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Tank Page 21

by Erin Bevan

  “I may take you up on that.”

  Beauty giggled and his manhood thumped in agony—or ecstasy—the line so fine between the two, he couldn’t tell.

  Releasing her hands, he nudged his knee between her legs, opening her up for him. Taking his time, he licked the inside of her thigh, gripping her hips. His tongue so close to the sweet dessert he longed to taste. “Annie,” he said against her skin. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes.” She bucked in anticipation.

  He moved his mouth up her hipbone as he slid one finger inside her heat. Moistness covered his flesh, and he dared to add another finger to the mix. She jerked and gripped the blanket, her knuckles white as her chest heaved. He rocked his fingers in and out, while placing the pad of his thumb on her nub, rubbing until her center tightened around his hand, and her eyes squeezed tight.

  He continued to count, slowly in his mind, to keep himself from finding release inside his own pants. When her body stilled, he removed his fingers and trailed his lips back up to her stomach, to her breasts, and then to her mouth.

  “Tyler, oh my God,” she panted. “That was, that was…”

  “Good,” he whispered near her ear.

  “No.” She shook her head. “Amazing.”

  “Good.” He nipped her ear, reached down for his zipper, and moaned in relief as his shaft broke free. “It’s about to get even better.” He shucked his pants and placed another kiss on her lips, her moist mouth feeling much like her insides.

  Casing himself in a condom, he nudged her legs open wider and used his tip to toy with the slip of her heat. Beauty raised her hips again in anticipation. Her moistness allowed him to fully insert himself inside of her.

  Tank gripped her curves as she reached to join their mouths. His heart raced as she squeezed her thighs against his hips, and wrapped her arms around his back, tightening her hold on him…everywhere.

  In that moment, there was no going back for him. His heart, mind, and body soared, buzzed with love for this woman. Their secrets, their pasts, all laid out in front of each other, only to be met with pure acceptance, pure love. She was his. Not by possession, but through desire.

  He squeezed one of her hips as he balanced his body weight on his other hand, her tongue and center driving him wild. Beauty met his demands with every thrust, accepting all of him.

  Just when he didn’t think he could handle anymore, her insides squeezed him harder, taking him for everything he had. She let out a satisfying scream, and he swooped down to steal it with his mouth.

  Her body jerked and withered around him as he supported himself on his palms, her soft, golden tresses tickling the end of his fingers.

  Their pleasure ended together, and he stared down into her satiated eyes. Eyes so deep he wanted to lose his way in them.

  Her breaths came out raspy, and her heart pounded against his chest, their beats syncing. A soft smile touched her full, just-been-kissed lips, and damn it if his ego didn’t soar, knowing he made her so breathless. He leaned down, placing a slow, supple kiss on her mouth then stared into her eyes—eyes that cut straight to his soul.

  His own heart hinged on his next words. “I love you, Annie.”

  A tear shed from her eye, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. “I love you, too, Tyler.”

  “You’re safe with me,” he whispered.

  “And you’re safe with me.”

  “I know.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Duke parked his truck in an old abandoned parking lot three blocks from the biker chick’s apartment complex. Lucky for him, her building was on the outskirts of town, and not too many people rode the streets of Black Widow at midnight. Still, better to be cautious.

  He zipped his black jacket, and cursed the stifling humidity. Wearing long sleeves in the middle of summer might cause people to stop and stare if anyone saw him. Duke clung to the trees for cover as he jogged the few blocks to the complex.

  Brayden had found the addresses of all the Blue Guardian’s in Black Widow, including Jolene Missy Swan—a.k.a. JoJo. Duke nearly jumped in his seat when he saw the name of the apartments. Heritage Park. Not a gated community.

  His little accomplice had gone above and beyond getting him information. The rookie had flirted with the redheaded waitress so much, he’d learned the gang was on a ride, and the dearly beloved diner owner went with them. Which meant JoJo was gone, too.

  Exactly the break he needed.

  He found the second building and scanned the outside doors for her apartment number. Upstairs. He took the steps two at a time, careful not to make a noise, and eased into the darkened corner next to her door. With his gloved hand, he turned the knob.


  Staying in the shadows, he pulled an old grocery store membership card from his wallet. Wedging the thin plastic between the door and the lock, he pushed down on the card, and turned the handle, shoving on the door with his shoulder. One strong thrust, and the barrier flew open.

  Cheap ass locks.

  Duke checked around the complex to make sure no one watched as he quickly pushed over the threshold and shut the door behind him. Pulling a flashlight out of his jacket pocket, he scanned the apartment. Tidy, minimal. A couch eased against the far wall and a coffee table sat in the middle of the room while a television stand and TV stood on the other wall. A small kitchen, clear of any clutter, only held a few dishes in the sink. All of which seemed to be clean.

  He opened a door in the hallway. Linen closet. Minimal towels, minimal sheets. Everything folded to perfection. Across the hall, he opened another door. Small bathroom. Pulling the drawers open, he glanced for anything that looked familiar. Anything Annie used. Her makeup. Her toiletries.


  No sign of anyone else living in the apartment except JoJo. Duke opened the last door down the hall. A bedroom.

  In total, the hole of a home consisted of four rooms. Everything tidy and put away to precision with no sign of Annie, anywhere.

  A nagging feeling overtook his stomach as his jaw twitched. There had to be more. The reflection of a doorknob bounced off his flashlight. A closet.

  He stormed across the room and yanked open the door. Shinning his light over the garments, he flipped through the hangers. Nothing of Annie’s. He ran his hand over something smooth and thick in the back of the closet.


  Duke pulled the jacket out and placed it on her bed. He shined the light up the sleeve and searched for the hole.


  Reaching into his back pocket, he pulled out the little plastic bag holding the small piece of fabric that had been left at his house and placed the piece inside the hole. A match. But he’d already known that, having seen the shape of the hole at the diner.

  His temples pounded, and he gritted his teeth, irritated about the things he didn’t know. His big break seeming like a big flop.

  Where the hell are you, Annie?

  She wasn’t there, and there was no sign she’d been there.

  Carefully, he picked up the coat and placed it back in the closet, sure to move the hangers back the way they’d been. Retracing his steps to make sure nothing was out of place, he pocketed his flashlight, exited, and locked the door behind him. At a clipped pace, he ran back to his truck.

  Duke jumped in his vehicle, pulled out a flask from under his seat, and stared at the address book on his dashboard. He took a quick swig. What the hell did he know?

  Annie wasn’t at her mothers, and she didn’t have much money, or any other family.

  She wasn’t living with JoJo, but JoJo had been in his house, getting Annie’s clothes, so that meant the biker chick probably knew where Annie was. And this woman was a Blue Guardian, a Guardian that was friends with that big blond guy from the diner and the courthouse.

  He dug through his notepad and searched for Wilde’s address. He lived near Virginia Creek. Annie’s old address was near the creek.

  Of course. Her old home.

  The piece of shit she begged him to consider buying. He slapped his head for not thinking of the shack before.

  Fucking stupid.

  That’s where she was hiding, and he’d bet the big-ass blond guy knew it.

  Duke cranked his ignition and set his truck in the direction of Virginia Creek. He’d go and search the old home himself. Hell, once he found her, he’d do one better, and promise to buy it for her. A little wedding present. He’d get his Annie back.

  His phone buzzed in his cup holder. The station.

  What the hell do they want?

  “Yeah, it’s Fields.”

  “Hey, Chief, it’s Opal. A couple of the officers had to go home sick tonight. Stomach flu. You think you can come in and cover their shift?”

  He turned left to head back toward town versus turning right to head to the creek. Damn his campaign.

  “Yeah, Opal. I’ll be there in thirty.”

  He hung up the phone and placed it back in his cup holder. This was better. He couldn’t just barge in on Annie in the middle of the night. He needed a plan to win her back, and he still had some time before the town meeting. Before his speech. Plenty of time to come up with a sure-fire way to get his woman back.

  His heart leapt with excitement. His little lady had been hiding in plain sight all along.

  I’m coming for you, baby.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Annie woke to the feel of something tickling her leg. She jerked and opened her eyes. Tyler sat propped on one elbow, his fingers tracing the inside of her thigh.

  “Good morning.”

  She smiled and arched her back in a stretch. “Good morning.” The blanket shifted below her collarbone, her breasts ready to pop over the top of the cover.

  “You move like that again, and I’ll be having you for breakfast.” He kissed down her neck, across her collarbone, and placed a finger on the top of the sheet, staring back at her with puppy dog eyes.

  “You look like you’ve seen a treat.”

  “Oh, I have.”

  He kissed her skin where the top of the blanket lay; her toes tingled in delight. Last night, she’d made love for the first time. Her body burned for Tyler in such a way she would have jumped inside of him completely if given the choice. Now, as his lips graced her skin, the tingling shot from her toes to her core, her insides begging and burning for another round.

  He lowered the blanket, trailing more kisses down the top of her breast, seeking the center.

  She squirmed in delight then pushed his head away. “Don’t you want breakfast first?”

  “Nope.” He ripped the blanket off her completely. “I want dessert.”

  She giggled and reached an arm around his neck. Just as she pulled him toward her, Alfred let out a wail of barks.

  “What’s he howling at?”

  Tyler ran a hand over her stomach and down her thigh. “Who cares?” He lowered his head to her center just as a voice boomed from outside.

  “Knock, knock.”

  “Ahh!” She yanked the covers back up.

  She could see the shadow of Alfred jumping as the dog wailed at the intruder. Al’s tail bumped the side of the tent in delight.

  “Steele, damn you, man. What the hell do you want?” Tyler yelled at the tent’s door.

  The only thing separating her—naked—from Steele was a thin sheet, and a thin zippered doorway. Tyler protectively covered her with his body.

  “I see your sleeping arrangements have worked out nicely. You’re welcome.” The cocky Guardian sounded as if he snickered.

  Tyler pressed more of his weight on her. “Again, what the hell do you want?”

  “I’m supposed to tell you breakfast is ready. Sandi’s making dirty eggs.”

  “Yeah, thanks. Got it. We’ll be there in a minute.”

  “Take your time, man. Sorry to interrupt your morning slumber. Come on, Alfred. Let’s leave the lovebirds alone.” His and the dog’s footsteps grew quieter.

  She trailed her fingers through Tyler’s hair. “I think we’ve been found out.”

  “Well, they did make sure nearly every obstacle was seen to.” He leaned into her caress. “I don’t mind if you don’t.”

  “No.” She wrapped her hands around his neck. “But I’m not in the mood for eggs.”

  “You’re not?”

  “No, I think I’d like to give sausage a try.”

  “I thought you didn’t like pork.”

  “I wasn’t talking about a pig.”


  While she never wanted to experience the pain Duke put her through again, she’d never imagined something so cruel and dangerous could lead her to a place of total bliss and love. Tyler had her heart and soul, and in him, she found her purpose. A place she never wanted to lose again.

  “I love you, Tyler.”

  “I love you, more.”

  His eyes glistened as he lowered his lips back to her collarbone and kissed every part of her into sheer oblivion.

  So, this was love.

  Annie placed her head on Tank’s chest, making lazy circles over his stomach with her finger. Never in his life had he felt he could care for someone so strong, so powerfully. She held his soul in her tiny palm.

  “I wish we could stay this way forever,” she said, mirroring his exact thoughts.

  “Me, too.” He squeezed her closer to his chest. “But there’s been a stick jabbed in my ass for the past hour. I wouldn’t mind a bed.”

  She let out a giggle that made having a stick up his ass worth it.

  “My mom, she’s coming to town tomorrow. You’ll meet her, won’t you?”

  “Of course. Does she know about me?”

  “A little. I haven’t told her much. I didn’t know what to tell her, really. I was scared. Scared my feelings were one sided.”

  “I don’t think your feelings have ever been one sided.” She reached up and tapped him on the nose.

  He squeezed Annie tighter. Not only did his love run deep, but also his desire to protect her from harm. Any harm. Especially Duke. An image of the two of them together caused his stomach to churn. How did she wind up with a guy like him?

  “Annie, I have to ask you something.”

  “Sure. What?”

  “Why Duke? What about him made you fall for him?”

  She sighed and lay back on his chest, using her fingers to make lazy circles again over his stomach. “I guess it was his charm. When we met, I had just moved back to town from finishing college in Austin. I wanted to stay closer to Mom, but figured I might have a better shot of getting a job here. Smaller town, less competition than a big city, also the cost of living is much cheaper in Black Widow. Besides, I had fond memories of Black Widow, despite the pain from my parents’ accident. I figured being here might make me feel closer to my dad’s spirit somehow.”

  He wrapped a protective arm around her, drawing her closer, wishing he could pull in her pain, take the load from her.

  “I took a job at the diner until I could find something more substantial, and that’s where I met Duke. He came in the restaurant and swept me off my feet immediately. It was Christmas time, and he asked what my plans were. When I let him know I didn’t have any, he made sure I lacked for nothing that Christmas. We spent every day of his vacation together. We visited my mom, and then he took me to the Bahamas for a few days. Gave me everything I could have ever wanted…I thought.” She turned her head and glanced up at him. “For a girl who was low on funds, and had college loans to pay back, he seemed like a dream come true. Little did I know the nightmare that was about to begin.”

  While his nightmares were at night, he could wake up from them, try and shake them off. Beauty, on the other hand, had walked in one daily just like he did as a child.

  His childhood fears lurched in his stomach.

  Never again.

  For either of us.

  “You didn’t know Duke from school? Didn’t he grow up here?”

  “Yeah.” She
nodded and pushed off his chest to rest on her forearms. “He did, but we are a few years apart, and I rode the bus. I didn’t participate in after school activities like he did, so I never really knew him in school. The only really good friend I had here moved away. When I came back, it was like I was new all over again.”

  “So, you had no idea about his behavior.”

  “No, and as far as I can tell, no one else really did either. Besides, Sandi. I suppose she saw through his act. Looking back, she dropped hints here and there, but I was so enamored with him, I never noticed. On Valentine’s Day, Duke proposed.” She raised her gaze to the ceiling. “It all felt like a fairy tale.” She shook her head and stared back at him. “I can’t believe that was only a little over four months ago. He came from money and influence, and he adored me. What more could a girl ask for? But after I said yes, everything changed.”

  “Changed how?” He propped on an elbow and rubbed a hand through her hair.

  She stared into her hands. “His family started pressuring him to campaign for Sherriff. He started drinking more. A lot more. He stopped taking his medicine altogether. Little by little, his anger escalated…until a couple weeks after proposing he began hitting me. After the first time, he apologized profusely. Sent me flowers three days in a row, and swore he’d never do it again. I figured I could forgive him. I mean, he loved me after all, or so he said. But the more his dad pressured him about revving up his political campaign, the more he drank, and the less he took his medicine.”

  “Medicine for what?”

  She refocused her gaze back on him. “He never would say exactly, but when I looked up the prescription, it was for bipolar disorder. Sometimes there would be another prescription he would take. I think that one was for depression. Problem was, he didn’t stick to them for very long. When he did while he was courting me, he seemed to think clearer, act more normal. Maybe it was all a ruse. I don’t know.” She shrugged her bare shoulder.

  Damn him.

  “A little over a month ago, I realized there was no escape for me. His money, his resources were all too vast and too wide for me to get out of his grasp. And it all happened so fast it almost gives me whiplash thinking back on it all. From being completely independent to completely dependent on him in the matter of months. It’s crazy, but it’s true, and I have no idea how I let myself get so wrapped up in it all.”


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