Cocky Suits Chicago: Books 1-3

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Cocky Suits Chicago: Books 1-3 Page 22

by Alex Wolf

  My body reacts to his command before I can even question it. I pull my top over my head and kick off my shoes. Deacon grabs the drawstring of my sweatpants and jerks me forward. He’s never seen me dressed this casual before. I’m always in skirts and jackets. I silently pray I’m wearing decent underwear. After my shower this morning I think I just threw on whatever was clean, and I can’t remember what it was. He smirks at me when he pushes my pants to the floor. I look down and realize I’m not wearing any.

  His eyebrows lift. “You came prepared.” Reaching around my back with one hand and two fingers, Deacon skillfully removes my bra and flings it across the room. “Fuck, you’re hot. I’ve never seen you completely naked before.” He steps back and looks me up and down like he’s appraising me.

  I back up to the wall. “What about security?”

  “He won’t come up here. Trust me.”

  Part of me hates Deacon for planning this, and that his plan is clearly working.

  I’m already naked and definitely going through with it, so I might as well enjoy myself. I strut past him and bend over his desk. When I know he’s looking, I wiggle my ass at him. “Well, what are you waiting for?”

  In no time he’s behind me, his hard cock pressed up against my ass.

  The smug bastard loves taunting me. His teeth sink into my shoulder, and I feel him free his cock. He slides the crown across my clit, and I can already feel the pending orgasm throbbing between my legs. Rocking my hips, I grind against him, craving more.

  “You have no idea how bad I want you bare. Fuck.”

  I glance back and smile when he pulls the condom from his pocket. Some things are non-negotiable, no matter how ridiculous my brain decides to act.

  Part of me smiles on the inside that even though Deacon is the most irresponsible human being I’ve ever met, he doesn’t fight me on the issue. It’s like he can sense where to press his luck and where not to. Despite his immaturity, he’s very intelligent when he needs to be.

  Once he’s ready, he gives my ass a playful smack.

  A light coo escapes my lips.

  “I want to take my time with you, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to.” He eases into me from behind. “So. Fucking. Tight.”

  The suddenness of him filling me from within is almost too much to bear. Why does he have to be so damn good at this? Why do his words do this to me?

  “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted you here, just like this.” One of his hands grips my hip, the other lands on my shoulder. “Bent over my desk.”

  His hips speed up as his fingers dig in and yank me back to meet each thrust.

  “I’m so close.”

  Without warning, he lifts one of my legs up onto the desk, and just like that he’s even deeper.

  So deep.

  He’s hitting places I didn’t know existed and his hand slips around my waist. His finger circles my clit and I’m two seconds away from being in the clouds.

  Deacon leans over and his mouth is next to my ear as his thighs crash into me. “I know every button to push. Nobody knows what you like more than I do, Quinn.”

  “God, Deacon, I’m so…”

  “Come for me. I want to feel you.”

  And just like that, his words send me over the edge and I’m free falling. My thighs quiver and my body shakes. The orgasm rushes through me like a wild, uncontrolled river. Fuzzy stars appear in front of my eyes and I don’t know how I’m still able to stand.

  Deacon slides out of me, whips me around, and before I know what’s happened my ass is on his desk and he’s spreading my legs. He drops to his knees and his mouth is on me, his eyes staring up into mine as he suckles my clit between his teeth.

  I fall back on my elbows, barely able to support myself.

  Deacon pushes a finger slowly inside me while he watches every reaction on my face. I can barely focus on his two gray eyes as he works a second finger in.

  Another orgasm builds in my center and it won’t be long before I’m coming all over his mouth.

  “There’s nothing better than watching you come for me.”

  I grip the edge of the desk, holding on for life. The second I’m about to release, he pulls away and stands back up.

  He bends over and presses his forehead to mine, both of us panting, unable to form words, just staring into each other’s eyes.

  “Nothing better.” He slides his cock back into me as he says the words, and a light groan comes from deep in his throat.

  It’s so sweet and intimate, almost like we’re making love instead of just having sex. Deacon’s hand cradles the back of my neck, and he pushes in and out, long deep strokes. Staring right at me, he licks the pad of his thumb, then reaches between us and rubs my clit.

  Our eyes remain locked as he slowly increases the tempo, and before long we’re fucking hard and fast.

  His jaw constricts, and every muscle in his body tenses, just as my entire body reciprocates.

  His thumb is relentless, right where I need it, and his hips crash into me until the wet slapping sounds of our skin echo through his office. My head falls back and I can’t contain it anymore.

  Deacon’s mouth instinctively moves to my neck and he kisses me in that magic spot halfway between my collar bone and ear.

  “Fuck, Quinn…”

  My fingers grip the desk just as Deacon grunts. He slams into me as deep as he can go and we both erupt at the same time.

  I clench around him so hard I wonder if it’s painful for him. If it is, he doesn’t show it. His entire body goes rigid as he fills the condom.

  After a few long seconds, our foreheads meet again. We both pant, our lips inches apart, eyes locked.

  I wait for some smart-ass remark that usually follows, but it doesn’t come. He looks out of it, almost like he’s in a dream-like state.

  Deacon collapses into my neck, his lips on my skin, and I swear he whispers, “You’re everything to me.”

  What the hell was that?

  After a few seconds, he straightens up and his breathing returns to normal. “Fuck, I was good, wasn’t I?”

  That’s more like him.



  I run my fingers through my hair and rifle through my office for the stupid presentation I had Mary Magdalene, one of the paralegals, draft for me. I don’t know her real last name, so that’s the name we all gave her. She’s always reading a bible at lunch and doesn’t booze at all, so I figured she takes pride in her work.

  There’s a PowerPoint on my laptop, but she printed out the slides and I want to study them at least once. I have the speaking engagement at the college tonight.

  Fucking Decker.

  I’ll get his ass back for this. He should know better. No sleight against me goes unpunished. I really need to read over those slides, so I sound like I know what the fuck I’m talking about. Can’t be up there like it’s amateur hour.

  I should’ve faked being sick or canceled, but Decker would have my ass. I don’t even want to imagine the pleasure it would give Tate.

  Oh, no. They expect me to fuck up. They hope I will, to prove them right.

  I’m going to crush this presentation and toss it back in their faces. I know exactly how they all see me. The immature brother who doesn’t take anything seriously. The class clown. I know my role and I play it well. It is what it is.

  One thing bothers me, though—Quinn.

  I have this urge to do better, so she’ll take me more seriously. It goes against everything I know, who I am.

  Get out of your head, bro.

  I find the print-out and start toward the elevator. I still have to finish up this contract for the Beckley brothers. I’ll have to do it at home. Tate wanted it on her desk this morning, but I had to meet with the doctor over his sexual harassment case. I didn’t find shit on the video, so it sucked giving him that news. Still, I know he didn’t do anything, and I’ll be damned if he pays his accuser a dime.

  I’m sure I’ll
hear all about the contract being late. She knows I have a lot of stuff going on, but she won’t give a shit.

  “Ready for your lecture, professor?” Donavan laughs.


  Decker ran his mouth and told everyone apparently.

  “You’re not going in that suit, are you?”

  I stare back at him like what the fuck are you talking about?

  “Shouldn’t it be tweed with some elbow patches, Robert Langdon?”

  “How’s this for an ancient symbol?” I hold up my middle finger. “What’s wrong? Bitter about your soon-to-be sister-in-law putting her dick in your lawsuit?”

  Donavan’s face steams up and he marches off. Pussy. Don’t make jokes if you can’t take the heat. I thought it was fantastic. Burned him and Tate at the same time, while calling Decker’s masculinity into question. That’s the trifecta—a fucking work of art. Layers upon layers of comedy, bitch.

  Just when I think I have a second to relax, Dex walks up. “Don’t fret, professor. I know what you’re worried about.”

  “What’s that?”

  He adjusts my tie and tries to maintain a serious face. “Worried you’re not qualified to instruct an intro to law class. It’s a natural cause for concern, given your background in academia.”

  “This coming from the guy who made a C in intro to law. You should be mopping floors here.”

  Dex laughs. At least he doesn’t take shit seriously like Donavan. God, he’s been a real asshole lately.

  “Then I could solve your cases at night on a blackboard, Good Will Hunting style.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I tossed that softball right down the fucking middle. Anyway, enjoy your night beating off to iPad porn while I’m balls-deep in college pussy.”

  “Nah, something tells me you won’t even be looking at any of the chicks in there.” An amused smile forms on his face.

  What does he know?

  I shrug it off. “Probably not. I’m sure it’ll be a bunch of old bastards in their forties.”

  “Dude, you’re in your thirties.”

  I shake my head. “Who the fuck goes to night school to be a lawyer?”

  Dexter grins. “Anyway, that’s not the reason.”


  “Oh yeah? Enlighten me.”

  His eyebrows rise. “You’re really gonna make me say it?”

  I know people always talk about how twins have a connection, like they can sense things. You’d think they’d be full of shit, but they’re not. I can take one look at him and see he knows I’m falling for someone. I don’t know how, but he does.

  I sigh. “No. Don’t say it.”

  “All right, then. Go crush it. Picture your audience naked. I hear it helps.”

  “I’ll picture you naked, big boy.” I give a playful slap at his crotch and he leaps backward.

  “Over the line.”

  “Nothing is off limits.”

  Dexter laughs and walks off. I head to the elevator. As the doors shut, I hear Decker running his mouth off in the background and more raucous laughter.


  At my apartment, I heat some leftovers from last night and pull the Beckley brothers’ contract up on my laptop. They won a bid for a restoration project on a hotel. All the details seem to be in order except for the payment schedule we discussed. I read over the notes of the agreement and shovel a forkful of pasta into my mouth. Sauce splatters on my white Brioni shirt.


  I look at the clock and realize I’ll be late if I don’t get moving. I punch in the number, mark it final, and send it to Quinn so she can get it delivered.

  It’s supposed to go through review, but I only changed one number and I’m already late getting it out the door.

  I breathe a sigh of relief. Tecker (my new name for Tate and Decker) can get off my nuts now.

  Typing Quinn’s name on the screen brings up familiar feelings all over again. I haven’t talked to her since I bent her over my desk.

  You don’t have time to think about her right now.

  The voice in my head is correct for once. I change my shirt and give myself a once over in the mirror.

  “Well, damn. You clean up nice, sir, if I do say so myself.”


  I take my usual seat at the front of the class, eager to find out who the guest speaker is.

  I’ve always been a great student, ever since elementary school. If things had gone according to plan, I’d already be on a partner track and not a glorified secretary.

  It is what it is. Dad had the stroke. I can’t change the past, and I’ll never complain about sacrificing my plans to care for him.

  It eats at him enough as it is.

  Taking care of family is what you do. He raised me by himself, and I would never abandon him for my own selfish reasons. If I have to work twice as hard as everyone else to achieve the same outcome, that’s what I’ll do.

  I never thought I’d be the one taking care of him, though. It’s difficult sometimes. Not the work, per se, but seeing him in this condition. He was so damn strong and independent when I was younger.

  He’d never brushed a little girl’s hair or played with Barbie Dolls, and he never complained once. He took care of me and pushed me to do my best. He still does.

  The stroke turned our lives upside down. Taking care of him is hard work. His medications. His diet. Exercise. It’s a lot for me to take on while working a full-time job and going to school, but I love the fact he knows I’m in his corner, that he doesn’t have to face these challenges alone. Not a lot of people have that type of support system. And I get to hang out with him more than I would’ve under other circumstances. It helps get through the days to focus on the positive.

  “Who do you think it’s going to be?” Jillian slides into the seat next to mine.

  We’re basically the two eggheads who ask a ton of questions. Sometimes it elicits groans from the other students when our discussions push us past the end of class. I don’t really care, though. I’m here to learn and get my money’s worth.

  “Don’t have a clue.” I smile at her.

  She’s a recently divorced single mom trying to provide a better future for her kids.

  “I hope they’re not as boring as the last one.”

  “Yeah, it’s tough to make the tax code interesting, so I can’t knock the guy too much.”

  Professor Billings enters the room and the place grows quiet.

  “Good evening, everyone. We have a guest tonight. He’s a man who could be your boss someday. Please give a warm welcome to Deacon Collins from The Hunter Group.”

  What in the fucking fuck? This can’t be happening to me.

  My mouth goes dry and my stomach twists in a knot. The color drains from my face when I look up and see Deacon.

  He spots me on the front row and his eyes widen, then his lips curl into a grin and he winks.

  I scowl back.

  “Wow. I know where I want to work. Wonder if all the men at their firm are that hot?” Jillian mock fans herself.

  If she only knew.

  I bite my tongue to keep from saying something I’ll regret. Like telling her he’s off limits and mine. Or conversely, what a conceited asshole he is, or maybe how well he can use his hips and his tongue.

  This can’t be happening right now. My chest tightens and my stomach clenches at the thought of him bending me over his desk and making me come repeatedly.

  Deacon gets his laptop and PowerPoint all set up. I know for a fact there’s no way he put it all together. It looks like Mary’s work. Of course, he didn’t do the work himself, but he’ll pull it all off because he’s so damn charming and charismatic.

  This is so damn embarrassing. I don’t tell anyone in class where I work because my private life is just that… private. Also, I don’t tell people from work I’m going to school at night. I don’t want them to know that me, the assistant, wants to be a lawyer. A lot of lawyers at The Hunter Group are stuck up and don’t thin
k a secretary would be capable of doing their job. I’ve seen how some of them look down their noses at me.

  Deacon starts up his lecture on tort law and how it’s applicable in the real world. It’s actually very helpful and I could learn a lot from it, but it’s impossible to focus. All I keep thinking about is how I’m going to explain this to him later. There’s no way he’ll let it go.

  “Seriously, though. How hot is this guy?” Jillian nudges me with her elbow when he unbuttons his sleeves and rolls them up his muscular forearms. “I wonder if I can get his number and get some help on Wednesday’s exam.”

  Unable to control myself, I shoot her a dirty look when she raises her hand at the end of the lecture to ask questions, and I realize I’m being ridiculous.

  I need to get the hell out of here before he talks to me.

  I grab my stuff as quickly as I can and head for the door. I’m not sticking around to watch Jillian fawn all over him or hear one of his smart-ass remarks while he flirts with my classmate.

  Jealousy courses through me as I rush from the building. I shouldn’t feel this way, but this was my space. It was mine, and Deacon came barging through it like a wrecking ball. The thought of him asking Jillian out for drinks makes my blood run hot. I shouldn’t care, but deep down I know one thing...

  I do care.

  A lot.


  If Quinn can’t see the universe pushing us together, she needs her damn eyes examined. When I walked into the classroom and saw the open-toed heels she wore to work today, I couldn’t contain the happiness that spread through my chest.

  She rushes out of the classroom.

  I interrupt some chick mid-sentence to chase after her. I had no idea Quinn wanted to be a lawyer. It makes sense. She’d be a damn good attorney.

  I haul ass through the parking lot and catch her arm just as she’s about to slide into the driver’s side of her car.

  “Where you running off to so fast? Going to get me an apple?” I grin. “In case you’re wondering, yes, you can be the teacher’s pet.”


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