A Lesson in Vengeance

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A Lesson in Vengeance Page 1

by Katrina Eluvae

  Raaya had not always been a slave. Her bronze skin and long dark hair marked her as one of the tribal desert people, and she had been their princess back when the gods were kind. Times had changed, her father was dead and that would have made her queen. Instead, she walked like a commoner, among the rest of her defeated people. The signs of her new place in life were beginning to show. Her tiny feet, with her perfect toes, were growing hard and callused from days of walking and her thick, shapely lips were chapped from the cruel desert winds. Her hair sat in a ponytail high on her head, the way warriors and peasants wore it to keep the heat off their necks. She was loathe to do it, but after the march had begun the warm, sticky sweat in her hair had been suffocating.

  The mountains that appeared on the horizon three days passed had been a welcome sight, despite the fact that Raaya knew not what awaited her when the caravan reached the border keep. Now relief was quickly giving way to unease as her feet touched the sandstone steps that led to the keep's enormous wooden doors. She hesitated for a moment, and was reprimanded by the sharp crack of the slaver's whip at her heels. The tall, brutish man barked at her in the slaver's language, of which she did not speak a word, but it was easy enough to grasp the meaning, and she continued up the steps. At the head of the caravan, the head slaver, Jon, spoke with the gate guards. After a brief exchange, the doors opened and the long line of slaves was led into the keep.

  As Raaya walked through the doors, the breath caught in her throat. Outside, the keep appeared modest at best, but inside it was a palace. Flowers and hanging vines hung from endless stories of balconies, walkways, and bridges in a dizzying spiderweb that seems to almost touch the clouds. The stone walkways danced around wide sections of soft grass, tiny pools and waterfalls. Sunlight that had seemed so harsh just moments ago rained pleasantly down on the open palace grounds and seeped into the tall archways that gave entrance to the interior of the keep. Raaya frowned. Beautiful it may be, but it was a prison just the same.

  The gawking slaves were ushered forward through the gardens and under the highest archway in the square. Inside the palace was even more impressive. The walls were smooth sandstone, the height of at least three men by Raaya's measurement, and the halls seemed to continue forever. At last they reached a set of doors ornately carved in smooth white wood and inlaid with gold. Another set of guards opened the doors and Raaya and her people were led into a grand throne room that could have held every building in her village back home. They were lined up in front of a dais and the two thrones upon it. The thrones sat empty, however, and the man who greeted the slavers stood from a smaller chair to the right of them.

  "Master Tallus." Jon said in the common tongue as he embraced the man, "I am honored to be greeted by his lordship's chief advisor."

  Master Tallus was a short man, dressed in sheer fabric and a gold belt over which hanged a massive gut. He greeted the slaver warmly, "Jon, we have not seen you in these walls in many months. We had begun to fear that the desert winds had blown you away."

  Jon shook with polite laughter, "War came to the desert, but we profited from the civil disputes of the tribes. Three hundred fresh slaves, and his lordship gets first pick before I make my way into the Green Lands." He led Master Tallus down the line of slaves. "They are from the defeated tribes, most of them are strong and youthful. They will make good guards, servants, or any other use Border Keep would see fit to give them."

  Master Tallus inspected each slave slowly. "I have been instructed that we need no more than thirty this time, some new serving girls, since his grace lost his temper with two of our old ones and sent them to clean the stables. Some new guards, and... What's this here?" Master Tallus stopped in front of Raaya. She looked down, but Jon grabbed her by the chin and yanked her face back up so that Master Tallus could inspect it.

  "You have a fine eye, sir. This one here was a princess before I acquired her." Jon grabbed the cloth of Raaya's thin linen dress and ripped it. Raaya tried to pull away, but one of the slavers had come behind her to hold her still. Her full, perky breasts fell out as the fabric dropped to her waist. Jon gave one of her soft round nipples a harsh pinch, "She is a rare beauty, and untouched. My healer says she is still a maiden, and I did not let any of my men have her. But I warn you, she is willful and spirited."

  Raaya cringed as Master Tallus caressed one of her breasts and cursed under her breath as her nipples hardened at the touch. "A rare desert flower. It just so happens that my lord collects rare things."

  Jon seemed taken aback, but Raaya knew it was all part of the game. "I would curse myself a thousand times before I would let one such as this become a mere serving girl." He grabbed Raaya's hands and showed them to Master Tallus, "To have these perfect hands grow rough with kitchen work would be a shame. Besides, I was thinking of taking her for myself."

  Master Tallus frowned thoughtfully, "A princess turned serving girl would be a tragedy indeed. But my lord will want her for a different purpose, I think, and will pay well to add such a thing to his collection. I am sure we could find a way to coax you into parting with her." Though his frown remained, Jon's eyes smiled, and Raaya knew he had won.

  After much bargaining, Jon consulted with the other slaver's in their secret language, before selling Raaya and thirty-five others. "This many fine slaves at such a modest price. I hope his lordship will remember the sacrifices I have made on his behalf the next time my men need fresh horses." Jon said with a grin.

  Master Tallus smiled, "The Border Keep has long been fast friends with your people, sir. We look forward to your next visit." With that, the guards showed the slavers, and all that remained of Raaya's tribe, back out the doors and out of her life forever.

  Master Tallus turned to face those remaining. He began to bark orders at the guards, who took slaves with them off to their respective duties until only Raaya remained. She hugged her breasts with her hands and shivered, the cold shackles around her wrists chilling her soft flesh. She met Master Tallus's hungry gaze with her fierce golden eyes. How easy it would be to kill this man... if only there were not so many armed men in this cursed room. Master Tallus smiled at her, then gave what remained of her clothing a yank and it tumbled to the ground. His eyes went straight to the mound of coarse hair between her legs. He reached forward and grabbed her shoulder with one arm, and her hip with the other, pulling her close to him. "So lovely... A pity you are a maiden or I could have you myself before sending you to him and he would be none the wiser."

  Raaya gave him a violent shove and backhanded him with a shackled hand. He cursed loudly, stumbling, and two guards ran forward and grabbed her by the arms. "You stupid wench!" Master Tallus exclaimed as he stepped forward, returning her backhand with one of his own. Raaya felt the sharp sting across her face. "Hold her arms up!" Master Tallus said. The guard who stepped forward was two heads taller than Raaya, and she was helpless to stop him as he pulled up on the chain joining her wrists. Raaya's breasts bounced freely. Master Tallus grabbed one of them, twisting the nipple cruelly between his fat fingers. His other hand slid down her flat stomach and in between her legs. "You had best get used to this, because you will be feeling it any time his lordship wishes, and he will not suffer your disobedience as well as I." Her frustrated growl turned into a gasp as he felt the man spread her lips, sliding one thick finger along her entrance. He lowered his head to her breast and wrapped his fat lips around her other nipple. "Oh, our lord is going to enjoy you, little princess. Perhaps when he is bored with you he will send you to me." He pulled his finger out of her and ran it along her lips, still wet with her juices, "How I would love to feel these ruby lips around my cock." Raaya made to bite his finger, but he snatched it away too quickly. He looked up at the guard. "Take h
er to her chambers with the others. If she tries to resist you, chain her there."

  The guard dragged her roughly through the halls, until Raaya was so lost she feared she would never find her way out again. People in the hallways stared at her naked form, though most of their garb was made of the same sheer fabric which left very little to imagination. At last they reached another set of doors, these not quite as ornate as the throne room, but made of the same light wood. Yet more guards stood watch at the entrance, but they opened the doors immediately as Raaya and the guard approached. The guard shoved her into the room and she tumbled forward, bracing for the sting of hard stone floors...But to her surprise, it was a soft, springy moss that broke her fall. The cool green felt amazing on her bare flesh, and smelled sweet and earthy. Raaya looked up and blinked in surprise.

  The room was an exquisite grotto with a dome ceiling. The high, tall windows were open to the sky (although the smooth walls beneath them would be impossible to climb, she noticed). Colorful birds perched and sang from the windows, and flew down to perch on a grove of miniature willows which framed the side of a five-tiered water fountain that dominated the center of the room. All around the edges of the room were steps leading to small landings covered in pillows and bedding. Incense smoke filled the room with a light haze and a thick, sweet smell. And there were women! The enormous room was covered in women of more colors and shapes than Raaya knew existed among men. Hair the color of the sun, the color of fire, even hair the color of the sky, and shades of skin in every hue of cream, tan, and ebony. They lounged comfortably on pillows, or in the pools, most of them sky clad, but some of them wrapped in colorful sarongs. They all turned to look at the door, and stared curiously at Raaya. They watched as the guard picked her up and took her up some steps before dumping her, unceremoniously, onto a featherbed mattress that sat on the floor. She struggled, and tried to fight her way back to the door, and in the end she wound up chained to the wall behind the bed. The guard left, and she was alone with her new cell mates.

  Raaya checked her surroundings again, and studied the new chains. They afforded her some freedom, at least, being long enough to take her to any edge of the circular landing, or the top of the stairs. She looked down at the ground six feet or so below her and saw a couple of the women staring up at her. They giggled and ran toward the fountain, chattering. The rest of the women had returned to their conversations, paying Raaya no more notice. Raaya sat down on the mattress. It was soft and comfortable, and she had misjudged how tired the long journey had made her. Before she knew it she was asleep.

  Raaya's eyes fluttered open to the sounds of a man's voice nearby. It was night, and a soft light emanated from elegant torches along the walls, illuminating the enormous room in a magical glow. She stood from her bed and walked slowly to the edge of the landing, peering down toward the source of the sounds. What she saw made her sink to her knees, afraid she had been seen. She crawled to the edge again and peered over once more. A young woman, perhaps Raaya's own age of one-and-twenty, was sprawled out on a large rock. Between her legs and gripping her hips tightly was the most handsome man Raaya had ever seen. Sweat added a sheen to his evenly-muscled body and dripped from the wild brown hair that concealed his face. His skin would have been fair in another climate, he had the leathery look that came when fair skin spent time in the sun. The woman was pale as moonlight with thick blonde curls bouncing in time with her small, pert breasts as he slammed his thick cock savagely into her. Both sets of her pink lips were parted and glistened, only one emitted gasps and moans while the other made soft wet sounds that brought goosebumps to Raaya's flesh.

  "My lord, she is awake." Raaya spun around to find a short, pale woman with short, dark blue hair standing at the top of the landing. The woman was wrapped in a silvery fabric that clung to her thin body. Raaya glanced back down at the two on the rock, only to see the man pull himself from the blonde woman's body. She uttered a soft cry of dismay, and followed him as he made his way to Raaya's steps.

  "At last, my newest pet awakens." He said in Common as he reached the top. His sharp green eyes that pierced her gaze with a bold confidence.

  "I am no mans pet. I am Raaya, Queen of the Ilmani tribe." The man chuckled, revealing stark white teeth behind his firm, dark lips.

  "Master Tallus spoke truly to me, you are spirited. But with all due respect, my lady, you are chained, sky clad, to a wall of Lord Borus of Border Keep. Many of the others you see here began to serve me in the same way. Shin, here, for one, was kept in chains for two weeks." He gestured to the blue haired woman who had alerted him when Raaya awoke, "Now she bends to my will, as the others do. Shin, come here." The woman stepped in front of Lord Bale and kneeled.

  "My lord." She said, bowing her head.

  "Pleasure me," He ordered. Raaya blinked in disbelief as Shin reached up and eased Lord Borus's softening manhood, still shiny with the blonde's juices, into her mouth. He hardened again quickly as she glided slowly along it's length. She moaned as he seized a handful of her short blue hair in each hand and guided her head along his shaft forcefully. Lord Bale's eyes were locked on Raaya. Raaya blushed at the woman's humiliation, and turned her head. She turned it back, though, as she heard a louder moan coming from the kneeling woman. The blonde had come around behind. She slid her hands underneath the silver fabric and began slowly kneading Shin's breasts, her own pair pressed hard into Shin's back. More women had gathered now, at the base of the steps to watch, but no one seemed horrified or embarrassed except Raaya. Shin was pumping harder on him now, and Lord Borus was emitting low grunts of pleasure. After a few minutes he yanked back on Shin's hair, just as a stream of hot, white cum shot from his head, showering the faces of both women. It was only then that he released the blue hair. "You two are messy. Clean up." He said to them. Without missing a beat, Shin turned to face the blonde woman and they began tonguing the thick liquid from each others' faces eagerly. Sometimes, their tongues twirled together or their lips locked passionately as they slowly licked each other clean. One of the women came up the stairs with a towel, and wiped the sweat from her lord's forehead as he watched for a moment. Then he stepped around the two women and toward Raaya.

  "Melee, Tanta." He called. Two more women came up the landing. One was a thick, fiery, middle-aged red head with plump lips and large breasts, the other a young wiry blonde with short pixie hair and long, thin legs. Both were as naked as Raaya.

  "My lord?" The red-head spoke in a low, sensuous voice.

  "I would see what my new pet has to offer me. Have her presentable tomorrow." With that, he walked back to the steps, took the towel and wrapped it around his waist. The women parted for him as he made his way down the stairs and out the door.

  The women at the base of the stairs scattered, leaving Raaya alone with Shin, the two blondes, and the red-head. The red-head approached her and smiled. "I am Melee. Welcome to Border Keep Harem."

  Raaya frowned at her, "I had mistaken this for the stables." She had meant it to be an insult, but the four women laughed.

  "If only all horses lived in such comfort." Said the blonde who could only be Tanta.

  "Border Keep is famous for it's horses, but we are far more treasured to it's master." Said Melee.

  "And far more satisfying too." Giggled the curly blonde.

  "You would know, Ahri." Commented the red-head.

  "Slut!" The blonde gave her a resounding slap on the ass, but if she was truly offended you could not tell for her giggling. "I was born a peasant, true, but the prettiest peasant in the Green Lands, which is why his lordship finds warmth between my thighs so much more than yours. Besides, my family are bakers, not horsemasters."

  "His lordship does not prefer my thighs because I serve him better in other ways. He knows I prefer softer flesh than his, and enjoys indulging me. Speaking of which, ladies, let us get to work." Melee turned to face Raaya once more. Her eyes scanned Raaya's still-naked body with great scrutiny, she felt self conscious under her gaze. "Mm
m, magnificent. You won't take much work to look presentable," Melee said finally, "We will need to trim that bush between your legs, though, I think. Ahri, ask the guard for a dagger, will you?" The blonde turned and rushed down the steps.

  "You look frightened." Commented Tanta gently.

  "A queen is never frightened."

  "Well, you look frightened to me." She reached out to touch Raaya's arm, but Raaya pulled away.

  "Don't touch me!"

  Tanta stepped closer, speaking in soft, dulcet tones, "No one here will hurt you. We are like a family, and we look after one another." She reached out again and placed her hand on Raaya's shoulder. Her touch was gentle and warm, and Raaya felt goosebumps run down her arms, but did not pull away as Tanta continued to soothe her with her kind voice. "You must get used to being touched, caressed. You must learn to be pleasured and to give pleasure back. We will teach you." She ran her hand across Raaya's shoulder and up her neck. Raaya felt herself shudder, and wrenched herself away, disturbed by her body's betrayal. Melee walked up behind Tanta.

  "She will fight us, won't she?" By her voice she didn't sound like she would mind, and there was a suspicious predatory look in her eyes that made Raaya nervous. Ahri returned quickly with the dagger, and when Raaya saw it she backed away until she ran into the wall, eyes wide. Melee walked after her, the slow, stalking movements of a jungle cat.


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