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Wanted: Wife 4 Navy Seals: A Sizzling Hot Military Romance (Wanted Series Book 1)

Page 9

by Dee Palmer

  “You get used to the smell. Well, you might not, but I don’t smell it anymore.” He chuckles.

  “Really, you don’t smell that?” The mix is heady: hay, shavings, sweat, feed, and definitely shit—not muck heap strong, but still…

  “Yes, I can smell the horse crap, but it doesn’t bother me.” He laughs as I pull my top to cover my nose and try ineffectively to block the smell. “Come on, princess, let’s introduce you to Lady.” There’s a long line of stables with metal grills above wooden half walls, and each doorway has a horse head peeking out. The one Pink leads me to is gorgeous: a light cream color with a bright white long mane and fringe—forelock. I drag up some basic horse knowledge from God knows where.

  “She’s pretty.” I reach up and stroke her soft, wide cheek. Her bridle is already on and so is her saddle, which looks like a sofa, it’s so wide and padded.

  “She sure is. She’s a Quarter Horse, and this color is Palomino. She’s having a year off but she’s the main brood mare. We’ll see her youngsters when we ride out.” He pulls the door wide and leads Lady from her stable. “Here, hold her while I grab Tramp.”


  “Yeah, he’s my stallion.” Pink beams with obvious pride.

  “Stallion. Is he all right to ride out with a lady horse? I mean isn’t he going to want to…um…” My pause is enough for Pink to chuckle his interruption.

  “No, darling, he’s more than safe to ride out with…I mean he might want to, but he can control himself.” He winks at me, and I feel my cheeks heat once more, this time with the double meaning. “Here, put these on, and this hat should fit.” He hands me some soft, suede legs that dangle from a thick belt and a cowboy hat.

  “What are these?” I put the hat on my head so I can hold up the legs for closer inspection.

  “They’re chinks. They’ll protect your jeans and stop you from getting sore against the stirrups.”

  “Oh cool.” I give myself an internal high five, since I managed to drop the ever embarrassing ‘beans’ from my expression of understanding and pleasure.

  Pink introduces me to Jake, the farm hand in charge of tacking-up, and Jake’s grandson, Mason, who comes to help out on weekends and holidays. They are both polite and friendly enough, but I get an odd feeling, and I wonder how much, if anything, everyone will know about our situation. Before I can dwell too much, Pink hoists me into the saddle and secures some saddlebags across the withers, and rolled one of the blankets behind the seat.

  We set off at a leisurely pace, keeping to the shade of the trees that line the edge of the fields. After about ten minutes we have crested the brow of a long incline, the house and stable block are now nowhere to be seen on the horizon.

  “Do they know?” I ask after a long breath.

  “Does who know what?” Pink has these deep dimples when he smiles and deep furrows in his forehead when he frowns, like now.

  “Do Jake and Mason know about me?”

  “Sure they do.” His face softens and his beaming smile makes my chest warm and tighten at the same time.

  “Oh.” I flash the best smile I can, and his frown deepens.

  “Is that a problem? Because we sure as shit ain’t keeping you a secret, so you better get used to it.” His tone is light but serious, too.

  “I guess…I just—”

  “Look, darling, people who we care about know. They’ve known us a long time, so they’re happy for us. No judgment whatsoever, and people who don’t know us, well, yeah, they’ll judge, I’m sure. But the thing is, they don’t matter. Their opinion doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is you being happy. Now, if you’re going to have a bit of trouble managing with this, you need to let us know. We can help, but you need to be okay with this. I mean really okay with this, because then you really won’t give a flying fuck what anyone else thinks.” His words sink in, and shame hits me.

  “No, you’re right. And I am happy.” My eyes search his as he holds my gaze. I barely blink because I mean what I say; I just hope I’m getting that across. “It’s different, is all.”

  “I’ll say. The same guy for ten years and no one before you met him. Hell, you’re practically a virgin.” He grins.

  “Bit of a turnaround for me, that’s for sure, but…” I hesitate, not sure how to phrase the question I’ve been skirting around since I answered the advertisement.

  “Spit it out, darling. You know you can ask us anything.” he cajoles.

  “Why? Why one wife? I mean I’ve chatted online with each of you and you’re all great. And smoking hot, seriously. I just don’t understand why one wife and why me?” I rush my garbled thoughts in one breath.

  “Shit. That really was a mother lode of a question.” He sucks in a sharp breath but chuckles too. “You know Charge is better at explaining this, but since you asked me, I’ll try.” He turns in his saddle and drops his reins. I tense, thinking Tramp will now bolt given the chance, but his head just droops lower, and he plods along, his gait unchanged. I don’t risk doing the same. “We met in juvie what feels like a life time ago. We had all lost our parents at some point, although I never knew mine and Tug still has a granddaddy. The rest? Well, we had no one. It was just us four. We enlisted when we got to the right age, except Charge. His guardian wouldn’t let him. He’s got this fucking massive trust fund, and it was expected for him to go into banking or some shit. He fought that and got to go to the Officer Cadet School, then flight school. But it meant we were mostly together. Same career, same leave and shit. You see, when you go through shit at a vulnerable age you make some seriously strong bonds. You don’t want to break them, like ever, and you figure a way to stay together. Sounds really gay, don’t it?” He chuckles, and I raise an ironic brow because looking at his high-cut cheekbones, strong jaw and crystal eyes, he’s beautiful, but not in the least bit gay. I’m a hairdresser, so my gaydar is off-the-charts accurate.

  “I think it’s kind of beautiful, but that doesn’t make it gay. It’s nice when you have someone like you guys have each other. Family isn’t always what you hope it would be, so the fact that you’ve made your own, I understand why you’d want to protect that. But, it wouldn’t stop each of you from getting married.” I point out.

  “Actually, that’s exactly what started to happen. When any one of us started to date, there was always friction between the girls. It just didn’t work in the long run. We’ve tried this situation with slightly more success over the last two years. One came close and she didn’t really want the whole package. She thought we were kidding.”

  “Who was that?”

  “Chloe, but she never moved in. We tried a few weekends. It was pretty obvious she wanted just one of us.”

  “Which one?”

  “I don’t think it mattered. She was playing us off against each other, but we don’t keep secrets. She messed with Charge pretty bad, and he doesn’t trust people at the best of times, so don’t freak out if he asks a shit ton of questions but is also a little closed off.” He shrugs this off, like it’s just Charge’s way. “He’s a good guy, Finn. The best, actually. Anyway, that’s why it has to be one wife for all of us. Unfortunately, you can’t legally marry all four, so you’ll have to pick just one.” He drops his head to one side and pulls a soppy, sad face with his curved down lips and exaggerated pout.

  “If you still want me after a month.” I point out with a cautionary tone.

  “We all want you.” Pink states emphatically, and I get a warm burst in my chest again.

  “Is that why you chose me, because I’m an orphan too?” As soon as he spoke about it, I made the connection.

  “It probably struck a cord, having a similar background, but no, we chose you because you were honest.” He levels his steely blues at me, intense and serious. “See, there are two ways you can go with an online relationship. One, you can lie and soft filter the shit out of your life, just showcasing the good stuff, or you can be balls-out honest.”

  “And I was defi
nitely balls-out honest.” I groan, because he’s right. I didn’t see the point in hiding who I am, what I want, or pretend to be someone I’m not. I did that for ten years and it got me a big, fat rejection with a side helping of gut crushing humiliation. If this was to work, I had to be honest with myself and with them, warts and all. Hashtag no filter.

  “I could’ve been lying?” I tease.

  “Ah, darling. You could’ve, but you didn’t, and now you’re here and we’re not letting you go.” He beams his bright, dazzling-white smile and lets out a deep and happy laugh that’s all kinds of infectious. “So, want to blow the cobwebs away?”

  “Hmm?” I query.

  “Wanna lope?”

  “Lope?” This is code, and I feel I should know it, but I know my face must be registering a big fat blank.

  “A fast ride?”

  “Oh, yeah! Sounds, um, great.” I clench my jaw and force a tight, tense smile.

  “All right, then. Hang on tight, and tuck in behind me. Lady likes to race but once she gets in front, she’ll turn tail and head straight for home.”

  “Oh, okay. Maybe not that fast then?” I’m hesitant, but Pink just chuckles.

  “Nah. Where’s the fun if you’re not screaming my name.” He kicks Tramp who seems to squat back on his haunches only to launch himself forward like a rocket. I notice his speed as he disappears ahead and then feel the whiplash as Lady does the same. My hands clamp round the lump at the front of the saddle, and I hold on for dear life. I would scream his name and a slew of other profanities, if my jaw wasn’t locked in terror.

  I HEAR HER SCREAM AND can’t help laughing out loud. Lady is the safest ride I have, but she’s fast. I turn around and watch her face quickly change from absolutely petrified to euphoric. I know that expression, because I saw it just before she came all over my tongue. Now, I’m not saying she’s about to come, but she’s at the very least enjoying herself. Lady lengthens her stride and pulls up alongside me, the thunder of hooves on the firm ground mean I have to shout to be heard.

  “Having fun?” I call out, and she chances a quick glance my way before snapping her head back to keep her eyes wide open and looking straight ahead.

  “It’s…it’s unbelievable!” She cries out, and her smile rivals the midday sun for glare and shine. I know Charge will probably pull out the money card to try and gain an edge on his date, but we all have our little tricks, and I doubt Finn is the kind of girl to be dazzled by a flashy night out. We’d be disappointed if she was.

  “Ease her back gently, Finn. You don’t want her taking the lead.” Finn’s eyes widen as Lady stretches her neck, two more strides and she would be doing just that, and then it would be like the Kentucky Derby in a race back home. I want her date with me to be memorable but not nightmare inducing. She pulls gently on the reins, and Lady slows down to a more comfortable lope. We ride for an hour or so, changing gait and chatting. She’s easy company, asking questions that are all detailed in the binder, though she’s right, this is much more fun, and I can flip whatever question back on her. She’s cute and funny, and the way her tits are squeezing out the top of her tiny sports bra, since she took her long sleeved top off, has made my ride so fucking uncomfortable I can’t wait to get to the lake.

  We have been winding our way through the forest for about twenty minutes when the trees start to thin, and although its heavily shaded, the sun breaks through the canopy like a spotlight that strikes the water and casts a million shards of refracted light back into the cove. The lake is small and surrounded by high rocks and trees; it’s very private and quite perfect. I jump from my horse and go help Finn down, but she’s already on her feet with an enormous, awestruck grin on her face.

  “Pink, this—God, it’s so beautiful here. Look at that water. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that color before. Can we take a dip?” Her voice is breathless with excitement, and a warm feeling spreads in my chest that she’s so animated about a place I love.

  “Thought you might like some lunch first. You should probably drink some water at least. You’ve been in the sun a lot today already. The others will fucking kill me if I bring you back all fried to a crisp.”

  “I’m fine. I covered myself in factor 50, but I’m hungry.” She nudges me playfully over my concern.

  “Great. I’ll tie the horses up, and you go lay a blanket out on the sand.”

  “Cool. Do you want me to take the bags too?”

  “Nope, I’ve got them.” I lead Tramp and Lady over to the lake to let them have a drink first, then tie them up in the shade. Joining Finn on the blanket, I unpack the bread and cheese, some chicken pie Charge made, and a small container of sliced fruit. I chuck her a bottle of water, which she catches with one hand, snapping it right out of the air. “Nice catch.”

  “Thank you. I have some talents you guys probably don’t know about,” she teases. Her breathy voice and loaded statement make my cock swell.

  “I doubt it.” I scoff and watch her brows knits together.

  “It’s a little unnerving that you’ve been investigating me. I know you had to, but it’s a little creepy all the same.” Her sexy playfulness evaporates, and I’m eager to get it back, but she looks genuinely concerned.

  “We did some, but honestly, most of what we know, you’ve put out there on one platform or another. Believe me, the sections we’ve compiled on each of us is way more detailed than yours,” I joke.

  “You have a file on me?” Her voice is pitched high and anxious. Shit.

  “Sort of…yes.” I mumble. Dammit.

  “Really?” She tries to soften her voice, but I can see worry etched in the tight features on her face.

  “Yes, but like I said, it’s mostly what you’ve put out on social media. A little background checking but that’s it.”

  “So I could see it?”

  “Sure.” I wave it off like it’s no big deal. Fuck.

  “Then that’s all right. As long as I can, I really won’t want to. It’s bad enough Charge is gonna make me read all of yours. I’d die of boredom if I had to do the same with my pathetic life.”

  “It’s not pathetic.” I correct with a stern tone.

  “It’s hardly life-changing or lifesaving like you guys.” She sniffs out a dismissive laugh.

  “You change those homeless people’s lives when you go out and give them free haircuts on the street.”

  “You know about that?” She gasps. I nod and hold her gaze, searching her face for any sign of uncertainty or disquiet. “I didn’t tell anyone about that, Pink. How did you know?”

  “Why didn’t you tell anyone?”

  “Answer the question.” Her tone is sharp, and her arms are now crossed across her tummy. Shit, shit, shit. I draw in a deep breath.

  “Just before we invited you to stay, we had a friend tail you for a few days.” Her eyes widen like saucers, and I rush to try and limit the damage. “It was a trusted friend. We wouldn’t hire a stranger. We had some gaps in our recon and this filled in the blanks. So why didn’t you tell anyone?” Her eyes scrunch as she absorbs what I have said, taking her time before she replies. I’m so relieved when she does.

  “It was something I wanted to do. I lived on the streets for a while and small acts of kindness in a world that pretends you don’t exist, if you’re lucky, or is downright disgusting, if you’re not, well, they make a difference. But, the minute you tell people, it becomes something else. I don’t do it for a pat on the back or to make myself feel better. I do it because I can.”

  “I can understand that.” Reaching over, I’m glad when she lets me pull her hand from around her waist and hold it in mine.

  “Don’t think I’m completely okay with the investigation, by the way. That’s still fucking creepy to think I had someone following me.” She narrows her eyes but her tone has lost its fire.

  “I know, but if you weren’t the one, you’d never have known.” I pull her closer, and she nestles into my chest, her arms wrapping around my waist. I
kiss her hair, which smells like sunshine.

  “Still doesn’t make it right,” she grumbles.

  “Swim?” I ask.

  “Are you changing the subject because you have no defense?” she quips.

  “Yep. Swim?” She snickers into my shirt, melting into my hold.

  “Sure.” She shakes her head in defeat, and I breathe a huge internal sigh of relief. Charge would have my balls on the grill if she’d freaked out, or worse packed right up and gone home. “I didn’t pack my bikini. Is it okay to swim in my underwear?”

  “Absolutely not.” I grin and pull my shirt over my head. Jumping to my feet, I take no time at all dropping my jeans, kicking my boots off, and screwing all the clothes in a ball then throwing them into the undergrowth beside the blanket. Finn’s jaw drops comically, her eyes flit between my solid erection, the wide smile on my lips, and my carnal gaze.

  “Oh.” She manages to choke out on a cough. I turn and stride into the cool lake; three long steps and I push off the soft sand bed and dive in headfirst. When I surface, I flick the wet hair from my eyes and tread water, watching and waiting. She’s kneeling on the blanket and even from this distance I can see her worrying the inside of her cheek.

  “Come on, darling. The water feels great!” I call out and splash my arms swimming backwards.

  “It looks great, but what if someone comes?” She calls back, even looking nervously over her shoulder.

  “Finn, we rode for nearly two hours to get here. Unless Charge gets his helicopter out, no one is going to see us. I promise.”

  “Charge owns a helicopter?”

  “He’s a pilot, and yeah, he does. Now, get your butt in here, or I’ll drag you in fully clothed.” I’m only half joking.

  “Okay! Fine.” She stands up and unbuckles her chinks and wiggles free of her jeans. Her boy shorts are low and the white of both her bra and panties will be completely see-through if she isn’t brave enough to strip down completely. She hesitates for a moment as if thinking the same thing before she shakes her head and sucks in a deep breath so loud I can hear it from halfway across the lake. Her clothes are in a pile next to mine and she’s taking her bra and panties off lightning fast, throwing them onto the ground, and dashing into the water with a squeal and a splash. She disappears under the surface and emerges a few feet from me, all glistening, pink-cheeked, and breathless. I close the distance and pull her to my body, her legs wrap around my waist, and all the blood in my body surges to my cock when her heat presses against my abdomen.


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