Crash: A Supernatural Reverse Harem (Aces and Knaves Book 1)

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Crash: A Supernatural Reverse Harem (Aces and Knaves Book 1) Page 11

by Helene Gadot

  Malia snorted. "Don't hold your breath waiting for that phone call."

  "Someone hurt her in her past, didn't they?" Maddox asked.

  Malia's eyes pierced him. "Why do you say that?"

  He winced. "She had a rather loud nightmare."

  "Shit. She hasn't had those in years. The fight with Tyler must have triggered something."

  "We don't want to intrude on her privacy, but what the hell is going on with her?"

  Malia snorted. "You have been doing nothing but trying to invade her privacy since the beginning." She sighed. "Look, Ridley is the best person I've ever known. She saved me years ago. She isn't running from a murder charge or anything like that, so you don't have to worry you're harboring a fugitive."

  "We haven't really worried about that for a while. We want to help her."

  "Ridley is used to being the one helping people and protecting them. No one has ever done that for her, she's always had to do it for herself. It took two years before she'd let me help her on ops and she still tries to keep me on the sidelines and out of the way of danger. And that's all I'll say about it or her." She sat down with a huff.

  It was more than he expected her to spill, the two of them were rabidly loyal to each other.

  "We swear we'll do everything we can to help her."

  "If she'll let you."

  Beckett stumbled in, his face white.

  "Is she okay?" They all asked.

  "None of us are. I know her secret. And it's big. She was right not to tell us."

  "How the fuck did you find out?" Ridley's furious voice sounded behind Beckett.


  What the ever-loving fuck had been going on? She woke up almost naked and healed as good as new but feeling groggy and like she still needed to sleep for a month.

  She'd stumbled out of her room with a blanket thrown over her shoulders and followed Beckett out in time to hear his words. Everyone stared at her, guilt all over their faces.

  She must have misunderstood. There was no way Beckett knew anything.

  Malia held up her hands, a mug cradled between her legs. "I didn't tell them anything."

  Ridley turned her glare onto Beckett. "What is it you think you know, Beckett?"

  Beckett gulped, but still mustered up a stern tone. "Sit down. After a healing like that you're going to be weak for a few hours. I'm surprised you even woke up."

  "Well, I'm special." She sat next to Malia, reaching for her friend's hand under the table.

  "Yes, you are." Reese fluttered his lashes at her.

  She ignored it. "No bedroom eyes at me. What do you know?"

  Beckett sat across from her with a sigh. "I ran your face and prints through my ID programs and it took this long for it to find a match. I still wasn't successful with your file."

  "It took weeks?" Malia asked.

  Beckett nodded. "That's how hidden her info was and how extensive my programs are."

  "And what did they say?" Ridley's tone was glacial.

  Beckett grimaced. "Well, I mean..."

  "Just spit it out. I know there's no way you're going to keep it from them." She needed to know how much of the story he had. There was no way he had all of it.

  "Your father is Todd Louis, high up in the DC Legion office, his power is invulnerability, his daughter and wife were murdered ten years ago and they never caught the killer. You are clearly not dead. Hopefully, neither is your mother. And your real name is Ava Louis. I assume you used your illusion powers to fake your death to get away from your father." Beckett recited the words almost robotically, like he was reading a file. He didn't mention what kind of person her father was, but he certainly implied he suspected due to the sneer on his face when he spoke his name. It was the only emotion he showed.

  Malia's grip on her hand tightened as Ridley's eyes closed, They weren't supposed to find out like this. She never made her decision if she wanted to tell them and now the choice was taken from her.

  "I-I'm sorry, Ridley. We decided to trust you and let you tell us on your own or not, and I'd assumed there was nothing on you when my program didn't find anything. Honestly, I forgot it was still running. I really am sorry."

  "Okay. Well, it's out. Awesome. And I'm too exhausted to rustle up any real anger over it." She huffed a dark laugh at the thick and awkward silence falling around the table. "I assume you have questions?"

  Maddox shook his head. "No, you don't have to tell us anything. It's your business."

  Her laugh turned borderline hysterical. "It's my business now? You've spent weeks trying to uncover my secrets, then you finally discover them, conveniently right after you decided to back off, and you don't want details?"

  "I take it you were able to dig deep and find a little anger?" Reese tried to smile, but failed.

  "Yeah look at that. Dealing with you shitheads seems to keep it at a constant simmer. Now, ask me what you want to ask me."

  "Is your mother still alive or did he kill her?" Cormac asked.

  Ridley jerked back like he punched her in the face, unable to stop the ripple of pain echoing through her.

  "Sorry. I'm an ass." Cormac shrugged one of his shoulders, his eyes sad.

  Ridley swallowed. He certainly knew how to aim. "She's alive."

  "Where is she?"

  "I don't know. I haven't spoken to her in ten years."

  "Why?" Reese looked horrified.

  "It's safer that way. We had to split up so if he found one of us, he couldn't find the other. We exchange emails every Christmas just to let each other know we're still alive, but we don't do it from the location we live. I travel to the mainland every year to send it." She spoke the words to the table, not wanting to see their reactions. Not wanting their pity.

  "I'm so sorry. That's fucking horrible."

  Ridley shrugged. "It is. But I've had a long time to learn how to live with it. So, now you know my deep dark secrets. The only fucking people in the world who know other than my mother are in this damn room."

  "And we are very good at beating the shit out of stupid men and leaving them brain-dead, so if you even consider betraying her, that is what is coming to you." Malia's voice was harsh and threatening.

  "Your secret is safe with us. And if you ever decide to go after him, we'll help. Whatever you need."

  Maddox's words raised Ridley's head. "Why?"

  He shot her a quizzical glance. "What do you mean, why?"

  She threw up her hands, completely frustrated and frazzled. "Why would you want to help me take on one of the biggest names in your organization? If I did decide to do it, we'd all end up dead or at the very least, your reps and careers would be ruined and you'd end up in jail."

  Cormac shrugged. "Regardless, we're in."

  "You're all idiots. But it's not something I ever plan on doing. I've carved out a life away from him, he thinks I'm dead. It's better left alone."

  Cormac shrugged again. There was a lot of shrugging in this conversation. "It's your call. We just want you to know you aren't alone in it."

  "I thought we decided we weren't going to be nice to each other?"

  The ghost of a smile crossed his lips. "Right. It makes you nauseous."

  "Exactly. Look." She sighed. "Do not start treating me like a fucking victim. I'm not a victim and haven't been in a long time. I fought my way out of it and I'm fine." She hated it when people handled her with kid gloves. She hated that they saw her hurt and wounded from the fight with Tyler.

  "Actually, I need you to go with me on a job."

  She frowned at Maddox. "What job?"

  "Since we didn't get much other than info on who we think are his inner circle, we need to sneak into his offices. You're going to come with me to one of them and Reese and Cormac are going to the other one."

  "When?" She wasn't quite up for it at the moment, but she'd rally if she needed to.

  "Tomorrow night. Beckett needs to rest after healing you and you probably need more rest too. He's going to go to the club
and keep eyes on our target while we break in."

  "What are we looking for?" Ridley asked.

  "Anything. Everything. The Legion won't touch him without concrete proof. Specifically of his use of marvels for his own gain and profit." Maddox's lips twisted.

  Malia's forehead creased. "Won't they just bring in the knaves and let the regular cops deal with him?"

  Reese drummed his fingers on the table. "Maybe, but at least then he won't have marvels to get him out of it."

  Ridley nodded. "Fair point."

  "I'll go with Beckett," Malia said. "He shouldn't go alone"

  Ridley thumped her friend's arm. "Malia, you don't have to do that."

  "Dude, we've wanted to go after him for ages. I'm going. Deal with it."

  "Are you joining our team too?" Reese asked.

  "Not in the same way you want Ridley to. I have a girlfriend and as hot as you all are, you aren't quite my type."

  Everyone chuckled at the strangled noise squeaking from Ridley. She sounded like a dying goat. Just because they knew her secrets, and she was hesitantly hopeful they would keep them didn't mean they were a fucking team. Especially not in some weird gang-bang relationship.


  Hours later, Cormac was still shaken from the information on Ridley. Guilt almost choked him every time he pictured her bloody body crumpled up on the ground beside that asshole, her smile as she saw them. She'd used illusions of them all as weapons, wishing they were there so hard, she created them.

  He should have been with her. He shouldn't have dropped her off and left. Ever since he met her, he'd been an utter ass, distrustful and shitty, wanting her out of their lives or even turned into the Legion. If they'd turned her in, she'd probably be dead and they might be too. She warned them it wasn't safe knowing her. Over and over. And they hadn't listened, and they were deep in it. Part of him wanted to blame her, but she'd tried to stay away, to keep herself and them safe.

  And he knew plenty about shitty parents who pretended to be something they weren't. At least his parents didn't pretend to be heroes like her father did. Todd Louis was highly decorated and had been lauded for decades. No one would believe he was a monster.

  It was amazing she was able to fight her way out and save herself and her mother and still started over in a new place far away from her old life and spent her new one saving people in similar situations.

  She was the fucking hero.

  Not the aces of the Legion.

  Maybe she wasn't saving the world, but she was saving the people who fell through the cracks, the people everyone else was too busy to bother with, the people justice failed.

  Fuck, he sucked.

  Reese rolled over in bed and his arms wrapped around Cormac as he pressed a kiss to the back of his neck. "You okay? Why are you still awake?"

  "I'm fine. Just thinking."

  "About Ridley?"


  "It's hard to believe, huh? That the guy we all thought was some badass hero is..." Reese trailed off, unable to find a word strong enough for what her father was.

  "A complete and utter bloody piece of shit who should have been drowned at birth like an unwanted litter of kittens."

  "Not quite what I was going for, a little disturbing image, but yes. That works."

  Cormac turned in Reese's arms. "He deserves a worse fate than that."

  Reese brushed Cormac's hair out of his face. "Agreed. But how?"

  "I have no idea." Cormac wished he knew. He wanted to kill the bastard.

  "It has to be her idea. We've already barged into her life enough."

  "Have you told your sister you've met her savior?" Cormac smirked.

  Reese's eyes widened with horror. "Hell no. She'd invade in less than a second and I don't know if I can handle both of them together."

  Cormac snorted. "Your sister and Ridley together would be worse than her and Malia."

  Reese groaned and threw an arm over his eyes. "Oh hell, can you image the three of them? Hawaii might not survive."

  Cormac shuddered. "The thought makes me sick to my stomach with terror."

  "Stop being an ass. It wouldn't be that bad." Reese shoved him.

  "You started it."

  "Yeah, and as usual, you take it too far."

  Cormac nipped at Reese's lip. "And you love it."

  Reese shook his head. "It's no wonder you and Ridley butt heads so often. You're way too much alike."

  "We're nothing alike."

  Reese burst into laughter, flopping over onto his back. "Whatever you say. You're not both stubborn and sarcastic and distrusting and love violence and pig-headed and mean and a little bit frightening and you both hate people. You're nothing alike."

  "I am none of those things. You nailed her spot on though."

  Reese turned back over to his side. "You are such an ass."

  "I am." He grabbed Reese's luscious behind and jerked him close.

  "Do you think we'll ever convince her to join us?"

  Cormac raised a brow. "Our team? Or the two of us here, in bed?"

  "Either? Both?" Reese wiggled closer, making Cormac's breath hitch.

  "Yes. To both."

  "Really?" Reese didn't look so certain.

  Who was Cormac kidding? She'd run for the hills as soon as they gave her the slightest chance. "Probably not. Maybe. Hopefully."

  "You really think she'll ever be into what Maddox got us all thinking about?" Something odd passed through Reese's eyes.

  Cormac narrowed his in suspicion. "Do you?"

  "Well, there is one thing I haven't told any of you."

  More secrets? Cormac wasn't sure he could handle any more. "What?"

  Guilt and humor warred on Reese's face. "She uh... well, she might have left the book she was reading lying outside on the back porch."

  "So? Was is porn or something?" Cormac knew she had a kinky side. That had been made obvious by her reactions at the club. He almost groaned remembering the feeling of her body pressed against his.

  "No." Reese paused and cocked his head. "Well, in a way."

  Cormac licked up Reese's neck. "You're not making any sense."

  "Because you're distracting me."

  Cormac pulled back. "I can stop if you want."

  "Don't you dare." Reese grabbed Cormac's face and pulled him in for a long, messy kiss, making them both groan.

  "Then tell me or I'll stop." Cormac slipped a hand beneath the covers and palmed Reese's length.

  "Ass." Reese breathed the word.

  Cormac leered at him. "So we've established."

  "Have you heard of reverse harem?"

  "What? No. What is that?" Some kind of new type of kink?

  "It's when one woman has multiple lovers and they share her."

  Cormac pulled back with a wide grin. "Really?"

  Reese's grin widened too. "Yeah. So she might not be as against it as everyone thinks."

  Heat flowed through Cormac at the thought, but he reined in his excitement. "Maybe, but books like that are a fantasy. Few people actually live that way."

  "True. But not a single one of us cares what anyone else thinks. Including her."

  Cormac growled. "Fuck. Talking about this is such a turn on."

  Reese smiled and kissed him. "Indeed."

  Cormac rolled Reese beneath him, trailing bites along his neck.


  Maddox halted at the corner of the street Gregory's office was on. "They're in position and Beckett and Malia have eyes on the bastard." Maddox slipped his phone back into his pocket. "You ready?"

  "Yep." Ridley closed her eyes, worried for a moment her power wouldn't be as strong.

  But she worried for nothing, the illusion flowed from her, changing her and Maddox into nothing but shadows. They bled easily into the night, passing by unseen. She kept his hand in hers so they wouldn't lose each other as they glided down the block.

  The guys had asked no more questions about her past, leaving her alone for ov
er twenty-four hours, only exchanging meaningless chat and a few flirtatious comments. She kept catching them eying her though, concern for her in their furrowed brows. She hated it. She didn't want their concern. She wanted their respect, their desire, their loyalty.

  She didn't think she wanted any of that, but over the past weeks, she had grown attached to the shitheads and it was time to admit it to at least herself. She wanted all of them. Every single one. And it was a recipe for disaster and heartbreak and pain. Even more so now that they knew her. The knew her more than anyone other than Malia.

  It was only the second time in a decade that anyone had wormed their way inside her shields and she should have been racing for the hills. She should have been calling her contacts and creating new IDs and planning her exit strategy.

  Instead, she was still on the job with the one who got her into all this.

  They reached the building Gregory's office was in and pressed the buzzer, declaring they were there for a pizza delivery. It was ridiculous how often that worked. Even on the organizations of master criminals. They had to eat too.

  Ridley opened the door and pulled Maddox inside, still nothing but shadows slipping through the dark building. They slid over to the guard station and she slid the keycard off one of the guard's shirt. He was so busy being a complete cliche watching the game, he didn't even notice shadowy forms plucking it off him.

  Gregory really should have hired better people.

  Maddox led her to the stairwell, and she was puffing by the time they made it up to the penthouse. She'd been slacking on her workouts the past few days and it was showing.

  Maddox hadn't even broken a sweat. The ass.

  She swiped the keycard against the access panel, breathing out a puff of relief when the light turned green and the door unlocked. Maddox peeked his head through the doorway, making sure it was clear, then tugged her through.

  The office was at the end of the hall and they had to use the keycard again. Dude was paranoid. Rightly so, since they were breaking in.

  She released the illusion once the door was closed behind them and hurried over to the desk while Maddox took the filing cabinets.


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