The Professional (The Negus Effect Series Book 5)

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The Professional (The Negus Effect Series Book 5) Page 17

by D. Camille


  “You cooked this?” Miles asked, sitting in Liv’s kitchen eating some of the food she’d made for dinner.


  “By yourself?”

  She frowned. “Shut up.”

  “It’s good. Real good.”

  “I know.” Liv said proudly.

  “Thank you for dinner.” Miles told her, holding her gaze.

  “Thank you for coming.” Liv smiled at him. “I still can’t believe that you’re here.”

  “I wanted to surprise you.”

  She laughed and touched his face. “You did.”

  “I could tell when you started screaming.”

  “I was planning to ask to visit you when you called tonight,” Liv confessed.

  Miles looked at her.

  “You didn’t have to ask.”

  “I didn’t want to just drop in at your spot. I know you don’t like that.”

  “I don’t like when other people do that.”

  “How long can you stay?” Liv asked.

  “Four days, then I need to get back.” Miles took her hand. “I wish I could stay longer.”

  She squeezed his hand. “I’m just happy you’re here.”

  “If I knew you could cook like this, I might’ve come earlier.”

  Liv gave him a look, then asked, “Are your bags in your car?”

  “Nah, they’re at the hotel.”

  “Hotel?” She questioned. “Why did you check into a hotel?”

  Miles made a face. “Because…”

  “Because what?”

  “I don’t expect you to put me up, baby.”

  “Why not? I stayed with you in Detroit.”

  “Technically, you stayed with Taylor.”

  Liv frowned. “You don’t want to stay here with me?”

  “I just didn’t know your situation and how you’d feel about it.” Miles explained. “I didn’t want to put you on the spot.”

  “My situation?” she questioned.

  “I’m just a dude who flew in to see you.” He shrugged.

  “And you certainly are not…” Liv snapped.

  “Okay firecracker...tell me what you want.”

  Liv stared at him. “I want to define what we’re doing.”

  Miles pushed his empty plate away and gave her his full attention.

  “I’m listening.” He told her.

  “I don’t want to be your flown in ass, and vice versa.” Liv said seriously. “I missed you, and not just having sex with you…”

  “I missed you, too.” He agreed. “And not just the sex…but I did miss the sex tremendously.”

  Liv grinned. “I did, too.”

  “So, are we dating?” Miles asked.

  “Dating?” she lifted a brow. “We made a tape, Miles.”

  “Okay.” He nodded. “Are we a couple?”

  “Is that too much for you?”

  “Give me some parameters for that.”

  Liv toyed with his hand.

  “We are exclusive…” she said slowly.

  “That means you have to tell your other dudes…”

  “I guess I can do that for you…” Liv said nonchalantly.

  Miles pulled her closer.

  “If you could make that sacrifice, I guess I could, too…” He kissed her face.

  “When either of us come into town where the other lives, it’s a standing invitation.” Liv continued.

  “Are you going to cook at my place?”

  “Yes, I’ll cook.”

  He nodded. “Then you can stay.”

  “All you want is my cooking?” Liv moved onto his lap.

  “No.” Miles reached up and cradled her face with a hand. “You know what I want?”

  She laughed. “I think so.”

  Shaking his head, he told her, “I don’t think you do.”

  “Then tell me…”

  “I want to take you back to Detroit with me...for the summer.”

  Liv blinked. “Huh?”

  “You want me to repeat it?”

  “You want me to come to Detroit for the summer?”

  “Yeah...I can’t stay here because I’ve got a lot of shit going on, but I don’t want to keep talking to you over the phone every night. I want to be with you.” Miles told her.

  “I want to be with you, too.”

  “So you’ll spend your vacation with me?”

  “I don’t want to interfere with your work, though.”

  He kissed her mouth.

  “I promise to make time for you...for us.” He vowed.



  Liv nodded with a smile. “Yes, I want to spend the summer with you.”

  They shared a heated kiss, locked in each other’s embrace.

  “I brought my camera.” Miles told her.

  Liv’s eyes darkened. “Part two?”

  He stood to his feet with Liv in his arms.

  “You can work on that ending…” Miles said, heading to her bedroom.


  The next morning, Liv woke up next to a warm, hard body and smiled. Last night after their sequel, the couple had checked Miles out of the hotel and brought his things to her apartment. Now in the light of day, Liv studied her man, still not believing that he’d come for her.

  Deciding to let him sleep, Liv slipped out of bed and headed to the shower before making breakfast. Her body still tingled from being touched, tasted and stretched to capacity. Stepping into the glass enclosed shower, she sighed when the hot water hit her skin.

  Miles stirred in the bed when he heard a precise knocking on the door. Sitting up, he looked around and heard water running. He assumed Liv was in the shower and climbed from the bed, looking for his pants. The knocking continued, until Miles slipped into some jeans and went to answer.

  Wiping his face, he looked out the peephole and saw an older man. Miles opened the door and saw the man frown at him.

  “Can I help you?” Miles asked.

  “Where is Olivia?”

  “She’s in the shower.”

  The man tried to step inside the door and Miles blocked him.

  “Hold up.” Miles told him. “Who the hell are you?”

  “I’m Colonel Jones. Now move out of my way.”

  Miles didn’t move.

  “Is Liv expecting you?” he questioned.

  “She’s my daughter.”

  “Okay.” Miles nodded. “You’re still not about to walk through me.”

  “Listen, I don’t know who you think you are.” The Colonel replied angrily.

  Miles looked at him. “Miles Johnson.”

  “Olivia!” The Colonel yelled.

  “That’s really not necessary.” Miles told him before Liv arrived.

  “Colonel? What are you doing here?”

  “Tell your visitor to get the hell out of my way.” He ordered.

  Liv put a hand on Miles’ bare back.

  “Uh, it’s okay.”

  Miles looked down at her, then back at her father. Quietly, he stepped away and watched the Colonel barge inside to the living room.

  “Go back to bed,” Liv told Miles softly. “I’ll talk to him.”

  Liv watched Miles head to the bedroom, then approached her father.

  “Why are you here Colonel?”

  “I want you to talk to your sister.”

  Liv frowned. “I talk to Taylor all the time.”

  “I want you to tell her that she’s making a mistake marrying this man and she needs to come back to her husband.” He demanded.

  “Taylor’s a grown woman and you need to let this go.” Liv told him as Miles reappeared dressed in a T-Shirt and his jeans.

  Colonel Jones looked at him.

  “I see you haven’t changed, Olivia.” He said nastily. “Still cohabitating with men you aren’t married to, like a little whore.”

  Miles took a step and Liv grabbed him.

  “Miles!” she yelled.

p; “She may be your daughter, but you’re not going to speak to her like that in front of me.” Miles warned.

  “How are you going to stop me?” The Colonel questioned.

  “We could step outside. I don’t fight old men...but I’ll make an exception for you.”

  Liv moved in front of Miles.

  “No. This isn’t why you came here.” She told him.

  “You’ll be gone next week,” the Colonel told Miles. “So I’ll pass.”

  Shaking his head, Miles replied, “You should get used to this face.”

  “Olivia, your sister listens to you. Talk to her. She’s making a big mistake.” Her father told her. “I can’t stop you from making yours, but Taylor still has a chance.”

  “Stay out of our lives,” Liv told him. “We don’t want or need you trying to control us!”

  “You mean trying to help you. I swear neither of you have the good sense God gave you!”

  “Get your Daddy, Liv. I’mma beat his ass…fa’sho,” Miles told her.

  Hastily, Liv turned to her father.

  “Leave now, or I’m not responsible for any consequences.”

  The Colonel had to pass Miles to get out. The two men eyed one another until the Colonel continued on his way out the door, which he slammed behind him.

  Miles looked at Liv, who was clearly embarrassed and angered by the entire situation.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  Moving to where she stood, Miles wrapped his arms around her.

  “Nah, I’m sorry.” He whispered. “I shouldn’t have interfered in your family business, but I couldn’t just listen to that shit he was talking.”

  “Thank you for standing up for me.” Liv told him. “I’m used to standing up for everybody else.”

  Miles lifted her face to his. “I will beat your Daddy’s ass, baby...and anybody else who wants to fuck with you.”

  She hugged him close, laying her head on his chest.

  “I think that’s the nicest thing anyone has ever told me...”

  Chapter 17

  Over breakfast, Miles studied Liv as she quietly ate the meal.

  “You okay, baby?” he asked quietly.

  Her dark eyes lifted to his.

  “Yes. I’m fine.”

  “Does your Daddy always show his ass?”

  She nodded. “Yes...unfortunately.”

  “It had to be hard growing up with that.” Miles commented.

  “It was...but it was harder for Taylor.”

  “You stood up for her…”

  Liv replied, “I had to...Taylor didn’t deserve that.”

  Miles reached for her hand.

  “Neither do you.”

  “The Colonel doesn’t like being challenged.”

  “The Colonel doesn’t know me.” Miles said with a frown.

  “He’s used to having his way. His word is the law and he doesn’t back down.” Liv said with a frown of her own. “He’s upset with Taylor being engaged to Mathias.”

  “I’ll let Mathias handle concern is you.”

  Smiling, Liv said, “The Colonel doesn’t usually bother me. I’m his last resort.”

  “If he comes back while I’m here, he will get checked.” Miles promised.

  “I don’t think he’ll be back.”

  Bringing her hand to his lips, he kissed it.

  “I didn’t come here to deal with your Daddy.” Miles said, holding her gaze. “I came to see this pretty woman and show her how much I’ve missed her.”

  “I get you for four whole days?”

  He nodded. “So tell me what you want to do while I’m here.”

  Liv blinked. “I’ve got a party tonight. The teachers all get together for a night out to end the school year.”

  “ you want an escort?”

  “Do I want a handsome man to go with me?” Liv replied. “Hell, yes.”

  “I’m there.”

  Touching his face, she looked at him.

  “I’m so happy to see you.” Liv whispered. “Although, I hate taking you away from your mother.”

  “She’s fine.” Miles assured her. “She told me to get my ass here before another dude made you forget about me.”

  “Is that what she said?”

  “Her exact words.”

  Liv laughed. “I have to thank Ms. Johnson for sending you.”

  “She’ll be happy to see you in Detroit, when you come back.”

  “Are you sure you want me there for the entire summer?” Liv questioned. “Invading your spot?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure.”

  When Liv’s phone rang, she stood then went to answer it.

  “Hey, KeKe…” Liv greeted, seeing her friend on the screen.

  “Hey Liv,” KeKe replied. “What are you wearing tonight?”

  Liv headed back to the kitchen where Miles was finishing his breakfast.

  “I had picked out a dress, but I changed my mind.” Liv answered.

  “Why?” KeKe asked.

  Smiling, Liv showed Miles eating and KeKe screamed.

  Looking up, Miles smiled.

  “What is going on?” KeKe asked Liv.

  “I came home yesterday, and got a surprise at my door.” Liv explained, walking over to stand behind Miles, putting them both on camera.

  “KeKe this is Miles...Miles this is KeKe.” Liv introduced them.

  “Hello Miles.” KeKe waved.

  “Hey, KeKe.”

  Hearing the deep voice and seeing the handsome face, KeKe smiled. “Uh, Miss Jones...I need to talk to you. Right now.”

  Liv glanced at Miles.

  “I need to check on some work stuff, so I’m good.” He told her.

  “I won’t be long.” Liv promised.

  The two shared a soft kiss, then Liv retreated to her bedroom, where a rumpled bed greeted her.

  “Make it quick,” she told KeKe.

  “You make it quick.”

  Liv sat on the edge of the bed.

  “He said he missed me…”

  “Awww…” KeKe cooed.

  “And he’s asked me to spend the summer in Detroit with him…”

  KeKe’s eyes widened. “What?”

  Liv nodded.

  “Are you going?”

  “Hell yeah I’m going.”

  “Good.” KeKe responded. “Are you bringing him to the party tonight?”

  Liv smiled. “Yes.”

  “What was all that about hiding your bull?”

  “Not tonight.”

  KeKe grinned. “I’m not mad at you. I”d have a spotlight over his head the whole night.”

  “Not that far,” Liv replied.

  “How long is Miles in town?”

  “Four days, then I’m going to fly back with him.” She explained.

  “Wow. You’re packing up that fast?”

  Liv nodded. “I sure am.”


  “Weren’t you just the one telling me to buy a ticket and fly to Detroit?”

  “To see him, not move in with him.”

  “I’m just vacationing with him.”

  KeKe gave her a look.

  “You know if the Colonel finds out, he’s going to go on a rampage.”

  “The Colonel has been here,” Liv shared. “And Miles was going to put hands on him.”

  “What?” KeKe whispered in shock. “What happened?”

  Liv sighed. “The Colonel wanted me to talk to Taylor about coming back to Mason.”

  “Not again…” KeKe rolled her eyes. “He loves beating a dead horse.”

  “I know, but he started talking reckless about me and Miles almost snapped.”

  “At the Colonel?”

  “Yes, with no qualms whatsoever.”


  Liv smiled. “I know right. I think I fell in love right at that moment.”

  “Girl, you’ve been in love since you made that video.”

  “I know this is crazy, KeKe.” Liv sighed. �
�But it feels so right...Miles feels so right.”

  “Go with it, Liv.”

  “I am.”

  KeKe grinned. “Girl, I can’t wait until tonight.”


  Miles sat on Liv’s sofa scrolling through his phone and returning messages while he waited for her to get dressed for the evening. When she appeared, he stood to his feet and stared at her.


  Liv smiled and did a slow spin.

  “You like?” she asked.


  With a grin, she looked him over.

  “I like, too.” Liv told him, taking in his dark tailored suit and silk tie. “You came prepared.”

  Miles smiled. “I’m a professional...and I came to show you a good time.”

  Liv walked into his arms.

  “I’m your hostess. I’m supposed to show you a good time.”

  “And you have,” he said, kissing her neck.

  “I can’t wait to show you off.” Liv whispered.

  He looked down at her and lifted a dark brow.

  “I’m your show dog, now?” he asked.

  “Nope. My bull…”


  She laughed. “It’s a country thang…”

  He held her loosely, while staring into her face.

  “I’ll be your bull tonight.”

  “You promise?”

  Lowering his head, he kissed her slowly, savoring her sweetness and heat. His hands touched the bare skin of her back in the white halter-style dress, then moved down to cup her rounded ass covered by the short skirt.

  “I promise.”

  Liv returned his kiss until they finally broke apart. Miles licked his lips as Liv gently touched her swollen ones.

  “We should go,” she whispered.

  “I’m ready.”

  With a hand, she traced his mouth.

  “Now these aren’t Detroit people. We’re a bunch of country teachers.” Liv warned.

  “I’m only there to be with you.”

  “Thank you…” Liv lifted on her toes to kiss him, before they headed out.

  In Miles’ rental car, Liv settled into the luxury interior.

  “You came to show out, huh?” she asked.

  He nodded. “Yeah.”

  She laughed. “You do have style. I’m not complaining.”

  Miles glanced at her. “I’m not either.”

  “It was worth the trip?” Liv asked crossing her shapely thighs.

  “You like to fuck with me when I’m driving.”

  “I just asked a question.”

  His slumberous eyes slid back to her legs for a moment.

  “You know it’s worth it.” He told her.


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