eyes shut, growling louder, while his warm juices spread through me. He collapses on top of me, breathing hard on my cheek. I hold him tightly and roll him over, before resting my head on his chest.

  “I didn’t see that coming,” he confesses, circling his arm around my shoulder.

  “Oh, come on,” I purr, tapping my fingers on his stomach. “We were going to be all alone in my apartment tonight. What did you think was going to happen?”

  “There’s that naughty girl again,” Joe remarks, casting a teasing glance down at me. “I didn’t know you had it in you.”

“Neither did I,” I whisper, pecking a kiss just below his neck. “I guess you bring the naughty out in me. It’s too bad she’ll be going away tomorrow. I kind of like her, you know.”

  “Don’t do that,” he urges, his voice dropping down an octave, his face tightening. “Let’s just enjoy tonight, okay?”

  A long, heavy sigh serves as my response. I trace my fingers across the ridges of his abs, realizing that I shouldn’t insist. Our date has been wonderful so far. Pressing him further will ruin it. Joe and I will spend the night in each other’s arms, unless I start asking questions. Judging by our first time together, it’s going to be a feast of passion and eroticism. I wouldn’t miss that for the world.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Joe’s masculine scent sweeps into my lungs, prying my eyes open. The sheets still retain his body heat and the impression of his weight. Yet, there’s no trace of him. The edge of a small piece of paper is sticking out from under the pillow.

  “Thanks for making me feel like someone I’ll never be,


  Another riddle. Another exercise for the brain. It should be the last, but it’s still a puzzle that I can’t piece together. What does he mean? In my opinion, Joe is a decent man who’s had a hard life. Sure, he’s rough around the edges, he’s not the most civilized guy I’ve ever come across, but that’s due to his background. He’s not graduated from any fancy schools that I know of. What is this man he thinks he’s “never going to be”? Educated? Well-behaved? Or is it something else I’m missing? Only God knows. What I know is that I can’t linger in my apartment, not today at least. His scent is pretty much everywhere: in my kitchen; in my living room; in my bedroom. His hand prints have even been smudged all over my fridge door. Therefore, I text Helena and Ava, telling them that I want to meet them down at the Waterside Plaza this afternoon. It’s great in the summer, because it offers unique views of the city and the Hudson River alike. It’s even better in September, though. The temperature has dropped a few degrees, and the families that frequent it are gone, because the kids are at school.

  We agree to meet at five, but, with confusion overwhelming me, I leave my apartment building more than two hours early. I’m actually surprised that I lasted that long without going anywhere else first; the night before replayed in my mind, over and over again. Cuddles, caresses, short conversations, soft and hard touches and kisses were not leaving me a moment’s peace. I kept wracking my brain about the last time I experienced anything similar. But, no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t recall a night where one of my lovers was so committed to pleasing me. They were all too selfish to consider my needs. Joe was nothing like that. He spent the bigger part of the night worshipping me as if I was some kind of goddess, reminding me every now and then how much he loved touching me.

  Standing behind the railing, I gaze out across the rippling Hudson as a seagull flies overhead. Despite my earlier belief, the Plaza is quite crowded. Almost each and every bench around me is full. Some people are walking and jogging along, the sound of the water quite audible over their chattering. Small boats are sailing across the river, with more seagulls circling like vultures. A featherlike touch on my shoulder interrupts the moment. It’s Ava, wearing her usual, playful smile.

  “Did someone die or something?” she poses a question, as Helena moves around me.

  “Hey, guys,” I utter in a faint voice. “Thanks for coming. Do I look that bad?”

  “Yep,” Ava says with a nod. “What’s wrong, girl? Did your guy get shot this time?”

  “You told her?” I squint, turning my head left to face Helena.

  “I did,” she admits, folding her arms across her chest. “She also knows about your little…” she pauses, “agreement with him.”

  “This guy is every man’s God,” Ava states her opinion. “I mean, he talks you into going out on a date with him, says he’s never going to call you, and you’re okay with it. How did he do that? Does he have some sort of magical powers?”

  “No, but you’re wrong about something,” I retort, returning my gaze to the river. “We didn’t go out. We spent the entire night in my apartment.”

  “Raunchy!” Ava cheers, her eyes glinting with mischief. “Come on, tell us more. How was he? How did he seduce you?”

  “Actually – I seduced him,” I claim, putting some force in my voice.

  “Huh!” Ava gasps in shock, her brows popping up as she puts her fingers over her mouth. “You have got to be kidding me! ‘Ms. Vanilla’ seduced someone?”

  “Well, I’m not surprised,” interjects Helena, a touch of discomfort in her tone. “You should have seen her the other night. Her cheeks were flushed for more than an hour.”

  “Girls…” I sigh, remembering that fatal night. “Believe me; it would happen to you, too, if Joe kissed you the same way.”

  “Was it that good?” Ava asks, removing her hands from her face.

  “Oh, my God,” I mutter under my breath, shaking my head sideways. “It was tender at first. It was as if he was trying not to break me. Then when the seconds rolled by, it got much more intense. He held on to me as if he didn’t want to let me go. He wasn’t greedy. You know how men like to grab during kisses. He just…” I pause, “... embraced me. And God, that was one huge embrace.”

  “I’m still waiting to hear about the sex,” Ava declares, her tone much lower. “I want every dirty detail.”

  “That was even better,” I tell her, a wicked smile spreading across my face. “I got myself some sexy lingerie yesterday. I wanted to make last night special. It turned out he was a big fan of nylons. He kissed his way up and down my calves more than once. He even licked my ankle. Joe was, um…” I falter, “...there for me six times, if you know what I mean.”

  “S-six?” Ava stutters. “Really?”

  “That…” Helena swallows hard, “That sounds incredibly impeccable.”

  “You won’t believe what he did after our first time,” I go on, my smile widening. “It sounds crazy, but he took me to the bathroom. Then he grabbed my sponge, poured some foam bath over it and gave it to me. He wanted to watch me take a bath. I thought I’d be strange at first, so, I said ‘no,’ but he insisted. And you know what? It was just amazing. Being watched turned me on. He rinsed the foam off of me, and took me right there in my bathtub.”

  “No wonder you’re bummed,” Ava concludes. “I haven’t met the guy, but he does sound great.”

  “Yes, he is,” I agree, my face twisting with disappointment. “I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that I have to give up the best kiss and the best sex I’ve ever had.”

  “Okay, here’s what I think,” Ava emphasizes, turning her side to the river. “Go get him. Honey, you don’t meet men like him every day. He went down on you six times, and I consider myself lucky if I get that once. Also, he doesn’t just lie there, waiting for you to blow him or something. He gets creative. Do you have any idea how rare that is?”

  “You and your filthy mouth,” Helena complains, tossing a fierce glare over at Ava. “Can’t you speak like a lady? Anyway, you’re missing the bigger picture here. You are right. Joe indeed sounds like a fantastic lover. Still, he’s very secretive about himself. He’s been a regular at ‘90’s Rocks’ for fourteen months now, and nobody has a clue as to what his occupation is. He and his friends nearly got blown up three days ago, not to mention he’s got anger management issues.”

  “That’s not true,” I disagree. “Alright, he did go overboard with those thugs back at the bar, but he did that because he’d seen them try to mug an old lady.”

  “He kicks ass and knows how to fuck,” Ava says, her voice a little louder than a whisper. “Now, that’s what I call a sweet combination.”


  “Don’t, Helena,” Ava interrupts her, bringing her gaze up to hers. “She already knows how we both feel about this situation; we don’t have to remind her. It’s her call. End of story.”

  “It’s that call that worries me,” Helena confesses, flashing me a concerned look. I don’t break my silence. I have nothing more to say to them. I’ve made my point, expecting them to assist me somehow, but they have both failed. I can’t blame either of them. After all, my situation is very difficult. It’s only natural for my decision to be difficult as well. Unfortunately for me, even if I take Ava’s advice, it’s doubtful whether Joe will agree to date me or not. This uncertainty festers in my heart and soul, urging me to stay put. Our kisses and the night we spent in my apartment were out of this world. Maybe it’s best if they remain beautiful memories of a relationship that wasn’t meant to be.

  Chapter Fourteen


  One date and that’s it. That was the plan, right? That was what I had to do to keep Michelle out of my life. I did it. I don’t go where she works anymore, but that doesn’t mean I can keep her out of my mind. It’s been three days since that so-called date – which turned out to be a booty call – and I just can’t forget her. I’ve had plenty of one-night stands, and they’re all the same, more or less: sex; watching some TV or listening to some tunes; and then more sex. This time was different. For some reason I couldn’t understand, she felt familiar. I felt comfortable enough to ask her to do some things that I wouldn’t ask anyone else. The way she snuggled up against me every time we had sex stunned me. It was like Michelle and I had been dating for months. There was a special closeness, a unique chemistry between us that I hadn’t found with anybody. Letting all that go will be tough, maybe tougher than I thought. It’s hard giving up things you’ve never had. Still, it’s not like I have a choice. My life took that right from me, eleven years ago.


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