Cocky Suits Chicago: Books 1-3

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Cocky Suits Chicago: Books 1-3 Page 55

by Alex Wolf

  “So responsive.” Then, his finger slides down farther and he presses it up against my ass again.

  This time, I roll my hips and push my ass up against his hand.

  He snickers again. “Just like I thought. You want to be my filthy little whore, Abigail?”

  I nod furiously, unable to play this game anymore. “I’ll do whatever you want. Just don’t stop touching me, please.”

  He immediately gets up off the bed and it’s like I can feel it when his presence is gone.

  I writhe against my restraints. “Dex, please. I’m so close. Come back, I need it.” Hell, I’d settle for straddling his damn pillow at this point and trying to ride one out.

  His door closes and he leaves me there. Dude freaking leaves me alone, tied up to his bed!

  “Dex! Dex!” I keep shouting.

  He makes me wait for a good three minutes, then walks back in. I only know because I hear the hinges on the door and then his feet on the hardwood floor.

  “I’m going to kill you when you let me up.”

  “Highly doubtful. You’ll be begging for more, trust me.”

  “You wish.” I hold my head up as far as it’ll go, trying to get a sense of where he is.

  It’s completely silent.

  His hand grips my hair and yanks me down to the bed. I gasp as his knuckles dig into my scalp. How did he get over here so quickly? I didn’t even hear him.

  He leans over, and I can feel his mouth inches from mine. “Your pussy is wet. Your body tells me when you lie.”

  I start to say something and oh my goodness.

  Something ice cold makes contact with my nipple and the delicious chill tears through my limbs.

  What the hell is that? It feels like a spoon flipped upside down.

  He rubs it over both of my nipples, and it feels so damn amazing.

  Then, he slides the curved part down my stomach. When he gets to my pelvis, he pulls my panties halfway down my legs.

  Holy shit, he’s not…

  He does.

  He rubs the back of the spoon across me, then presses it down on my clit.

  Never in my life did I think a man would get me off with a spoon, but Dex has me damn near there and he’s barely even touched me.

  He rubs the spoon in small circles all over me.

  His fingers trace a line up my jaw, and then he pulls the tie back from my eyes.

  When my eyes adjust to the darkness of the room, I spot Dex next to me, completely naked.

  He has the pudding I brought, and he scoops some out and makes a show of savoring his first bite, right in front of me, with the spoon he just rubbed all over me.

  It might be the hottest damn thing I’ve ever seen in my life.

  He licks it, taking his sweet time, curling his tongue around it. Then, his eyes land on mine and he heats my entire body with nothing but his stare. “Best fucking pudding I’ve ever had in my life.” He scoops another bite and shovels it in his mouth. “Tastes like bananas.” He leans down to my ear. “And you.”

  My chest heaves up and down with deep breaths, watching him eat the damn pudding right in front of me. I need him so damn bad right now. My body is in flames. I ache just watching him, and when I think it can’t get any hotter, he spoons some pudding out and dumps it right above my pussy, then spreads it around slowly with the spoon, his eyes never leaving mine the whole time.

  Next, he does the same, right on each of my breasts. Then each side of my neck. He smears pudding on the insides of my thighs and makes a little trail from my breasts down to my stomach.

  “That should be enough. I have quite an appetite.”

  His fan is on above us, and I can feel the chill everywhere he has the pudding on me.

  He takes his sweet-ass time, walking over and setting the dish on his nightstand, along with the spoon. The wait is killing me. I writhe on the bed, covered in the pudding I hauled ass to make after work. It might be the best peace offering of all time.

  He moves the tie back over my eyes until everything goes black again. “I’ll be back shortly, and I’m going to have you for dessert.”

  I don’t know how much more I can take. It’s excruciating.

  He walks off and he’s gone for like another five minutes that seems like an hour. This time, I don’t even hear him come again. I don’t know what’s happened until two hands spread my thighs apart as far as they’ll go and then it happens all at once.

  His tongue makes contact with my skin and he laps up the pudding from the insides of my thighs, constantly grazing the edges of where I need his mouth, but not making direct contact.

  I move against the restraints in agony, trying to get him to speed up but he doesn’t. “I can’t hold it, Dex, you have no idea.”

  “Don’t fucking come until I’m finished. Or I’ll leave you tied up all goddamn night.”

  I nod furiously. “Okay.”

  I can do this. I can do this. There’s no way in hell you’ll last until he’s done. It’s impossible.

  Dex ignores my pussy, once he’s done with my thighs, and hovers over me up to my neck. He cleans both sides of it with his tongue, and I fight the urge to arch my chest up into him. His hard cock drags across my stomach, and I know he just got pudding all over it. I can feel it smeared up to my chest.

  “You made me make a mess.” His hand cups my jaw and his fingers squeeze my cheeks until my mouth forms a big O. “Gonna need you to take care of that for me.”

  I nod, eager to do anything to relieve myself of this torturous foreplay that I secretly want to never end.

  He presses the head of his cock to my lips, and I open immediately and take him in.

  Sure enough, as soon as he pushes into my mouth, I taste the pudding all up and down him. I’m not one to be outdone, and I want to be sexy for him, so as soon as he pulls his dick away from my mouth, I say, “Your balls too, sir.”

  He groans, loud, and breaks character for a brief moment. “Fuck, Abby. You’re killing me.”

  He lowers his balls and I lick and suck each one of them, until I’m sure I got every speck of banana pudding off them.

  Dex hovers back down and licks across both my breasts. He bites down on my nipples and sucks until I’m writhing in agony.

  “You’re gonna have to hurry. I’m not going to last.”

  He spreads my legs apart and his tongue connects with my clit. I buck my hips as hard as I can at him as he fucks me with his mouth.

  “Please, Dexter. Please.” I drag out the last word on a whimper. My hands grip his headboard, and I’m about to shatter into a million pieces.

  “Okay.” As he says it, he shoves his thick cock inside me, and I come undone all over it. “Fuck, Abby.” He groans the words as I clamp down on him and have the most intense orgasm of my life.

  In my limited sexual experience, there have been self-induced orgasms, regular Dexter-induced orgasms, and then this orgasm. It’s on another plane of existence.

  My mind is a blur, my arms and legs trembling, my entire body seizing as I writhe against the restraints. His headboard thrashes against the wall, banging loud enough anyone in a three-block radius might hear. I squeeze around him while my hips buck uncontrollably.

  “Dexter.” I groan out his name.

  I’m in a fog, floating around on the clouds and it’s like a strong drug flows through my veins down to my fingertips and toes. I don’t know how long it lasts, but it’s pure euphoria. Fuzzy stars firework in front of my eyelids. After a few long seconds, hell, it might even be minutes, my brain returns from a temporary fog and I crane my head around, the room still completely black.

  I shake my hands and legs, panting uncontrollably. “Get this shit off me, now.”

  He slides the blindfold down and his eyes widen when he sees me, and he furiously unties all the ties. The second my arms and legs are free I dive into him and knock him onto his back. Before he can recover, I straddle him and put his cock back inside me. I start rolling my hips, riding him as ha
rd as I can.

  “Fucking hell.” His eyes roll back then narrow on mine.

  Before I know it, he’s flipped me to my back and he’s on top, pumping into me. I’m not even sure I know what happens after that, but we’re a mess of tangled arms and limbs. Dex fucks me so hard, I come again without notice and my whole body spasms underneath him.

  “God, Abby, fuck.” He grunts and groans. His whole body stiffens, and he comes deep inside me. It’s like it never ends as he fills me up so much it streams out around his cock and down my thighs.

  We both pant heavily, staring into each other’s eyes, then we both grin at each other.

  He lingers above me for a long moment and brushes a wayward, sweaty strand of hair from my face. “You’re mine.” It’s the only two words he says and then he collapses onto my shoulder and nuzzles into my neck, his arms wrapped tight around me.

  Yep. He’s not wrong.


  It’s been exactly four days since the pudding incident. That’s what I’m calling it, anyway, and it’s been impossible to think about anything else.

  I gather all the information Rick Lawrence gave me on Wells Covington. I haven’t looked at any of it yet and Decker asked for it ASAP. I glance down at the top page and see his picture. His dark eyes stare back at me, and for some reason it sends a shiver up my spine.

  It’s probably because he was there the night Dexter and I had the huge fight. I think he just reminds me of a shit memory, but I can’t help the effect his picture has on me. He stood there and basically cheered Dexter on, jumping around, voicing his approval. Asshole.

  I still wonder why Decker is looking into his background. He’s done it for a few other clients, but they’re usually criminal cases, not for potential financial clients. It seems weird but I’m sure Decker has a reason. You don’t build a firm this size without being smart and careful.

  I’m sure Dex knows about it by now, but I don’t like talking about work when I’m with him. I get enough of that here, and we have plenty of other things to do. Not to mention when you bring up money or work with Dexter, he gets that shark look on his face, like it’s all that matters. I love possessive Dexter, but I like a nice mix of that guy and the boyish one who tells me about phone calls with his mom.

  I do my best to remain professional at work, well, other than the time he spanked me in his office, but other than that, my willpower has kept me in check since. He’s always trying to sneak kisses and touch me in front of people whenever he gets the chance, and I still have to tell him to knock it off.

  I hurry to Decker’s office to get the file to him. He’s about to leave for the day and I want to catch him before he takes off for the weekend. I heard Tate mention something at lunch about them going away to do wedding plans and she was sneaking out of the office early. When is their wedding, anyway? It must be coming up soon, but they still haven’t announced a date, even though they already did the bachelor and bachelorette parties. Tate’s was back in Dallas a while ago. I went home that weekend and went out with them.

  When I get to Decker’s office, he walks out the door with Tate.

  I put myself right in their path. “Hey, Mr. Collins, I have that uhh, project you had me working on.” I glance around because I’m not sure Tate is supposed to know, and I like to follow instructions to the letter when I get an assignment.

  “Is it top secret or something?” says Tate.

  Decker ignores her. “Thanks. Great work.” He snatches it from my hand.

  “Enjoy your weekend.”

  “You too.” Tate winks at me like she knows something I don’t.

  I watch them leave totally smitten with one another. She teases him about the file, he whispers something in her ear, and she laughs. Decker is a complete hard ass. Tate too, but something about the two of them together, they mellow each other out. The man is head over heels in love with her. I see it in the way he looks at her when he thinks no one is watching. He looks at her like Deacon looks at Quinn and like—oh my God.

  It’s the exact same way Dexter looks at me.

  I don’t know why the thought hits me right then, on a Friday, in the middle of the office. But it slams into my chest like a Mack truck.

  I suck in a breath. Holy shit. I mean I don’t think Dexter is in love with me. That’s crazy, but he definitely likes me a lot. I know the look and I’m stupid for not recognizing it sooner.

  When I get back to my desk, Dexter is waiting for me. I take a seat as he leans over the cubicle. “Hey, you. What are you doing?”

  He has that boyish grin on his face and gives me that look I just saw on Decker when he stared at Tate. “Don’t make any plans for tonight. I have a surprise. Pick you up at seven.”

  I don’t get a chance to contest because he immediately turns and struts down the hall.

  Okay, I sneak a look at his ass when nobody is watching. Just one though.

  Damn, it’s a fine ass too.


  I swing by my apartment and grab a quick shower before my date with Abigail. For some reason, moments of clarity always come to me in the shower. It’s where I do my best thinking outside the office. It’s usually about work, but not so in this case.

  I’m either nuts or I’m fucking falling in love. I never go this above and beyond planning dates for women I’m with. I may help my brothers out when they need it, because they’re clueless and I’m awesome, but I make fun of them for doing this shit.

  What does that mean? I know I’m not in love with Abigail. It’s too soon and falling in love is for pussies. I do love burying my cock inside her, though. Thank God she’s on the pill because I’ve been reckless. Coming inside her like an idiot; I just can’t help myself. The moments are so intense and it’s just… It’s never been like this with anyone else. There’s a connection there. A force I can’t pull away from.

  I can definitely see a future with her. I know she has reservations about getting serious with anyone. She’s mentioned it multiple times, and it heats my blood anytime I hear her say it.

  You’d have to be blind to not see we just work together. We fit. She may be young and not want to settle down, but I know she feels it too. It’s more than lust. I thought that was all it was at first, and once I fucked her, I’d have it out of my system and want to move on, but I can’t. It runs much deeper than getting her into my bed. It’s bone-deep, and I feel the pull every goddamn day. I just want to wake up and see her face. It’s painful when she’s not around me.

  I shoot Abigail a quick text to let her know I’m on my way. When I arrive at her building, I spot her watching for me in her window. I take the stairs two at a time instead of the elevator.

  She opens the door before I get there, and I walk right past her.

  “Dex, what the…”

  “You need an overnight bag.”

  “Oh.” She grins before the recognition sets in. “Ohh.” She draws the syllable out this time.

  Her roommate rounds the corner in a robe, then shrieks when she sees me.

  “Abigail, why the hell is he—”

  I hold up a hand. “Save it. I’ll be gone in two seconds. Go back to your room.”

  “You don’t tell me what…”

  I glare right at her. The stare I reserve for opposing counsel and my worst enemies, back when I used to try criminal cases right out of law school.

  She immediately turns on a dime and walks to her room.

  “Holy cow. How did you do that?” Abigail gawks at me like I’m some kind of magician.

  “Doesn’t matter. Hurry up before she changes her mind and comes back out here. I want to stay in a good mood.”

  “Good idea.” Abigail rifles through her armoire and grabs a few things and shoves them in a bag. “You have to teach me your Jedi ways, Obi-Wan. It would drastically improve my standard of living.”

  I reach out a hand. “Join me, and together we can rule the galaxy as… Shit, that doesn’t work, does it?”

  She shakes
her head like I’m an idiot. “Was that some weird attempt to get me to call you daddy?”

  I burst into a laugh. “No, actually, I’m not much of a fan. It’s weird.”

  She nods. “Agreed, I’ll never call you that.”

  “Thanks.” I kiss her on the forehead. “And, I don’t know if the death stare can be taught. It’s just a natural talent.”

  She does this fake glare at me, a terrible imitation of my courtroom scowl.

  I can’t stop laughing and hold out my hand again. “Come on, crazy. Let’s go on an adventure.”

  She looks around and giggles like a girl sneaking out of her parents’ house late at night. “Okay. Let’s do it.”

  We both run down the stairs, even though there’s no hurry, and exit out into the freezing cold night, laughing like kids.

  I didn’t think I could ever have this much fun again. It’s even better than I thought, like playing hide and seek with my brothers when we were little at my Uncle’s house outside the city.

  I open the passenger door for her and take her bag and stick it in the trunk.

  I return to the driver’s seat. “You ready?”

  Abigail smiles. “Hell yes. Barbie is a nightmare, alternating between raging and crying.”

  “That bad?”

  Abigail rolls her eyes and groans. “You have no idea. I don’t know how women do this whole girlfriend thing. I’m exhausted.”

  The hairs on the back of my neck stand up at attention. “What?”

  She reaches for my forearm and laughs. “I didn’t mean, like girlfriend girlfriend, I mean like, being friends with a girl. I don’t mind being your girlfriend at all.”

  My heart warms immediately. We’ve never really discussed our relationship status. We just sort of went from zero to sixty in a matter of weeks. I keep glancing over at her and smiling.

  “I have something on my face?”

  I shake my head. “No, we just haven’t really talked about, us, you know? You called yourself my girlfriend.”

  “Oh.” She looks away. “Was I being presumptuous?”

  I squeeze her hand tight. “Hell no. Not at all. I loved hearing you say it. I’ve been so caught up in work, and, well, you…” I shake my head and my jaw clenches. “I didn’t do it right. Fuck.” I glare out the window. “I should’ve asked you. It should’ve been a thing. It feels like it should’ve been a big romantic…”


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