History of Florence and of the Affairs of Italy

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History of Florence and of the Affairs of Italy Page 36

by Niccolo Machiavelli

determined to destroy him, and fortune seemed to favor their design.

  Bartolommeo Orlandini was Gonfalonier of Justice; the same person who

  was sent to the defense of Marradi, when Niccolo Piccinino came into

  Tuscany, as we have related above, and so basely abandoned the pass,

  which by its nature was almost impregnable. So flagrant an instance of

  cowardice was very offensive to Baldaccio, who, on many occasions,

  both by words and letters, had contributed to make the disgraceful

  fact known to all. The shame and vexation of Bartolommeo were extreme,

  so that of all things he wished to avenge himself, thinking, with the

  death of his accuser, to efface the stain upon his character.

  This feeling of Bartolommeo Orlandini was known to other citizens, so

  that they easily persuaded him to put Baldaccio to death, and at one

  avenge himself, and deliver his country from a man whom they must

  either retain at great peril, or discharge to their greater confusion.

  Bartolommeo having therefore resolved to murder him, concealed in his

  own apartment at the palace several young men, all armed; and

  Baldaccio, entering the piazza, whither it was his daily custom to

  come, to confer with the magistrates concerning his command, the

  Gonfalonier sent for him, and he, without any suspicion, obeyed.

  Meeting him in the corridor, which leads to the chambers of the

  Signory, they took a few turns together discoursing of his office,

  when being close to the door of the apartments in which the assassins

  were concealed, Bartolommeo gave them the signal, upon which they

  rushed out, and finding Baldaccio alone and unarmed, they slew him,

  and threw the body out of the window which looks from the palace

  toward the dogano, or customhouse. It was thence carried into the

  piazza, where the head being severed, it remained the whole day

  exposed to the gaze of the people. Baldaccio was married, and had only

  one child, a boy, who survived him but a short time; and his wife,

  Annalena, thus deprived of both husband and offspring, rejected every

  proposal for a second union. She converted her house into a monastery,

  to which she withdrew, and, being joined by many noble ladies, lived

  in holy seclusion to the end of her days. The convent she founded, and

  which is named from her, preserves her story in perpetual remembrance.

  This circumstance served to weaken Neri's power, and made him lose

  both influence and friends. Nor did this satisfy the citizens who held

  the reins of government; for it being ten years since their

  acquisition of power, and the authority of the Balia expired, many

  began to exhibit more boldness, both in words and deeds, than seemed

  consistent with their safety; and the leaders of the party judged,

  that if they wished to preserve their influence, some means must be

  adopted to increase it. To this end, in 1444 the councils created a

  new Balia, which reformed the government, gave authority to a limited

  number to create the Signory, re-established the Chancery of

  Reformations, depriving Filippo Peruzzi of his office of president in

  it, and appointing another wholly under their influence. They

  prolonged the term of exile to those who were banished; put Giovanni

  di Simone Vespucci in prison; deprived the Accoppiatori of their

  enemies of the honors of government, and with them the sons of Piero

  Baroncelli, the whole of the Seragli, Bartolommeo Fortini, Francesco

  Castellani, and many others. By these means they strengthened their

  authority and influence, and humbled their enemies, or those whom they

  suspected of being so.

  Having thus recovered and confirmed their government, they then turned

  their attention to external affairs. As observed above, Niccolo

  Piccinino was abandoned by King Alfonso, and the count having been

  aggrandized by the assistance of the Florentines, attacked and routed

  him near Fermo, where, after losing nearly the whole of his troops,

  Niccolo fled to Montecchio, which he fortified in such a manner that

  in a short time he had again assembled so large an army as enabled him

  to make head against the count; particularly as the season was now

  come for them to withdraw into quarters. His principal endeavor during

  the winter was to collect troops, and in this he was assisted both by

  the pope and Alfonso; so that, upon the approach of spring, both

  leaders took the field, and Niccolo, being the strongest, reduced the

  count to extreme necessity, and would have conquered him if the duke

  had not contrived to frustrate his designs. Filippo sent to beg he

  would come to him with all speed, for he wished to have a personal

  interview, that he might communicate matters of the highest

  importance. Niccolo, anxious to hear them, abandoned a certain victory

  for a very doubtful advantage; and leaving his son Francesco to

  command the army, hastened to Milan. The count being informed of the

  circumstance, would not let slip the opportunity of fighting in the

  absence of Niccolo; and, coming to an engagement near the castle of

  Monte Loro, routed the father's forces and took the son prisoner.

  Niccolo having arrived at Milan saw that the duke had duped him, and

  learning the defeat of his army and the capture of his son, he died of

  grief in 1445, at the age of sixty-four, having been a brave rather

  than a fortunate leader. He left two sons, Francesco and Jacopo, who,

  possessing less talent than their father, were still more unfortunate;

  so that the arms of the family became almost annihilated, while those

  of Sforza, being favored by fortune, attained augmented glory. The

  pope, seeing Niccolo's army defeated and himself dead, having little

  hope of assistance from Aragon, sought peace with the count, and, by

  the intervention of the Florentines, succeeded. Of La Marca, the pope

  only retained Osimo, Fabriano, and Recanati; all the rest remained in

  the count's possession.

  Peace being restored to La Marca, the whole of Italy would have

  obtained repose had it not been disturbed by the Bolognese. There were

  in Bologna two very powerful families, the Canneschi and the

  Bentivogli. Of the latter, Annibale was the head; of the former,

  Battista, who, as a means of confirming their mutual confidence, had

  contracted family alliances; but among men who have the same objects

  of ambition in view, it is easy to form connections, but difficult to

  establish friendship. The Bolognese were in a league with the

  Venetians and Florentines, which had been effected by the influence of

  Annibale, after they had driven out Francesco Piccinino; and Battista,

  knowing how earnestly the duke desired to have the city favorable to

  him, proposed to assassinate Annibale, and put Bologna into his power.

  This being agreed upon, on the twenty-fifth of June, 1445, he attacked

  Annibale with his men, and slew him: and then, with shouts of "the

  duke, the duke," rode through the city. The Venetian and Florentine

  commissaries were in Bologna at the time, and at first kept themselves

  within doors; but finding that the people, instead of favoring the

  murderers, assembled in the piazza, armed i
n great numbers, mourning

  the death of Annibale, they joined them; and, assembling what forces

  they could, attacked the Canneschi, soon overpowered them, slew part,

  and drove the remainder out of the city. Battista, unable to effect

  his escape, or his enemies his capture, took refuge in a vault of his

  house, used for storing grain. The friends of the Bentivogli, having

  sought him all day, and knowing he had not left the city, so terrified

  his servants, that one of them, a groom, disclosed the place of his

  concealment, and being drawn forth in complete armor he was slain, his

  body dragged about the streets, and afterward burned. Thus the duke's

  authority was sufficient to prompt the enterprise, but his force was

  not at hand to support it.

  The tumults being settled by the death of Battista, and the flight of

  the Canneschi, Bologna still remained in the greatest confusion. There

  not being one of the house of Bentivogli of age to govern, Annibale

  having left but one son whose name was Giovanni, only six years old,

  it was apprehended that disunion would ensue among the Bentivogli, and

  cause the return of the Cannecshi, and the ruin both of their own

  country and party. While in this state of apprehension, Francesco,

  sometime Count di Poppi, being at Bologna, informed the rulers of the

  city, that if they wished to be governed by one of the blood of

  Annibale, he could tell them of one; and related that about twenty

  years ago, Ercole, cousin of Annibale, being at Poppi, became

  acquainted with a girl of the castle, of whom was born a son named

  Santi, whom Ercole, on many occasions acknowledged to be his own, nor

  could he deny it, for whoever knew him and saw the boy, could not fail

  to observe the strongest resemblance. The citizens gave credit to the

  tale, and immediately sent to Florence to see the young man, and

  procure of Cosmo and Neri permission to return with him to Bologna.

  The reputed father of Santi was dead, and he lived under the

  protection of his uncle, whose name was Antonio da Cascese. Antonio

  was rich, childless, and a friend of Neri, to whom the matter becoming

  known, he thought it ought neither to be despised nor too hastily

  accepted; and that it would be best for Santi and those who had been

  sent from Bologna, to confer in the presence of Cosmo. They were

  accordingly introduced, and Santi was not merely honored but adored by

  them, so greatly were they influenced by the spirit of party. However,

  nothing was done at the time, except that Cosmo, taking Santi apart,

  spoke to him thus: "No one can better advise you in this matter than

  yourself; for you have to take that course to which your own mind

  prompts you. If you be the son of Ercole Bentivoglio, you will

  naturally aspire to those pursuits which are proper to your family and

  worthy of your father; but if you be the son of Agnolo da Cascese, you

  will remain in Florence, and basely spend the remainder of your days

  in some branch of the woolen trade." These words greatly influenced

  the youth, who, though he had at first almost refused to adopt such a

  course, said, he would submit himself wholly to what Cosmo and Neri

  should determine. They, assenting to the request of the Bolognese,

  provided suitable apparel, horses, and servants; and in a few days he

  was escorted by a numerous cavalcade to Bologna, where the

  guardianship of Annibale's son and of the city were placed in his

  hands. He conducted himself so prudently, that although all his

  ancestors had been slain by their enemies, he lived in peace and died

  respected by everyone.

  After the death of Niccolo Piccinino and the peace of La Marca,

  Filippo wishing to procure a leader of his forces, secretly negotiated

  with Ciarpellone, one of the principal captains of Count Francesco,

  and arrangements having been made, Ciarpellone asked permission to go

  to Milan to take possession of certain castles which had been given

  him by Filippo during the late wars. The count suspecting what was in

  progress, in order to prevent the duke from accommodating himself at

  his expense, caused Ciarpellone to be arrested, and soon afterward put

  to death; alleging that he had been detected plotting against him.

  Filippo was highly annoyed and indignant, which the Venetians and the

  Florentines were glad to observe, for their greatest fear was, that

  the duke and the count should become friends.

  The duke's anger caused the renewal of war in La Marca. Gismondo

  Malatesti, lord of Rimino, being son-in-law of the count, expected to

  obtain Pesaro; but the count, having obtained possession, gave it to

  his brother, Alessandro. Gismondo, offended at this, was still further

  exasperated at finding that Federigo di Montefeltro, his enemy, by the

  count's assistance, gained possession of Urbino. He therefore joined

  the duke, and solicited the pope and the king to make war against the

  count, who, to give Gismondo a taste of the war he so much desired,

  resolved to take the initiative, and attacked him immediately. Thus

  Romagna and La Marca were again in complete confusion, for Filippo,

  the king, and the pope, sent powerful assistance to Gismondo, while

  the Florentines and Venetians supplied the count with money, though

  not with men. Nor was Filippo satisfied with the war in Romagna, but

  also desired to take Cremona and Pontremoli from the count; but

  Pontremoli was defended by the Florentines, and Cremona by the

  Venetians. Thus the war was renewed in Lombardy, and after several

  engagements in the Cremonese, Francesco Piccinino, the leader of the

  duke's forces, was routed at Casale, by Micheletto and the Venetian

  troops. This victory gave the Venetians hope of obtaining the duke's

  dominions. They sent a commissary to Cremona, attacked the

  Ghiaradadda, and took the whole of it, except Crema. Then crossing the

  Adda, they overran the country as far as Milan. Upon this the duke had

  recourse to Alfonso, and entreated his assistance, pointing out the

  danger his kingdom would incur if Lombardy were to fall into the hands

  of the Venetians. Alfonso promised to send him troops, but apprised

  him of the difficulties which would attend their passage, without the

  permission of the count.

  Filippo, driven to extremity, then had recourse to Francesco, and

  begged he would not abandon his father-in-law, now that he had become

  old and blind. The count was offended with the duke for making war

  against him; but he was jealous of the increasing greatness of the

  Venetians, and he himself began to be in want of money, for the League

  supplied him sparingly. The Florentines, being no longer in fear of

  the duke, ceased to stand in need of the count, and the Venetians

  desired his ruin; for they thought Lombardy could not be taken from

  him except by this means; yet while Filippo sought to gain him over,

  and offered him the entire command of his forces, on condition that he

  should restore La Marca to the pope and quit the Venetian alliance,

  ambassadors were sent to him by that republic, promising him Milan, if

  they took it, and the perpetual com
mand of their forces, if he would

  push the war in La Marca, and prevent Alfonso from sending troops into

  Lombardy. The offers of the Venetians were great, as also were their

  claims upon him, having begun the war in order to save him from losing

  Cremona; while the injuries received from the duke were fresh in his

  memory, and his promises had lost all influence, still the count

  hesitated; for on the one hand, were to be considered his obligations

  to the League, his pledged faith, their recent services, and his hopes

  of the future, all which had their influence on him; on the other,

  were the entreaties of his father-in-law, and above all, the bane

  which he feared would be concealed under the specious offers of the

  Venetians, for he doubted not, that both with regard to Milan and

  their other promises, if they were victorious, he would be at their

  mercy, to which no prudent men would ever submit if he could avoid it.

  These difficulties in the way of his forming a determination, were

  obviated by the ambition of the Venetians, who, seeing a chance of

  occupying Cremona, from secret intelligence with that city, under a

  different pretext, sent troops into its neighborhood; but the affair

  was discovered by those who commanded Cremona for the count, and

  measures were adopted which prevented its success. Thus without

  obtaining Cremona, they lost the count's friendship, who, now being

  free from all other considerations, joined the duke.


  Death of Filippo Visconti, duke of Milan--The Milanese appoint

  Sforza their captain--Milan becomes a republic--The pope endeavors

  to restore peace to Italy--The Venetians oppose this design--

  Alfonso attacks the Florentines--The neighborhood of Piombino

  becomes the principal theater of war--Scarcity in the Florentine

  camp--Disorders occur in the Neapolitan and Florentine armies--

  Alfonso sues for peace and is compelled to retreat--Pavia

  surrenders to the count--Displeasure of the Milanese--The count

  besieges Caravaggio--The Venetians endeavor to relieve the place--

  They are routed by the count before Caravaggio.

  Pope Eugenius being dead, was succeeded by Nicholas V. The count had

  his whole army at Cotignola, ready to pass into Lombardy, when

  intelligence was brought him of the death of Filippo, which happened

  on the last day of August, 1447. This event greatly afflicted him, for

  he doubted whether his troops were in readiness, on account of their

  arrears of pay; he feared the Venetians, who were his armed enemies,

  he having recently forsaken them and taken part with the duke; he was

  in apprehension from Alfonso, his inveterate foe; he had no hope from

  the pontiff or the Florentines; for the latter were allies of the

  Venetians, and he had seized the territories of the former. However,

  he resolved to face his fortune and be guided by circumstances; for it

  often happens, that when engaged in business valuable ideas are

  suggested, which in a state of inaction would never have occurred. He

  had great hopes, that if the Milanese were disposed to defend

  themselves against the ambition of the Venetians, they could make use

  of no other power but his. Therefore, he proceeded confidently into

  the Bolognese territory, thence to Modena and Reggio, halted with his

  forces upon the Lenza, and sent to offer his services at Milan. On the

  death of the duke, part of the Milanese were inclined to establish a

  republic; others wished to choose a prince, and of these, one part

  favored the count, and another Alfonso. However, the majority being in

  favor of freedom, they prevailed over the rest, and organized a

  republic, to which many cities of the Duchy refused obedience; for

  they, too, desired to live in the enjoyment of their liberty, and even

  those who did not embrace such views, refused to submit to the

  sovereignty of the Milanese. Lodi and Piacenza surrendered themselves

  to the Venetians; Pavia and Parma became free. This confused state of

  things being known to the count, he proceeded to Cremona, where his


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