Curvy for Him: The CEO and the Soldier (Curvy for Him Series Book 5)

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Curvy for Him: The CEO and the Soldier (Curvy for Him Series Book 5) Page 5

by Annabelle Winters

  “Sit up,” I say quietly, reaching out and helping her up until she’s sitting cross-legged before me. Then I pull off her khaki top, almost losing my fucking mind as her magnificent cleavage fills my vision like a dream.

  Before I know it I’ve ripped off her bra and am kneading and sucking her boobs like an animal, her big red nipples hard and erect as I suck until I wonder if I’ll swallow her whole. She’s moaning as she props herself up on her hands, and now I know I’m not stopping no matter what.

  I edge myself closer to her, placing my cock between her breasts and pulling her tits together, my fingers tight on her big nipples. I glide up and down between her globes, groaning at the sight of my shining shaft coating her smooth chest with my juice.

  El is just staring down at herself, mouth hanging open, and now I know this really is the first time this confident, accomplished businesswoman is experiencing the joys of her body, the miracle of sex, the simple act that defines us as men and women, that defines us as humans, that reminds us we’re just animals with an overdeveloped brain.

  “Do you see how beautiful you are?” I whisper as I rub my cockhead on each of her nipples in a slow, circular motion until her areolas are shining like the moon in August. “You see how fucking hard you make me? How badly I want you? How desperately I need to be inside you, El? Inside every part of you until you’re mine from the inside out?”

  I can barely hold myself back from pushing her down and sliding into her pussy that I can clearly smell from the way she’s sitting cross-legged. But I can tell she needs to really fucking understand that my arousal is because of her, my hardness is for her, all of this is for her.

  Slowly I move my cock up along the curve of her breasts until I’m near her chin. I’m all the way upright on my knees, looking down at her and taking in the beauty of El’s naked body, her breasts hanging off to each side, strong thighs thick and wide, her healthy belly perfectly designed to carry my big babies.

  I’m losing myself in an image of El large and pregnant with our children, her breasts swollen with milk, and when I look down I realize she’s sucking me, slowly and hesitantly, her lips trembling with arousal, her pretty mouth open wide because I’m thick in a way I’ve never been with anyone, hard in a way no woman has even come close to getting me.

  I blink and stare down at her, and then I wince when I feel her teeth scrape my cock. “Tuck your lips around your teeth,” I say softly, reaching down and gently moving her hair back so I can see her face.

  “Oh, God, am I bad at this?” she says, pulling back and looking up at me, her eyes wide. “No wonder I . . . maybe that’s why . . .”

  She trails off, and I see that puzzling insecurity in her that’s so at odds with how confident El is when she’s in her business suit and on a mission. “That’s why what?” I say, sliding my hand down near her cheek and stopping her from taking me back into her mouth. “Tell me.”

  “No, it’s embarrassing. Besides, you don’t want to hear that. It’ll ruin the moment.”

  “Nothing you say to me can ruin the moment,” I say without hesitation. “This is our moment, El. And it’ll take how long it needs to take. This is a reserve armory room, only used as a backup. No one’s coming in here. I want to know you, El. I want to hear it all.”

  She looks up into my eyes like she’s wondering if I’m serious, if she can trust me, if she can open up to me, reveal her vulnerabilities that she’s had to hide as she went toe-to-toe with men in the business world. I hold her gaze with all the sincerity in me. “I mean what I said,” I whisper. “I want to know everything. I want to possess every part of the woman you are, and that means your body along with your mind, your confidence along with your insecurities, your beauty along with whatever you think makes you less than beautiful. You’re all mine, El. All of you.” I look down at my cock that’s standing straight as a post between us. “Though you’d better hurry, Babycakes.”

  El takes a slow breath and nods. “I don’t know why I’m telling you this. It’s so stupid,” she says. “But all right. So in college I was about to lose my virginity, but the guy involved lost his . . . his . . . um . . .” She glances down at my massive erection and then blinks up at me.

  It takes me a moment, but then I lean my head back and roar with laughter. “And you thought it was you? Fuck, you really were an innocent kid. The guy is probably happily married to a burly gay dude now.”

  She giggles up at me, but just for a moment. “I kinda did think it was me. He was really embarrassed and sweet about it, but it still affected me. I retreated into my shell the rest of my time at college. Just focused on my grades, got into grad school, got my MBA, started my business.” She sighs and bites her lip. “Then it happened again when I finally summoned up the courage to go to a man’s place after a date. I didn’t really like the guy much, but he seemed nice and I’d sorta told myself I needed to get back on the saddle or whatever.” She pauses “And this guy told me it was me, Edge. That I wasn’t attractive. He was all pissed off about it too! Said I was too fat and no guy would stay hard long enough to—”

  “All right—enough!” I shout, the anger ripping through me as I wish to almighty God I come face to face with this motherfucking piece of shit on a battlefield so I can rip his guts out and feed them to him while he gurgles to death at my feet. “I can’t listen to this shit, El. Maybe I’m dumb, but my brain can’t even process it. Some dipshit of a guy blames you for his own issues and you carry it with you, let it fester inside you? Who is he? Give me his fucking name and address.”

  She giggles again and swats at the air, making her boobs jiggle in a way that my cock fucking loves. Now I see that spark of confidence in her eyes again, like by saying this out loud she’s maybe let go of it. Probably doesn’t hurt that she can’t possibly have too many doubts with my rock hard monster of an erection bobbing up and down as it waits for us to stop talking.

  “I am not giving you his name!” she says, shaking her head and laughing. “It really isn’t a big deal, now that I hear myself say it out loud. It seems trivial and dumb, actually.”

  “If you still remember it, it’s not trivial and dumb. Give me his name.”

  She laughs again. “No. Besides, I only remember him as Guy-guy because he told me he preferred women’s deodorant.”

  I grunt as I take deep breaths and force myself to calm down. Some of my own interactions with women might not have been ideal, but one thing I do not do is make negative comments about a woman’s appearance. Nothing pisses me off more than that. I have a dirty mouth and a filthy mind; but I never engage in that kind of talk even when it’s just me and the boys getting shit-faced on leave.

  With a grin I raise an eyebrow and sniff my armpits, breathing deep as my grin widens from seeing the light in her brown eyes again. “Well, I don’t wear deodorant, Babycakes,” I growl.

  “Yes, I noticed,” she says, wrinkling up her nose as she leans back on her hands, her boobs on full display. I can see confidence rising up in her, and a surge of pure delight rips through me as I decide that yes, getting her to tell me what she did was meaningful as fuck. Yeah, it’s a minor thing in the grand scheme, but hell, minor things can give rise to bigger things. “Anyway,” she says, shaking her head again and frowning. “I don’t know why I told you that, but I’m glad I did. I’m glad I heard myself say it out loud. I always thought it didn’t really affect me. I’ve never really gotten down on myself about my weight or my appearance. I went through some dark days as a teenager, but I came out strong and confident. I accepted my body, learned to own it, learned to love it. But I guess I still needed some reassurance. I still needed . . . needed . . . I guess I needed . . .”

  But she doesn’t finish the sentence, because I shut her up with a kiss. I push her down onto her back and kiss her again, hard and with authority. We’re done talking now, I decide. What we said to each other was meaningful, necessary, needed. But n
ow this is what’s needed. This and nothing else.

  So I kiss her once again, reach between our naked bodies, and line my cock up with her wet slit. Then without any more hesitation, I drive into her, through the confidence of this CEO-chick, deep into the untouched depths of that curvy teenager she stills holds inside her.

  “You’re mine,” I whisper as I push all the way into her and hold still for one incredible moment before the storm of our coupling breaks us both. “After all that fucking talk, the first words I said to you are the truest, and they’re the only words that matter right now. You’re mine, El. You’re mine.”



  I’m his, I realize as I feel Edge drive into me like no other man has, like no other man could. Instantly I realize that it wouldn’t matter even if I’d slept with a hundred guys before Edge. It would still feel like the first time. It would still feel like the only time. It would still feel forever.

  “Oh, Edge,” I groan, arching my neck back as his weight presses down on my body, his hardness pushes up into me from the inside, opening me up in a way that I swear is more than just physical. “Edge, I’m . . . I . . . I . . .”

  “I love you too,” he whispers in that deep gravelly voice, his breath hot against my forehead, his masculine scent thick in the air as he plants his elbows on either side of my head and drives into me once again, flexing his thick cock so deep inside me I swear I can feel the inner walls of my vagina stretch just to take him. He makes me feel small, but that isn’t the reason I’m overwhelmed with arousal, overcome with emotion, almost in tears from how meaningful this is, how magical it is, how miraculous it is.

  His words float through the air, hang above us as he takes me deep and hard again, sliding his hands down under me and gripping my ass firmly. His fingers dig into my flesh, and I moan and wrap my legs around his muscular waist, pulling him into me like I’m never going to let go. I don’t know how that broken sentence of mine was going to end, but Edge finished it for me, said what I couldn’t say, what my brain wouldn’t let me say.

  I love you.

  I still can’t say it even though I feel it, even though I know it. My mind is spinning with everything that’s happened today, and the arousal surging through me is taking me to the edge, taking me to Edge.

  My pussy clenches as Edge grunts and begins to move faster over me, his heavy balls slapping against me from below as he spreads my asscheeks and pumps with everything he has. My entire body is shuddering, his power sending ripples through my flesh, making my goddamn teeth rattle as he brings me closer to another thunderous climax that I swear is going to make me lose my fucking mind.

  I love you, El.

  The words are still hanging out there like they’re real, physical objects, and as I moan and stare up at the dark ceiling I feel myself reaching for them, wondering why they’re out there and not inside me. I know the thought shouldn’t make sense, but somehow it does. Somehow I know that I need to let those words enter me just like Edge entered me. I need to acknowledge that yes, he loves me. He fucking loves me!

  My climax is building in the distance, gathering power as Edge shouts and rams into me with all his weight, his fingers deep in my rear crack as he lifts me off the floor, angling his body so each stroke drags his cockhead against the upper wall of my stretched vagina. I feel a strange urgency that’s building along with that climax, like I’m at the brink of some realization that’s waiting to burst through along with my orgasm, like it’s all coming to a head, about to explode!

  I love you, El.

  Edge roars like a goddamn lion, pushing himself so deep into me I can feel it in my throat. A moment later he’s coming, his body seizing up, every muscle in his frame flexed to the max, his cock exploding violently in the farthest depths of my vagina, his balls tight and heavy as they deliver his massive load into me.

  And then it hits me just as my own climax roars in like the first waterfall of spring:

  “I love you, El,” I whisper, reaching and grabbing those words like they’re mine, my words, words that I need to say to myself before I can say them to anyone else.

  And immediately I feel an explosion of pure delight rock my body, and I know that I’ve always loved myself even if I thought I didn’t! That fantasy I’d buried deep like it was something shameful? Yeah, it was a fantasy of being taken by a bigger man, someone who towered over me, physically overwhelmed me, was man enough to handle every inch of me, from the inside and outside. But it was never a fantasy about me actually being anyone other than who I was! Being skinny or thin or waiflike was never part of that fantasy, even in my darkest, most insecure days! And doesn’t that mean I always loved myself?

  “I love you, El,” I mutter to myself, nodding as tears roll down my cheeks. I know none of this is going to make any goddamn sense in an hour, but right now it seems like something just fell into place, like I was incomplete before this moment, that I needed to say all of that out loud so it could unravel itself.

  I needed to let it out, and Edge brought it out. He reached inside me and pulled it out, showed me that I’ve been carrying this baggage for no good reason, brought it out into the light, where it evaporated like mist in the morning sun, making me complete and fulfilled, making me ready to be loved by another, making me ready to love another.

  “I love you, Edge,” I whisper as he pours the last of his warm seed into me and collapses against my cheek, panting and kissing me all over as I dig my heels into his muscular lower back and hold still, savoring this moment, wanting it to last forever, wishing it could last forever, somehow scared that it won’t last forever . . .

  “Took you forever to say it,” comes his voice near my ear, and I blink up at the ceiling and smile. “For a moment I thought maybe this was gonna be a ‘Don’t call me. I’ll call you’ thing for you. Using me for my body like I’m nothing but an object to you.”

  “Do you even have a cell phone?” I say.

  “Fuck, you really think I’m some caveman, don’t you? Of course I have a cell phone! Look.”

  Without getting off me he reaches his long arm out and pulls something out of his trouser pocket. I look at it and burst out laughing. “OK, that’s a flip phone from like the 1980s or something! That doesn’t count.”

  Edge grunts and tosses the ridiculously tiny phone over to where his clothes are lying crumpled. “It works just fine. And there’s no GPS, so it can’t be tracked by the CIA.”

  “Um, isn’t it a good thing if you can be tracked by the CIA?” I say. “You guys are on the same team, aren’t you?”

  “Don’t get me started on the spooks,” Edge growls. “I got my team of Army brothers and sisters, and that’s all I give a fuck about.” Slowly he rolls off me and sighs. “And I should probably get back out there. It’s pretty quiet. No more action, looks like.”

  I sigh too, groaning as I try to sit up and look for my clothes. “All right,” I say in a sulky voice. “I suppose I should get dressed.”

  “You don’t need to,” Edge says with a shrug as he crawls over to his fatigues. “You aren’t going anywhere, Babycakes.”

  It takes me a second to get what he’s saying, partly because I’m distracted by Edge’s muscular butt glistening in the yellow light, his balls shining from my wetness, his long, heavy cock hanging down like a goddamn hose, still dripping semen even as I feel more of his seed dripping out of me.

  “What do you mean?” I say with a frown. “I can’t stay here! I have a meeting, Edge!”

  He snorts and turns his head halfway towards me. “That meeting ain’t happening, El. Didn’t you hear what I said earlier? You’ve got a fucking bullseye on your back, and you’re not stepping out of this goddamn building until I say so. Hell, you aren’t stepping outside this goddamn room until I say so.”

  I clench my teeth and blink back my anger. I don’t like being told what to do. In fact I hate bein
g told what to do! “Too bad,” I snap at him. “You can’t keep me here against my will. That’s illegal.”

  Edge’s massive body shudders as he laughs. He’s on his feet, naked as the day, and a chill goes through me when I look up at him, take in his tattooed, ripped body, chest like slabs of granite, arms that look like they’ve been chiseled out of marble, thighs thick like tree trunks, fists that I swear are bigger than my head! It’s only now I realize that despite how hard he just took me, how he made my body shake and shudder, made my teeth rattle in my head from the way he pounded my pussy, he was probably holding back! What the hell have I gotten myself into, I think as that old cliché goes through my brain: Be careful what you wish for, because it might come true.

  “My orders are to keep you safe,” Edge says, putting his hands on his hips and looking down at me.

  “Actually, your orders were to get me to my meeting safely,” I reply. “That’s exactly what your commanding officer said before some jihadists shot up the place. So if you keep me here and I miss my meeting, it means you’ve disobeyed a direct order, Soldier.”

  Edge’s eyes narrow to slits, and I see his stomach muscles tighten. I was just running my mouth off, arguing because I’m so used to negotiating a deal. But I see that I made the right move here. Edge is a soldier through and through. A damned good soldier. Orders mean something to the man. He won’t disobey a direct order.

  Slowly I rise to my feet, standing as tall as I can though I still barely come up to Edge’s broad chest. But I raise my head and hold his gaze, trying my best not to blink. Somehow I know this moment is important, and I’m reminded once again that in a way all of what’s happening is about us, me and him, about how we come together, how we stay together.

  We’re both strong-willed, dominant people, I realize as I see that Edge is trying his damndest not to blink either. My eyes are burning as they dry out, and I can tell Edge is on the verge of blinking too. It seems ridiculous, but the atmosphere is freakin’ electric, like this is an omen of what’s to come, the two of us butting heads at every turn, neither of us willing to give in. Is this gonna work, I wonder for a moment. Are we just kidding ourselves? Maybe my brain was right. Maybe it just wouldn’t work with a dominant, headstrong man. Maybe I do need to resign myself to being with men like Deodorant-guy, who’ll nod meekly and back down every time we argue.


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