Un billet de loterie. English

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Un billet de loterie. English Page 10

by Jules Verne


  The people of Scandinavia are very intelligent, not only theinhabitants of the cities, but of the most remote rural districts.Their education goes far beyond reading, writing, and arithmetic.The peasant learns with avidity. His mental faculties are ever on thealert. He takes a deep interest in the public welfare and no mean partin all political and local affairs. More than half of the Storthing ismade up of members of this rank in life. Not unfrequently they attendits sessions clad in the costume of their particular province; butthey are justly noted for their remarkable good sense, acute reasoningpowers, their clear though rather slow understanding, and above all,for their incorruptibility.

  Consequently it is not at all strange that the name of Sylvius Hoggwas a household word throughout Norway, and was uttered with respecteven in the wilds of the Telemark; so Dame Hansen on receiving such awidely known and highly esteemed guest, thought it only proper to tellhim how highly honored she felt at having him under her roof, if onlyfor a few days.

  "I don't know that I am doing you much honor, Dame Hansen," repliedSylvius Hogg, "but I do know that it gives me great pleasure to behere. I have heard my pupils talk of this hospitable inn for years.Indeed, that is one reason I intended to stop here and rest for abouta week, but by Saint Olaf! I little expected to arrive here on oneleg!"

  And the good man shook the hand of his hostess most cordially.

  "Wouldn't you like my brother to fetch a doctor from Bamble?" inquiredHulda.

  "A doctor! my little Hulda! Why! do you want me to lose the use ofboth my legs?"

  "Oh, Mr. Sylvius!"

  "A doctor! Why not send for my friend, the famous Doctor Bork, ofChristiania? All this ado about a mere scratch, what nonsense!"

  "But even a mere scratch may become a very serious thing if notproperly attended to," remarked Joel.

  "Well, Joel, will you tell me why you are so very anxious for this tobecome serious?"

  "Indeed, I am not, sir; God forbid!"

  "Oh, well, He will preserve you and me, and all Dame Hansen'shousehold, especially if pretty little Hulda here will be kind enoughto give me some attention."

  "Certainly, Mr. Sylvius."

  "All right, my friends. I shall be as well as ever in four or fivedays. How could a man help getting well in such a pretty room? Wherecould one hope for better care than in this excellent inn? Thiscomfortable bed, with its mottoes, is worth a great deal more thanall the nauseous prescriptions of the faculty. And that quaint windowoverlooking the valley of the Maan! And the stream's soft, musicalmurmur that penetrates to the remotest corner of my cozy nest! And thefragrant, healthful scent of the pines that fills the whole house! Andthe air, this pure exhilarating mountain air! Ah! is not that the verybest of physicians? When one needs him one has only to open the windowand in he comes and makes you well without cutting off your rations."

  He said all this so gayly that it seemed as if a ray of sunshine hadentered the house with him. At least, this was the impression of thebrother and sister, who stood listening to him, hand in hand.

  All this occurred in a chamber on the first floor, to which theprofessor had been conducted immediately upon his arrival; and now,half reclining in a large arm-chair, with his injured limb restingupon a stool, he gratefully accepted the kindly attentions of Joeland Hulda. A careful bathing of the wound with cold water was the onlyremedy he would use, and in fact no other was needed.

  "Thanks, my friends, thanks!" he exclaimed, "this is far better thandrugs. And now do you know that but for your timely arrival upon thescene of action, I should have become much too well acquainted withthe wonders of the Rjukanfos! I should have rolled down into theabyss like a big stone, and have added another legend to those alreadyassociated with the Maristien. And there was no excuse for me. Mybetrothed was not waiting for me upon the opposite bank as in the caseof poor Eystein!"

  "And what a terrible thing it would have been to Madame Hogg!"exclaimed Hulda. "She would never have got over it."

  "Madame Hogg!" repeated the professor. "Oh! Madame Hogg wouldn't haveshed a tear--"

  "Oh, Mister Sylvius."

  "No, I tell you, for the very good reason that there is no MadameHogg. Nor can I ever imagine what Madame Hogg would be like, stout orthin, tall or short."

  "She would, of course, be amiable, intelligent and good, being yourwife," replied Hulda, naively.

  "Do you really think so, mademoiselle? Well, well, I believe you! Ibelieve you!"

  "But on hearing of such a calamity, Mister Sylvius," remarked Joel,"your relatives and many friends--"

  "I have no relatives to speak of, but I have quite a number offriends, not counting those I have just made in Dame Hansen's house,and you have spared them the trouble of weeping for me. But tell me,children, you can keep me here a few days, can you not?"

  "As long as you please, Mister Sylvius," replied Hulda. "This roombelongs to you."

  "You see, I intended to stop awhile at Dal as all tourists do, andradiate from here all over the Telemark district; but now, whether Ishall radiate, or I shall not radiate, remains to be seen."

  "Oh, you will be on your feet again before the end of the week, Ihope, Mister Sylvius," remarked Joel.

  "So do I, my boy."

  "And then I will escort you anywhere in the district that you care togo."

  "We'll see about that when Richard is himself again. I still have twomonths leave before me, and even if I should be obliged to spendthe whole of it under Dame Hansen's roof I should have no causefor complaint. Could I not explore that portion of the valley ofVesfjorddal lying between the two lakes, make the ascent of Gousta,and pay another visit to the Rjukanfos? for though I very narrowlyescaped falling head foremost into its depths I scarcely got a glimpseof it, and am resolved to see it again."

  "You shall do so, Mister Sylvius," replied Hulda.

  "And we will visit it next time in company with good Dame Hansenif she will be kind enough to go with us. And now I think of it, myfriends, I must drop a line to Kate, my old housekeeper, and Fink, myfaithful old servant in Christiania. They will be very uneasy if theydo not hear from me, and I shall get a terrible scolding. And nowI have a confession to make to you. The strawberries and milk weredelicious and extremely refreshing, but they scarcely satisfied myhunger, and as I won't submit to being put upon short allowance may Inot ask if it is not nearly your dinner hour?"

  "Oh! that makes no difference whatever, Mister Sylvius."

  "On the contrary, it does make a great deal of difference. Do youthink that I am going to sit in solitary grandeur at the table, and inmy own room, all the time I stay at Dal? No, I want to take my mealswith you and your mother if Dame Hansen has no objections."

  Of course Dame Hansen could but assent when she was apprised of theprofessor's request, especially as it would be a great honor to herand hers to have a member of the Storthing at her table.

  "It is settled, then, that we are to eat together in the living room,"remarked Sylvius Hogg.

  "Yes, Mister Sylvius," replied Joel. "I shall only have to wheel youout in your arm-chair when dinner is ready."

  "Indeed, Mister Joel! Why don't you propose a kariol? No; with the aidof a friendly arm, I shall be able to reach the table. I haven't hadmy leg amputated yet, that I am aware of."

  "As you please, Mister Sylvius," replied Hulda. "But don't be guiltyof any imprudence, I beg of you, or Joel will have to hurry off insearch of a doctor."

  "More threats! Oh, well, I will be as prudent and docile as possible;provided you do not put me on short allowance, you will find me themost tractable of patient. Can it be that you are not hungry, myfriends?"

  "Give us only a quarter of an hour," replied Hulda; "and we will setbefore you a nice trout from the Maan, a grouse that Joel shot in theHardanger yesterday, and a bottle of French wine."

  "Thank you, my dear child, thank you!"

  Hulda left the room to superintend the dinner and set the table, whileJoel took the kariol back to Lengling's stable. Sy
lvius Hogg was leftalone, and his thoughts very naturally reverted to the honest familywhose guest and debtor he was. What could he do to repay Hulda andJoel for the inestimable service they had rendered him?

  He had not much time for reflection, however, for scarcely ten minuteshad elapsed before he was seated in the place of honor at the familytable. The dinner was excellent. It corresponded with the reputationof the inn, and the professor ate very heartily.

  The rest of the evening was spent in conversation in which SylviusHogg took the leading part. As Dame Hanson found it well-nighimpossible to overcome her habitual reserve, Joel and Hulda wereobliged to respond to their genial host's advances, and the sincereliking the professor had taken to them from the very first naturallyincreased.

  When night came, he returned to his room with the assistance of Joeland Hulda, gave and received a friendly good-night, and had scarcelystretched himself out upon the big bed before he was sound asleep.

  The next morning he woke with the sun, and began to review thesituation.

  "I really don't know how I shall get out of the scrape," he said tohimself. "One can not allow one's self to be saved from death, nursedand cured without any other return than a mere thank you. I am underdeep obligations to Hulda and Joel, that is undeniable; but theservices they have rendered me are not of a kind that can be repaidwith money. On the other hand, these worthy people appear to beperfectly happy, and I can do nothing to add to their happiness!Still, we shall probably have many talks together, and while we aretalking, perhaps--"

  During the three or four days the professor was obliged to keep hisleg upon a stool he and the young Hansens had many pleasant chatstogether, but unfortunately it was with some reserve on the brother'sand sister's part. Neither of them had much to say about their mother,whose cold and preoccupied manner had not escaped Sylvius Hogg'snotice, and from a feeling of prudence they hesitated to reveal totheir guest the uneasiness excited by Ole Kamp's delay, for might theynot impair his good humor by telling him their troubles?

  "And yet we perhaps make a great mistake in not confiding in MisterSylvius," Joel remarked to her sister, one day. "He is a very cleverman, and through his influential acquaintances he might perhaps beable to find out whether the Naval Department is making any effort toascertain what has become of the 'Viking.'"

  "You are right, Joel," replied Hulda. "I think we had better tell himall; but let us wait until he has entirely recovered from his hurt."

  "That will be very soon," rejoined Joel.

  By the end of the week Sylvius Hogg was able to leave his room withoutassistance, though he still limped a little; and he now began to spendhours on the benches in front of the house, gazing at the snow-cladsummit of Gousta, while the Maan dashed merrily along at his feet.

  People were continually passing over the road that led from Dal to theRjukanfos now. Most of them were tourists who stopped an hour or twoat Dame Hanson's inn either to breakfast or dine. There were alsostudents in plenty with knapsacks on their backs, and the littleNorwegian cockade in their caps.

  Many of them knew the professor, so interminable greetings wereexchanged, and cordial salutations, which showed how much Sylvius Hoggwas loved by these young people.

  "What, you here, Mister Sylvius?" they would exclaim.

  "Yes, my friend."

  "You, who are generally supposed to be in the remotest depths of theHardanger!"

  "People are mistaken, then. It was in the remotest depths of theRjukanfos that I came very near staying."

  "Very well, we shall tell everybody that you are in Dal."

  "Yes, in Dal, with a game leg."

  "Fortunately you are at Dame Hansen's inn, where you will have thebest of food and care."

  "Could one imagine a more comfortable place?"

  "Most assuredly not."

  "Or better people?"

  "There are none in the world," responded the young travelers merrily.

  Then they would all drink to the health of Hulda and Joel, who were sowell known throughout the Telemark.

  And then the professor would tell them all about his adventure,frankly admitting his unpardonable imprudence, and telling how hislife had been saved, and how grateful he felt to his preservers.

  "And I shall remain here until I have paid my debt," he would add. "Mycourse of lectures on legislation will not be resumed for a long time,I fear, and you can enjoy an extended holiday."

  "Good! good! Mister Sylvius," cried the light-hearted band. "Oh, youcan't fool us! It is pretty Hulda that keeps you here at Dal."

  "A sweet girl she is, my friends, and as pretty as a picture, besides;and by Saint Olaf! I'm only sixty."

  "Here's to the health of Mister Sylvius!"

  "And to yours, my dear boys. Roam about the country, gather wisdom,and yet be merry. Life is all sunshine at your age. But keep away fromthe Maristien. Joel and Hulda may not be on hand to rescue such of youas are imprudent enough to venture there."

  Then they would resume their journey, making the whole valley ringwith their joyful _God-aften_.

  Once or twice Joel was obliged to act as guide to some tourists whowished to make the ascent of Gousta. Sylvius Hogg was anxious toaccompany them. He declared that he was all right again. In fact, thewound on his leg was nearly healed; but Hulda positively forbade himto undertake a trip which would certainly prove too fatiguing for him,and Hulda's word was law.

  A wonderful mountain, though, is this Gousta, whose lofty summittraversed by deep snow-covered ravines, rises out of a forest of pinesthat form a thick green ruff about its snowy throat! And what a superbview one enjoys from its summit. To the east lies the bailiwick ofNumedal; On the west, the Hardanger and its magnificent glaciers; downat the base of the mountain, the winding valley of Vesfjorddal betweenLakes Tinn and Mjos, Dal, and its miniature houses, and the brightwaters of the Maan leaping and dancing merrily along through theverdant meadows to the music of its own voice.

  To make the ascent Joel was obliged to leave Dal at five o'clock inthe morning. He usually returned about six o'clock in the evening,and Sylvius Hogg and Hulda always went to meet him. As soon as theprimitive ferry-boat landed the tourists and their guide a cordialgreeting ensued, and the three spent yet another pleasant eveningtogether. The professor still limped a little, but he did notcomplain. Indeed, one might almost have fancied that he was in nohaste to be cured, or rather to leave Dame Hansen's hospitable roof.

  The time certainly passed swiftly and pleasantly there. He had writtento Christiania that he should probably spend some time at Dal. Thestory of his adventure at the Rjukanfos was known throughout thecountry. The newspapers had got hold of it, and embellished theaccount after their fashion, so a host of letters came to the inn, tosay nothing of pamphlets and newspapers. All these had to be readand answered, and the names of Joel and Hulda which were necessarilymentioned in the correspondence, soon became known throughout Norway.

  Nevertheless, this sojourn at Dame Hansen's inn could not be prolongedindefinitely, though Sylvius Hogg was still as much in doubt as ever,in regard to the manner in which he should pay his debt of gratitude.Of late, however, he had begun to suspect that this family was notas happy as he had at first supposed. The impatience with whichthe brother and sister awaited the arrival of the daily mail fromChristiania and Bergen, their disappointment and even chagrin onfinding no letters for them, all this was only too significant.

  It was already the ninth of June, and still no news from the "Viking!"The vessel was now more than a fortnight overdue, and not a singleline from Ole! No news to assuage Hulda's anxiety. The poor girl wasbeginning to despair, and Sylvius Hogg saw that her eyes were red withweeping when he met her in the morning.

  "What can be the matter?" he said to himself, more than once. "Theyseem to be concealing some misfortunes from me. Is it a family secret,I wonder, with which a stranger can not be allowed to meddle? But dothey still regard me as a stranger? No. Still, they must think so; butwhen I announce my departure they will perhaps under
stand that it is atrue friend who is about to leave them."

  So that very day he remarked:

  "My friends, the hour is fast approaching when, to my great regret, Ishall be obliged to bid you good-bye."

  "So soon, Mister Sylvius, so soon?" exclaimed Joel, with a dismay hecould not conceal.

  "The time has passed very quickly in your company, but it is nowseventeen days since I came to Dal."

  "What! seventeen days!" repeated Hulda.

  "Yes, my dear child, and the end of my vacation is approaching. I haveonly a week at my disposal if I should extend my journey to Drammenand Kongsberg. And though the Storthing is indebted to you for notbeing obliged to elect another deputy in my place, the Storthing willknow no better how to compensate you than I do."

  "Oh! Mister Sylvius," cried Hulda, placing her little hand upon hislips to silence him.

  "Oh, I understand, Hulda. That is a forbidden subject, at least here."

  "Here and everywhere," replied the girl, gayly.

  "So be it! I am not my own master, and I must obey. But you and Joelmust come and pay me a visit at Christiania."

  "Pay you a visit?"

  "Yes, pay me a visit; spend several weeks at my house in company withyour mother, of course."

  "And if we should leave the inn who will attend to things in ourabsence?" replied Joel.

  "But your presence here is not necessary after the excursion season isover, I imagine; so I have fully made up my mind to come for you latein the autumn."

  "It will be impossible, my dear Mister Sylvius, for us to accept--"

  "On the contrary, it will be perfectly possible. Don't say no. I shallnot be content with such an answer. Besides, when I get you therein the very best room in my house, in the care of my old Kate andfaithful Fink, you will be my own children, and then you can certainlytell me what I can do for you."

  "What you can do for us?" repeated Joel, with a glance at his sister.

  "Brother!" exclaimed Hulda, as if divining his intention.

  "Speak, my boy, speak!"

  "Ah, well, Mister Sylvius, you can do us a great honor."


  "By consenting to be present at my sister Hulda's marriage, if itwould not inconvenience you too much."

  "Hulda's marriage!" exclaimed Sylvius Hogg. "What! my little Hulda isgoing to be married, and no one has said a word to me about it!"

  "Oh, Mister Sylvius!" exclaimed the girl, her eyes filling with tears.

  "And when is the marriage to take place?"

  "As soon as it pleases God to bring her betrothed, Ole Kamp, back tous," replied the girl.


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