The Beast Within

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The Beast Within Page 16

by D L Goddard

  Alexandros shifted his shoulders, ensuring he was comfortable and his burden was settled. He could carry Arahir like this for many days without stopping. The Beast felt almost like a lightweight and he was no burden to the Troll. Ready for their escape, the Troll had made it appear as if the beast was under the blanket and fast asleep. The cage was securely locked and all appeared as it should be. But still the Troll waited. He needed his weapons and he needed the keys to where they were being held. Savage’s two thugs would be checking on the beast and bringing the Troll his evening meal at nine o’clock. He needed to get the keys for supplies; they wouldn’t have time for hunting for food. But most of all … he wanted to retrieve what he needed without waking the couple sleeping just calling distance away. Getting the keys would certainly make his life easier and give him a head start.

  Alexandros head the heavy footsteps of the two hired mercenaries … the Troll thought they were nothing more than thugs, but still he would be careful until he knew otherwise. He knew the two men Calum and Geran were secretly afraid of him and he wanted that to work in his favor. He sat in the shadows with his great cloak about him ensuring his back was in deep shadow. Then, he grabbed a mug and began to drink. Pretending he was well into his cups, he let the booze dribble down his mouth and off his chin as he saw the men turn the corner.

  “’ello frens … pullup a shair and shit down. ‘ava drin’ frens.”

  Calum thought the Troll stupid and dull-witted and grabbed the bottle on the table without speaking. He downed half the remainder before passing it to Geran. Geran thirstily polished off the rest. They sneered at the sleepy, almost comatose Troll who appeared ready to collapse at any moment.

  “How’re you going to guard anything you bloody fool? You’re drunk. The Enchantress will be royally pissed that you got drunk while guarding the prisoner.” Geran was unimpressed with the huge Troll and thought him totally unnecessary. Calum and he could do the job as well if not better than this oversized moron who wasn’t worth the huge amount of food he consumed.

  Geran signaled Calum to help the Troll to get to his bunk before he was unable to stand. “Get the ugly bastard to bed before we have to carry him. I’ll watch the prisoner while you take him.”

  Calum snorted disgusted. The Troll weighed a ton and no way was he going to pick him up if he fell down. Alexandros lurched to his feet, looming over both men who pretended they weren’t the least bothered or afraid of him.

  ‘That will change very soon.’ The Troll King grinned to himself.

  “What’re you grinnin’ ‘bout you bloody idiot. Get yore arse over here and follow me. I’m not pickin’ you up if you bloody well fall down, y’hear.”

  Calum wanted the job done. He wouldn’t even be doing anything Geran told him except Savage and his sexy piece made him the senior officer. ‘Life sucks.’ He mumbled and complained as Alexandros happily lurched after him as they turned the corner.

  Calum realized they had stopped. The drunken Troll had stopped for a piss against the wall. Calum’s eyes goggled at the size of the weapon held in the Troll’s huge hands. The Troll was pointing it at everything and anything as a hot stream of stinking urine was squirted everywhere. Suddenly Calum felt a warm wetness down his legs.

  “You disgusting bastard! Bloody stinking effing sonsabitch! Yore pissing on my legs!”

  Calum went for his sharp little knife he always kept in his belt. Quicker than he would have believed possible, Alexandros tucked himself away and enveloped Calum’s knife hand in one huge fist. The other was heading for Calum’s jaw before the man even saw it coming. He was down and out without even knowing what had hit him.

  Alexandros riffled through the man’s clothing and his boots.

  “Nothing! Damn!” Alexandros swore softly. “That blasted fool Geran has it on him. I should have known. Well … there’s nothing I can do except play to the crowd a bit longer. I need those keys.”

  Alexandros half- fell, half-stumbled down the dark stairwell. Geran rose from the darkness, dagger in hand.

  “Where’s the prisoner fool? What have you done with him?”

  Geran had checked the cell and not hearing even any breathing … he went in. Stunned at not finding the beast inside, he panicked momentarily. But then, he realized the beast must have gotten out by the Troll releasing him. If the beast was not found, the Enchantress and Savage would make his life not worth living.

  “Listen you ugly dumb bastard … I don’t know how much you understand in that tiny brain of yours. But, if you don’t tell me where the beast is right this minute … I’m going to take this here blade … and I’m going to stick it in your guts and twist it, Enchantress’ pet or not. Tell me where the beast is … or else.”

  Geran waved the blade menacingly in front of the drunken Troll’s eyes. The Troll played along, following the blade with frightened eyes. He was almost blubbering, trying to explain.

  “I don’ no … I had been havin’ a lil’ drink … ‘s’all.”

  He towered over Geran seeming to be nearly falling. Geran sneered in disgust. He hated the Troll and would’ve liked any excuse to gut the foul bugger. He couldn’t even fathom why they had him with them. Calum and he could take better care of the beast; they really didn’t need the worthless Troll at all. Smiling menacingly, he advanced on the sniveling Troll … his long slender blade held in front of him. Alexandros knew in that instant that Geran intended to kill him.

  Like a striking snake, Alexandros’ fist shot forward and crushed Geran’s knife hand. Geran felt the bones crunch and crack in the Troll’s massive grip. Before he could even scream … the Troll King courteously thanked Geran for the use of his weapon then, flicked the stiletto blade neatly across Geran’s thick neck silencing him forever. The Troll had decided that Calum was just a fool on the wrong side of intelligence; definitely too stupid to think for himself and blindly following Lord Savage’s orders for the gold the man paid. Geran on the other hand was a nasty evil bastard who deserved to be silenced; it was a kinder death than he had intended for Alexandros.

  He sighed in relief as he discovered the keys attached to the dead mercenary’s belt. Finding the storeroom after trying several similar keys on the difficult lock, he took a large double-bladed axe and twin daggers that Alexandros had on him when he fell through the portal; he also found his father’s sword and the sheath, strapping that to his hips. It had been in his family more years than anyone could remember and he felt a profound sense of relief when he saw it wrapped in rags in the darkest corner of the storehouse.

  Finding necessary supplies, he filled a sack and slung it over his shoulder, strapping it out of the Beast’s reach. He was ready. His water sling was on one of the shelves and he filled it from a large barrel of fresh water using a long handled dipper. The water was cold and clean and tasted delicious. He strapped the sling on the harness over his other hip giving him room to move his arms without hindrance if he had to use a weapon.

  Smiling, he silently passed through the hallway and out into the foyer. Lifting the huge latches effortlessly, Alexandros stepped into the still night. Then, looking around and finding no other guards, the Troll King began to run. He was confident that no one would give the alarm any time soon, and they had until late morning at the earliest. They wouldn’t find the Beast and he had escaped until hopefully around lunch. By then … they would be well away from the hunting lodge.

  He ran to the pace of the Troll Drums that echoed in his head every time he had prepared for battle. His big heart was beating to the pounding of the rolling tattoo on the drums, his arms and legs moved rhythmically, ensuring he kept his pace. The drums flowed through his body, in his mind, taking him over. Alexandros felt like roaring in exultation as he felt the cold night air fill his lungs. They would make it to the castle; he would take the Beast all the way on his back if he had to.

  His great muscular legs raced through the grass flicking cold frost onto his calves, shattering their fragile patterns as his legs heedless
ly swept through. The Beast lay motionless, still bound to his huge back as Alexandros ran through the forest. He could see perfectly in the dark and he could also see the shimmer of the Enchantress’ magic. It was a gift she gave to him so he would not fall into her traps and webs set up for the Beast in case he escaped. Instead … it gave the fugitives a great advantage as he ran, faster and faster through the night, putting more and more distance between the hunting lodge where they had been imprisoned.

  The Troll King ran, not stopping for any reason, running at a pace that had seen him run for days without pause as they raced to the castle while the sexually sated couple lay entwined in each other’s arms and slept on unaware.


  Chapter Eighteen

  Mir felt the echo of running feet through the surface they raced over. Whoever they were that ran below them … they were catching up to the three who were already tired from their exhausting flame flight. Val, Mir and Anya needed to rest, not run and then, Anya collapsed.

  Val raced to her side followed instantly by Mir. They cradled Anya noticing even through the garments they had found for her to keep her warm, her round belly was much rounder and it felt hot and hard. Anya was sweating, feeling dizzy.

  “What is it my love … what happened?” Val stroked her sweating forehead.

  Anya opened her eyes, refocusing on the twins. She had been overwhelmed by a fierce pain in her lower abdomen and feared the baby had decided to announce its forthcoming arrival.

  “I think my sweet loves that my son has decided to arrive very soon. I just had a very hard contraction that took me by surprise. I am going to need somewhere safe to give birth and if Arahir does not come … I want the both of you with me. Will you do that for me … will you both act as proxy fathers for my son?”

  Stunned for several moments, the twins just stared at their lovely Anya as she was held in the grip of yet another fierce contraction that bowed her almost in half. Pain radiated from her body making them gasp as they took the worst of it away from her letting her rest and breathe through until it released her from its savage grip.

  They helped her stand rather shakily as they walked as swiftly as they were able toward the call that pulled even more urgently at Anya. No matter what was going on in her body, the call demanded she go to it and Anya was unable to do anything else except obey. Taking a deep breath one after the other, she sped up trying to reach whatever it was that needed her so much.

  The footsteps sounded much closer now and they worried they would get caught with Anya having the baby. They turned a corner in the hall and found an alcove about ten feet down the turning. Anya gratefully rested against the doorway while the twins used their flame once more to change, hoping to get a weapon to use against their pursuers.

  The twins nodded then, changing into white and black flames they threw themselves against the small group that raced toward them. The running Ogres had been chasing three fleeing people, two males and one female, unsure who they were. Their orders were to capture them for interrogation to find out who they were working for. They needed to ensure none of the Enchantress’ allies were already in the castle. Seeing the three fleeing toward the inner heart of the Castle Barshael, they decided to find out whose side they were on.

  The flames smashed into the Ogres. There was screaming and burning … the smell of roasting flesh before the heat intensified. Another sound was heard … more roaring this time, many more Ogres and a white haired man with a neatly trimmed white beard. All the twins saw before darkness welcomed them was a bolt of blue fire heading straight toward them and then … nothing.

  Anya felt another contraction burn through her. She gritted her teeth to stop from screaming and give herself away. Pulling herself up using the doorposts, she staggered onward. The pull on her heart was overwhelming now and she was beginning to feel desperate. She concentrated on the call drawing her and on only the call … blocking everything else out she found she could move more swiftly. She closed her eyes trying to find the call in her mind alone … she sent out an answering cry, wanting to feel where she was headed more strongly.

  Castle Barshael was so huge and had so many rooms, all of which were so opulently furnished but with tasteful elegance. The place was amazing … incredible high arched ceilings and white marble floors … black onyx trim around casements and scrollwork with deep red hangings trimmed with gold. Tapestries were everywhere you looked and exquisite handmade rugs were tossed seemingly carelessly on the polished floors. Anya knew if she had being taking notice of where she was going she would be most certainly lost by now. But Anya had been following her heart not her eyes and her heart was telling her that somewhere in this magnificent castle with its fountains and gardens and complicated mazes was the Living Light and it was calling Anya … desperate and frightened … the Light of Castle Barshael wanted Anya to come … now!

  Determined to keep going even if she had to crawl, Anya found herself facing an arched doorway with black onyx design work covering the entire door. In the center of the design was a picture of a flame that appeared to be moving. The flame was the only pattern not crafted out of onyx; rather it was of mother of pearl and shimmered with a myriad of colors. There was no door handle, no lock or key and nothing that said how to open the huge door.

  Anya looked at the door, carefully following the intricate pattern until her eyes recognized a picture in the pattern. It was the tale of the Keeper and how the Living Light called him … of how he entered the place each day to commune with the Living Light to keep the Castle and the Light healthy and happy and strong enough to keep the Harmonic Balance between worlds. Anya realized that was what was frightening the Light so much, because once the Light was possessed by someone with evil intent, the Keeper’s Peace, the Harmony that kept the worlds at peace with one another would be shattered forever and the worlds would know war like they had never in their worst nightmares dreamed of before. It was a thought so terrifying that the Light was petrified.

  The Living Light was not strong enough without its Keeper to prevent intrusion. Anya however, smelt of the Keeper so strongly that she was the one the Light reached for. Ever since the Light broke its ties with its beloved Keeper to protect itself, the Light could no longer find Arahir. The castle was devastated. ‘Where could Castle Barshael’s Keeper be?’ He had been theirs for three millennia and for the first time … they were alone. Then, from out of nowhere … three flames were heading straight toward the castle and the first thing the Living Light picked up on was … Arahir’s scent. It wasn’t strong enough to be the Keeper, but the castle knew immediately that here was Arahir’s soul mate. She would keep the castle safe until he returned. The Light released a call that tore at Anya’s heart; she could not resist. The Light had won her over.

  Anya’s eyes went back to the flame at eye level on the door. She felt herself lost in a memory not her own. Anya saw her Beast lift his right hand to touch the flame, but just before he physically touched the mother of pearl flame, he flared, turning just his hand into indigo flame. As the flame touched the image, the image itself burst into flame and blended with his hand. In an instant … the doorway became flame and Arahir changed with it, walking through as the doorway became solid once more behind him. Arahir coalesced, he was whole once more. The vision blurred and Anya felt it fade, coming back to the present.

  Following the vision, she flamed her hand indigo as she placed it on the flame design. As in her memory or vision … she wasn’t sure what … the design came alive and blended with her hand. As the entire door flared, Anya changed as well passing through the burning opening and into whatever it was. She saw the doorway become solid once more and felt herself solidify.

  Looking around she wasn’t even sure whether she was standing on anything at all. Anya looked at her feet and quickly looked back up as a wave of dizziness caused her to feel nauseous. There was nothing she could see to be standing on and nothing above her either. But everywhere she looked she saw a multitude
of stars, glowing and sparking, seeming so close she felt as if all she had to do was reach out her hand and touch them. It was strange as Anya felt as if she was in an enclosed space, but paradoxically, one that had all the grandeur of space, a great vast blackness spreading endlessly before her, without boundaries of any kind; it made her feel decidedly nervous … ‘What if she fell? Down? Up? Somehow?’

  In front of her face about a full arms’ breadth was a swirling indigo portal. She walked around it to see what she could see and realized there was a large sphere made of swirling indigo portals, more than fifty when she lost count. They were moving all around inside and outside the sphere and she was unsure what to do from here. But Anya was in awe at the beauty of the myriad of exquisite soft colors circling around her. They were spinning every which way with no real pattern that she didn’t realize they were coming closer every time the sphere turned. So beguiled by their beauty that before she knew what had happened, Anya found the portals spinning closer and closer including her as part of their movement, as she looked at the portals spinning past her. She had suddenly found herself inside the very center of the spinning portals looking from the inside out instead of the outside in; it was as frightening as it was awesome. She was still being called, but Anya was totally frightened and didn’t want to shift from her spot in case she made a wrong move.

  A portal slowed in front of her swirling and spinning. It called her over and over again. Anya was so frightened she thought she was going to faint. Then, she heard pounding on the door and heard the wood crack. Making up her mind instantly, she practically fell into the portal in her hurry to enter before she changed her mind. Everything swirled around her and she was lost in a kaleidoscope of color and shape. She felt her whole world shifting and spinning faster and faster until Anya collapsed. She heard a soft voice as she closed her eyes.


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