Melinda's Dreams (The Advent of the Stars)

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Melinda's Dreams (The Advent of the Stars) Page 13

by Paul Harm

  He laid in the entrance room of his office and Gabriella stared at him. “Are you alright, Mr. Grey?” Joseph got up and checked for burns and holes in his body. Cold sweat accumulated on his forehead. Nothing. He thought. He gathered himself as far as possible his heart beating violently in his chest. “Mr. Grey, should I call an ambulance?” Joseph took another look through the room, his body and mind remembering the familiar surroundings and slowly calming down. “Nonononononono it’s alright, I just slipped, never mind!” He laughed like a crazy person while sweat ran down his forehead. “Are you sure? You opened the door, leaned forward and fell in like you passed out, maybe you’d some sort of blackout.” - Is that what just happened? - Joseph was baffled. “It’s ok now, Gabriella. I’m alright. Maybe I overdid the hiking.” Yeah, maybe. You got me worried there, are you sure we shouldn’t call in an ambulance?” “No, no it’s alright now. If you need anything I’ll be in my office.” “If you say so Mr. Grey.” He vanished into his office as the sweat dripped from his forehead, his breathing was accelerated, his hands were shaking. He shook his head and hoped it would go away but he could not help but ask himself the question - What the fuck just happened?

  Joseph stood in his room and suddenly jumped backwards: his communicator rang. It was Gabriella. “Yes?” He sounded pissed and scared at once. “There’s a visitor for you.” “Send him in.” Joseph snapped at her and killed the connection. The next moment the door slid open and Maru Akachi entered the room as usual at a slow pace. “Hello Maru, what brings me this honor of an unexpected visit from you?” Joseph did an excellent job of hiding his shaking hands and spinning thoughts in his voice but Akachi was picking up on something anyway. “Ah, Joseph, I’m sorry to see you in a pickle.” Joseph sighed “What’re you talking about Maru?” Akachi closed the door behind him slowly. “I had a feeling the Psycore would show up one of these days.” - So that’s what that was? The Psycore - “What?” Joseph tried to hide in what seemed to be an empty corner in broad daylight to the man. “I’m not sure, yet could you tell me what happened?” Joseph gulped and told Akachi the odd happenings that occurred today when he came in. “How long ago was that?” “It was about twenty or so minutes ago.” Akachi went towards the open window and took a long breath in. “What time is it, Joseph?” “Pardon?” “How late is it Joseph?” Joseph shook his head and activated his communicator, his eyes widened “It’s about noon. What the fuck happened to me?” “You’ve been investigated Joseph, but you were lucky. If they’d have known for sure you actually have contact to Ms. Finch you probably would be in a cell by now, maybe even dead. Lucky you, lucky us.” He smiled at him.

  “I am really having trouble understanding this.” Joseph sank into his chair. “It’s as I told you, the Psycore is looking for someone you know, but they don’t know that it’s Melinda yet. They’ve a strong suspicion, but they don’t know for sure.” Joseph’s pupils widened. “How do you know Melinda, what’s going on here?” “Bring up Melinda’s file in your communicator Joseph.” Joseph tried to open it, but the file was gone. “That’s odd, maybe I deleted it accidentally.” “No, you didn’t, it’s gone, all that remains about Melinda is in your head and as soon as they figure out that it is in there they’re going to come for it and you won’t be able to stop them.” Akachi sat down vis-a-vis. “The thing you experienced earlier, the investigation, if Melinda didn’t plant some seed of resistance in your mind you wouldn’t be able to remember a thing. Furthermore, the white lady you saw was not an ordinary Psycore agent, we have come to believe she’s the head of the organization.” “Who’s ‘we’?” “We’re the resistance Joseph.” “What?” The baffled look on Josephs face caused Akachi to go in a bit more detail. “We’re the resistance to the enslavement of humanity.” The baffled look on Josephs face vanished and transitioned into wild laughter. “Oh, I see you’re the saviors of humanity, how could I not see this coming it’s so obvious.”

  He started to pinch his arms and mumbled “God damn it I fell asleep on my way here and now I’ve got this conspiracy theory dream, it’s funny if you think about it, I always had a flourishing imagination. Ouch!” Akachi hit him with his stick, hard and right on the back of his head. He looked angry at him. “Are you done?” Joseph fell back over his chair as he started to realize that this was actually happening. As he started to get back up Akachi continued. “There’s no way around it Joseph you’re living a lie, a comfortable lie and a lie that doesn’t hurt anyone but the empathic and the telepathic population. There’s something I need to give you.” He reached down in his coat and pulled out an envelope. “It’s a gift from Melinda. I’ll be off now, Joseph, since I’m in the line of fire here too. We might see each other in another life. Godspeed.” Joseph watched as his inner assumptions about the world he lived in cracked and crumbled. Like an earthquake, a strong one, but nothing life threatening just a little shake to start things off. He slowly began to realize that by the end of it his inner world might be gone. Before leaving, Akachi looked deep into Joseph’s eyes. “One last warning, Joseph, the Psycore never entered this building. They tracked you down and entered your mind and probably that of your assistant. Those beings are terrifyingly familiar with your inner world.”

  After a long time of staring at the envelope curiosity finally got the upper hand and so he reached out for it just to snap his hand back. - Come on Joseph you have to know what’s going on - He reached out for it again, his hand shaking violently. He almost reached the envelope this time. - Maybe I should just go tell Gabriella to get rid of the damn envelope and just move on - He fell back in his chair and sighed, turning towards the translucent wall. He took the deepest breath he had ever taken, turned around snatched the goddamn envelope, ripped it open and two things fell out into his lap, an injection needle with a piece of paper wrapped around it and a letter. Joseph put the injection needle aside, it was cold and smooth. He took the piece of paper and unfolded it carefully. A handwritten letter presented itself.


  Dear Joseph,

  I was hoping we’d have more time, but I’m afraid my enemies are even closer than I imagined in my darkest dreams. We have to move quickly if you want to know the truth about humanity. I cannot give you any direct information because if my enemies should get you into their custody and figure out how close you actually are to me and the truth, they’ll probe you and find everything, therefore I have to rely on your intelligence, your trust and your curiosity. All the information you need in order to find me and lift the secret is hidden in our conversations. I’m tired Joseph, tired of all of this you’re my last hope to retire from what has become a burden over the years. We might meet again but know that I deeply care for you in a way you cannot imagine. Go to the last exit of Cascade 74, go now, you’ll need some outdoor equipment. When you reach it go towards the last dreams center.

  The injection needle contains a microchip which basically works like a chat bot. It’s a set of regular thought patterns and answers a probing telepath instead of your own mind. Psychic camouflage if you want so, as long as they don’t know how dangerous you are to them you should have no problem in future encounters with agents. It’ll provide an illusion for the Psycore, you need to stay calm because they investigate not only your mind but your feelings as well and your body language so be careful if you engage one of them, act casual, stay calm you have nothing to hide, the microchip will keep you under the radar. Good luck Joseph I hope we see each other one more time, know that you carry on my heritage of freeing humanity.

  Burn this letter immediately in your sink don’t tell anyone about it. don’t research anything on your communicator the Psycores suspicions against you might have been wrong for the moment, but that doesn’t mean you’re off the hook entirely. It’s best you leave your communicator at home.




  Joseph sighed and fell deeper into the chair. - Sucks to be you, Grey – Looking down at the table the inj
ection needle laid there. - Maybe it’s a joke? - he thought grabbing the injection needle and carefully removed the paper which was wrapped around it. It just lay there. He sighed. - A joke... I can’t believe this is happening. How do I even apply that thing? - He started to laugh hard when all of a sudden the piece of paper on the floor showed a picture on its backside. He picked it up unfolded it and took an examining look at it. Joseph swallowed the brick in his throat. The picture showed a head and spine and a needle which punctured the cervical spine right between the first and second vertebra. Joseph sprang up, pacing in circles as his heart raced violently in his chest. “God damn it god damn it god damn it.” It went on for another couple of minutes where he ran in circles and picking up the picture, just to start running in circles again. Fortunately, the strong emotions made him tired soon and instead of staying alert he sank back on his couch. His mind ran through the last half an hour. - God damn it. I can’t do that. - He thought, got up burned the letter in the sink and washed the ashes down, put the needle and the picture in his pocket and was on his way. “Gabriella I’ll be home now I don’t feel so good today please inform my clients today. I might be at home until next week.” “Will do Mr. Grey. Get well soon!”

  He slowly opened the door to his apartment. “Claire. Are you home? Claire?” He carefully spoke into the apartment. Fortunately, she wasn’t. Joseph took the communicator out of his pocket and put it on the dining table. He sat down behind his old wooden desk and started to write a note of absence to his wife, he just hoped she would understand. He took the piece of paper after writing down a few words and tossed it into the trash. - God damn it. - It kind of became his new slogan. “Establish connection to Claire.” He commanded to no one in particular. The lights on his communicator went on and a connection was dialed towards Claire. “Hello, Joseph. What can I do for you, honey?” “Where are you, Claire?” “I’m at work. We’re testing the new android today it looks like a full success.” She radiated a scent of victory. Joseph felt bad for spoiling her day but god damn it, it wasn’t like he did it on purpose. “Ok I called in sick today. I don’t feel well, maybe I’ll drop by on my way to the doctor.” “Sure honey, is it something serious?” “Nono, just a little dizzy, you know, just want to let it get checked.” The video call gave away more of Joseph’s panic than he liked and unfortunately his wife picked up on it. “You look worried, honey, are you sure you’re alright?” “Yes, yes, don’t worry about me I’ll drop by in about half an hour and you’ll see I’m just a little sick.” He forced a laugh, which aroused her suspicion that something was off even more. She brought the communicator closer to her face when she suddenly looked away. “Oh, honey, I have to go, the android, oh my goodness what’s he doing? No! Don’t… why? Oh my god he is heading for the balcony! Got to go honey! Without another word she dropped the connection and Joseph was relieved she let go of her suspicion. If he could talk to her in private, he could make sure Claire would not call the police. He must not raise suspicions. As Akachi explained, he might be off the hook for now but the Psycore had him on their list any kind of unusual behavior could trigger their agents.

  Joseph arrived at Newcorp Industries half an hour later. He passed the guards with a handshake. It wasn’t the first time he was visiting his wife, and he went towards the construction hangar. Claire was standing under a shower of sparks and coded something in the big machine. “Hey Claire.” Joseph greeted her sadder than he intended. On his way there he realized that he might not see his wife for quite some time. Furthermore, he did not know in how much danger he was and if this could backfire on her too. She looked back at him and saw the despair in his eyes. “Hey, Joseph.” She laid down her terminal, stood up and hugged her husband. “Are you ok, honey? You look like crap.” He laughed. “I also feel like crap, sweetie.” For a moment the world went blurry, the strange happenings in the office seemed far away, the white lady nothing but an illusion, Melinda’s letter just a note, Akachi’s warning just a fluke. In the embrace of his wife the world slowly returned to be a normal place and it felt like home. Tears crept up on Joseph as he made up his mind about how much truth he was going to share.

  “I’m going to visit my mother. She called me, and she feels bad I hope I can help her a bit but I don’t know how long I’ll be gone.” She tightened her grip around him and gave him a squeeze. He never lied to his wife before and frankly it felt like punching himself in the gut. “Well, then, go, I’ll hold the fort here and if you need something you just give me a heads up. Or do you want me to come with you?” “No, it’s ok, stay. You’re in the last phase of your guiding system I’ll be fine, you can come later.” She bought it. Why would she not, he never lied to her. “Ok.” As they stood there in what Joseph was afraid might have been their last embrace, a giant shower of sparks flushed over them. Joseph kissed her gently on the forehead before he let go. On his way out, he looked back one more time and it gave him a sting - god I hope that was the right call.

  Back in the flat he started to pack like a madman, food, clothes, a tent whatever he found and seemed useful. He took everything that did not arouse suspicion from his wife, since he was just going to his mother. He sat down to write a note to his wife. After a long time of thinking he came up with nothing and threw it in the trash. Probably the best move anyway, the less she knew the safer she was. As he picked up his backpack the door opened behind him.

  XVI. An Unwelcome Invitation

  A rumble went through Ruby station and with that an alarm woke John ungently with a high pitched sound and a flashing red light. “RED ALERT! RED ALERT!” an artificial voice thundered through his cabin and the rest of Ruby. “STAY IN YOUR CABINS OR SEEK SHELTER IN THE PRESSURIZED AREAS!” the voice went on. John tipped something into his communicator and a three-dimensional hologram of the outer ring manifested itself in the air. “Show me the pressure zones EVA.” “Confirmed.” a calm female voice answered, and the ring started to glow greenish level for level until it reached subsection 9D which was displayed in crimson red - The Hangar. “RED ALERT! RED ALERT!” The alarm went on. “This is Commander Cromwell. As you might have noticed we’ve got a bit of a situation here. Our repair teams are already in their suits and have picked up their gear. Safety protocol requires all military and science stuff on Ruby to stay in their cabins until we resolve the situation. This will take, as far as we can tell, no longer than about eight hours. Congratulations on your day off. Cromwell out.” The speaker went silent again. The red flashing light stopped as well. John shook his head and stood up walking towards the door and tried to open it. “We’re on red alert due to pressure loss in section 9-D. Please stay calm and wait for quarantine release.” EVA’s voice was as calm and gentle as she’d state appointments. “Fair enough.” John went back into his bed and smiled. Usually safety protocol in this situation was nothing to worry about, basically it was just to prohibit inhabitants to leave their safely pressurized Cabins in case the exposure to the vacuum of space somehow, for example through a crack that slowly moves on, reaches another subsection thus sucking all pressure out of it, killing every living being in the process, well except the water bears of course. The water bears do not give a fuck.

  “High priority communication request from Ruby Station.” EVA’s voice informed captain Romero. “Open the channel EVA.” Romero responded calmly. “Greetings, Captain Romero, this is Commander Cromwell.” “Commander.” “We’ve got a situation here.” Her attention rose suddenly, and her heart started to beat violently in her chest. “There was an accident in one of our hangars, we still need to figure out what happened, but it seems your ship was the last one docking there.” “So?” The concern about John dropped instantly since she knew he would have no reason to be in the hangar at any given time. “So, Captain Romero, I need you to return to Ruby.” Cromwell spat. “But why? Do you need evacuation?” Romero replied ignoring his anger “If there’s the slightest chance you or one of your crew or passengers are involved in this I want them here for a ful
l investigation.” Cromwell tried to speak calmer now, but in his eyes flickered an anger she had never seen before. “Commander may I speak freely.” Romero stood up. A nod was all she got from him so she continued. “If one of my crewman has been responsible, which I doubt, I still need to deliver supplies to Sapphire, they depend on us. Furthermore, we’re almost there, just another four days to go. If we turn around now it takes us weeks to get to you and months to finish our supply run.” “Point taken. So what’re you suggesting, Captain Romero?” Cromwell growled. “I won’t wake the other crewmembers which are in cryostasis anyway. On Sapphire me and my second in command unload our supplies under surveillance and when we’re done we come directly back to Ruby and stand ready for your investigation.” Her voice was calm and determined. His eyes stared down at her, she felt tiny. He just stared at her and then he started to whisper which made him more threatening than before. “If I find you have anything to do with this I will send the whole fucking armada through the quadrant to hunt you down, now turn your ship around and report in when you arrived.” Cromwell almost whispered. Her heart started to beat violently in her chest her face was blank and steady as a rock. “Are we clear, Captain Romero?” “Crystal clear, Sir.” “Cromwell, out.”


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