Rogue Prince

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Rogue Prince Page 18

by Cameron Drake

  “Stay,” I said with a lump in my throat.

  I took one last look at our home and walked down the steps. Maxim helped me into the car before taking the driver’s seat. Dylan tried not to grumble as he climbed into the backseat.

  “You just couldn’t let me drive, could you?”

  “No,” Maxim said flatly. “I couldn’t.”

  I stared straight ahead, afraid to look back. It was not until we were at the end of the driveway that I let myself look in the side-view mirror. A solitary white cat stood in the center of the road, staring at the car as we turned onto the road.

  Chapter 29

  Well, this year’s prom was better than last year’s at least. So far.


  Last year’s prom had been impressive on a shoestring. This year’s was over the top. Karen had worked on it, I knew. I just didn’t realize she had used magic until I saw it with my own eyes.

  There were papier maché structures, yes. But not normal papier maché. It was beyond ornate. Extravagant. It looked like Michael-Freaking-Angelo had sat in the gym for a decade with paper and flour and water, creating the displays on each table and the frame on the temporary stage that dominated one side of the room. And the streamers! They were just basic streamers you could get at any party supply store. But these had been woven into complicated braids and nets and folded into intricate blooms and flora. There were paper flowers everywhere. Hundreds of them.

  It looks like a massive parade float threw up all over the ceiling, I thought to myself. But in a good way.

  “How do they not know this is supernatural?” Janelle groused as she sipped her punch. I sighed heavily. She was here without a date, so naturally, she’d glommed onto mine. One of mine, anyway. She and Maxim seemed to dislike each other even more than she and I did. I assumed it was the whole Vamp/Were thing. Or maybe it was because they were both equally cranky by nature.

  “I think Karen did an excellent job,” I muttered, trying to ignore all the uncertainty that lay ahead. For all I knew, I could grow actual wings at the stroke of midnight. Or around ten twenty, anyway.

  It sounded a lot less dramatic when you said it that way though.

  As fun as wings sounded, they would make it impossible to go unnoticed. I was pretty nervous about the transformation though. I was doing my best to hide it.

  “I like your dress,” Janelle said grudgingly.

  “I like yours too,” I said. I did like her dress. It was pink, of course, but then so was mine. But the black flowers sprinkled all over her pink satin gown made it look almost Goth. It was backless, with tiny satin straps holding up the top. I was pretty sure a stiff breeze would have unfastened it.

  She was still lacking the marks of her curse, thanks to Karen. I hoped she knew she’d better look out for our Fae friend or she was going to be spending a lot of time clipping her nails. I’d said as much to her earlier in what was going to have to suffice as my farewell. I didn’t know what she was to me now. My past enemy, sure, but now a grudging ally?

  Janelle was wearing less makeup these days, so you could actually see her face. She was a very pretty girl, especially now with that touch of supernatural sparkle and good health. She was still pretty much a bitch, though.

  “Two blondes and a redhead walk into a prom…” Dylan joked. I turned to see Karen standing there, looking like a Fairy godmother in her silver and white dress. I squealed and threw myself into her arms for a hug. It wasn’t until I pulled back that I heard Maxim’s warning or noticed the tall Vampire standing beside her.

  Sasha. We have trouble.

  I looked up and blinked. An unwelcome guest had crashed our senior prom. Karen’s date was Sebastian Cotswold.

  Nightfall, what is he doing here?

  Nothing good, Maxim replied.

  Sebastian smiled at me, clearly enjoying my shock.

  “Introduce me to your friends, Karen.”

  “We’ve already met,” I said coldly.

  Karen looked back and forth between us in confusion.

  “Sophie? Is something wrong?”

  I nodded.

  “Sorry, Kah. This guy is not who you think he is.”

  Janelle raised her eyebrows, watching with interest. A slow song started at that moment, and Sebastian took advantage, offering me his arm.

  “May I have this dance, ‘Sophie’?” he asked mockingly. I nodded and brushed past him, stalking to the dance floor. He followed me, waiting for me to step into his arms with a raised eyebrow.

  “How did you find us?”

  He shrugged elegantly as we started to sway to the music.

  “It wasn’t hard. I had you followed from the train station.”

  “You’re using her. I don’t like it.”

  “Your little Fae friend?” he asked, looking toward our dates who were watching us with varying states of alarm. “I quite like her. She smells delicious. Of course, she’s not fit to be my true mate. Not compared to our future Queen. No one compares to your magnificence.”

  Ugh, gross. Give me a break.

  I squelched my revulsion. I needed him and his family. And more than anything, I needed him to behave tonight. If he made Karen upset, I would literally murder him.

  “If you hurt her, I’ll kill you.”

  He opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off. I wasn’t done.

  “And your entire family.”

  “That would be a neat trick,” he scoffed.

  “That would be about fifteen minutes.” I said calmly. “Plus travel time.”

  He raised his eyebrows but said nothing.

  “I’m not here to threaten you or your friends. I came to wish you a happy birthday.”

  I stared at him, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

  “And to warn you. The New Leaders have sent envoys to all the elder Vampires. They are making offers…” He let the words dangle.

  “Offers of what?”

  “Power, prestige, even royal titles. All in exchange for your” —he let his eyes drop to my chest as I seethed— “enchanting person.”

  “Enchanting,” I repeated with a sneer.

  “You are right. That word doesn’t do you justice. Delectable, my darling.”

  I ignored him, thinking hard. He was here to bargain. The flirtation was just a habit for him.

  “Did you tell them anything?”

  “Me? Of course not. I would never betray you, my darling. There are others, though…”

  I knew he meant his sisters. Or at least one of them. Damn you, Claire. I felt the first fissure of real fear. Not for myself, but for my friends and family.

  “Do they know? Where I am? Who matters to me?”

  “No,” he said quietly, and I believed him. “I kept that information to myself, and I will continue to do so.”

  You’re lucky you are so enchanting, Sophie, Maxim drawled.

  And delectable, Dylan offered.

  Shall I kill him for you, my darling? Maxim offered with a mocking emphasis on the cloying term of endearment.

  No. Not yet.

  “I’ll think about it.”

  “Think about what?” Sebastian asked with raised eyebrows.

  “Title. Wealth. Prestige,” I said flatly. “When we take the Kingdom of Night back.”

  “I see,” he said. “Of course, you have to win first.”

  “Yes. I do.” I looked into his eyes, wondering if I could glamour him. I hadn’t tried it on another Vamp yet. It had worked on Janelle, although it was already temporary. I had to offer him something. “Regardless of any tangible reward, I will make you a promise.”

  “I’m listening,” he said with a wide and eager smile.

  “If you maintain my trust and I am victorious, or if I even just survive, I will grant you abilities.”


  “Yes. Like the cat.”

  His eyes grew wide.

  “I will glow? That would cramp my style.”

  “No. I have done th
is for two Vampires so far. One now has the ability to day-walk. The other can control darkness. I cannot control which gifts are bestowed, however. Both seem useful, do they not?”

  He stared at me, temporarily shocked into silence.

  “You are serious.”

  I nodded once.

  “I am. Do I have your word?”

  “I am assuming that betrayal would end in swift and brutal retribution.”

  “A thousand shards of wood slowly boring into your body. They would take days to reach your heart and end your torment. Or perhaps I would use glass. Or ice. I have command over the elements as well.”

  Very creative. Maxim applauded. Can you actually do that?

  I think so.

  Jeez, Soph, you are vicious.

  I’m protecting you. All of you.

  I’m only kidding. I love it. You are like a badass action heroine.

  I exhaled and pulled away just before the song ended.

  “Thanks for the dance. I need to get back to my friends.”

  “I hope I can be one of your friends someday.”

  I gave him a look. “Behave yourself tonight, and that might happen.”

  “You actually want me to stay?” he said, sounding incredulous.

  “If you leave my friend without a date, I would consider that an act of war,” I joked.

  He wore a relieved smile as he followed me back to my friends. Janelle leaned in to whisper to me.

  “Another freak?”

  I nodded.

  “Are they all that hot? He looks like a model. So does that other one,” she added, jerking her chin toward Maxim. “Though I can’t stand him.”

  She frowned at me.

  “I don’t like him almost as much as I don’t like you. But he is mega-hot. So, are they? All hot?”

  I laughed. Objectively, I knew that Sebastian was extremely attractive, even if I found his attentions more annoying than flattering.

  “Kind of. Yeah.”

  “You like him?”

  “God, no. Karen might.”

  “I don’t think so,” she murmured. “I think she wanted to come with her friend Eric from Debate. But he’s too chicken-shit to ask her.”

  “She told you that?”

  “No.” She tossed her hair. “I’m observant.”

  I looked at her, then at Karen. She did talk about Eric a lot, especially junior year before she’d found out about me and we’d had our falling out. He was pretty cute in an understated way.

  “I’m listening.”

  “Can you do that creepy eyeball thing and get him over here to ask her to dance?”

  “Glamour? That would be interfering with his free will for a… non-critical reason.”

  “I’d say it was critical to Karen.”

  I looked at Janelle. “You just want to steal her date.”

  “Maybe. But it’s a two birds, one stone kind of situation.”

  “And I’m the stone.”

  She nodded.

  “Nightfall help me,” I sighed. I looked at my dates. “Be right back.”

  They both stepped forward like they were going to follow me, and I glared at them.


  They stepped back again, looking not even slightly abashed. I rolled my eyes and headed across the floor to the old wooden bleachers, where a couple of guys were sitting. It looked like the wallflower section, people who hadn’t wanted to come or hadn’t had anyone to come with.

  I cleared my throat and asked Eric if I could talk to him. He looked nervous. His friends looked impressed. I led him a little bit away so we wouldn’t be heard.

  We locked eyes and I let my will wash over him.

  “Do you like Karen? As more than friends?”


  “How long have you liked her?”

  “Since ninth grade,” he answered without hesitation. Nightfall, that was a significant crush. I was doing them both a favor, I decided. Janelle had been right.

  “Do you like anyone else that way? Do you date?”


  “Why do you like her?” I asked, wanting to be sure this was a good thing for my friend. I needed to make sure he wasn’t going to just say that she was pretty or something superficial.

  “She’s so smart and funny. And nice. She’s not conceited. And she smells good. And she’s gorgeous. Her hair is so shiny—”

  “Okay, I get the picture,” I said, cutting him off with a smile. “Why didn’t you ask her to prom? Or out on a date?”

  “She’s too pretty for me. And now…”


  “Now, she’s way too pretty. She changed. She is so confident now that I’m afraid to talk to her. She should be going out with a football player. Or a movie star. Or the prince of England—”

  “Which one?” I asked wryly. “Don’t answer that,” I added when he opened his mouth. “Don’t worry about them. They are both taken anyway. And I think she likes you too.”

  “She does?”

  “Yes, but don’t be too sure of yourself. Don’t ever take her for granted or drool over other girls.”

  “How could I?” he asked, his feelings written all over his face. “She’s perfect.”

  “Okay,” I said, decided once and for all. “You are going to go over there and ask her to dance. You are going to feel an unexpected surge of understated confidence around her. You are going to stick with her like glue tonight and make sure she gets home safe. And anytime she wants you to hang, you will be there. You are going to text her tonight and every night. Every day too. You are not going to play stupid teenage mind games with her. As long as you like her, just be with her. No holding back. You got me?”


  “All right then. Count to a hundred and then come over and ask her. Tell her you want to wait for a slow song. And then just talk to her.”

  “What about her date?”

  “Don’t worry about him.”


  “Oh, and you won’t remember this conversation or tell anyone about it. Don’t forget to tell her she looks beautiful.”

  “She does,” he sighed. “So beautiful.”

  I hid a smile. The way he talked about her was adorable. I had a feeling I had just done them both a favor.

  “Okay. See you soon.”

  I walked away, feeling like Cupid. Cupid was an Angel, I reasoned. Maybe this was the kind of stuff I was supposed to be doing.

  No comment, I heard Maxim say. I wondered if his voice would fade when I was far away. Or if drinking from Christopher would continue to weaken the bond. It was already a lot easier to hide my thoughts after sharing blood with a third.

  Christopher was the only one who had ever tasted my blood.

  Maxim and Dylan had never even had a drop. Caleb thought the bond would not be truly complete until that exchange happened. As far as I was concerned, it never would.

  As if on cue, a slow song started. I watched as Eric walked over, completely ignored the six-foot Vampire looming over Karen, and asked her to dance. Just like a badass.

  Well done, Eric, I thought.

  If only you could take your own advice.

  I glared at Maxim. And when Dylan asked me to slow dance a moment later, I smiled sweetly and said yes. The waves of jealousy coming off Maxim were palpable.

  Dylan stared down at me as we started to dance.

  “This is killing him, isn’t it?”

  I nodded. “Can’t you feel that?”

  “Not as much as I used to. But we’re friends now. Maybe that’s why.”

  “Friends? Okay.”

  “Kind of?” He shrugged. “He’s a good guy.”

  “He’s not a guy. Don’t underestimate him, Dyl.”

  “You know what I mean. We have an understanding.”

  “Oh, and what’s that?”

  “May the best man win. And until you make a choice, we are going to have to share.”

  I rolled my eyes. Dylan was swe
et, but this whole tug of war thing was wearing thin.

  “Share? Come on, Dyl. I’m not a prize.”

  “You are, Soph. You are.” He caught my anger right away because he cut me off before I could tear into him. “Not like a toy, or even something to go to war over. You are way more precious than that.”

  His blue eyes were tender as he stared down at me.

  “Finding the love of your life is like a quest, isn’t it? That’s the kind of prize I meant.”

  “Oh, Dylan.”

  I was going to cry. Nightfall. I inhaled and exhaled, forcing my nerves to calm.

  “Can I cut in?”

  Dylan lifted his hands and stepped back. Maxim slid into the now unoccupied space and took me in his arms. I felt a zing of nervous energy having him this close. He was a predator and it showed in every single thing he did.

  But I wasn’t afraid of him. Only of protecting my heart from him. I never felt that way around Dylan, I realized. Maybe that meant something.

  Either it meant that Dylan was more trustworthy or that Maxim was more dangerous because there was further to fall. That if I gave in to him, we truly would be bonded in the Vampire way. Maybe it was a little bit of both, I reasoned, grateful they couldn’t seem to hear every thought anymore. Especially not if I took precautions.

  “It’s getting late, Sophie.” His eyes dropped to my lips and up again. It was incredibly seductive. I doubted he even knew he was doing it. “We should leave.”

  “Oh. Thanks.”

  “I wanted to dance with you at least once.”

  I bit my lip and nodded. I wanted to dance with him too. It cut through me like a knife that this might be the last time.

  The last time for everything.

  I might never see him again. Or Dylan. Or Karen.

  Nightfall. Don’t cry. DO NOT CRY.

  But Maxim sensed nothing. I kept my feelings locked in that secret vault I’d been working on. I broke away, pinning a smile to my face.

  “Should we sneak out now or say goodbye first?”

  He stared at me, a frown marring his handsome face. He knew something was up. But thanks to my diluting the bond, he wasn’t exactly sure what.

  “I leave that to you.”

  I nodded and took his hand, leading him back to where our group was standing. I gave Dylan a meaningful look. Karen was hanging on every word Eric said and Janelle and Sebastian seemed to be circling each other warily but with interest. I looked at all of them and tried to commit them to memory just as they were. I darted in to kiss Karen and whispered that I loved her. I waved to Janelle and Sebastian, who gave me a saucy wink. Dylan and Maxim escorted me outside to the parking lot, where we wandered over to Maxim’s car.


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