Filthy Secrets: A Steamy Romance Boxset Collection

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Filthy Secrets: A Steamy Romance Boxset Collection Page 98

by Nova Rain

  He didn’t let me down. I felt his lips at the top of my thigh, and his strong hands on my hips. Up, up they went, planting fiery kisses over my flesh, their sound louder than the running water. Moving to the left, he approached my crack as I gripped the tub harder. I hissed and pressed my lips together, feeling the passion pour out of him and onto me. Every kiss was soaked with lust, hot and destined to arouse me further and further. And this was not the only thing that had me begging for more. Chris nibbled on my skin, like he was tasting some sort of dessert. He grazed his teeth across one cheek and then the other, sliding his fingers down my body.

  “God, you’re so good at that…” I moaned, arching my back as he kneaded my ass. He grabbed and released, only to grab again in moments. Opening my eyes to slits, I couldn’t believe what I saw next. His cock was rock-hard, pre-cum dripping down his shaft. I was expecting him to be aroused, but this far exceeded my expectations. At that point, a huge desire overwhelmed me: To take him in my mouth. To feel his hardness down my throat. To taste his juices and satisfy him, the way he had been satisfying me. But, just when I was about to spin around, what he did pinned me right where I was. He pressed his mouth against my slit, his chin nudging my clit.

  “Oh, my God!” I groaned, throwing my head back, the moment his tongue slid down my pussy. A firm slap sent my senses reeling, more sounds of pleasure shooting out of my mouth.

  “I can’t get enough of you.” Chris grunted, running his tongue up and down, driving me further into a haze of ecstasy. A passionate kiss later, I felt it slipping between my folds.

  That was it. All the teasing, the food play, the dirty talking and his delicious worship led me to a paradise of untold bliss. Orgasmic waves crashed against me, the sounds of my climax reverberated through his entire apartment. I was sure that anybody walking past his front door could hear me. I didn’t hold anything in. How could I? With more than half his tongue plunging in and out of me, I was living a sensual dream beyond anything I had ever experienced. And that explosive orgasm wasn’t the end of it. It was just a pause…

  Chris gripped his shaft hard while I was trying to recover. Ever the tease, he rubbed it against my clit, his chest rising and falling. Within seconds, he was pushing into my entrance, filling me up with his stiff inches.

  “Come on…” I growled, looking back at him as he went all the way in. “Spoil me some more.”

  “Fuck, yeah,” he groaned, leaning towards me. Withdrawing, he cupped my breasts from behind. Plowing back in, he kissed my shoulder blade, the full weight of his balls resting on my pussy. I released the side of the tub and reached back. I gathered my hair and pushed it aside, exposing my neck. Grazing my fingers down his cheek, I savored the feel of his throbbing shaft massaging my insides. At a steady pace, he began to quench the desire that had been burning within, since the start of that day. It was worth the wait. It was worth my flustered cheeks and the itching sensation between my legs, throughout my shift. He was taking fantastic care of it now. Our bodies had merged into one, with him plowing into me, my nipples trapped between his fingers. Pinching and rolling them while his kisses set my skin ablaze. His mouth was traveling up my back, stopping at my neck and then going all the way back down. Its predictable course didn’t bother me one bit. I was the star in this mating ritual, relishing his caresses, welcoming his massive tool in my depths. With most of his inches buried within me, he withdrew and plunged back in, breathing hard on my skin.

  “I’m going to cum!” I cried out, grabbing a fistful of his hair.

  “Yeah, cum for me,” he commanded, flicking his tongue over my earlobe. Four thrusts later, I felt that familiar warmth in my core, my second orgasm hitting me even harder than the first. My whole body quaked and was squirming, overwhelmed by the power of my climax. Yanking himself out, Chris preferred to rest his pulsing manhood between my ass cheeks. A sense of pride spread within me as I felt his juices landing on my lower back. I hadn’t used any of my moves, and he had come to a loud fulfillment…

  “Well…” He gasped, pecking one last kiss on my shoulder blade. “Now, you know the true meaning of worship.”

  “Yes, I do,” I agreed, a big smile bursting upon my lips. “Oh, God…” I giggled, noticing my wet stockings shimmer. “Why didn’t I take these off?”

  “Darn…” He muttered. “You should take them off now. I don’t want you to catch a cold.”

  “Okay,” I accepted, turning to him. “Quick question: What would you do if I left them on?”

  “You’re one curious little thing.” He smiled down at me, taking me by the hand. “I’ve got a few things in mind.” He added, pulling us both up. “I’d rather keep them to myself for the moment. I’ll spoil the surprise if I tell you.”

  “Can you give me a hint? Please?” I made my voice sound sweeter, tilting my head to the side.

  “Seriously, you need to stop that,” he requested, lifting his leg over the side of the bathtub. “Have you heard of the saying ‘Patience is a virtue’?”

  “I have, I just don’t believe in it.” I grinned, following him out of the bathroom.

  He remained silent, until we went back in his bedroom. All four candles were still lit, fueling my appetite for something more romantic. I tightened my grip around his wrist and kicked the door shut behind me.

  “What are you doing?” He asked, letting go of my hand.

  I didn’t speak. Just like he had done earlier, I meant to show Chris what had crossed my mind. Passing him by, I turned around and kneeled in front of him. I smelled my juices on him, before my gaze landed on the object of my desire. I looked up at him, wearing a wicked expression. I reached and cupped his drenched balls. Stroking and squeezing, I leaned forward. This time, I was going to tease him for a change.

  Chapter Nineteen


  “I just made a fresh pot of coffee. Waiting for you with Catherine on my patio.”

  I couldn’t have asked for a better start to my day than Rachel’s text. Why? Because, after such an incredible night, I could rant on to my friends for hours. I could gossip about all the delicious things I did with Chris, and brag about having such a hot lover. Sure, it would have been ideal for me to have him again that morning. That man could bring out the dirty girl in me in a matter of minutes. I wasn’t that greedy, though. Also, he had to go to work. Just before he took off, he kissed me “good morning” and took mercy on me by letting me go back to sleep. I was so exhausted that I couldn’t even consider getting up so early.

  Every time I visited Rachel served as a painful reminder of what someone could accomplish by choosing the right subject to study. The Manhattan-born lawyer was by far the most successful of our trio. She graduated second in her class from Stanford, and got a job at “Perkins & Associates,” one of the most prestigious law firms in New York. Her first couple of years were rather difficult, because she was still learning the ropes. However, Rachel demonstrated patience, and that patience paid off. Now, she was making more per year than me and Catherine put together.

  So, she could afford a fancy, single home in SoHo. I could smell her rose garden from dozens of yards away. Seeing it with my own two eyes was a treat. Red, white and pink bushes were situated on either side of her front door, adorning the estate in a colorful and delightful way. Those scents used to overshadow the scent of her lawn and the wet soil in the summer, but in late January, they had mixed, due to the rain.

  Both Catherine and Rachel were on her front patio, seated at the table behind the heater. Sheer roller shades were making sure to keep the cold out. Seeing me cross the pathway that led to her front door, Rachel waved at me and left our mutual friend alone at the table.

  “Hey!” She chirped, welcoming me with a smile. “Come on in!”

  “Good morning, Rach.” I returned the smile, but it wasn’t long before it was wiped off my face. How in the world would I talk about Chris in Catherine’s presence? After her near-death experience, I believed we were even closer. Discussing her old
crush could destroy our relationship, once and for all.

  “I’ve been waiting for you, so we could tell her about that loser together,” Rachel’s whisper forced me to forget about my own issue. Indeed, Catherine had to learn about her boyfriend’s lies. Everything else was secondary.

  “There she is! My savior!” Catherine exclaimed as I joined her out on the patio. “How are you?” She asked, exchanging a quick hug with me.

  “A lot better now that I see you back on your feet,” I replied, sitting down on her left. “I’m sorry I couldn’t pick you up from the hospital yesterday. I was at work.”

  “Nah, that’s okay,” she assured me, waving her hand in front of her face. “Rachel took care of that anyway. Speaking of work, the doctor gave me two weeks off.”

  “And speaking of doctors…” Rachel interjected, pouring hot coffee into my red mug. “How’s your boyfriend doing, Cath? What’s his name again?”

  “Marcus Tanner,” Catherine spoke out his name, her face lighting up with joy. “He’s fine. We spoke on the phone before I left my place. He apologized for not visiting me in the hospital. He was at a medical convention in Philadelphia.”

  “Really…?” I assumed a sarcastic tone, frowning with disgust. “Because a nurse told me she hadn’t ever even heard of him.”

  “What?!” Catherine squeaked, her brows shooting up. “What the hell are you talking about? When did that happen?”

  “You could have been a little more subtle,” Rachel reprimanded me with a glare. “It’s true, sweetheart,” she confirmed, shifting her gaze over to our friend. “I was there when that nurse told Rosanna. I’m sorry, but whoever it is you’re dating, he’s not a doctor.”

  “What else do you know about him?” I asked, my voice returning to its normal registers. “I mean, where does he live?”

  “He lives in Hamilton Heights, in a relatively new apartment building on 143rd Street.” Catherine declared, dropping her gaze to her feet. “Guys, I’ve been there. It’s a great place. And what you just said about him not being a doctor?” She paused and turned her attention back to Rachel. “I don’t buy it. His diploma from Yale is hanging on the wall of his bedroom.”

  “It’s fake,” Rachel presumed, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “Why do you say that?” Catherine wondered, narrowing her eyes at her.

  “Because nothing else makes sense, you fool!” Rachel yelled. “Didn’t you hear about what that nurse said? Why would she lie to us?”

  “She won’t believe us,” I concluded, my voice losing its nerve. “Which means this is worse than I thought. She’s got a crush on him.”

  “I’m sorry, but can you please take a moment and think about what you’re saying here?” Catherine requested, glancing at me first and then Rachel. “A well-off man lies to me, a hotel waitress, about who he is. He’s very sweet to me, he takes me to fancy places for dinner… For what? I mean, what would he gain from all this?”

  “I don’t have a clue.” I shook my head sideways. “I know I’m going out on a limb here, but, um…” I faltered. “What if he’s got something to do with the guy who attacked you?”

  “That’s the most absurd thing I’ve heard in a long time.” Catherine scoffed, her face twisting into an expression of anger. “Rachel complained I wasn’t listening to you, but you don’t seem to be paying attention, either. I told you, Rosie. The guy is great to me. Why in the hell would he do something so terrible?”

  “Girls, this is all conjecture,” Rachel remarked, setting her mug down on the table. “We need evidence. I’d suggest using a PI, but I’m afraid it will take him too long to come up with anything concrete. If Rosanna’s right and he is involved in the attack against you, we may not have the time we need to dig up dirt on him. When are you seeing him again?”

  She sucked in a deep breath and palmed her forehead. “Tonight. He’s invited me over for dinner.”

  “Oh, God…” Rachel sighed, closing her eyes. “You’ll be in danger if you go, and you can’t blow him off, because he might suspect something. Talk about a rock and hard place.”

  “I don’t think she should go,” I voiced my opinion, pursing my lips. “Let’s say I’m right, for argument’s sake. What happens if he attacks her? What are we going to do? Stand by and watch?”

  “You’re right. We need muscle,” Rachel advised. “What about your…?” She cleared her throat.

  “Who? Chris?” Catherine interjected. “I doubt the rich geek would want to help me out.”

  “The what?” Rachel giggled in surprise as I burst out laughing. “A couple of weeks ago, he was your Romeo. Now he’s a rich geek?”

  “I lost all interest in him after our little conversation outside of ‘Giacomo’s.’” Catherine maintained, her tone firm. “He talked to me like I was some kind of whore.”

  “I hate to break it to you, but he’s the only muscle we’ve got,” I pointed out. “I don’t know how to put it to him, though. ‘Hey, remember my friend Catherine? The one you ditched outside ‘Giacomo’s’? Her new boyfriend is a psycho; he wants to kill her. Can you come over and beat some sense into him?”

  “Well, sugarcoating it isn’t going to change anything,” Rachel spoke her mind. “Just give it to him straight.”

  “Alright,” I said with a nod, my gaze on my cell phone.

  “Hi there. Can I see you later today? Say noon? I have a request.”

  “Hey, your sexiness. Sure. I’ll be waiting for you.”

  “Meeting set,” I announced, leaving my phone on the table. “Now, let’s hope he agrees. Fingers crossed.”

  “He won’t,” Catherine stated, running her fingers through her hair. “Rich folks don’t like to get their hands dirty.”

  “Rich folks don’t like to cook, either, but he does,” I countered, annoyed by her cliché. “Anyway, you won’t be alone tonight, Cath,” I went on, reaching my arm out to her. I took her hand into mine, hoping to provide the comfort she so much needed.

  We confined our conversations to work issues for the rest of our time together. None of us seemed willing to discuss the matter any further. And in spite of my desire to praise Chris, I kept everything to myself. It just didn’t feel right mentioning how much fun I’d had the night before. Catherine was just hours away from a meeting with an impostor. I wouldn’t brag about my bliss to her.

  More than an hour later, I was entering Chris’s building. I thought that a steel tower like this would help me decide on how to phrase the request, because it would shield me from the noise of traffic and the cold. Yet, I was wrong. It was warm inside, yes, but quiet? Nope. It was crazy in there. The lobby was crammed with people yelling at others on their phones. Some girl had just poured hot coffee over an elderly lady, who was showering her with all sorts of niceties, like: “You careless bitch” and “Are you goddamn blind?” Until I walked into the elevator, I wished I was at work. At least people were more polite to each other there.

  Staring at my reflection in a chrome surface, I prayed that Chris would not disappoint me. I knew this was a big ask. I was going to request his help for a person he didn’t really look up to. Unfortunately for Catherine, he had every right to refuse. He could slam the door in my face, and I wouldn’t be able to blame him or even get mad at him for that matter. He didn’t owe my friend anything. It was she who owed him an apology for that trick she had pulled on him.

  With the elevator doors sliding open sideways, I felt my heart pounding in my chest. The “penthouse” button on the panel was still green when I padded out of the empty car. I would bet all my money on more noise on the 36th floor of that bustling building. Looking around me though, I realized that I would lose that bet. There was a brown company logo both on the wall across from me and the one to the right. Grayish carpets covered the floor, but for some reason, no people were around.

  I strode down the hallway, wondering if Chris had forgotten about our meeting. What I came across outside his office only strengthened that worry. His secretar
y’s office was vacant. Her computer was off. There were no papers on her desk, and her pencil case was full of pens. It was if she had left for the day. My boyfriend’s door was shut, adding to my frustration.

  “Oh, come on…” I muttered under my breath, heading for his office. Just when I was about to believe that I wouldn’t see him this day, melodic notes filled my ears. They belonged to an old tune, called Enigma’s “Principles of Love.” At that point, frustration transformed into anger. I knew that song all too well. I danced to it at “Eleganza.”

  Without wasting a moment, I grabbed the golden doorknob and twisted it. A dark interior met my gaze. There were just a few, tiny lights in the upper right corner. I heard the sound of a clap, before pale spotlights were lit on the ceiling. Chris had leaned against his desk, wearing… a seductive smile and red boxers.

  “Welcome.” He assumed a raspy tone. “I thought you’d be tired after last night, but it looks like I’m dating an insatiable sex doll.”

  “You think I’m here for a booty call?” I squinted up at him, posing perhaps the silliest question ever.

  “You’re not?” All of a sudden, his smile evaporated.

  “No,” I responded, holding in a sneer. “Please put your clothes back on.”

  “God damn it!” He shouted, banging his head with his hand in a spasm of frustration. “I thought ‘request’ was a code word for something dirty.”

  “I know I’ve said this like five times this week, but…” I paused. “You’re a total mess.”

  “What else is new…?” He murmured, shoving his leg into his pants. “What did you want to see me about?”

  “Do you remember Catherine? You know, the girl you met outside ‘Giacomo’s’ instead of me?” I posed a question, my pulse rising.


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