Captivated Souls (The Beautiful Souls Collection Book 3)

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Captivated Souls (The Beautiful Souls Collection Book 3) Page 11

by Ellie Wade

  Quinn’s lips work back across my face until they’re on mine. Pressing my body against hers, she moans as I deepen the kiss. Our tongues entwine with one other—slow, hard, and seductive—in a dance that was always meant for just the two of us.

  Hands roam.

  Bodies squirm.

  Sounds of desire surround us.

  Our tongues dance.

  I never want to stop, maybe ever.

  “Sorry if I’m interrupting,” a voice states from behind me, and it’s like a bucket of cold water falling over my libido.

  I jolt away from Quinn, taking a step back and turning toward Clem. I wipe the back of my hand over my mouth. “Clem, I…”

  “Oh, calm down,” Clementine scoffs. “I’m nineteen. I’ve seen people kiss before. Not a big deal.”

  “Right. Well, this is Quinn.” I motion behind me. “And Quinn this is Clem.”

  “Yeah, we’ve met,” Clem states.

  Quinn takes a step so she’s beside me. “Yeah, when I brought you dinner and money for fixing my Jeep.”

  “Oh, that’s right,” I say.

  Clementine narrows her eyes, accessing me. “We’re still on for tonight. Right?”

  It takes me a second to remember what she’s talking about. A&W. Root beer floats and chili dogs. “Yes, of course. Quinn just stopped by.”

  “It was an unannounced visit,” Quinn adds.

  Clementine purses her lips, “Well, it was obviously well-received.” She shoots me a knowing look.

  “I should probably go then,” Quinn’s gaze darts from me to Clementine and back.

  There’s a moment of silence before Clementine pipes up. “It’s fine. You can come with us if you want—at least to the first part. We’re going to A&W for dinner before the meeting. It’s kind of our thing.”

  “Are you sure?” I ask Clementine.

  “Yeah, it’s fine,” Clem says again. “We should hang out. I mean, if you guys are going to be a thing, we should get to know each other.” She turns toward Quinn, her expression darkens. “Because I’m here to stay.”

  Quinn’s eyes go wide, and she looks at me. I give her a smile because I don’t know what else to do. This new development was sudden, and we clearly have some dynamics to work out.

  “Thank you for the invitation,” Quinn addresses Clem. “But I think I’m going to pass this time. Ollie didn’t know I was coming over, and you already had plans. But let’s get together another time because I’d like to get to know you, too.”

  “Okay, that’s fair.” Clem nods. “Well, I’ll see you around, Quinn. I’m going to go visit with Saki before we leave.”

  Clementine walks past us and opens the door to the house before closing it behind her.

  Once Clem is inside, I turn toward Quinn and take her hand. “I’m sorry.”

  She shakes her head. “No, it’s fine. You had plans. I get it.” She squeezes my hand. “We’ll get it all figured out. Don’t worry.”

  Biting my lip, I nod.

  Quinn pops up onto the tips of her toes and throws her arms around my neck. “I made you a promise, Ollie. I want you, and you want me…and that’s all that matters.”

  Our lips meet.

  The kiss isn’t as heated as our last, but it’s somehow even better because it holds the promise of more. And with Quinn, I’ll always crave just that.

  Chapter 17


  Heels kicked off to the side of my office, I sit on the carpet amidst a pile of purchase orders that need sorting. The manager who quit a few weeks ago sure left things in a mess. This week has been one late night after another. With many of our part-time summer help leaving to go back to college, I’ve been helping out on the floor during the day and up in my office at night sorting out everything else.

  We’re trying to hire additional staff, but it takes time, and until then, it falls onto me to sort it out. Truth be told, I usually wouldn’t mind. I love being busy and feeling productive. It’s the simple fact that my mind has been elsewhere this week while my body’s wanted to be there for real.

  Thoughts and daydreams of Ollie aren’t life-sustaining. I need the real deal.


  He had this whole complete life before me, as did I. One kiss isn’t going to automatically change everything, allowing our lives together to fall magically into place. It’s new and will take time.

  We’ve been in touch through texts, both of the sweet and sexy nature, and I suppose it’s better than nothing. I place my fingers to my lips, where I swear they still burn from that kiss.

  That incredible first kiss.


  His voice startles me, and I yelp, clutching my hand to my chest. Ollie leans against the doorframe of my office.

  “Oh my gosh.” I hop off the floor. “What are you doing here? How did you get in?” The store closed an hour ago.

  Ollie steps toward me, careful not to step on any of the messy piles on the floor. He sets a white plastic bag on my desk.

  “First,” he says before taking my face in his hands and kissing me senseless. I’m a pile of mush when he pulls his lips from mine. “I needed that.” He grins, carefree and beautiful. “I met Franky in the back on the forklift, moving boxes from a truck into the back warehouse. I told him I was your boyfriend and wanted to surprise you with dinner. So he let me in.”

  “Oh my gosh.” I look up toward him, smitten with everything Oliver Hale. The fact he’s here, and I’m in his arms as he looks at me with so much adoration is hard to wrap my mind around. “Well, first of all, you could’ve been a murderer for all Franky knew. Thanks a lot Franky.” I laugh. “And more importantly, boyfriend?”

  “Here’s the thing, little one, the second you traipsed, all sexy and confident, into my garage and kissed me, you were mine. I’m too old to play games. You wanted me? You have me.”

  “Okay.” My reply is breathy.

  Ollie’s lips find mine once more, and I can hardly believe this is happening. I’ve wanted Ollie for so long, and he just told me that he’s mine.


  It’s surreal really.

  He kisses me until my lips ache and my legs threaten to give way. When he pulls away, I remember something he said from moments ago.

  “Did you say dinner?” I quirk a brow.

  I haven’t eaten since breakfast, and I’m famished.

  A low chuckle rumbles free. “Well, that’s a bit of an exaggeration. I actually only brought dessert. I stopped at the cheesecake place in the mall and got you a variety.”

  I squeal, smiling wide. “Even better! You know my love for all things sweet and yummy.”

  “I do.” He grins.

  “Take the bag,” I tell Ollie and grab his free hand, pulling him out of my office. “It’s a mess in there, and honestly, I need a break from that space.” I lead him over to housewares. The store is dark save for the ambient lighting coming from the Exit signs above the doors throughout the store.

  I grab a blanket from a display and place it on the ground, and we take a seat.

  “Let’s see what you brought me,” I say, wide-eyed.

  Ollie chuckles and starts pulling out containers. He hands me a plastic fork. “There’s plain, caramel swirl, strawberry topping, chocolate chip, and one with a bunch of different berries. Take your pick.”

  “I’m thinking a little bit of each of them, and when I say a little bit—I mean, a lot.”

  Ollie grins as I dig into the cheesecake. He takes a fork and tries a bite of the plain cheesecake. “This is good.”


  “So what was that mess on your office floor?”

  “Purchase orders and receipts…crap I need to organize. Not my favorite part of this job, that’s for sure.”

  Ollie scoops up a large bite of the caramel cheesecake and holds it out to me. I take a bite. “I missed you.”

  I lick the caramel off my lips. “I missed you, too.”

  “I know you texted that ev
erything went fine Sunday night with Clem at A&W and the meeting but is everything really okay with that situation? She seems quite attached.”

  Ollie sets down his fork and leans on his propped knee. “She is. She is one of the reasons I was hesitant about us or a relationship in general. She needs me, and honestly, she isn’t in the best place right now. She’s having a hard time. We spend a lot of time together. I’ve been told that I get too close to those I sponsor, but the truth is, I don’t know another way. It’s who I am. I’m an all-in type of person. If I commit to someone, that’s it. I’m in 100%. Honestly, that’s why I’ve never done relationships because they’d interfere.”

  “I would never want you to stop helping her or seeing her. I completely understand how important your role is.”

  “I know. I just worry.”

  Reaching out, I grab his knee. “Try not to. I want you exactly the way you are. I know that you have this big important role that was a part of your life well before I came along. I think what you do is amazing. You’re an incredible man. I’m prepared for dates being canceled, and plans changed because you’re needed elsewhere. I’m not coming into this blind. I’ve thought long and hard about us, and I want this even if it comes with obstacles. We both had reservations coming into this. Heck, it’s taken years to get past them just to get here. But now that we’re here, I don’t want to be anyplace else. You can do both, you know? You can help others and have a relationship of your own.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I’ve been told.”

  “By who?”

  “My mother.”

  “Well, she sounds like a brilliant woman, and I agree with her wholeheartedly. You can have both. You deserve happiness, too.” I lower my eyes for a second before raising my gaze to his. I swallow. “I know I can make you happy.”

  He leans forward, and I automatically move toward him until our lips meet in a short and sweet kiss. “I know you can,” he says. “That’s not even a remote worry. You’re perfect, Quinn. The girl of my dreams.”

  “Okay,” I whisper against his lips.

  We bag up the cheesecake containers and lie on the blanket, propped on our elbows we face each other.

  “You know how you became a part of Leo’s life, and became friends with his friends? I was thinking, can’t we do that with Clem? Like all hang out together so she has you, but I have you, too.”

  “Yeah, we could try that.”

  “And you sponsor others?”

  “Yeah but they’re all at different stages of recovery, and require different levels of support from me. I have some that have been clean for a long time and only need to check in with me every once in a while. Clementine is newly clean and she’s not close with her family, and lost all her friends. So she’s kind of fragile in that way, and needs me more.”

  “You know when I first saw her, when I dropped off your money, I thought she was a girl you were seeing or hooking up with.” I cringe just saying the words out loud.

  “Yeah, I remember your text,” he says amused. “Well, you didn’t know, I guess. Though, she’s a little young for me, don’t you think?”

  I scrunch up my nose. “I thought so but who was I to judge.”

  “Well, rest assured. There has never been anything romantic between Clem and I. She’s like a little sister to me.”

  “I know you said you don’t date, or didn’t date but you have been with women before?” I’ve always been curious about his past with women but have never felt the time was appropriate to ask. I guess it’s now or never.

  He throws his head back and laughs. “Yes, Quinn. You think I’m a thirty-eight-year-old virgin?”

  “I don’t know. You’ve always been so mysterious about your love life.”

  “Well, that’s the thing, I haven’t had a love life. Love and sex are not mutually exclusive. You’ve never slept with someone you didn’t love? Had a one-night stand or a hookup?”

  “Yeah, but I’ve been in love, too.”

  “Well, I haven’t. Just sex.”

  “That’s kind of sad,” I say.

  He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. “It’s not. It worked for me.”

  “I really like you, Ollie. I don’t want to be just sex.”

  “Quinn.” He sighs. “You could never be just anything because you’re quickly becoming everything.”

  “Say more words like that.” I grin before leaning in for a kiss.

  “Let me take you home where I can show you everything I want to say.”

  My entire body tingles. “I’d like that.”

  We clean up our impromptu dessert picnic on the sales floor and I grab my purse from my office.

  “I can take you back to your place on my bike and bring you back to work tomorrow. Leave your Jeep here?”

  “That sounds perfect.”

  We walk hand in hand out the back of the store, passing Franky.

  “You know he could’ve been a murder?” I tease Franky as we pass.

  “Nah, I could tell he was good. It’s in the eyes,” Franky responds.

  I smile wide. “Yeah, you’re right. He’s good. Have a good night.” I wave toward Franky, practically running beside Ollie as he leads us to his motorcycle.

  I don’t know who’s more excited to get back to my place, him or me. We’ve both been waiting eight long years, so I guess we’ll call it a tie.

  Chapter 18


  Age Thirty

  It’s the first time I’m meeting Alma though I feel like I know her already. For the past six months, she’s been a constant part of conversation between Leo and me. He worked so hard to get better, for her, and I can see why. The two of them have a special connection, a chemistry that’s undeniable.

  Leo and I have become friends over this past half year, and he wants to start introducing me to his friends. He wants me to be a part of his life, and I think it’s awesome. Despite our obvious connection through NA, he’s a great guy to hang with, and I’m sure his friends are just as cool.

  Tonight, it’s going to be me, Leo, Alma, and Alma’s best friend…Quinn. Leo told me that Alma invited Quinn because she didn’t want me to feel like the odd man out and something about even numbers being better.

  Leo just bought a grill and he and Alma are outside trying to figure it out. I offered to help but they said they had it taken care of.

  “I’m sorry I’m late!” A female calls from the foyer. “You will never believe what Kingston did to Abby last night. So I was talking to her. It’s kind of a mess. I’ll tell you all about it, but I am here now and ready to defuse all tension!”

  She steps into the living room, and her mouth falls open when she sees me.

  “Tension?” I question with a smirk.

  “Oh my gosh, you must be Ollie…and you’re early! Ahh, I’m sorry. I’m Quinn.” She closes the distance between us and takes my hand in a firm shake.

  I’m momentarily stunned by her proximity, confused at my reaction. My heart thumps within my chest at the feel of her hand in mine. She is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Short, rocking body, mesmerizing green eyes, long blond hair, and a smile that leaves me breathless. What the fuck? Breathless? Who am I right now?

  I pull my hand from hers. “It’s cool.”

  “Alma didn’t think it’d be weird or anything. She only wanted to make sure that you didn’t feel singled out or anything. Plus, maybe we’ll play Euchre or something, and the teams will be even.”


  “It’s a card game. Do you know how to play?”

  “Of course. It’s kind of a requirement of growing up in Michigan.”

  “You know, I would’ve thought so, too. Yet, I’ve met many people here at college that’ve never played.”


  “Indeed.” She waves her hand before her. “Well, anyway, Alma loves games and all candy. It’s two things we have in common.”

  “Games and candy. Got it.”

  “You are real
ly gorgeous,” she blurts out. “You’re thirty? You don’t seem that old.”

  “Well, it’s not really old, and do you always say whatever comes to your mind?” I chuckle, quirking a brow.

  She scrunches her nose. “Usually. It’s a problem. But also a blessing because who doesn’t like to hear that they’re attractive? Right? I can keep my mouth shut. Like, if you looked like a troll, I wouldn’t have said anything. I’m not mean.” She extends her palm in a circling motion in front of my face. “But clearly, you are like the opposite of a troll. Total opposite.”

  “Well, thanks, little one.” I chuckle.

  She beams at the pet name and shoots me a wink. “You’re welcome, gorgeous.”

  You’re fucking beautiful. I want to tell her, but I don’t because while random honesty works for her, it’d just be weird coming from me. Not to mention, I’m here for Leo, not to screw his girlfriend’s nineteen-year-old best friend.

  Chapter 19


  The short ride from the mall to my house is one giant turn-on. My work attire really doesn’t lend itself to being the girlfriend of a guy who’s always on a motorcycle. I can’t believe after years of lusting after Ollie, I’m finally—finally—dating him. I honestly didn’t think this day would come.

  My skirt is hiked up to my thighs, enough to allow my legs to straddle the seat. My arms are wrapped around Ollie’s waist, as I lean against his back. I can imagine what it’ll be like to touch the skin beneath his clothes, and it’s almost too much. He smells of perfection, leather and a rugged scent—maybe his body wash or shampoo. Ollie doesn’t seem like the type of guy to wear cologne but he always smells like heaven.

  The night air is cool as it hits my exposed skin, and I can feel Ollie’s forthcoming touches. The wind whips across my skin in a seductive rhythm teasing my body with what’s to come. I have wanted this man, more than I’ve ever wanted anyone, since I was nineteen years old. There’s been this innate pull toward him from the very first second I laid eyes on him. Maybe it’s chemistry or destiny, the label is irrelevant, but the feeling is real.


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