Worshipping The Cheerleader's Ass

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Worshipping The Cheerleader's Ass Page 1

by Anika Sade

  Anika Sade


  Okay, I know a male cheerleader might not be the most common thing in the world, but just hear me out on this. Where else could I possibly find more attractive women in one room? It was either cheerleading or dance, and we both know I don't have the patience to learn how to stand on point. But Cheerleading? All I would have to do is stand there and catch some chick whose flipping all over the place, getting to stare up her skirt and shit? It's a brilliant plan.

  Or so I thought. Turns out those cheerleader chicks are tougher than I had originally anticipated.

  First things, I had to go to tryouts. The experience was fine, albeit a little awkward. I was literally the only guy there, just me and a bunch of chicks. In my mind I had still just stumbled onto gold, especially when I realized there were no other dudes in site. Could it possibly be more perfect? I sat waiting outside the gym room at our university waiting for my name to called. It was only after I heard somebody say:

  "Benjamin, up next!" that I realized I had no idea what the audition process was going to consist of. It was something that I probably should have at least looked into.

  "Oh well, I made it this far" I thought to myself as I walked in through the doors. Inside of the gym there was a large cleared out space right next to a table. Sitting behind the table were three of the most attractive women that I had ever seen. My university was large, so it wasn't unusual for me to meet somebody that I didn't know, but how on earth did I miss these three hotties? They were all drop dead gorgeous! I couldn't believe it. My eyes immediately rested on the woman in the middle. Sitting on the table was her name tag, which read "Samantha" in a flourish of girly handwriting. Her hair was platinum blonde, and she was already wearing her cheerleading outfit. The outfit on her was almost comically small. Her breasts were spilling outside of the top and it looked as if she might spill out at any moment. Her skirt wasn't any more modest, it was so short that it only barely went below her crotch. Underneath the skirt there was a flash of something pink. I didn't want to get caught looking right away, but I was pretty sure that their outfits were supposed to come with black shorts to wear under them. Was she wearing her normal underwear underneath her cheerleading skirt?

  I went up and shook the hands of the three judges. The women on either side of them were equally as perky as Samantha, but I couldn't say that they had the same level of attractiveness of Samantha.

  After saying hi and introducing myself, they explained a little bit about what was needed from me in cheer. It seemed like they were pretty happy to have a guy auditioning, remarking that they needed somebody strong who was able to catch them during some of their more acrobatic moves. It almost seemed like I was in before I actually had to say or do anything.

  Towards the end of the audition, Lauren said with a sly smile:

  "There is one more thing that you need to be prepared for if you're going to be joining our team. As you may have noticed, we don't exactly have any other people of the male persuasion in our organization currently."

  "I can't say that it had occurred to me, but now that you mention it that does seem to be the case." I responded, trying to hide my grin.

  She seemed to take my joke with some good humour, giving a quick giggle before continuing on with her story.

  "Bearing in mind that the cheer squad has typically been all women, there's a certain level of... comfort... that we are used to enjoying with one another. This is something that probably won't change even though there's going to be one guy there, but you should be aware that we have a tendency to be a little affectionate."

  By the end of her speil I was pretty sure that I had missed whatever point that she was trying to make. Unsure of what to say in response, I gave her an unsure look.

  Taking my hint, Samantha elaborated.

  "Oh you know, things like changing in front of one another. Sharing details from our personal lives. We tend to all be very close with one another. Our troupe is one of the most disciplined in the country, and working together with that kind of discipline means growing pretty close to one another. Basically I just wanted to give you a heads up that we have our own protocol around here, our own reward and punishment system that you have to agree with, same as anybody else. There aren't going to be any exceptions made just because you just so happen to be a dude."

  I still didn't really know what it was that she was trying to say to me, but I didn't want to look dumb in front of her so I just made as if everything she was saying made perfect sense to me. She seemed to buy my response and changed the subject.

  "As long as that isn't an issue, welcome to the team! we're all so excited to have you join us this year. The first rehearsal starts tomorrow at 5pm."

  Samantha said with a smile. I couldn't believe how easy it was. How could I be the only guy who had ever thought of this? It was so simple it also seemed too good to be true. I mean, did I really just waltz in to a group of some of the hottest women that I had ever seen, and in a half hour find a way to spend time around them three times a week for the entire school year? Fuckin' A, seems like I'm pretty brilliant after all.

  I could hardly focus in class the next day. Obviously I was excited to attend my first actual practice with the entire squad, though I still had no idea what it was I would be doing. Actual cheerleading didn't seem to have come up at the audition yesterday, and it wasn't as if I had any prior knowledge with cheerleading outside of seeing it at the occasional football game that I attended. At the same time, I went in yesterday with no clue what I should expect and nothing at all prepared and it turned out brilliant. If it had worked yesterday, than it stands to reason that it should work today for me as well.

  The day spread by, and before I knew it I was getting dressed for what was going to be my very first cheer practice. I didn't actually get any sort of uniform or anything when they told me that I was in the squad, and they also didn't tell me anything specific to wear, so I just tried to use common sense.

  I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit nervous I thought to myself. I try to tell myself at these were just jitters, I mean if I had made it this far I might as well go to the first practice. I do wish I had found some time to figure out what cheerleading practice was actually like, but then again Samantha had told me that this truth in particular had its own idiosyncrasies.

  My palms are sweating as I walk through the campus Rec Center, thankfully I was able to find the classroom without too much trouble. Walking in, I saw the entire Troop together for the first time. It would appear that the three judges served as a good sample size, because absolutely everybody there was drop dead gorgeous. as soon as my eyes feasted upon all the hot chicks, I new that I had struck gold. any doubts I had on whether or not joining the cheer squad was a good idea or a bad idea Vantage for my head, this was awesome!

  As soon as Samantha saw me she waved. she was once again spilling out of her tight cheerleading outfit, and I couldn't help but admire her gigantic bouncing breasts peeking out of the top of her cheer uniform. Truth be told, it was a welcome sight seeing somebody that I had already met before, well I was glad to be in a room with smoking hot chicks I couldn't help but feel a little bit out of my element. Samantha’s Smile as warm and friendly, I tried not to stare at her tits as she clued me in about cheer practice. it would seem that my main job would be to support the cheerleaders by holding them above my head. that seems easy enough, if that's all it took to be a cheerleader then I was set. After explaining a bit about the maneuver, she offered to demo it with me. Seeing no reason not to acquiesce, she went through the motions of how to hoist her off the the ground. It was a little tricker than I expected, but by the t
hird try I was able to get her all the way. Now she was standing directly on top of my shoulders, my hands around both of her calves.

  My memory flashed back to the audition. i remembered that I couldn't tell if she was wearing the shorts typically donned by cheer leaders underneath her skirt or not. At the time it would have been super obvious if I was stealing glances at her crotch, but now? She was totally focused on her balance, and definitely wasn't going to be looking down at me. It was the perfect opportunity! In the name of science, right?

  I stole a glance up, and was beyond delighted with what I found. She was indeed wearing nothing but a thong underneath her skirt. This time it wasn't pink, but a white lace thong that fit her snugly. So snug in fact that I even noticed I could see the edges of her asshole peeking out from around the lace trimming of the thong. Was this really real life? Had I seriously worked myself into a position where I got to stare up the skirts of hot ass college babes and nobody could stop me? Somebody pinch me, I had to be dreaming.

  After a few minutes of holding her up like that, I finally let her down. Phew! Turns out cheerleading was actually hard work, who have have guessed!

  Now that Samantha was on the ground, we made eye contact for the first time since she had gone up. I tried not think about the site that I just saw, the fact that I knew what kind of thong she had, that I had seen the lacey string fail at covering her adorable asshole. She must have known that I saw it, because her cheeks were red and flushed. For a moment I wasn't sure though, I could have just been imagining things.

  "As you can see, I'm a little lax around the dress code around here." She said with a smirk, confirming my suspicion that she had flashed me her thong on purpose.

  "Yeah, I had noticed that." I said, clumsily. I wasn't really sure how to respond. I wanted to flirt with her obviously, but I also didn't want to come off too strong at my very first practice. I decided that it was best to try and gauge how to respond based on what she said.

  "It's just those shorts that they give are so darn uncomfortable!" She said with a laugh. "They don't give you any maneuverability at all. So, I decided that it would just be better to let the girls wear their underwear underneath. I do hope that you don't mind, or won't find it... distracting." She said with a devilish smile.

  "No! Not at all!" I responded. I was completely speechless at the news, and also the nonchalant way in which she told. As if informing me that I was going to spend the next few months staring up the skirts of beautiful women was something that was as casual as the weather. My face remained placid but inside of my head I was doing salsa moves with joy. This could possibly the best news that I had ever received in my entire life.

  "I in particular am a huge fan of cheering in a thong!" She said with a giggle.

  "Why is that?" I asked, again unsure of what the most appropriate response was.

  "It's just so freeing! It isn't going to weigh you down or slow you at all. It's the polar opposite of those ridiculous shorts that the school provided us with. I totally recommend cheering in a thong, if you ever had the inclination." She said, giving me a little wink as she did so. I had to say, I think that I would pass on wearing a thong, but I certainly won't pass up on an opportunity to appreciate one that somebody else is wearing.

  She gave me a slight wink, saying.

  "And don't ever be afraid to, you know, look up there when I'm balancing. You know, helps you react if I lose my balance and stuff."

  This was music to my ears. I couldn't believe how forward she was being. I mean really, giving me a pass to stare up her skirt whenever I wanted? Had I gone to heaven?

  The rest of the practice went off without much of a hitch. We went through a few moves, were given a pep talk about representing school spirit, and finished things off by doing some stretches. I was just getting ready to leave when amantha came by one last time.

  "So, what did you think of your first practice? Tons of fun, huh?" She said to me, in her usual friendly demeanor.

  "I loved it." I exclaimed, almost a little bit too excited. I was genuine though, cheer had turned out to be everything that I could have possibly hoped for and more.

  "Oh, I'm so happy to hear that. We've had such a hard time being able to keep boys on the team, but we really need a guy around to do more of the moves that require some heavy lifting." She explained.

  "Yeah, I have to say that I'm surprised that there aren't more guys on the team." I said. It was strange, after all. To me this seemed like an ideal paradise, could I really have been the first boy to have ever discovered this?

  She gave me an amused look.

  "Well! It isn't for lack of trying, that's for damn sure. It's just that once a lot of the boys see what are team is like, and the kinds of things they have to do to stay on cheer squad, they tend to lose... motivation."

  This seemed like a pretty odd thing to say. I mean, the practice had been easy as cake. What could possibly have been too much for one of the guys to do? Perhaps there was a clue to be found in her peculiar phrasing.

  "What exactly do you mean? There wasn't anything that we did that seemed particularly challenging or difficult." I asked her, honestly.

  She gave a momentary pause before opting to speak again.

  "Well you see, there is a little bit more that needs doing before we can actually consider you an official member. I mean, I think you would make a great addition, don't get me wrong. It's just that there is... a little bit more to the audition process. It isn't hazing, you must understand. It's just that to run a troupe this good requires a lot of discipline, and so we need to weed though anybody who isn't as serious about the team as we need them to be."

  I didn't know exactly what to make of what she was saying. She seemed almost nervous the way that she was speaking to me. And what was it that she was saying about hazing? I Definitely didn't like the sound of that. Was there going to be something else that I had to do in order to stay on the team? Something that I didn not yet know about. I had thought that hazing only happened in like, frats and stuff. And yet here I was, possible about to have to go through hazing for a cheer squad? It seemed to strange to be true, and yet here I was.

  I gave her a quizzical look before quietly asking "What exactly do you mean by hazing?" I figured there was no way that I was going to find out unless I actually made the effort to ask, after all.

  "I was actually hoping to get a chance to talk with you about that before you left, as a matter of fact. If you wouldn't mind, why don't you just follow me" Was her response.

  I have to admit, I was starting to feel a little nervous. Where was it that she was taking me. I wanted to ask more questions, but instead I found myself trailing after Samantha without uttering so much as a single word. Samantha just had a quality about her that made her seem as if she should naturally be charge. It made perfect sense to me that she was the leader of the squad. After all, she was julibilent and carefree but somehow also had the same effect of not wanting to ever piss her off. She certainly didn't need to convince me that she went the extra mile to keep the cheer squad in check.

  Samantha lead me out of the gym and down a corridor. With every step that I took I could feel myself getting a little bit more nervous. I had never been in this particular section of the campus before, and I felt like without her to guide me around I would have been totally lost. After walking alongside her for several minutes she pointed and said "Here we are!" in her trademark giggly-but-intimidating tone of voice.

  She was pointing to a door the lead into an empty classroom. It wasn't very hard to tell which room she was referring to, because this was the only door that wasn't closed and locked. Rather, the door was hanging ajar by just a few inches and the lights were on. It was clear that whatever it was that I was getting myself into, it definitely had to have been pre-planned.

  She walked on over to the door, with her following me closely behind. Even in this moment, as scary and unsure as it was, I simply couldn't tear my eyes away from Samantha's amazing ass! She wa
s still in her uniform, and with every step that she took I could see the bottom of her ass cheek peeking out ever so slight from beneath the skirt. It was a site that was simply to die for. The fact that she now had a little bit of bounce in her step only added to the sexiness.

  She pushed the door all the way open and we walked through it together. At first I didn't see anything that was out of the ordinary. It looked like a plain old regular classroom. There were rows and rows of empty desks, a window that had had the blinds drawn all the way on them and a large whiteboard facing against the desks. I was about to ask Samantha why the heck she had walked all the way out here just so show me an empty classroom when all of the sudden everything went dark. I could feel my hot breath all against my face. In the blink of an eye somebody had slipped a back over my head. My heart rate started pounding, I had absolutely no idea what was going on.

  I felt a sudden pressure on my shoulders, and a swift kick to the back of my knees sent me on the ground. Now I was kneeling, almost as if I was in prayer. Little did I know that while I wasn't praying, there was definitely going to be more than a little worshipping going on before the night was over.

  I felt my hands get moved to behind my back, and heard the unmistakable sound of a roll of duct tape being opened. As I had anticipated, I soon felt the sticky substance all over my wrists. Now they had me with my hands behind my back. I think that I could officially say that I was freaking out right about now. I mean, just playing a harmless joke on the new guy is one thing, but what was it that they were planning on doing that required having my hands tied behind my back? I thought about screaming, but there was a part of me that didn't want to. Even though I was completely terrified, I was also a little excited to see what was going to happen next. After all, this cheer squad had kept me guessing every single minute since I had joined, why should this moment be any exception? Plus everything had seemed so perfect and ideal, I didn't want to ruin my chances by getting people into trouble for hazing. I decided it was best to simply keep my mouth shut and see how this situation unfolded.


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