The Pursued Patriot: Georgia Patriots Romance

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The Pursued Patriot: Georgia Patriots Romance Page 12

by Cami Checketts

  “And that means you’d fly her across the nation to see me in the hospital?”

  “Mike, you’re being a jerk,” his youngest sister Kerri piped up. “Meredith’s a sweetie. We all love her.”

  “Well, I’m sorry, but I don’t. I haven’t dated her in years, and I am never going to date her again. Can someone please find Shar?” Panic rose in him as he ached to have Shar close again. She’d said she wouldn’t leave. Where was she?

  Jacey gave a dramatic sigh. “I’ll go try and find this Shar. What does she look like?”

  “The most beautiful angel you can imagine.”

  “Oh, my goodness, it’s getting deep,” Jacey flung at him.

  Mike chuckled. “Have you seen pictures of my teammate Preston Steele’s wife, Ally?”

  Jacey nodded. “I’ve seen her at your games.”

  “Shar’s her twin sister.”

  “Okay.” Jacey patted his leg. “Glad you’re still in one piece, but I guess we’re not going to talk about how you had a stalker for years and never told us.” With that, she flitted from the room.

  Mike looked at his parents’ concerned faces. “I didn’t want you to worry,” he said lamely.

  “All I care about is that you’re safe,” his mom said.

  “Thanks, Mom.” Leave it to her to forgive him instantly.

  She bent down and hugged him, kissing his cheek. “A bath wouldn’t be out of line, my love.”

  Oh, great. Had he driven Shar away because he was stinky? With the combination of smoke, hospital, and sweat, he probably smelled more disgusting than the locker room. No wonder she ran.

  His parents had a lot of questions about the stalker, the attack, and Shar. Even though the despair of wanting Shar by his side was overwhelming, he felt himself drifting off again from the aftereffects of the anesthesia and losing so much blood. He jerked awake when Sutton and Liz Smith walked into the room.

  “Cheers,” Sutton greeted his parents. They all talked and chatted for a while. Mike fought to stay awake. He noticed Eliza and Meredith hadn’t reappeared, but Jacey slunk back into the room sans Shar. What was going on?

  Mike gestured her closer. “You didn’t see her?”

  “Dude, I staked out the entire hospital. I even saw one guy’s gown flapping open, and got a glimpse of his nasty, and I might add hairy, rear.” She pretended a shudder. “I did not see your Ally Steele look-alike. Sorry, bro.”

  “Thanks for trying,” Mike said. He deflated into the pillows, semi-listening to the conversations going on around him. He didn’t even have a cell phone to call her on, and her cell was still in South Carolina. Maybe she was so exhausted from no sleep last night that she’d found a bed to lay down on. She’d be coming back to him. She had to.

  Liz Smith sidled up closer to him. “How are you feeling, Mike?”

  “Okay.” He looked into her blue, sincere gaze. Ten more seconds of conversation felt like running a marathon, especially without Shar here by his side. “Not really okay. There was a woman with me—”

  “Shar Heathrow,” she supplied.

  “Yes. I thought she’d stay. Do you know?” He nodded. Even though he was bleary, he could see the light in her blue eyes. “You do know. Where is she?”

  Liz gave him a compassionate smile. “She wanted to go home, so we sent her on our jet.”

  She wanted to go home? Without him? Worse, without even telling him goodbye and making plans for their future? He could hardly compute it. The Shar he knew and loved was feisty, strong, and independent, but she wouldn’t just leave him, would she?

  “I’m sorry, Mike.”

  Mike tried to drum up a smile, but everything was maddening and overwhelming him. Even listening to the conversations swirling around him made him want to shut down. Liz must’ve noticed, because she said, “Maybe we should take this party down to the cafeteria and let Mike rest for a bit.”

  Mike mouthed thank you to her, even though he was frustrated that she and Sutton would send Shar off on their jet. Yet, if that’s what she wanted ... His mom fussed over him some more, but eventually, they all filtered out. Mike thought he’d be happy to be alone, that maybe he could drift off to sleep and forget the nightmare of Shar disappearing. But, no matter how tired he was, sleep didn’t come, and all he had were his thoughts. His thoughts were only saying one thing. He’d fallen in love with Shar Heathrow, and she’d ditched him.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Mike’s leg healed a lot faster than his heart. The doctor said he couldn’t practice or play for four to six weeks. He did as much of the workouts as he could and worked really hard at physical therapy, determined to make it four. Football was all he had right now, so he made getting back to full activity his life. Gunner and Lily got released and reassigned, and were heading to the south border of Mexico to fight trafficking. They said goodbye, but neither of them asked about Shar, which he found really odd and disturbing. He couldn’t put her from his mind, but everyone else acted like there’d been nothing between them. Why?

  He fought with himself almost daily, wanting to charter a quick flight out to Hilton Head and demand to know what happened, why she left when she said she’d stay. How she could be kissing and loving him one minute, then up and disappearing from his life the next. Yet, he didn’t want to be the guy who couldn’t hear no, who couldn’t take a hint. He’d had many women pursue him, especially as an NFL player, who couldn’t take a no. He hated the thought that Shar was telling him no by her distance and silence, but he tried to respect it.

  The Patriots were playing the Titans on the Thursday evening game, and Mike was walking around on the field an hour before the game as other players were filtering in to warm up, and die-hard fans were finding their spots. But most of the stadium was still empty. On the far side of the field, he spotted the gorgeous face and dark curly hair that he would know anywhere. Without letting himself second-guess it, he stumbled through players until he reached her on the sidelines. Had she come for Preston and Ally? Who cared? She’d come.

  “Shar,” but the name died on his lips. It wasn’t Shar. This person was rounder and not as tall.

  Ally Steele flipped around and grinned. “Mike. How are you?” She gave him a brief hug. “Where have you been? Why haven’t I heard your name dripping off my sister’s lips?”

  “I’d love to know that same thing,” Mike said.

  Other players were turning to look, but he didn’t care. If Ally had any insight for him, he’d take it and praise her forever.

  “Well, she won’t talk to me about it. She claimed you didn’t want to date her. She saw you with an old girlfriend, and that was it. Then, she shut down. Like a vault. She won’t even come to the Patriots’ games, and that’s her favorite diversion on the planet.”

  Preston came jogging up, padded up and ready to play. He hugged his tiny wife close, and Mike was jealous of their relationship and the fact that Preston was healthy and able to play.

  “Hey, beautiful,” he greeted her before focusing on Mike. “How’s it going, Mike? When are you back?”

  “We’re hoping just a couple more weeks. Denver game.”

  “Awesome.” Preston held out his fist to pound, and then went back to warming up.

  Mike’s mind was spinning. Old girlfriend? What old girlfriend? “Meredith,” he suddenly said.

  Ally turned to him. “What?”

  “Did she see me with Meredith at the hospital? I still don’t know why she presumed to come with my family and act like we were going to get back together.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about, but are you going to make this right with my sister or not?” Ally glared up at him with all the defiance and spice of a three-hundred-pound linebacker. Even though she was small, she was tough and had her massive, devoted husband to back up her sassy attitude. Mike thought she was great.

  “I don’t know. She just ditched me, Ally.”

  “Well, you listen here, Mike Kohler. My sister is the most amazing person
on this planet, and if you aren’t worthy of her, then you just stay here in Atlanta and whine about her ditching you. If you’re half the man I think you are, get your butt to Hilton Head and work this out. You’ll regret it for the rest of your life if you don’t.”

  Mike didn’t know how to answer her. She had no clue how many times he’d wanted to “get his butt to Hilton Head and work it out”. But wasn’t a relationship a two-way street? Why had Shar made no effort to contact him, to explain why she left? If she didn’t want him, he wasn’t going to push himself on her.

  “Good to see you, Ally,” he muttered and turned to go.

  “Good to see you too, you lily-livered chicken,” Ally shot at him.

  Mike smiled, but he didn’t stop. He didn’t want to battle with Ally. He wanted to love Ally’s twin sister, but it stung that she didn’t seem to care about him at all.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Shar spent a miserable end of September and the first of October. She worked nonstop, which usually helped, but the restaurant wasn’t as busy in the off-season. She didn’t want to let any of her assistant chefs go, so she felt like she was just over their shoulders all the time. Ally constantly bugged her to come to Atlanta for a game, but she couldn’t risk seeing Mike. If she saw him with Meredith again, she would have an implosion.

  It was a gorgeous late Friday afternoon in October, with a light breeze but still a warm seventy-five on the island. She’d taken a break to walk on the beach as the lunch crowd was gone, and they were waiting for the dinner crowd to come.

  Walking back up the path toward her restaurant, she eased onto the wooden planks and heard a voice from the side of her. “I need to speak to the owner. Alone.”

  Shar whirled, and there he was. Mike Kohler. He was still the superstar of her every dream, but it was even more encompassing now that she knew how amazing he was inside as well as out. She gasped and put a hand over her mouth. Some patrons arriving for an early dinner were gaping at him, probably wondering what was going on. Kelly rushed out of the kitchen and screamed, “Yes! He finally grew a brain and came. Yes!”

  Mike smiled at the young girl but focused back on Shar. “I want to talk to you. Out back. In the alley.”

  Shar arched an eyebrow. “Sounds a little sketchy, Mr. Kohler.” Her voice trembled, but she tried to act tough. “I don’t have any knives on me, but you sure you’re brave enough to go out there alone with me?”

  Mike walked up to her, and she felt overwhelmed by his strong presence. “I’m willing to take the risk. Are you?”

  She didn’t know. Could she risk her heart to him again? After she’d gotten home that fateful day and slept for eighteen hours, she woke up and realized she’d been cruising along one level above zombie. And maybe, she shouldn’t have run out. She’d replayed that scene in the hospital, over and over again. Meredith kissing him, and him returning it. Could there be another explanation? It didn’t seem likely, especially when over a month had passed, and the jerk never came for her. He was the famous, amazing superstar, and she wasn’t going to humble herself and chase him, especially after being accused of being his stalker once.

  He tilted his head toward the rear of the restaurant.

  “Go, Shar!” Kelly yelled.

  Shar rolled her eyes, but she turned on her heel and strode off the wood flooring and around the back of the restaurant. She could hear Mike walking behind her, but she didn’t so much as glance over her shoulder. Her heart was thumping wildly, and she wondered what he had to say. Would it change anything between them?

  When she was in the alley, she rounded on him. “I’m here. What do you want to say?”

  He towered over her, but even though she didn’t know him as well as she’d planned on knowing him, she knew she was physically safe with him, but probably not emotionally.

  “First of all,” he started, “you promised you wouldn’t leave my hospital room, and you did. Why?”

  Her eyes narrowed. “I had to use the restroom. If you must know.”

  “Why didn’t you come back?”

  She swallowed down the awful memory and spit out, “I figured you didn’t need me when you had Meredith kissing you, and giving you, how did you say it? ‘What a man needed to wake up to?’”

  “I was so out of it I’m not sure exactly what I said.” His dark eyes were soft and regretful. He took a step closer. “Shar, I thought I was kissing you.”

  She took in a deep breath. “Well, that’s all kinds of wrong. I’m sure I don’t kiss at all like a fake blonde.”

  He smiled. “No, I’m sure you don’t either, but I was pretty groggy and out of it, and the last thing I remembered was you at my side, promising you wouldn’t leave. Then I heard voices, and someone was kissing me. I remember thinking how the kiss was lacking but thought we were both just exhausted, and I wrongly assumed it was you. I’m so sorry.”

  Shar stared at him, trying to process what he was telling her. He hadn’t meant to kiss Meredith. He probably thought Shar was the biggest jerk for leaving him.

  Folding her arms across her chest, she bit at her lip and said, “I’m sorry too, Mike. I was like a zombie that day and so confused and upset. Seeing you kissing her and your family all there with her, obviously supporting her, I got … really awkward and embarrassed. I made a horribly wrong assumption, and then, all I wanted was to get out of there.”

  “I can understand that.”

  They stood there staring at each other for a few beats, then she said, “So, what do we do now?”

  Mike smiled and moved closer. Her back was against the wall. “Well, now I think we should most definitely pick up where we left off.”

  Shar’s stomach swirled with heat. “I’m trying to remember where that was again.”

  He bent down closer. “We’d shared some unreal kisses, gone through a life-threatening experience, and you’d promised you wouldn’t leave my side.”

  “Hmm.” She placed her hands on his strong shoulders and sidled in closer. “Those are some pretty good memories, but I’m still at a loss for what we do now.”

  Mike bent down and softly, achingly, brushed his lips over hers. Shar arched up toward him, and he grinned. “I think we can figure it out.”

  Shar wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in tight. “Yeah, I think we can.”

  Then he swept her off her feet, his mouth coming down on hers. His kiss was full of longing and passion. Those beautiful lips she’d dreamt about took possession of hers, and she knew she’d been deluding herself the past month thinking she could be okay without Mike. This man captivated her, and for the first time in her life, she wouldn’t mind putting a man before everything else, including her restaurant.


  Shar glanced around the crowded suite, high above the Patriots’ stadium. It was the day after Christmas, and the Patriots had just beaten the Giants. Her man had played brilliantly, and she loved hearing from the commentators how he didn’t even show any signs of being injured earlier in the season. Mike and Preston had organized an after-party, holiday get-together in this suite for their families.

  Shar stood with Ally, waiting for Preston and Mike to come up from the showers. All the famous and perfect-looking Steele family members were here, as well as Mike’s distinguished-looking parents and beautiful sisters. Shar had gotten to know his family over the past couple of months, and they’d all been wonderful to her, even Eliza, the sister who was still friends with Mike’s ex, Meredith. Kim and Colt, and even Shar’s parents had joined the party. Everyone was talking, mingling, and filling plates with food from the generous buffet. Shar didn’t mind eating food she hadn’t cooked, but she definitely would’ve made a different sauce for the coconut shrimp.

  Lottie Steele pranced up to them and giggled, “Twins. So freaky.” She laughed and waved her hands at her forehead. Lottie was a gorgeous eighteen-year-old girl who had been born with Down Syndrome. She was extremely high functioning and even ran a charity with her renowned brothers
and sisters-in-laws’ help.

  Gunner and Lily were close by, on a short break from saving the world. Gunner looked tough and unfazed by his injury. Lily looked beautiful and didn’t leave his side.

  “Can you tell them apart?” Lily asked.

  Lottie pursed her lips and shook her head. “Nope. Both beautiful princesses.”

  Shar grinned and looped her arm through her sisters. “Ally’s prettier than me,” she said. “That’s how you tell us apart.”

  “I don’t think Mike would say so,” Lottie sung out.

  They all laughed.

  A ruckus at the door announced Mike and Preston. The family all cheered and started hugging and talking excitedly about the game, Christmas, life, etc.

  Shar could hardly wait to get to Mike, but a soft hand on her arm stopped her. She glanced down at Lottie. “What is it, cute girl?”

  Lottie winked slyly at her. “Are you going to kiss Mike Kohler?”

  Shar laughed. “Yes, I am.”

  “Can I watch?” Lottie’s eyes widened with excitement.

  “Sure, stay right by my side.”

  “Let’s do it.” Lottie giggled and waved her hands at her forehead again. Then, she grasped Shar’s hand, and they started through the crowd. Mike spotted them and excused himself from talking to Slade and Mae Steele. Slade had an adorable, newborn girl in his arms, and Mae had a t-shirt on that said, “Mom life: #supertired #superlate #superworthit.”

  Mike hurried their way, and Shar found herself tugging Lottie faster. Mike reached them, swept her off the ground, and then hugged her tightly against him. “Hey, beautiful.”

  “Where’s the kiss?” Lottie demanded.

  Mike looked down at their audience of one and grinned. “You want to watch a kiss?”

  “Yeah, make it a doozy, Mike Kohler.”


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