The Camorra Chronicles Boxset (Books 1-3)

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The Camorra Chronicles Boxset (Books 1-3) Page 91

by Reilly, Cora

  Nevio ignored the picture book that Nino held up and stared at the colorful tattoos on Nino’s arm, touching them with his small hands as if he thought they’d come alive under his fingertips. My heart swelled once more, and I turned quickly before I got too emotional.

  I took a deep breath before I slipped into Remo’s bedroom. He was sitting back against the headboard, elevated by pillows. His upper body was naked, except for the many bandages covering his skin—the cuts my family had inflicted to avenge me.

  He looked up from his iPad, and I took a hesitant step closer as I let the door shut.

  His face pulled into a strange smile. “I’d never have thought that you would be the one to save me.”

  I moved closer, half terrified, half excited, and stopped beside him. Remo’s dark eyes burned with emotions that set my heart aflame, but I shoved the sensations back. “I saved the father of my children so they would be safe.”

  “My brothers would have protected them even if your family had killed me.”

  I put a hand down beside him on the headboard, hovering over him. “Nobody will protect them like you will. You’ll go through fire for them.”

  I didn’t ask. I knew it.

  He raised his hand stiffly, most of his arm bandaged, and cupped the back of my head. I let him pull me down. “For them. For you,” he murmured, fiercely, harshly, angrily. His lips brushed mine, and my entire being melted. I fell as I had the first time he kissed. Shuddering, I drew back and straightened. This was too soon. I needed to figure things out between us.

  He watched me with a bitter smile. For some reason, the sight tore at me. I leaned down and briefly brushed his lips with mine to show him that my withdrawal didn’t mean “never” only “later.”

  I quickly stepped back and turned.

  “Will you show them to me?” he asked quietly.

  I looked over my shoulder. “Of course.”

  I held Greta and Nevio tightly against my body as I nudged the door open. Then I stepped in. I was inexplicably nervous. My family had never looked at my children the way I regarded them, like they were something precious, a gift I wanted to cherish every single day. Remo’s eyes zeroed in on our babies as I moved closer, and he didn’t look away again, appearing almost stunned. I sat down beside him and carefully put Nevio down on his back next to Remo. Greta still clung to me tightly.

  Remo’s expression held wonder, and when he raised his eyes to mine, they were softer than I’d ever seen them. He stretched out his bandaged arm and stroked his fingertip over Nevio’s chest reverently. Nevio being Nevio snatched up Remo’s finger and brought it to his mouth to chew on it with a toothless grin. Remo’s lips twitched. Then he raised his gaze to Greta, who’d turned her head to watch him curiously.

  “She’s shy around most people,” I said. She’d always been like that, even when she was a tiny newborn.

  I took his hand so she saw me doing it then brought it toward her. When she didn’t protest, I released Remo’s hand, and he caressed her back with his fingertips. He was so gentle and careful with her, I could feel a mix of happiness and wistfulness rise up in my throat. Greta watched him silently. Did she know he was her dad?

  Tears ran down my cheeks. Remo stroking Greta’s back and having his finger chewed off by Nevio was the most beautiful sight I could imagine. “I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy,” I admitted, not caring that I was being emotional in front of Remo. This was no longer a battle of wills, a twisted game of chess. These stakes were too high.

  Remo locked his gaze with mine. “I know I’ve never been happier.”



  As far as patients went, Remo was a nightmare. He was a nightmare in many other regards as well, but giving his body time to heal wasn’t on his agenda.

  Nino wasn’t happy about it. “You need to rest, Remo. It’s been only three days and you’re already running around.”

  “I’ve had worse. Now stop the fucking fussing. I’m not a child.”

  “Maybe not. But I’m obviously the only one of the two of us capable of sane decisions.”

  “Neither of you is sane. Now help me with this fucking crib,” Savio muttered.

  I leaned in the doorway of the future nursery. Nino and Kiara had gone shopping this morning, and now the four Falcone brothers were trying to put together the furniture. Though Nino and Savio were doing all the work because Adamo’s arm was in a cast and most of Remo’s body was bandaged, not to mention the many broken bones in his body.

  Adamo sat on a plush baby blue armchair, which sat close to the window. Sometimes when he thought no one was looking, his eyes twisted with something dark, something haunted. Some wounds would take a long time to heal. Remo leaned against the windowsill, wearing only low cut sweatpants, barking orders.

  A smile tugged at my lips.

  “The instructions are quite clear, Remo,” Nino drawled. “I don’t need your orders on top of that.”

  Savio scoffed. “As if that’ll stop him.”

  It was still difficult to grasp what had happened these last three days. I’d left my family, Samuel, to live in Las Vegas with the man who kidnapped me and his family who helped him do it. But with every passing hour, I realized it had been the right decision for my children and maybe even for me. The moment Remo saw his babies, a knot in my chest loosened, a knot that had strangled me since he released me, only to be pulled tighter when Greta and Nevio were born. They belonged here.

  I had tried to keep my distance from Remo so far, only visited him twice so our twins could get used to his presence, and I knew he wasn’t happy with it.

  Remo spotted me in the doorway, his eyes becoming more eager and intent. My pulse picked up, and I turned around to return to Nevio and Greta who were waiting downstairs with Kiara.

  Remo cornered me in the hallway. For someone with his injuries, he was annoyingly fast. “Are you running from me, Angel?” He backed me into the wall, his palms on either side of me.

  “I’ve learned that doesn’t work. You always catch me,” I said, leaning back because with him so close I was having trouble focusing.

  “I often imagined how it would be to see you again,” he said in a low voice. “But this wasn’t one of the scenarios I came up with.”

  I regarded him. “When you sent me off like a thing easy to dispose of, it didn’t seem like you wanted to see me again.”

  He shook his head, anger flashing on his face. “I gave you a choice, one you didn’t have before ... and you chose to stay with the Outfit.”

  I huffed. “That’s ridiculous. You traded me like a piece of cattle. Why would I return to you? I’m not in the habit of thrusting myself upon someone who obviously couldn’t wait to get rid of me.”

  Remo leaned even closer. “Did you really believe that I didn’t want you? Or did you tell yourself that because you didn’t want to leave your family?”

  I frowned. “You could have ...”

  “What?” he growled. “I could have what? Kidnapped you again? Asked Dante to send you back?”

  He had a point and it annoyed me.

  “When were you planning on telling me about our babies? Would you have told me at all if Adamo hadn’t gotten himself captured?”

  “You sent me away, back to my fiancé. I didn’t think you’d care what happened with me, much less wanted kids,” I muttered, but something in his eyes made me continue. “I wanted to tell you. The moment I saw them, I knew I needed to tell you, but I didn’t know how. I was ... a coward.”

  His hand came up, cupping my cheek, his dark eyes impossibly possessive. “I was sure you’d return to me.” His lips brushed mine. “You aren’t a coward. You saved me. You went against your family to protect our children. You gave up everything for them ... and for me.”

  I deepened the kiss, couldn’t keep the distance I so desperately wanted to keep. Remo’s lips, his tongue, the feel of his rough palm against my cheek awakened a deep longing, a desperate need I’d k
ept buried since he’d set me free.

  My core tightened as his familiar manly scent flooded my nose, and memories of how Remo’s hands, his mouth, his cock had felt came to the surface ...

  I drew back, coming to my senses, and slipped out from under Remo’s arm. He gave me a knowing smile before I hurried away. But I had seen the proof of his body’s reaction to me in the bulge of his sweatpants.

  Only one week until Christmas. The mansion was decorated beautifully with red baubles, golden tinsel, and sprigs of mistletoe. Luckily Greta and Nevio weren’t mobile yet or the greenery would have had to go. I’d sent Samuel a few messages, telling him I was safe and asking if he was okay. He hadn’t replied yet but I knew he’d read the messages. Maybe his hurt was still too fresh. Five days weren’t enough to come to terms with the fact that your sister betrayed you for a man you hated more than anything in the world. My messages to Mom and Sofia hadn’t even been received. I suspected Dad had gotten new phones for them so I couldn’t contact them.

  I approached Kiara as she stirred a new batch of baby food, a sweet potato puree. “Do you get Christmas presents for each other?”

  Nino had given me a credit card from one of the Falcone bank accounts yesterday, and while I’d wanted to decline at first, I took the card. Remo seemed determined to make sure I had everything I needed. Still, it felt a bit odd to use their own money to buy them presents, but it wasn’t as if I could access my family’s accounts anymore.

  “Well, last year was still a bit of a Christmas trial. Nino and his brothers still need to get used to a female touch in their life, but I got them gifts, and a few days after Christmas I got gifts from them as well.” She laughed. “I think this year they might have gifts on time.”

  “I don’t know what to get any of them. I don’t know them well enough, and I don’t really feel like part of this family yet ...”

  She touched my shoulder. “But you are, Serafina. It’s a strange situation for all of us, but it’s the best thing that could have happened, especially for Remo.”

  “You think?” I whispered.

  “I know it,” she said firmly. “How are things between you?”

  “I’m trying to keep my distance. I’m scared of allowing too much closeness too fast.”

  “But you want to be with him?”

  I laughed. “I don’t think I have a choice.”

  “He won’t force you.”

  “That’s not what I mean,” I said quietly. “I don’t think my heart or my body will leave me a choice.”

  She nodded, understanding filling her face. “I’m so happy for the both of you, the four of you.”

  “Do you think Remo’s capable of ... love?”

  Kiara looked thoughtful. “He and Nino went through horrible things as children. It formed them into the men they are today. It still affects them. I’m not sure what it did to Remo. If parts of him were irrevocably destroyed ...”

  I didn’t ask what kind of horrors lay in Remo’s past. Kiara would have told me if she thought it was her place to share. If I wanted to find out, I’d have to ask him.

  “If you want to go Christmas shopping, we can go together tomorrow. Fabiano could guard us.”

  “That would be nice,” I said.

  Despite Nino’s words of protest, Remo came down for dinner that evening, and we all settled around the dining room table. Greta and Nevio were in their new high chairs between Kiara and me. I had taken over the job of trying to wrangle food into Nevio’s mouth since Greta seemed to do well around Kiara. I could feel Remo’s eyes on us the entire time with an expression I could only describe as longing. My food was getting cold anyway, so I decided to give him a chance to be a real dad.

  “Why don’t you give this a try?” I asked Remo. I wasn’t sure if he was interested in feeding or if he was like some fathers whose interest in their children ended when it required them to do something.

  Everyone paused what they were doing for a moment. Remo put down his fork and stood. His movements were still stiff, not just because of the bandages; it would take some time for his broken bones and bruises to heal. I gave him my chair, took my plate, and settled into the place he’d vacated. Nevio was making grabby motions, but the spoon and bowl were out of his reach. I could tell that he was getting frustrated with the situation and a hissy fit was fast approaching.

  Remo took the spoon and lifted it toward Nevio’s face, but he didn’t restrain his arms. Before I could warn him, Nevio snatched at the spoon and catapulted sweet potato puree through the room. Most of it landed square on Remo’s shirt. The rest in Nino’s face.

  I bit the inside of my cheek to stop laughter.

  Kiara didn’t show the same restraint. She burst out laughing. Nino wiped his face with a napkin, his eyes on his laughing wife—and softer than I’d ever seen them.

  Nevio rocked excitedly in his chair, a toothless grin on his face. Remo glanced down at himself, then at his son, and his lips twitched. This time he took Nevio’s hands in his big one before he brought the spoon toward his mouth. Nevio pressed his lips together, obviously unhappy about the situation.

  “This reminds me of you, Adamo,” Remo said.

  Adamo grimaced.

  Nino nodded. “You always made a mess during feeding as well.”

  “If we start exchanging baby stories, I’m out,” Savio muttered.

  Remo turned back to Nevio and nudged his lips with the spoon. “Come on, Nevio.”

  I stood and got on my haunches beside Nevio’s high chair. “Come on, Nevio, show your dad how well you can eat.”

  Remo looked down at me, his expression stilling when I called him ‘dad.’ After a moment of hesitation, Nevio finally allowed Remo to put the spoon in his mouth.

  I smiled, straightened to my feet, and pressed a kiss on Nevio’s head. Then I leaned over Greta and did the same. She smiled at me with the spoon in her mouth, and my heart just exploded with gratefulness. I caught Remo’s eyes but quickly glanced away because the look in his threatened to crush my resolve to keep my distance.

  After bringing the twins to bed, I grabbed my phone and headed for Remo’s bedroom. Nino had practically dragged him there so he could lie down and rest.

  I knocked.

  “Come in, Angel.”

  Frowning, I entered. “How did you know?”

  He regarded me with an expression that sent a little shiver down my spine. “Because my brothers don’t knock, they barge in, and Kiara usually stays away from my bedroom.”

  I nodded, my hand still on the door, debating if I should leave it open just to be safe.

  Remo smiled knowingly. “I’m practically bedridden. No reason to be worried. I won’t attack you.”

  Bedridden. As if. That man couldn’t be broken easily. I closed the door. I wasn’t worried about Remo making a move. I was worried I’d throw caution in the wind and do what I’d been dreaming of forever. “As if that would stop you.”

  Remo didn’t say anything.

  I held up my phone. “I thought you’d like to see photos of Nevio and Greta.”

  “I’d like that,” Remo said, moving to the side so there was room beside him on the bed. I eyed the spot then Remo leaning against the headrest with his naked upper body. Even the bandages didn’t make Remo any less attractive.

  Trying to hide my thoughts, I strolled over to him casually and sank down beside him, legs stretched out before me. Remo’s eyes lingered on them. I was wearing a dress and no tights because it was surprisingly warm in the house. Goose bumps rippled across my skin. I cleared my throat and clicked on the first photo, which Mom had taken shortly after I’d given birth to the twins. I held them in my arms and looked down at them with an exhausted yet adoring expression.

  Remo leaned in and his arm brushed mine. Despite the material of my dress between us, a tingle shot through me at the brief contact.

  “You look pale in the photo,” he said quietly.

  “After twenty-two hours of labor everyone does.”
br />   Remo’s dark eyes flickered with a hint of wistfulness.

  “I wish you could have been there...if I’d known what I know today, I would have come to Vegas sooner. I’m sorry I took that away from you.”

  Remo cupped my chin and I tensed because he looked like he was going to kiss me. “Regret over the past is wasted energy. We can’t change the past, no matter how much we want to do it.”

  “What would you want to change?” I asked, trying to ignore the feel of Remo’s touch.

  He shook his head with a dark smile. “Not your kidnapping. I don’t feel an ounce of regret about stealing you.”

  “You don’t?” I frowned, pulling back slightly but Remo leaned in, fingers still on my chin.

  “Not one fucking bit. I’d kidnap you again to be the one you gift yourself to. You could have never been mine if I hadn’t stolen you.”

  I didn’t argue, neither about me being his, nor about the fact that without the kidnapping we would have never found together.

  “What about you?” Remo murmured. “Do you regret becoming mine?”

  “No,” I admitted, and finally drew back from his touch. “Not that. I just wish it wouldn’t have cost my family so much.”

  Remo nodded and settled back against the headrest. “Hardly anything worth having can be gained without loss and pain and sacrifice.”

  My eyes trailed over his wounds and bruises. He’d sacrificed himself for his brother. But I had a feeling it wasn’t the only reason why he’d allowed my family to capture and torture him. He’d accepted pain, maybe even losing his life, for a chance to see me again.

  I cleared my throat and clicked on the next photo. The first photo of Nevio and Greta lying in a crib beside each other.

  I showed him photo after photo, neither of us saying anything. It was difficult to focus on anything but Remo’s warmth, his scent, the strength and power he oozed.


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