An Alien For Christmas (Zerconian Warriors Book 16)

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An Alien For Christmas (Zerconian Warriors Book 16) Page 11

by Sadie Carter

  But that was ridiculous. . .right?

  “A Christmas miracle?” she whispered.

  “What?” Que asked her as he fired up the ship.

  “Um. Nothing. It’s just. . .do you remember the mistletoe?”


  “When. . .when I thought you were dying. . .when you were dying, you had me kiss you under the mistletoe. Well, it was that image of mistletoe that Blue sent you.”

  His eyes filled with warmth. “I remember.”

  “I just can’t help but think that we were just given a Christmas miracle.”

  “But it is not yet Christmas.”

  “No, not yet.” She watched as Emerald and her family disappeared. “But if not that, it was something close.” She shook her head. “That’s silly. Don’t mind me.”

  “I sent a communication through to Zerconia, but it would be safest if we left now.”

  “Yeah, okay.”


  She turned her gaze to him. “Yeah?”

  “Sit, my mate. We need to get your harness on. We must leave.”

  “Oh. Right. Sure.”

  She sat on the seat and let him settle the harness over her. His hand brushed against her nipple and it was like her body was set aflame. She gasped, staring up at him.

  His eyes blazed amber as he stared down at her. Then he leaned in and kissed her. And like every kiss, it was fan-freaking-tastic.

  He pulled back; his gaze intense. “As soon as we are safe and have time, I am going to lay you on that masic and join with you.”

  “Dude, we really need to work on your dirty talk. But I am so there.”

  “Dirty talk?”

  “Doesn’t matter. We got plenty of time.”

  His gaze heated, purple filling his eyes. Happiness.

  Shit. She really liked that.

  She moved into the living area of the ship to make her call. Que was in the cockpit, speaking to the Emperor and Koran.

  She waited as her call went through. Then suddenly, Blue appeared in the room. Well, a projection of Blue.

  And she wasn’t on her own. Ellie, Tane, Marc, and Jack will all there too.


  “Um, hi, guys!”

  “Keely!” Ellie yelled. “Oh, Thank God.”

  “Where the fuck have you been?” Blue snapped. As usual, her concern made her sharp and angry.

  “We haven’t been able to get hold of you,” Jack stared at her, studying her.

  “We were worried,” Marc added.

  Tane was silent, but his gaze was intense.

  “Um, yeah, about that. We might have run into a teensy bit of trouble.” She spent the next five minutes explaining everything.

  “Jesus,” Blue finally said. “Only you would get snatched up by some giant green lizard thing, then have two guys play a game of chance for you, end up on the run, then get rescued by little green elves.”

  “It wasn’t my fault,” Keely stated hotly.

  Everyone, even Ellie and Marc gave her doubtful looks.

  “It wasn’t. How was I supposed to know some asshole would decide to claim me as his pet or slave or whatever?”

  Blue just shook her head. “How many times does this make it you’ve been kidnapped?”

  “Just two.” She glared at them. “Believe me, I’d like nothing more than a nice, peaceful life.”

  Blue snorted. “Bullshit. You’d be bored stiff within days.”

  Probably true as well. But she wasn’t going to admit it.

  “And things are never really peaceful with a Zerconian as a mate,” Elie said carefully. “Not that they like drama or anything. It’s more they’re just so. . .them.”

  “Well, that explains everything clearly,” Jack said dryly.

  “At least keeping you safe is Que’s problem now,” Blue announced.

  Keely crossed her arms over her chest. “Did you just call me a problem?”

  “Um, yep. Looking out for you is a full-time job.”

  “Need I remind you how often you’ve been in dangerous situations?” Keely snapped back.

  “Yeah, but I can take care of myself.”

  “I do not need anyone to take care of me! I’m not a child.”

  “Nope, but you’re a trouble-magnet,” Blue informed her.

  “Am not.” She was aware she was now acting like a child, but arguing with Blue was as good a way as any of releasing tension. It was familiar. It felt like home.

  “Enough, you two, we don’t have time for this,” Jack told them both, the way only a brother could. He’d had years of acting the peacemaker between them. “Keely, you want to tell us where you’re going now?”

  Keely rubbed her head. Onto another problem plaguing her. “We’re going to the human transporter. I heard Que talking to the Emperor. Apparently, they’ve decided to turn around and return home.”

  “What?” Blue asked, looking worried. “They’re going back? Without even giving you guys a chance to figure out what happened?”

  “Yeah, I need to speak to Mila next about what to do. I don’t even know if our warriors are still allowed on board or not.”

  Our warriors. Warmth filled her. She’d made a home for herself on Zerconia, but in some ways it had still felt like she was a visitor.

  No longer.

  Ellie beamed at her and she gave her a smile of acknowledgement back. Yeah, she got it now, how it felt to belong to one of these guys. It wasn’t being owned.

  It was being adored, cherished, loved.

  And it was freaking fantastic.

  “So, you and Que mated yet?” Blue asked bluntly.

  “Blue,” Ellie protested.

  “What? Just askin’. We’ve been waiting for ages for Keely to get a clue.”

  “Get a clue?” Her temper stirred again and she geared up for another argument, which again, was not totally unwanted, when Blue grinned.

  “You haven’t.”


  “You haven’t mated with him. You’d be in a much better mood if you had. You’re crabby ’cause you haven’t gotten you some of that hunk.”

  Jack groaned. “Do we have to speak of this?”

  Marc and Tane had similar disgusted looks on their face.

  “I got me some,” she muttered.

  Blue’s eyes widened. “You are mated?”

  “No, Que didn’t want to join with me while we were with Emerald’s people. That doesn’t mean I didn’t get anything.”

  She grinned as Tane, Marc, and Jack all groaned.

  Blue laughed. “Bet he’s not going to be able to hold back much longer.”

  That’s what she was hoping for. Because that orgasm he’d given her seemed to have awakened something inside her. She wanted more. Needed more. Her whole body ached.

  “You’ve got to go and try to sort out this mess that Que’s brother left?” Jack asked, looking concerned.

  “Yeah.” She rubbed at her forehead, feeling a headache forming. “I’m worried. I mean, it’s hard to believe that Que’s brother could attack a female, but on the other hand, we know he’s been alive these last three years and hasn’t told anyone. Que lost all his family, and his brother couldn’t even send him a message to say he was alive.”

  “For some reason, he wanted everyone to think he was dead,” Marc said.

  “Yeah. Que doesn’t believe he did this. But if he didn’t do this then for some reason that woman is lying and God knows why she’d do that. And if he did do this then. . .”

  “Then Que will be devastated,” Jack finished for her.

  “What if he gets mad at the messenger,” she whispered, stating her biggest fear.

  “Then he’s not the man we all think he is,” Blue told her firmly. “Because none of that will be your fault. It will be Que’s brother’s and he needs to see that. If he doesn’t, you tell me and I’ll make him see it.”

  That was Blue. They might fight, but she always had Keely’s back. Always.

communicator buzzed and she glanced at the name that appeared.

  “I gotta go,” she said as her communicator beeped. “It’s Mila calling.” That knot in her tummy grew tight with tension.

  “Keely,” Tane told her.

  She looked at him, noted the worry on his face and felt warmth fill her, dissipating the knot of tension.

  “Try not to get kidnapped again, yeah?”

  “I’ll try, but no promises.”

  Que joined her on the floor cushion, placing a plate laden with her favorite things on the small table in front of her. She liked that he did this, made certain that she always had what she wanted to eat. It might seem a small thing for other people, but for her, it showed that he.

  “How far out are we from the transporter?” she asked him.

  “We still have a few hours.” Que frowned. “You spoke to Mila?”

  “Yeah, she said she’s been in contact with Alek. He’s still on the ship with a few other warriors, but they’re putting pressure on him to leave. Apparently, things are bad. Some of the women are angry that they’re turning around because they still want to go to Zerconia. Others are mad because they believe your brother attacked that woman and they’re taking it out on Alek and Jaex.”

  It didn’t sound like a fun place to be. And part of her wanted to suggest to Que that they find some nice planet with a deserted beach and just hang out there for a few weeks. Or longer.

  “You are not eating, my mate.”

  She looked down at her plate of food. That knot was back and she figured if she tried to eat it was just going to come back up. No matter how many dicey situations she’d been in, no matter how many deals she’d negotiated, what she was going into now felt like the most important. Like if she made a wrong step, she could end up with nothing when she was on the cusp of having it all.

  “Guess I’m too nervous to eat.”

  “Nervous?” He turned his full attention on her. “You have no need to be nervous.”

  “This is important.”

  He reached for her and slid her onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her. “You have no need to worry about pleasing me, mate. You already do that. And it is my job to make it good.”

  “Huh? Make what good? I’m not worried about pleasing you, I’m worried I’ll upset you if I discover that he’s guilty.”

  “If who is guilty?”

  “Zandar.” She shifted around and off his lap until she was looking at him. “What were you talking about?”

  “I thought you spoke of our mating.”

  “So. . .wait. . .” She shook her head. “You thought I was worried about not pleasing you in bed?”

  “Yes,” he stated. “But like I said, it is my job to make that good. For both of us.”

  “Wait.” She held up a hand. “Let’s take that back a step or two.”

  “I have not moved,” he pointed out.

  “Not literally. What I mean is. . .” She let out a breath, pulling her thoughts together. “All right, as important as sex is, I don’t spend my time worrying about pleasing you in bed. And by the way, it’s up to both of us to make that good. Not just you.”

  “I have trained, I have spent long hours studying how to pleasure a female, because it is my job—”

  She reached over and placed her hand over his mouth. By the way he narrowed his gaze at her, she got that he didn’t appreciate it.

  Well, tough.

  “Que, I get it. You know what you’re doing. I have no doubt it will be as spectacular as what you showed me last night.”

  He moved her hand away from his mouth. “More spectacular.”

  “Right,” she whispered. “More spectacular.” She took a moment to let that settle in with a little shiver of appreciation. “As awesome as that sounds, I’m not worrying about that.”

  Although now that she thought about it, maybe she should be. Not the actual act, but the aftermath. The mating bond.

  She took a deep breath, placed a hand on her stomach as it rolled.

  “You think that Zandar is guilty.”

  There was something in his voice she couldn’t read.

  “No,” she said quickly. “I don’t know Zandar, so I couldn’t make that judgment. I am worried that he’s not the man you knew before. That he’s changed. I’m scared that if I discover he did this that you’ll be upset with me.”

  A long moment of silence followed and she forced herself to look up at him. “Que?”

  “You believe I would blame you?” There was such disbelief in his voice that she instantly felt like an idiot.

  “I just. . .I know that you really believe he didn’t do it. I also know that he’s been alive these past few years and hasn’t contacted you for some reason and I don’t know whether he did or didn’t do this. What I do know is if he did, then it will hurt you. And if I’m the one who uncovers this then I’m somewhat concerned that you might shoot the messenger.”

  He frowned. “Shoot the messenger? You think I will shoot someone? You?” Alarm filled his gaze.

  “Not literally. I mean that you might get mad at me for delivering the bad news.”

  “I do believe you need to include those words when what you say is not literal.”


  “Like. . . I’m concerned you might shoot the messenger, but not literally.” His lips twitched.

  “Are you laughing at me? I’m serious here. This has been worrying me ever since we left Zerconia.”

  Immediately, his face grew serious. “You have been worrying about this all this time and said nothing to me?”

  “Well. . .yeah.”

  “You will not do that again.”

  “Do what again?”

  “Worry over things for that long. Next time you have a worry, you shall come to me immediately and I shall fix it.”

  She shook her head. “You know, every time I think you’re becoming more enlightened, you go and say something that reminds me that you’re an alien warrior who needs work.”


  “Uh-huh, work. You cannot solve all my problems for me.”

  “Why not?” He tilted his head to the side as he studied her.

  “Look, it sounds nice in theory. But I’m an adult. I can solve my own problems.”

  “I do not want you worrying.”

  “Okay, how about this. A compromise. I’ll come to you straight away if it’s about you or anything to do with us. Not for you to solve it but for us to talk about it. And if I have other problems I can’t solve and I think you can help then I’ll ask you about it. For your opinion. Not so you can fix everything.”

  He shook his head, but she didn’t think it was a reaction to her proposal. Rather, more like disbelief. Which was confirmed by his next words.

  “Human females are confusing. Zerconian females would be happy to give their problems to their mates to fix.”

  “Well, us human females sometimes like to take the hard route. Deal?”

  He sighed. “It is a deal. But if it concerns me you will speak to me immediately.”

  “Yep,” she agreed. “Even if the problem is that you’ve pissed me right off and I’d like to kick you in the shins. Not that I’d ever do that, ’cause from what I can see—” and had felt “—you’re built from steel and that would just hurt me.”

  “That would be wise,” he grumbled. “I would not like it if you hurt yourself.”

  “I know you wouldn’t, sweetcheeks.”

  He growled and his eyes flashed amber. Aroused.

  “So, we’re safe for the moment, right?” she asked, moving over to sit in his lap again, this time facing him, her legs straddling his hips.

  He wrapped his big hands around her waist. “Yes.”

  “And we have a few hours before we reach the human transporter.” She leaned in and kissed her way along his firm jaw.

  “This is correct.”

  Even though he sat still, she knew he wasn’t unaffected. She heard the way his breath hitched, fel
t his cock harden and press against her pussy. She was back to wearing her own clothing, which meant she now had on pants and panties.

  More was the pity.

  She cupped his face and pressed her mouth to his lips. That was all it took. Suddenly, he rolled them, taking her to the floor on her back, then he leaned over her and kissed her.

  Like, really kissed her.

  Hard. Hot. Delicious.

  His free hand ripped at her clothing and she forced herself to pull back. “Wait, wait, don’t destroy my clothes. I need them.”

  “Why?” he growled.

  Her eyes widened. “Well, sweetcheeks, much as I like the idea of both of us walking around naked, we’re gonna need clothing when we arrive at the human transporter.”

  Another rumbling growl. But he drew back and pulled off his shirt. Her eyes landed on his chest. The man was ripped. She’d seen his chest before, but she hadn’t really taken the time to study him. The rippling stomach muscles, wide shoulders. She looked lower as he pulled off his tight pants. And she froze. Could not move.

  Because, damn, he was a work of art.

  Keely had had several lovers. She wasn’t shy. She wasn’t inexperienced. And she really enjoyed sex. But she had never seen anyone like him.

  Never wanted anyone more.

  “You are not moving,” he stated.

  “Just taking in all that is you. And damn, it is good.”

  “I take it that you enjoy my body.”

  “Enjoy? Oh no, that’s not the right word. I don’t know what is the right word. But you are magnificent.”

  Amber eyes studied her. His cock stood up, firm and proud. Thick and long.

  “You have twenty seconds to strip. And then I do it for you. And if I strip you then those clothes may not survive.”

  Que watched his mate strip and fought for control. It was more difficult than he would have liked. He had wanted her for so long. Had dreamed of her, imagined what she might look like underneath those clothes she wore.

  And what was revealed was far beyond anything he had dreamed up. She pulled off her shirt first and that lacy contraption that hid her breasts from him. He made a note to get rid of all of them.

  When he caught sight of her breasts, his breath stopped, his heart raced. Her skin was silky smooth, a creamy cocoa color. Her nipples were darker. Her breasts were full and her waist was nipped in, her stomach flat.


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