Rogue Prince

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Rogue Prince Page 9

by Cameron Drake

  Yeah, I’d keep that under your hat, Soph.

  I agreed with Dylan in my mind.

  Nightfall, this was a mess.

  While I sifted through my thoughts, Horace had drawn closer. I looked up in surprise as he cupped my cheek and leaned forward. I turned my head just as his lips brushed my hair. He looked at me in surprise.

  “I apologize. I could not help it. You give off… some sort of electricity.”

  He didn’t know the half of it.

  “I bet you say that to all the girls,” I said, rolling my eyes. Then I gave him a stern look. “Don’t try and do that again.”

  He grinned, suddenly looking like he was in his early twenties and not close to six hundred years old.

  “Fine. Next time, I will not try. I will succeed.”

  “Don’t test me. You won’t like what you find, Horace.” I stepped closer, and he stepped away, looking fearful. “If you take a liberty again, I won’t just drink from you. I’ll drain you.”

  “It might be worth it,” he whispered in an awestruck voice.

  Oh, dear, I thought as I stared at the devotion in his eyes. I’ve just made his infatuation worse. Whoops.

  That’s a pretty big whoops, Maxim sighed. Try not to ensnare the hearts of every one of them, if you can.

  He sounded annoyed, which made me want to laugh.

  I exhaled and pushed past him to go back inside. Just then, a body rushed toward me, appearing from nowhere. I spun and ducked out of the way as a sword struck downward, right toward my heart. I swung my leg underneath the attacker, making them fall back. The sword clattered to the ground, glowing dimly in the light. It was silver, by the look of it. And the ornate carvings on the hilt were gruesome and beautiful at once. I could see tortured souls, ghouls with long outstretched fingers and sharp fangs. Many were being impaled or tortured. All were in chains.

  One thing was clear. The sword was meant for one thing and one thing only.

  Killing Vampires.

  “She has transgressed against us! Against our princess!”

  Caleb was raging, pacing back and forth. Sebastian looked genuinely upset, as did Horace. Elaine looked as if she was mentally rearranging her rose garden. Claire just seemed put out that someone had ruined her party.

  Of course, if you thought about it in another way, the party had just become a whole lot more exciting.

  Nice, Soph. Someone tries to kill you and you make jokes. It’s not funny.

  I shrugged mentally. Dylan sounded upset. Furious and shaky.

  I’m okay. She just caught me by surprise.

  I agree with your Fae friend. This is not amusing in the slightest. Bernard is beside himself.

  I cursed inwardly. Bernard must be frantic. We had to get home. I didn’t like being separated from my family.

  Kah is putting a protection spell on you. Nana is helping.

  She is? I was shocked that their great-great-great-aunt would do a thing to help me.

  Yes. She’s come around.

  Thank her for me. Thank both of them.

  I felt the adrenaline start to wear off. The reality of what had happened started to set in. If I included the servant with the stakes, there had been two attempts, or near-attempts, on my life, all in less than twenty-four hours. I had the sudden urge to sit down.

  But I couldn’t. Vampires don’t get tired. They don’t show weakness. And neither could I.

  I want you out of there, Soph. Now.

  Dylan sounded more authoritative, more arrogant than I’d ever heard him before.

  I can’t run away. I can’t show weakness.

  Screw that. You need to get somewhere safe. Tonight.

  I felt something like ice filling my veins. He was right. They had tried to kill me. And as for the servant with the stakes… maybe he’d only been the first of many. Maybe the whole staff was glamoured to smile at me while whittling stakes in their bedrooms at night.

  Shut up, Dylan. You are NOT HELPING.

  Maxim was furious. I could tell from his tone. And he was being really loud, probably to make sure Dylan could hear them through their shared conduit. My brain.

  I need her to leave, dammit.

  She can’t. And if she falls apart in front of them, they really will try and kill her.

  I exhaled shakily, watching as Vamps argued all around me. Everyone was pointing to the figure kneeling in the center of the floor, a young girl with a hood covering her face. At least, she looked like a young girl. She could be a thousand years old, for all I knew.

  “Pull her hood back.”

  Everyone stopped and stared at me. My voice had rung out loud and clear. I watched as they did as I asked. The girl was striking, with angular features and dark eyes that blazed with hatred for me.

  “What is your name?”

  She glared at me before answering with a faint French accent.


  “Why did you attack me, Phoebe?”

  She lifted her chin proudly.

  “You are an abomination. No half-Vampire can be suffered to live.”

  “How do you know I’m an abomination? I’m the first of my kind.”

  “No. You’re not.”

  I knew that. There had been half-breeds born before me, minus the side helping of Angel. But I hadn’t expected her to. The room was alive with whispers.

  “There have been other half-human, half-Vampires in the history of our kind,” I conceded. “But none who were also half-Angel.”

  Gasps filled the chamber. Vamps seemed to shift away from me. Caleb was giving me a look that said, ‘Now you’ve done it.’ Sebastian and his brothers were looking at me as if I was very, very desirable. To eat.

  Both Dylan and Maxim were silent.

  The girl stared at me in awe.

  “Why do you fear my kind? Or those like me?”

  “Their hunger is insatiable. They kill without mercy. They drink Vampire and human blood alike.”

  More gasps. Vampires did feed on each other, but usually only in the throes of love. It wasn’t precisely feeding. Not like the way I did it.

  “I am not insatiable for blood. I prefer human food.”

  Her eyes narrowed.

  “Why not?”

  “Perhaps it’s my mother’s influence.” I tilted my head to the side. “Who sent you?”

  “I sent myself.”

  “But you do not work alone.”

  She gave me a single slow nod.

  “What is the name of your organization?”

  “We have no name.”

  “I don’t believe you.” She shrugged as I strolled closer. “Once you kill all the Vampires, will you kill yourselves? Or is it just me you seek to eradicate?”

  “We seek to contain the scourge of Vampirism. Your existence in particular is a danger. Your bloodlines make you unpredictable. And you could breed.”

  Breed. Lovely.

  I started to pull my glove from my hand. I had no choice. I had to impress everyone in the room. I had to make them fear me and want my alliance all at the same time.

  Maxim protested immediately.

  Princess. No.

  I ignored him, turning to the Cotswolds.

  “Are there cats in your stables? Kittens?”

  Sebastian stepped forward.

  “I believe there has recently been a litter. Elaine enjoys them.”

  I was afraid to ask whether he meant as pets or snacks.

  “Bring me one. And a rose. One that has withered.”

  He gave me a small bow and went himself, running so fast that he was a blur of shadow. I stared evenly at the girl before me while he was gone. He was back before it got too awkward.

  For me, anyway.

  Sasha, I beg you.

  I have no choice.

  Maxim went quiet again.

  Sebastian appeared before me, holding a small mewling tortoise kitten and a rose that was past its prime.

  I took the rose first, holding it in my gloved hand. I r
an my bare fingertips over it, and it shimmered for a moment. And then it bloomed. Bright white light poured from its center. It expanded and started to grow, its petals fluffing and ruffling, its stem wrapping itself around my arm in a lover’s embrace.

  The room was utterly silent.

  “The kitten.”

  Wordlessly, Sebastian placed the tiny scrap of an animal in my hand. It looked underfed and sickly. Its eyes were crusted as if it hadn’t yet learned to clean itself.

  “Hello, little one,” I murmured as I stroked it with my bare hand. Its eyes opened and brightened in response to my touch. The fur beneath my hand rippled and became white. But not a pale white. It was not just the absence of color. It was the presence of light.

  The kitten grew so quickly that I had to bend down and place it on the floor. It was the size of a cheetah when I stood again. The cat wrapped itself around my legs and purred as I ran my fingertips over its sleek coat.

  Sebastian took a step forward, as if to get a better look, and the cat roared at him, showing its razor-sharp fangs. Its eyes, however, were a vibrant green.

  “It’s all right.”

  The cat stilled and lay at my feet.

  “I give life. Not death. Although I can do both, I am able to chose. If I am the future of Vampirism, it will be a future of light, not darkness.”

  My would-be assassin’s eyes were wide. She bowed before me, her head touching the floor. All around me, the Vampires in the room did the same until the entire ballroom was kneeling.

  I looked around me and nodded.

  “Rise,” I said to the girl in front of me. She did. The Vamps who had been holding her backed away.

  “You do not need to fear me, Phoebe.” I smiled slightly. “Not unless you try to kill me again.”

  “I won’t. I would serve you.”

  I remembered the ferociousness of her attack. Caleb had appeared from nowhere, kicking the sword away into the roses. I wondered where it was now.

  That was a disquieting thought.

  “I will have to discuss this with my advisor. For now, you are free to go.” I looked around the room. “Do you hear me? No one will harm her. In fact, I think you should give her a room.”

  And with that, I walked through the crowd and out of the ballroom.

  Well, that was a bold move, Maxim said, sounding relieved.

  Yes it was, I agreed. I’d nearly lost my nerve, but it seemed to have done the trick.

  At least now you have another bodyguard, Dylan grumbled.

  I cracked a small smile, glancing at the big cat that stalked with me through the hallway leading to my chamber. I knew he would never leave my side.

  Yes, I do. Maybe, I even have two.

  Once inside, I let my façade crumble. But only after making sure there were no servants about to watch me. I practically ran to the window seat, throwing the mullioned glass open and inhaling the cool night air. It had felt like I was suffocating down there. Up until the moment I seized control of the situation.

  I’d felt like I was about to fall apart, and I didn’t like it.

  My cat curled up with me, his loud purr and heat incredibly soothing. I scratched his head.

  “You are a beauty. I think Spidey and Centi will be very jealous.” I wagged a finger at him. “Just don’t eat them!”

  The cat just stared at me with lazy and devoted eyes.

  Caleb knocked and came in without waiting, carrying a tray with a cup and a steaming pot of tea. I inhaled the familiar scent. Chamomile. Karen loved chamomile. She even made it iced and drank it all summer.

  “I thought you might want this.” He cocked an eyebrow. “Unless hot milk is preferable?”

  “No, thank you. That looks perfect.”

  “Good. I was half afraid you’d be asking for bourbon after that display.” He gave me an assessing look. “My dear little girl is all grown up.”

  “Oh, Caleb. I didn’t want it to come to this so soon.”

  “I know.”

  We couldn’t say more. It was likely we were being observed at all times.

  “He’s worried. I wish we could go home.”

  “You know that is not home. We may have to move soon.”

  I shook my head.

  “Not until we have to. No one knows our location.”

  “Maxim does.”

  I looked at the ground.

  “I trust him.”

  “You do?”

  “I trust him not to hurt me. I don’t trust him on a personal level. If that makes sense.”

  “You don’t trust him with your heart.”

  I exhaled and nodded. That was more than I wanted to say. But I hadn’t said it. Caleb had.

  I could feel Maxim. He was there, inside me. So was Dylan.

  For once, they were both silent.

  “What will you call him?”

  I glanced at the cat who was now lounging at the foot of my bed. He lifted a glowing paw and ran his tongue over it. I could hear him purring from here.

  “Achilles. Chillies for short. He will be fast, I think.”

  “I’ll let you get some sleep. I know you like to enjoy a few hours of daylight. Tomorrow will be another long night.”

  I nodded and kissed his cheek. Caleb was right. The smaller party tonight was a formal banquet with only the leaders from each region in attendance. This was more than a simple introduction.

  It was a war council.

  I slipped out of the gown and laid it gently over the back of a chair. I took a long bubble bath, careful not to play with the water like I usually did, just in case I was being observed. I used the bathrobe and towels to keep myself as covered as possible as I got in. I couldn’t imagine anyone would really be that revolting as to spy on me here, but we could not be too careful.

  There was a large window in the bathroom, and I watched the sky change colors as the sun started to rise. By the time the sky was pink, I was dried off and in bed, wearing one of the ridiculously frilly white cotton nightgowns that had been chosen for me.

  I replayed the events of the ball in my head. The attack. The interrogation. The pardon I had granted. I felt in my gut that I had made the right choice, although it might prove to be disastrous if people thought they could attack me and live. If I was attacked again, my retribution would have to be public and very, very brutal.

  The assassin and her friends might make good allies in the long run. I had a strange feeling about her. Phoebe was not one of the minions of the New Leaders, after all. She was something else entirely. A secret league of Vamps who thought we were a scourge on the earth. They had vowed to kill all Vampires, especially me.

  They saw me as an abomination beyond any other. A legend. They had come here to find out whether I even existed. And to end me if I did.

  For better or worse, the cat was out of the bag.

  I ruffled Achilles’ fur under his chin.

  My existence had been a rumor until the Cotswolds introduced me to the world. The scattered remains of the Kingdom of Night.

  Now I was real.

  Now I was a target.

  Chapter 15

  The calm before the storm.

  I lazed on the window seat, staring out the window as the light faded over the sea. I was dreading the coming party. I’d avoided going downstairs so far, though both Sebastian and Horace had sent notes inviting me for a pre-party stroll in the garden. I sighed, wondering whether I should indulge them for strategic gain, and if so, which one?

  Achilles was sprawled out over my legs, purring loudly. I ran my hand over his silky fur and sighed. I had my steel walls up. I needed to think without any interference from the boys.

  I knew what Maxim would say about my taking a moonlit stroll with either Sebastian or Horace. And I knew how Dylan would feel.

  Perhaps the whole two-boy issue was the answer…

  I quickly wrote two identical notes and pulled the bell. I actually smiled as I handed them to the maid to deliver.

  Two bird
s, one stone.

  I quickly bathed again and put on a slip while the maid arranged my hair. This time, she created a deep side part and let the waves cascade over my back and shoulders. A stunningly ornate crystal clip held back one side.

  The green silk and velvet gown slid over my arms like an embrace. I stood while the maid fastened the buttons up the back and side.

  The maid brought over a flat velvet jewelry case, and I selected a necklace of emeralds. I nearly whistled at it myself. I wondered if Caleb had borrowed this or if it was something he owned. It was hard to even conceive of the cost. It was a necklace built for, well, royalty. The matching bracelet went on one wrist over matching green silk gloves, and diamond and emerald earrings dangled delicately from each lobe.

  I tilted my head and stared. I did not look like myself. It was like looking at a stranger. Even more so than last night.

  Nothing physical had changed. But I was different. I could feel it.

  The look in my eyes was warier, more knowledgeable, but in a terrible way. I looked older. Profoundly so. At the same time, it suited me for this event. I had to be on guard, to say the least.

  I was glad we’d decided not to bother with the confection dress. It made me look too sweet. Maybe I’d save it for the senior prom, if I even went.

  Now that was funny, under the circumstances.

  I strode to the door, ready for my double-date in the garden.

  Chillies wove around my legs, determined to join me.

  “You’ll get fur on me, you naughty creature.”

  Then I tilted my head. Chillies would be a potent reminder of my powers and strength. And he made me smile.

  Plus, I was pretty sure he would bite anyone’s face off who tried to mess with me.

  “You may come. Try not to trip me or ruin my dress.”

  He purred loudly in response.

  The smell of roses and jasmine drifted over the breeze. It was a warm evening for this time of year. And I had two handsome men escorting me, one on each arm.

  Sounds familiar, Dylan grumbled. I smiled softly at his jealous tone. But Dylan’s annoyance was nothing compared to the jealous fury Maxim was giving off. I could feel him even more strongly than usual. It was as if he was right there, growling at the two Vamps on either side of me.


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