Wrath of a Monster

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Wrath of a Monster Page 13

by T J Edwards

  Bang! Bang! Bang!

  “Bitch, it ain’t sweet.


  “I don’t”

  Bang! Bang!

  “Know what you think this is.” She started to bang her head into the floor over and over on a rampage.

  I stood back and got my works together. I was too sick to intervene. Nothing else mattered more than me getting my fix. I drew the dope up into the syringe and placed it at my forearm’s vein, before pushing down on the feeder. The drug rushed into my system and gave me the strength that I was missing. I smacked my lips together and closed my eyes as the girls grunted in their struggles behind me. I opened my eyes in time to see Kalani put the gun to Tori’s eye socket.

  “I’m tired of bitches taking my kindness for weakness. Tide of you hoes, period!”

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  She stood up and aimed down at Tori’s body.

  Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

  The fire spit from the .45 and caused Tori’s body to jump from the floor again and again. Blood popped from her body and sprayed the walls. I lowered my head and took a deep breath, before walking over and looking down on her. The heavy smell of gunpowder and blood was in the air. Tori had massive holes in her face with blood gushing out of them. Half of her skull was blown off. Both of her eyes were wide open. Kalani had popped her in the face, head, neck, and chest. She was twisted and there was nothing that I could do about it.

  “You saw what that bitch tried to do to me, Showbiz. You saw that she came at me first. I would have never did that shit if that bitch ain’t try and kill me first.” She looked back down at Tori and shook her head. “Fuck, I’m finna go to jail for the rest of my life. What the fuck was I thinking?”

  I took the gun from her hand. “You ain’t finna go to no fucking jail, shorty. I’ma take care of this shit. You hear me?” I held her little chin in my hand.

  “Yes, I hear you, Showbiz. I ain’t mean to smoke yo’ bitch, but fuck that. She could have killed me.”

  I grabbed her by the throat and slammed her against the wall, right where they’d left a big ass hole.

  “Bitch, you listen to me. You never have any remorse after you kill something. Fuck that. Remorse is for suckers. You smoked her ass and that’s just that. Life goes on. Any muthafucka put a gun to your head is supposed to die. She was starting to look too much like Punkin to me anyway. Come on, help me get this carpet from the other room so we can roll this bitch up in it.”

  We spent the next fifteen minutes doing exactly that. Once I had her ass rolled up in the carpet, we carried her out back and into Kalani’s trunk. Later that night, my mans Blackie helped me chop her ass up and throw her into the river. I didn’t give a fuck she was pregnant with my seed. All I saw was the fact that, that bitch had put a gun to my head.

  Had Kalani not smoked her, I would have eventually ended up doing it. I lived by the code that if a muthafucka upped a gun on me and didn’t pull the trigger, then I would at my earliest convenience. Tori would have been dead a whole lot sooner had I not needed my dope so bad.


  I heard that Tristian had killed the infamous Russian drug lord who went by the name of, Kosov. Bruno had briefed me on the matter. I didn’t know what that meant for the family, but I could only assume that Tristian’s ass was out. It was rumored that Kosov was a Putin. If that was the case, then that meant that my brother would have the ultimate beef for the rest of his life. I needed to find a way to disassociate the Vega name from that of Tristian. He was in hot water and there was no way our people would have any shelf life standing behind him.

  I got in contact with Bruno and asked him to meet me at my Waldorf Astoria suite I’d booked while I was looking for a new place after Tori’s murder. I could no longer be in that house without feeling her spirit all around it. It had been three weeks since her murder and even the hot and heavy sex between me and Kalani couldn’t shake that eerie feeling of her.

  I refused to stay at her crib. I was an independent nigga. Bruno wound up accepting my offer to meet and we met up at twelve midnight the day after I’d requested the meeting. He greeted me with a handshake. He had his son Wisin with him.

  “Juanito, it’s good to see you, son.” He shook my hand and held my elbow, then kissed me on both cheeks.

  I wiped at my cheeks with my shoulders. “What the fuck? You just getting back from France or something?” I asked, feeling grossed out. I didn’t like no fucking man putting his lips on me. I didn’t care what custom he was following or trying to duplicate.

  “How did you know, son? Can you smell the French whores all over me?” he asked with a smile on his face.

  I shook my head. “Hell n’all and I ain’t trying to either. I just don’t like you kissing my cheeks and shit. Handshaking is enough. Y’all come on in and make yourself comfortable.” Wisin stepped into the suite and mugged me with an obvious hatred. He looked up and down with his upper lip curled. “Showbiz.”

  I laughed. “I can see you still harboring some ill will toward me. Even though I’m the one that saved your life. Ain’t that a bitch.”

  I closed the big door behind them. I had my Vega Blood niggas stationed all around the room. They wore black bandanas with red specks over their faces. So much so that you could barely make out their eyes. They also had black hoodies with red trim pulled over their heads. They looked like deadly ninjas with assault rifles in their hands.

  “Saved my life? Nigga, if it wasn’t for you, my daughter and my fiancé would be alive right now. Damn my life.”

  I shook my head. “Nah, son. My brother smoked yo’ people. I was in the car, but it was my idea to tie them up and leave them that way. I wore a mask so I wouldn’t have to kill them, but he had other plans in mind. To each their own. My job was to keep you and your brother alive. That’s what I did. My job is done.” Wisin lowered his eyes.

  “N’all, kid. You one of those dirty niggas. The streets talk. I heard about how you fucked over Wetto and his whole family. Ain’t no way you were a part of that lick on my Band-o and you ain’t buss your gun. I know better than that, even if my father don’t. I’ma respect him for now, but when the time is right, Juanito Vega, yo’ ass is mine. That’s on my land. You can mark those words.”

  I was seconds away from smoking him and his punk ass father. I’d never let a nigga threaten me and live to tell about it. I reached under my shirt for my pistol when Bruno called out to Wisin. “Wisin, sit your ass down and shut the fuck up! What did I tell you, huh?” he shouted in Spanish.

  Wisin mugged me and slowly walked past me and his father. “I hear you, Dad. Excuse my behavior.” He continued to look into my eyes with a vicious stare.

  I smiled. His body language was all the words I needed. I knew I would have to handle his ass. There was no way I could allow him to keep breath in his lungs knowing that he held a deep hatred for me. I took my hand off of my pistol and sat on the couch across from them. “Please, have a drink. I got Hornitos, Patron, and Ciroc.” I pushed the liquors closer to them.

  Bruno held up a hand. “No, thank you. Let’s get down to business. Tell me, Juanito. What do you need from me?”

  I popped the cork on the Patron and sipped from the bottle. “I need to know whose going to take Kosov’s seat. As you know, Tristian has put him under. I know how this shit goes. When you cut the head off of a snake in the Underworld, the only thing that happens is another one takes its place. I need to know whose taking Kosov’s place?”

  “That would be his brother, Vorsky. He’s a ruthless son of a bitch that has mad billion dollars in the tech world. He’s dibbled and dabbled in narcotics from time to time, but most recently, he’s been more active. He’s looking to buy heroin-producing land. There’s been a demand for the drug in the United States. Its stocks are up by forty percent.

  I am sure he’ll be looking to capitalize on the projects that his brother, Kosoc, have left behind. He’ll also be looking to avenge his death I’m sure. That spells trouble for th
e Vegas and anybody aligned with them. I hope you know that.”

  I laughed. “Fuck all of that. How do we reach out to him? Do you have his contact information, and if so, can you get me a sit down like ASAP?” I sat the bottle of Patron back on the table and sat back with my arm along the back of the couch.

  “I guess I will take a drink.” Bruno grabbed a glass from the table and poured himself a double shot of Hornitos, swallowing it down in four big gulps. He set the glass on the table.

  “Sounds to me like you’re worried about the Russians, Juanito. If you are, you should be. They’re a deadly bunch of low life muthfuckas with no regard for mankind. They’ve been looking for a reason to steal more of the land in Havana, and what Tristian has done has given them a green light.” He sat back. “I can get you a sit down, Showbiz, but I don’t know how useful it’s going to be under the circumstances. They don’t like our people. And we don’t like theirs.

  Not only are their politics involved, but there is a battle for supremacy in the drug world. The Russians not only want to rule and run America, but they have a deep hatred for us Latinos. It reports all the way back to Fidel Castro and Guatemala. Someday, I’ll sit you down and break it down for you bit by bit. But for now, we have to get Vorsky’s ear. It’s extremely imperative that we do so. It’s the only way we will be able to flourish and our treaty will remain intact.”

  I sat on the edge of the couch. “If you get me that sit down, Bruno, I will be very grateful and will extend my sincerest gratitude to you. I may not be in a powerful position just yet, but I assure you I will be very soon.”

  Bruno stood up and extended his hand. “Juanito, I’m going to hold you to it.” We shook hands.

  I looked over his shoulders and into the eyes of Wisin. I didn’t give a fuck what took place with me and his father. That nigga was a dead man walking. I had visions of making him suffer before I took him from the face of this earth.


  That night, I held Kalani in my arms on some lovey dovey type shit. I don’t know why I was feeling so sappy, but I just needed to hold her. We laid in the big bed with the pool about twenty feet away from us. She laid on her side and rubbed all over my chest. I was high as fuck as I tried to put everything into perspective. I could feel her hot thigh draped across my waist, her pussy on my hip scorching me. Ever since I’d watched her murder Tori, I’d started to take a liking to her more than I wanted to admit.

  The lights were dimmed. The sounds of SZA resonated from the speakers that were placed in the corners of the room. There was a nice reflection on the ceiling coming off of the pool. There was a scent of chlorine and perfume in the air. She rubbed me down to my stomach.

  “Baby, do you remember when Tori said there was a pregnancy test in the bathroom and it was positive?” She looked up at me and into my eyes.

  I gripped her ass and held it. “Yeah, I remember. What about it?” I knew what she was getting at and I wasn’t for it.

  “Well, of course it was mine. And, of course, I’m pretty sure you’ve figured out that I’m pregnant. I’m not that far along, but I still want to know what you want to do about it?”

  I laughed and frowned. “Shorty, you been fucking with that raw for almost two months now. You can’t bring no baby in the world and you doing that shit. That shorty won’t stand a chance.”

  “But what if I stop doing that dope right now? Do you think you might be up for us having a baby together?” I slid my hand in between her legs and opened her pussy lips with two fingers.

  “On some real shit, I ain’t ready for no kids. I got too much going on. I could leave this earth any day now, then what would my shorty have? Huh?”

  I rubbed my fingers together. They were sticky with her juices. That was one thing I could say about Kalani. She had some good ass pussy. It was hard for me to kick her to the curb. Every time I thought I was getting tired of her, my dick twitched. She had me pussy whipped, but not the kind that would stop me from going up side her head if she stepped out of line. I was still Showbiz. Wasn’t no bitches pussy gon’ change that.

  “I figured you’d say something like that, Showbiz. Damn. That leaves me with a dilemma.” She sat up and my fingers fell out of her seeping hole. I sucked them into my mouth, smacking loudly on the digits. She tasted slightly salty, but sweet at the same damn time.

  “Yo, don’t get to acting some time of way and shit. I’m just keeping it one hunnit wit’ you. I don’t see no kids in our future right now, but I do see us being together. I find myself kind of hooked on yo’ lil’ strapped ass. Don’t let that shit go to yo’ head because I’ll still fuck you up, but I like having you around. Plus, with all of that knowledge in your head, we’re going to need it. I look forward to buying up as much real estate as I can. Owning property is long lasting wealth and riches.”

  “I kind of want to have this baby though, Showbiz. I mean, we could clean up our acts, right? If it came down to it and I really got to handling my business in the corporate world, would you be willing to go all the way legit?”

  “One hundred percent, without a shadow of a doubt, hell muthafucking n’all! I don’t give a fuck what you do. I got my own agenda and a kid ain’t part of the equation. I ain’t trying to have a baby until I’m in my late thirties and got at least two hundred million in the bank. My sole focus right now is restoring my last name. Now I want you along for the ride, so you’re free to come, but if you keep hollering this baby shit, I’ma have to replace you. It is what it is. What you gon’ do?”

  She exhaled loudly and wiped her nose with the back of her hand. She dropped her head and shook it. Her lips were moving, mumbling to herself. I figured she was trying to talk herself into going with what I put down.

  “Yo, what you gon’ do, lil’ one. You starting to irritate me.”

  She shrugged her shoulders and gave me a look of defeat. “I’m trying to be apart of you for a long time, Showbiz. This decision isn’t easy to make, but I mean if you’re not trying to go there with me, then I guess it would be pretty ignorant for me to try and raise a child on my own. My mother did that and even though she did the best she could, we struggled a whole lot. So, just come with me and we’ll take care of this situation together.” She got up and walked toward the bathroom that was connected to my bedroom. Before going inside of the door, she turned around to face me. “I wasn’t even sure if it was yours or Tristian’s anyway, so I guess it’s for the best. I’ll set up the appointment.”

  “Yeah, do that and I’ll make sure I’m wit’ you, ma. I’m sorry shit ain’t work out like you planned, but it’ll be plenty of time for us to have a shorty down the line. Right now, let’s focus on getting our bank right. The goal is two hundred million for me. I ain’t gon’ sleep soundly until I stash that. Word.”

  Chapter 16

  When I stepped into Vorsky’s office on Wall Street with Bruno Gomez just a little bit behind me, I couldn’t believe my eyes at what I saw. First of all, the office was very spacious and clean. It had all sorts of paintings by Leonardo Davinci all over the walls. His desk had a pink laptop and a pink box of Kleenex. Vorsky met us at the door with a handshake that was less than firm. He had jet-black, wavy hair, shaved on the sides. Big blue eyes with makeup on to cover up his blemishes I guessed. He was sharply dressed in a Burberry business suit with matching loafers.

  In his right arm was a little white dog that was the size of a poodle. The dog also had on a Burberry outfit and it’s paws were covered with Burberry doggie shoes. I was taken back because I was expecting some vicious Russian thug with a scowl across his face. Instead, I was met by this cheerful person with very little bass in his voice.

  “You must be Juanito Vega?” he asked, shaking my hand. I noticed that his nails were manicured and covered with clear polish.

  “The one and only. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Vorsky. We have a lot to talk about.”

  He walked behind his desk and sat his dog in his lap, rubbing its fur. “Not really. Your brother k
illed my older brother. Somebody needs to pay for that. You need to tell me how you are going to convince me not to have every living Vega massacred.” He lowered his eyes, and looked over to Bruno.” Oh, where are my manners? It’s good to see you, Bruno. You look like you’ve gained a little weight.”

  Bruno shrugged his shoulders. “I’ve been doing a lot of traveling and haven’t had a lot of time to hit the gym. Hey, but what are you gonna do, am I right?”

  I was sitting there in my chair fuming. I couldn’t believe the introduction of this bitch ass Russian. I felt like he’d just threatened my whole bloodline. “Damn that fucking Tristian.” I thought out loud.

  “Well, Juanito? I’m waiting?” Vorsky asked, crossing his legs. I sucked my teeth and looked into his eyes. There was mascara around them. “What are you looking for?”

  “I find it hard to believe that Bruno hasn’t clued you in on my interests.” He looked over at Bruno. “I am looking for land. Land is greater than money. You have five hundred acres. I want half or we go to war. Half and the life of your brother.”

  “You want two hundred and fifty acres of our Vega’s land. Are you fucking kidding me?” I asked, feeling my heart pounding in my chest. Looking across at this muthafucka, I couldn’t see no threat in him at all. He looked more feminine than masculine. I felt like giving him two to the dome right then and there, but Bruno and I had checked our guns in at the door.

  Vorsky smiled and continued to pet his dog. “Well, excuse me, Juanito, but we are in New York. You must always start the bid high, but I am open to listening to your counter. Go ahead darling, wow me.” He batted his eyes and smiled brightly.

  “Yo, don’t be calling me no fucking darling. I got respect for you, Vorsky. Let’s keep this shit on a name by name basis, none of that pet shit. Nah mean?”


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