Meant to Be

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Meant to Be Page 6

by Lucy Darling

  “I love it!” I spring up from the bed, throwing myself at Leo. He drops the dress he’s holding to the floor to catch me.

  “Ro,” he warns. “We’ll never get out of here if you don’t put clothes on.” It’s then I remember I’m naked.

  “I thought you liked me naked.” I wiggle in his arms as I wrap my legs around him. He lets out a small groan.

  We’ve spent the last couple of days together locked away from the world in Leo’s home with no interruptions. My phone is again MIA. It’s been the best few days of my life. While our bodies did most of the talking, our late night conversations about our past, present and the things we’re looking forward to in the future have settled me. I can’t wait to start our journey together as husband and wife. I’ve fantasized about this life for so long that it’s surreal that it’s actually coming to fruition. That we’d both been waiting for the other.

  “Do you really want me to get dressed?” I reach my hand down to grab his rock-hard cock that’s pressing against me. “It sure doesn’t seem that way.” He groans into my neck and slaps my ass in warning. “I need you,” I moan, causing Leo to shift us.

  “You need rest. I know you must be sore after all the times I’ve taken you these past few days.” I continue to try to rub myself against him. He smiles at how worked up I’m getting. “Don’t worry, Ro. I’ll never leave my girl hanging. I’m going to eat your little pussy until you’re screaming my name. Then I’m going to watch you take my cock in that gorgeous mouth of yours and swallow every last drop of my seed that I give you.” He walks over and gently places me on the bed. My legs immediately fall open for him. He stands at the edge of the bed, his eyes roaming over every last inch of my body. My hips lift, trying to entice him.

  “Reach down and spread yourself open for me. Show me what belongs to me.” I reach down and do exactly what he’s asked, showing him what has and always will belong to him. He groans before climbing onto the bed. The first lick of his tongue almost sends me over the edge. He sucks my clit into his mouth and works me until I’m about to climax and then he stops. I try to lift my hips to get what I need but he has me pinned to the bed.

  “How many times have you made your pretty little pussy come while thinking of me? Did you rub yourself at night thinking of me?” His filthy words almost bring me to climax. “Did you fantasize about me taking you even though you were forbidden?” I can’t take much more. My body is aching for release.

  “Every night. I brought myself to climax thinking of you sneaking into my bed. It was always you. It will always be you that I want.” He sucks my clit into his mouth and that’s the last thing I remember before I see stars. The orgasm is long and hard, leaving me exhausted after. When I open my eyes, I see Leo stroking his rock hard cock above my pussy. I reach down wanting to give him the same pleasure he’s given me but he stops me.

  “I’m not going to make it to your mouth but I am going to come all over your pussy and watch you rub it in.” I watch as his strokes get quicker. His gaze holds mine as he shouts out my name. I feel his warm seed coat my pussy and I reach down and rub it all over. Leo groans when I take my fingertips with his cum on them and push them inside of me.

  “Fuck!” he says as he leans down and lines up the tip of his cock with my entrance. “Sorry, baby. I’ll just put the tip in,” he says before gently entering me. His hand reaches up and begins to stroke my clit. “I’ll always give you what you want, Ro.” Those are the last words I remember before my climax hits and I feel his hot seed fill me. Leo leans forward until his body is looming over me.

  “Well, that didn’t go as you planned.” I begin laughing and Leo cracks a smile before taking my mouth.

  “I don’t care how the plans go today as long as you end up my wife.” I smile at that because he’s right. That is all that matters. He pulls me from the bed and toward the shower. “Shower and put a robe on and come downstairs.” He pushes me towards the bathroom as he picks up the dress he dropped off the floor.

  I can’t believe I’m getting married today. I do as I’m told, making my way downstairs after the shower. I stop when I see four women standing in the living room area.

  “They are going to get you ready. We leave in an hour,” Leo says, coming up behind me. I turn to look up at him.

  “I want to get married here.” I’m not sure where he was taking us to get married. “This is where we’ll raise our family. Where we’ll have our lives together.”

  “Our lives have always been together.” He gives me a kiss. “Consider it done.”

  “Thank you.” I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him down to kiss me again. We stop when one of the ladies here to help me get ready clears her throat.

  I laugh and feel my face heat. “Still only an hour,” he tells me before turning to head off. I’m to pull off the world's fastest wedding. But knowing Leo, he’s had this already in the making and only has to make a few calls. I turn back to the four women, ready to get this started. As much as I love the idea of being pampered for the next hour, it is still going to be one of the longest of my life. I want nothing more than to become Mrs. Ridgeway.



  “You know that’s my job.” Ro’s soft voice has me turning her way. She’s standing in the doorway to our bedroom as I try and get the top button of my suit right. All the air leaves my lungs when I see her in her wedding dress. Of course I’ve seen the dress. I’d picked it out knowing she’d love it but seeing her in it—Fuck me. The dress she wore to the charity event was sexy but this is different. I think it’s because I know what this dress symbolizes. This is really happening.

  “I don’t know why I try.” I stop messing with the button as she glides over toward me. At least that’s the way the dress makes it seem. “Fuck you’re beautiful.” I tell her as she fixes my suit for me. I want to kiss her so badly but her pink painted lips have me holding back.

  I know my girl will want pictures and I don’t want to mess anything up for her. I’ll have a lifetime of all the kisses I’ll ever want after today.

  “Is it just you and me?” she asks, her hands dropping away.

  “I thought that best.” Shit, maybe she wanted something big. I didn’t think she would but maybe I'm wrong. “We can throw a reception later. I can have one planned while we’re on our honeymoon.”

  “Honeymoon?” She perks up. “Where are we going?” I can see excitement dance in her eyes.

  “Everywhere.” That was the plan. “We’ll start in Italy and more from there. You can even choose your path. I’m sure we’ll be gone a good six months.”

  Her lush lips part in surprise. “Six months? I’m supposed to start school.”

  “We can come back sooner if you want. I didn’t think you wanted to go to the university but if you do we will make it so.”

  She shakes her head no. “Six months sounds perfect. I don’t care how long we’re gone as long as I’m with you.”

  I can work from anywhere. I don’t need to be at the office as much as I am. I go in mostly to keep busy. I’ve been biding my time to have my girl.

  “We’ll have to see how things progress.” Her eyebrows furrow together in confusion until my hand comes to a stop over her stomach, where I let it drift back and forth. Her eyes widen more in understanding. She places her hand over mine.

  “I guess you’re right.” The smile that comes from her has my heart ache with happiness that I put it there. Too long has she been hiding in sadness that I hadn’t noticed because I’d been swallowed by my own grief of wanting her so badly and thinking I had to wait. It was selfish and I’ll never make that mistake again. She will always come first. I’m thankful that I can fix it. That I can make sure that smile is always on her lips. “And for the record. I don’t want some big reception or wedding. It being the two of us is all I’ll ever need.” All of me aches to push her onto the bed that is too close and have my way with her but more than anything I want her as my wife. I take her hand, leading
her out of the bedroom before the bed becomes tempting. It’s going to be hard enough to make it through the ceremony, which I made sure will be short.

  We both come to a stop when we reach the bottom of the stairs where I see Colden, Ro’s brother, standing there with a beautiful tiny woman standing next to him. He has his arm around her holding her close but the look he is shooting me would kill a lesser man. Too bad. I’ve known Colden most of my life. To be honest, I’m not sure who would win if we went to blows, but I have a feeling it’s not going to come to that or he would have been here days ago when Ro hadn't gotten on the plane to go to him.

  “Rochelle.” Colden calls to her. I reluctantly let go of her because it is her brother after all. The woman next to him steps back a little to make way for them to hug. Colden picks her up, holding her tightly. I can’t make out everything he says to her but I do hear an I’m sorry. I come up behind them, placing my hand on Ro’s back as he places her back onto her feet.

  “I should punch you in the fucking mouth.” Colden flicks his gaze over at me. Not caring that I’m his boss. We both know I won’t fire him. The man is good at his job. I need him and he knows it. Especially now that I want to take more time off. I think he might be doing the same too. I know he’s hired more people to help out at his offices in New York. I have a feeling it has to do with the woman he has with him and the matching wedding rings I see they both have on. Ro hasn't noticed yet.

  “You were going to marry my sister and not invite me?” The woman next to Colden wraps her arm around him, seeming to calm him. He might relax some but he still has more to say. I let him because I have it coming. “You sent me away to have her to yourself. I get that. I even respected it because I knew it was coming. I saw the way you looked at her. I knew you’d be good for her, but this—”

  “I’m sorry,” I say. Colden looks surprised by my confession. “I went about this wrong but I’m fixing it.”

  “I’m happy,” Ro adds in my defense. “And you’ll walk me down the aisle.” She gives her brother a soft smile. I watch something pass between them and I know they are good. It reminds me that I want to have a handful of children. I want them to have that bond so that they’ll never be left alone like I was. I know Ro feels the same. A family is what she wants. I should have seen that from the start. It is in her blood. In everything she does. She was always looking after her brother and me. She is a natural caregiver. I’ll give her the family she has always wanted and I will make sure I take care of her.

  “I haven't been as good of a brother as I should have been these past few years but If you’ll let me, I’d love nothing more than to walk you down the aisle.”

  “Then you’ll tell me about why you have a ring on your finger,” Ro throws out there. The woman with him blushes, dropping her head. I wonder if I’ve seen her before but I can’t place her. Women tend to blend together for me. Except Ro; she has always been the exception. She always stood out. Everything about her is unforgettable.

  “Yes, after.” I agree. I’m itching to make Ro my wife. “I’ll have a few things moved around. We’ll all have dinner after. I guess we all have some catching up to do. Then Ro and I are off on our honeymoon.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Colden agrees. “We got sidetracked from ours to come here.”

  “So, I have a sister.” Ro beams at the idea. The woman blushes more. It’s hard to see Colden with someone so shy. I’ve seen the man in action. He is a force to be reckoned with. It’s why I hired and promoted him so quickly. Well, part of the reason. I’ve also never seen him give another woman more than a glance before growing bored rather quickly. If the ring is any indicator of things then this one he’s keeping.

  “Are we ready?” Judge Burns asks. He’s come over as a favor for me to perform the ceremony.

  “Been ready for years,” I answer. Friends to lovers some might call us. I don’t believe in such things. Ro was always meant to be mine. She was my love first and my friend second. We were never friends to lovers. I’ve loved her from the first day I met her. We might not have understood love then but our souls always knew we were meant to be.



  “Girl, you got this,” Penny tells me as I tie the front of my coat jacket. I had no idea what I’d been missing all of these years without a sister. Leo was always my best friend growing up but having a girlfriend is completely different. She’s the sister I never knew I needed. I am loving every second we spend together. It definitely helps that we work well together. She is a little more shy than I am; I can talk to a wall if need be. Our personalities complement one another. She is always the one pushing me out of my comfort zone. I appreciate it because I need a little nudge sometimes.

  “I’ve got the babies.” She motions to our babies, who are swinging in their chairs side by side. I think getting pregnant was another thing that made us closer. We have over the top protective possessive husbands to deal with so we often need each other for backup.

  Our little ones are a little over eight weeks old now and I had to push my husband out the door to go to work. Oddly, I am only doing this so that I can show up at his work naked. It is silly. We made love this morning but I know we need to get back to somewhat of a routine. He doesn’t need to be in the office every day but he should pop in from time to time. It helps that my brother moved back home. They got someone new to run the New York offices. It allows Colden and Leo to share the workload here with holding down the fort at the offices. They know what they are doing and do not need to be so hands-on with work anymore. They’ve hired a good team of people. We could all walk away from the company and still be more than well off. Leo has built the company from the ground up and Colden added to it. The company is now our family legacy. We want to keep it alive and thriving for our children one day if they want it.

  If we've learned anything from our own parents’ mistakes it is that family is first above all else. This is an unspoken rule that we all abide by.

  “Still holding on to like ten pounds of this baby weight.” I sigh. I haven't been trying to lose it but it’s still there. Leo doesn’t seem to mind it in the least. I think he is enjoying my hips being a little fuller along with my boobs.

  “That ten pounds is all in your tits?” Penny teases.

  I look down at the coat I have on over my lingerie. The top button is straining not to burst. “Maybe.” I laugh. “I even pumped them.” I shake my head. It took me an hour to fill up those bags of milk to store away. Every drop felt like liquid gold.

  “Go before he comes home before you can get there.” She pushes me toward the front door. We’re staying in the city tonight. We try to stay here about twice a week. We are always switching between here and the family estate. I enjoy being close to Penny and my brother, who only live one floor down from us here. Their place is still being built. Right next to ours, of course. I might have played a small part in making that happen. I am keeping my family close because I know it is only going to grow with the way our husbands can’t keep their hands off of us. I want our homes to be filled with love and laughter. We all deserve that after the way we grew up. Our children will know that we love them and we have each other to make sure of that.

  I walk over to our babies, giving them both kisses on their sleeping heads, knowing they are in perfect hands with Penny. I love so much that our little ones will grow up together. That they will share a special bond like Colden and I do.

  I give myself a last look in the mirror, feeling sexy with my hair done up and makeup on. It’s been awhile since I donned heels but I am doing it like a champ.

  I head out the front door and down to my husband’s office. I give small hellos as I walk past everyone straight to Leo’s desk. I give Mark a wave. He’s Cindy’s replacement and I couldn’t be happier about that. Jealousy is a bitch and I know she could never have my Leo but I still didn’t like her close, and my husband sent her packing the second he knew I didn’t care for her.

. Ridgeway.” He stands, opening Leo’s office door for me but not alerting him that I’m here. He immediately lets me in. I am free to come and go. He is only opening the door for me in politeness.

  Leo looks up from his computer when he sees me enter. Mark closes the door behind me.

  “We’ll speak later on the issue. I expect the deal to be done.” No clue who he is talking to because he ends the call before the person can respond. I quickly turn around and walk toward the door to lock it. After I click the lock into place, I turn to get down to business. Leo is already standing and getting his first glance of my getup.

  “Are you okay? The baby? Why didn’t you call…” Before he can finish that statement, I lift up the bottom of my coat to reveal the lace garters that I have underneath. Leo visibly swallows and his eyes burn with lust. I begin to unbutton my coat but before I can go any further, he’s on me.

  He kisses me deeply as his hands slide up my leg and over the garters that I’ve worn for him. He breaks our kiss and begins to unbutton the coat. “You’re so fucking sexy, it’s going to be the death of me. Knowing that you walked through my office with only this coat covering what’s mine is going to be my undoing.” He has my coat unbuttoned and on the floor in seconds.

  “Fuck, look at your gorgeous tits. I love your body, baby,” he says before he pulls down the cup of my bra and sucks my nipple into his mouth. He releases it and goes for the other. His hand dips into my panties, causing me to let out a moan.

  “You’re already so wet.” His hand continues to stroke my clit.

  “I need you inside of me, Leo.” I grasp his shoulder to keep my balance as he pleasures me.

  “Walk over to my desk, take your panties off and hop up on it.” He gives me one last kiss before he watches me walk to his desk. I unhook my garters and slide my panties down my legs, all while he watches me from behind. “The bra too,” he says, his voice strained before I can turn around. I do as I’m told. Before my bra can hit the floor, Leo’s on me. His hands slide up, cupping my tits from behind as he kisses my neck. “These are mine,” he says as his fingers work my nipples. My head falls back onto his shoulder and his hard cock presses me from behind. His hand slips down from my breast, cupping my pussy. “This is mine,” he says possessively. “Tell me.”


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