Somebody Like You: A Small Town Single Mom Romance (The Heartbreak Brothers Book 4)

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Somebody Like You: A Small Town Single Mom Romance (The Heartbreak Brothers Book 4) Page 11

by Carrie Elks

  “Um, no?” Michael raked his fingers through his hair. “But maybe I can work it off or something. Make a payment plan with you. I’m hoping to get a weekend job as soon as I turn fifteen. Until then, I can do stuff like cut your lawn or tidy your yard or something. I do it for my uncle and he’s happy with my work.”

  “You want to make a payment plan?” Cam repeated. “How long do you think it’ll take you to repay eight thousand dollars?”

  Blowing out a mouthful of air, Michael grimaced. “A while. But I’m a man of my word, sir. The money will come back to you.”

  Cam tipped his head to the side and stared at the boy. He’d been avoiding Cam ever since he’d started working with the team. It was understandable, as they hadn’t gotten the best start after all, but he could still remember Mia’s request to try to mend some bridges.

  “Does your mom know about this?” Cam asked him.

  “No. And I don’t want her to. She’ll only tell me not to worry about it, but that’s a crock of sh—, I mean a load of trash, because she’s the one who always worries about money.”

  “You shouldn’t keep secrets from your mom.”

  Michael sighed. “I’m a teenage kid. That’s practically my job. But seriously, she’d go ape on me, and I’m only trying to make her life a little easier. She works too hard and has too much to worry about already.” He lifted his gaze to Cam’s. “Please, can we work this out between us? Man to man?”

  There was something in his voice that made Cam stop in his tracks. He knew enough about what Michael had been through this year to understand why he wanted to take control of something. Anything. And he had a lot of time for a kid that wanted to repay his debts. As much as he didn’t need the money, maybe Michael needed to feel like a man.

  “What do I tell your mom when she asks for the invoice?” Not that he was ever planning on giving it to her. But if Michael had a good idea on how to stop her from going apeshit about it, he was all ears.

  “I don’t know.” Michael screwed up his nose. “Maybe you can stall her for a while. Tell her you’re still waiting for the final amount. Give me time to think about something better.”

  Cam bit down a smile. “If she finds out, it’s your funeral.”

  “Yeah, I know. But it’ll be more of a cremation. When my mom gets mad, it’s like a nuclear explosion.”

  His smile was threatening to break through. Cam turned to his car and pressed on the fob, the locks unclicking instantly. “You heading home now?” he asked Michael.


  “You want a ride?” Cam inclined his head at the car.

  Michael’s eyes lit up, as he stared at the sparkling blue coupe. “Seriously?”

  “I figure it’s safer when you’re in the car.” Cam gave him a grin.

  “Okay then.” Michael rubbed his hands together. “Let’s go.”

  It had been a good day. Mia had spent the mornings in meetings with Scotland and Tokyo to discuss the new international blend campaign she’d be working on, then the afternoon doing more research and starting to sketch out some ideas. It would be weeks before the plan was good enough to present to the board, but it was progress, and it felt good.

  Even better, the sun was shining, golden beams illuminating the changing leaves on the trees, their red and orange hues reminding her so much of fall as a child.

  Turning the corner onto Ash Street, she immediately pressed the brake when she saw three people in the road. Josh was running toward her, a football in his hand. Turning, he threw it hard at Michael who was at the far end. But before he could catch it, another person intercepted it.

  No, not another person. Cam Hartson.

  Cam Hartson was playing ball with her kids.

  It felt like two worlds were colliding. Memories of her late night conversation with Cam rushed into her brain. His low, sexy voice, with his intriguing offer. The way her body responded to his words.

  And now he was here with her children.

  “Mom!” Josh called out, his face lighting up when he spotted her car. He ran toward her, his face bright red with exertion. She lowered her window, and he leaned on the sill, his breath catching.

  “Mikey’s gonna help coach my pee wee team, and Cam’s been running drills with us. How cool is that?”

  She forced a smile on her lips. “Way cool.”

  “Wanna come and play?” Josh asked her.

  Glancing down at her skirt and heels, Mia shook her head. “I need to get dinner started. And you boys need to come in and do your homework.”

  “Oh mom.” Josh sighed. “I need to practice. Cam says that all games are won in training.”

  “Yeah, well even Cam had to do his homework when he was a kid. Let me park, and I’ll watch you throw a couple.”

  “Yes!” Josh did a fist bump, and Mia tried not to laugh, because he looked so damn happy.

  Climbing out of her car after she’d parked it in the driveway, Mia looked over to where Michael and Cam were standing. They were talking about something, and Michael laughed and slapped Cam’s back.

  When had they become best friends?

  “Hey, Mikey, I’m gonna throw the ball again. Mom, are you watching?”

  “Yes, honey, I’m watching. Five more minutes and it’s time to come in.”

  “Okay.” Josh sighed, then looked over his shoulder at Michael. “I’m gonna run,” he told his brother. “Yell at me when you throw. And then I’ll throw it back to Cam.”

  Sitting down on the top step of the stoop, Mia kicked her high heels off, and watched her son as he ran down the street. She’d tell him off for playing in the road, except she was the only one who ever drove down here. Michael yelled and threw the ball, and Josh kept running until it landed in his hands.

  And then she made the mistake of looking at Cam Hartson, and her heart started racing.

  He was staring right back at her, his eyes narrowed, his mouth slightly parted. Everything about that look made her shiver.

  Come here just once. I’ll make sure you come plenty more times.

  She’d been thinking about those words ever since he said them. Late at night, when she still couldn’t sleep. At work when her mind drifted.

  And now, when she was feeling angry because he shouldn’t be here with her kids.

  “Okay,” she shouted, when the five minutes were up. “It’s time to come in.”

  “Oh, Mom…”

  “I mean it, Josh. Go inside, wash up, and get your school work out on the kitchen table. You too, Michael.”

  “You want me to do my homework, too?” Cam asked, a stupid lopsided smile pulling at his lips.

  “Nope. You can stay out here.” She put a mom-voice on, ignoring his smirk. “I want to talk to you.”

  Michael shot her a look. The kind of look he used to shoot her when he was a tween and she’d ruffle his hair in front of his friends. “Mom, I asked Cam to come play football.”

  “It’s okay.” She forced a smile on her face. “Just go inside.”

  Josh walked up the steps, the football still grasped between his hands. “Did I do good, Cam?” he asked, glancing over his shoulder.

  “You did great, kiddo. You’re gonna knock them dead on Saturday. Just remember what I said, eyes on the ball. Nowhere else.”

  Josh nodded, his face serious. “Got it.”

  “Thanks for the ride,” Michael mumbled, following Josh through the front door. “Sorry about my mom.”

  Mia closed the door behind him, then turned to face Cam. He was leaning on one of the wooden struts holding up the porch roof. His eyes were still narrowed, his gaze set on her.

  “Hi,” he said, giving her a lazy smile.

  She didn’t smile back. “Let’s talk around the side. That way Michael and Josh won’t hear us.” She walked down the steps, her arm brushing against his, then followed the path to the side of the Victorian house. When she was around the corner, she stopped, turning to see Cam right behind her.

  It was an effort no
t to jump at his proximity.

  “Are you going to tell me off?” he asked, that stupid sexy smile still playing around his lips. “Because you need to know, it’ll turn me on.”

  She put her hands on her hips. “Is this a game to you?”

  The smile slid from his mouth. “Is what a game?”

  She gestured at herself then him. “This. Us. Flirting with me then playing with my kids behind my back. What are you trying to achieve?”

  His eyes flickered to her lips. “What makes you think I’m trying to achieve anything? I gave Michael a ride home from football practice, and Josh was dropped off at the same time. He was so excited about Michael being his coach that he asked for us to practice with him. That’s what we were doing when you got home.” He lifted an eyebrow. “I’m not trying to corrupt your kids. We were just having fun.”

  Her chest was so tight it was hard to breathe. Of course he wasn’t doing anything underhanded. “I’m sorry,” she said, her voice thin. “I’m just…” She exhaled. “So confused.”

  “About what? Throwing a football.” He gave her another smile. It shot right through her.

  Pressing her lips together, she shook her head. “No, the football’s the easy part. It’s life that’s harder. The last time I talked with you, we were talking about sex. And now you’re with my boys. The two don’t mix. Not ever. Not in my family.”

  She leaned her head back against the stuccoed wall, and Cam cupped her face with his warm, strong palm. “Mia, there’s nothing going on. What you see is what you get. Yes, I want you. I’ve made no attempt to hide that. But I’m also Michael’s coach and you asked me to build some bridges with him. So here I am, building bridges.”

  “I’m an asshole.” Mia shook her head. “God knows why you’d want a mess like me.”

  “Because you’re fucking beautiful.” His words echoed through her ears. “And sexy, and funny, and you make me hard, especially when you’re angry with me.” He gave her a crooked smile. “I want you because I know I can make you feel so damn good you won’t stop thinking about me for days. And I know you want me, too.”

  Her lips parted, her eyes shadowed as she stared up at him. Her cheeks were stained pink. “It doesn’t matter what I want. This can never happen. I’m not the woman you need in your life.”

  “I’m not asking you to marry me. I’m offering nothing more than a few hours together to make you feel good. To make us both feel good. Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about our kiss. The way our bodies moved together without us even thinking about it.” He curled his fingers around her neck, the rough pads caressing her skin. “Don’t tell me you haven’t imagined me inside you.”

  Her body clenched at the thought. “Stop it.” She didn’t sound convincing.

  “I said it before. There’s something here. Either we can keep fighting it and end up like this every time, or you can come to my place and we’ll try to douse this damn flame together.” He brushed his lips against her jaw, his breath warm and tantalizing. “Let me be your rehab guy. Let me make you come so hard you forget your name.”

  He pressed his body against hers, so hard and strong. She blinked, trying to focus, yet finding it impossible. His lips slid away from her jaw, his tongue flicking at her ear, then he pressed his mouth against the corner of hers.

  “Say no and I’ll walk away,” he murmured, those teasing lips still hovering against hers.

  “Cam, I…”

  “Say it.” He curled his hand around her waist.

  “It won’t work. The boys… I can’t just disappear one night.”

  “Michael’s coaching on Saturday morning. Come over then.” He brushed his lips against hers, so softly she could barely feel it. But her body responded anyway.

  “You want to have sex on Saturday morning?”

  He grinned against her skin, his eyes flickering up to hers. “I believe it’s legal in all fifty states.”

  “What happened to dinner?” she asked him. “To seduction, to wine, to soft touches and long glances?”

  “I’ll take you to dinner,” he murmured. “Just say the word. You’re the one who doesn’t want anybody to know about us. I’d happily parade naked with you around town.” He pressed his cheek to hers. It was rough and warm.

  All she knew was that she liked the way he was holding her. As though he never wanted to let go. Loved the way she could feel his desire pressing against her. He was so tall, so broad, so muscled. He could dominate her if he wanted to.

  Did she want him to? The catch in her breath told her she did.


  He gave her a half smile. “Yeah.”

  “And then? What happens after that?”

  He ran his thumb along her bottom lip. “I don’t know,” he told her. “Does it matter? I want you, you want me. And on Saturday we both get what we want.”

  She shouldn’t want him. And she definitely shouldn’t do this. Yet there was an inevitability to it. It started from the moment they met. She could fight it, try to push it away and forget all about Cam Hartson. But she’d been trying to do that for weeks, and all she’d had were sleepless nights.

  “Nobody has to know,” she whispered, her hand clutching at his arm. She could feel the hard steel of his bicep flex as he held her.

  “It’s nobody’s business but ours. I’m not going to tell anybody, and I’m pretty sure you won’t either.”

  Running the tip of her tongue along her bottom lip, she lifted her gaze to his. Among the darkness and desire, she could see the truth there. He wasn’t playing games. He wasn’t offering her something he couldn’t give.

  He wanted to give into his desire. The same way she wanted to submit to hers. It was so simple.

  And so damn complicated.

  “Okay,” she breathed, and a huge smile lit up his face.

  “Okay?” he repeated.

  “Yeah. I’ll see you on Saturday.”

  He pushed himself off the wall, and the sudden rushing of air between them sent a shiver down her spine. “Until Saturday, then.”

  Two tiny lines formed between her brows. “Aren’t you going to kiss me?” Because right now she really needed to feel him again. When his body was against hers everything seemed so easy.

  “Nope.” He shook his head, and his eyes crinkled as he stared down at her. “I’m going to leave you wanting. If you want a kiss, be at my place by eight-thirty on Saturday.”

  He turned on his heel and strode easily back down the path. Mia watched him, her mouth dry, her heart galloping like it was trying to win the Kentucky Derby.

  Saturday. It was way too soon and too far away.

  She had no idea how she’d make it through until then.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Hey, Mia, over here!” a female voice called out as she walked up the steps of the bleachers. Josh had already run off to sit with Noah – his overnight bag already safely stowed in Noah’s mom’s car, along with his clothes for practice in the morning.

  Mia looked up to see Becca Hartson waving madly at her from a bench in the middle of the stand. She was surrounded by her family. Mia recognized Cam’s twin, of course, and his gorgeous wife with a baby strapped to her chest, his head lolling as he slept. And everybody knew who Gray Hartson, their older brother was. Next to him was a pretty woman with a brunette pony tail who was swapping small children with the rock star. Maddie? Yeah, that was her name.

  Next to Gray, was the youngest brother. Mia couldn’t quite remember his name, though she knew Becca had introduced him at church that Sunday.

  “Tanner, stop hogging the damn popcorn,” Gray said, grabbing the bucket from him.

  Well that solved her problem.

  “Hi.” She shot Becca a smile as she came level with the bench they were all sitting on.

  “Come and sit with me.” Becca tapped the bench next to her. “Where’s your son? Josh, is it?”

  “He’s sitting with a friend. And Michael is down there with the team.”

/>   “So you’re on your own.” Becca’s smile was huge. “Then you have to sit with us. You remember everybody, right?”

  “Yeah.” Mia gave them a shy wave. “Hi.”

  “Hey!” Logan’s wife said, grinning over the top of her baby’s head. “It’s good to see you again.”

  “Likewise.” Putting her purse between her feet, Mia pulled her hair out of her hoodie. “What are you guys doing here?” she asked Becca, who was slurping from a huge cup of soda. “I thought you went to that Friday Night Chairs thing.”

  “We thought we’d come and support Cam. And it’s kind of fun to watch Friday night football. I feel like I’m a kid again, watching my brothers get kicked to pieces on the field.” She wiggled her eyebrows at Mia. “I had to get my fun vicariously in those days.”

  Mia bit down a grin as Logan and Gray hurled friendly abuse at her. They were such a nice family. It made her feel warm to watch them.

  “Look, there’s Cam,” Becca said to her brothers. She stood up and waved like crazy. Cam looked up at his sister, lifting a large hand to wave back at her.

  And then he spotted Mia sitting on the bench.

  His head tipped to the side, as he gave her a long, speculative look. Then his gaze dipped, his eyes hooded, before he noticed the rest of his family sitting there. He shook his head, a smile ghosting his lips as one of the boys standing at the sideline whispered something in his ear.

  He grabbed his phone from his pocket and quickly tapped his fingers on the screen.

  The next moment, Mia’s phone vibrated in her pocket. Her breath caught, because she knew exactly who had messaged her. A sideways glance at Becca told her the younger woman was too busy playing with one of her nephews to notice Mia surreptitiously pulling her phone from her pocket to glance at the screen.

  Look at you sitting on the bench surrounded by my family. What are you trying to achieve? C xx

  She bit down a grin at him reflecting her words from the other day back at her. When she glanced back down at the field, he was still looking up at her.

  I figured I should get to know them. You are going to ask me to marry you after we have sex, right? M


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