The Golden Year and the Sorceress

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The Golden Year and the Sorceress Page 12

by Isabella Hardiman

  The stranger was tall and broad-shouldered. It was a he. He wore a heavy cloak that disguised his face and thick boats. I noticed the blade he carried. "What do you want?" I demanded sternly. My heart was about to burst out of my chest.

  Cam was upstairs in seconds, his weapon already drawn. I took comfort in knowing there were two of us and only one of him. My pulse was racing. The figure dropped his weapon not taking his eyes off Cam and he slowly removed the hood.

  "Leonardo!" I screamed. "What the hell are you doing here?"

  "Wait, you know each other?" Cam looked in between us. We both ignored him.

  Leonardo turned to me. "I was just about to ask you the same question." Leonardo's eyes were furious.

  He was here. I did not know whether to be over the moon or devastated. " That's none of your business." I muttered completely gobsmacked by his reappearance. How did he even find me?

  "None of my business!" He stared at me. "You have got to be kidding me. I have spent the last few days looking for you." He had? Why would he care?

  "Last two days?" I had only left the castle one day ago? He was knocked out cold when I last saw him too and he looked fully healed now. It was impossible! Nobody could heal that quickly.

  "Let me guess, your guide forgot to mention that time passes a lot quicker up there than down here." He paused. He gave Cam a side glance. "You have been missing for four days." I turned my attention back to Cam who had paled. I had lost three good days?!

  No wonder Leonardo had caught up with me. "You better have a good explanation." I snarled.

  "The queen only wants to meet you, she insists." Cam pleaded. He suddenly went white as his secrets leaked out. He had tricked me.

  "The Seelie queen! Are you out of your goddamn mind?" Leonardo shouted. I stood frozen. This could not be happening. Cam would not do this to me.

  "She hasn't got a choice." Cam took a heavy breath. "They have Bayard and they shut the escape gates a few hours ago. The guards will be here to collect you soon." I was doomed.

  "I trusted you." I glared at Cam. "Why in the world does your grandmother want to see me anyway?" I questioned. Nothing made any sense anymore. This was just meant to be a rest stop. A quick in and out. Cam though had been planning this all along.

  "Wait a minute." Leonardo stopped me. "Grandmother?" he analysed Cam searching for any faerie characteristics. "Faeries are the offspring of demons and angels. They can not have children." A spark of anger lights inside me. I had been betrayed.

  "It's more of an adoptive relationship," Cam explained. How could I have been so stupid? He ran his hand through his hair nervously, he knew I was not taking the news well.

  "Look she just wants to talk to you and if..." He began explaining but I needed answers and I needed them now.

  "How dangerous will it be?" I demanded.

  "Are you joking?!" Leonardo looked at me rigidly. "Ogres may try to eat you alive but faeries are far worse. If you enter the queen's domain you are signing your death papers. Faeries will make you sing until you turn to water, trick you into a stroll in the forest only to burn you alive, they enchant you in so many devious ways and they can enslave you with one look."

  Cam rolled his eyes. "That's a bit of an exaggeration."

  Leonardo suddenly turned bright red. "You are not taking Leila and that's final!" My mouth dropped wide open. I could not believe what I was seeing. He was bright red, his veins were popping out. He was also avoiding eye contact with me.

  "She hasn't got a choice." Cam signed getting tired of Leonardo. "The guards will be here any minute to pick her up and take her there alone." I took a long look at Leonardo, he had bags beneath his eyes and he looked like he had not slept in a while.

  Leonardo's eyes were blazing. "She is not going anywhere without me!"

  There was a thud on the door downstairs. The guards were already here. It was too late.

  Chapter Fourteen- The Seelie Queen

  The tension in the room had hit its limit. "Open the door!" A voice downstairs commanded. They are here. The guards are here for me.

  "Just a second!" Cam shouted back down whilst giving Leonardo a side glance. Leonardo cursed under his breath. We all knew it was over. There was nowhere else to run or hide.

  "Let them in." I finally spoke. Leonardo gave me a horrified look. "We don't have any other options." I attempted to justify my response. What would Leonardo have me do? Run? Where to anyway? Cam had already disappeared downstairs.

  "There has to be another way." Leonardo sighed. He knew there were not any other options. I had no choice but to meet the Seelie Queen. I have no idea what she might want from me, all I knew was it was not good.

  In came five heavily armed guards. They had expected struggle. They wore golden leafed armour and had sharp, deadly blades made of stardust. The tallest stepped forward, I recognised him from the gate. Cam called him by the name of Orin.

  "Leila of Bourdet, I believe it is." He stared at me with an eyebrow raised. Ignoring the hostile looks that Leonardo gave him. He knew my full name and I could not recall Cam properly introducing us. He unravelled a magical scroll that's golden words revealed themselves as he spoke. The words light up on the dull piece of parchment. "Her Royal Highness requests your presence in court."

  I did not have a choice. I was in her domain and I would have to play at her beck and call. If I wanted to keep my head, that is. "I accept her invitation." I sighed miserably.

  "As do I." Leonardo stepped in. No. What was he doing? The fae were not friends of Rumore and not royalty. I think after the new law that King Isaac had just announced, Rumore and the fae would be at odds.

  "And you are?" Orin gave him an unimpressed look and analysed Leonardo.

  "Leonardo Da Angelo, firstborn prince of Rumore and future king." He introduced himself. I noticed Cams taken back to look along with the guards. Why did Leonardo just do that? Was he crazy? "I expect the queen will be most intrigued to meet me. After all when was the last time she met someone like me?" Never. The royalty of Rumore never visited the fae and for a good reason.

  Orin smirked enthralled. "Very well, feel free to join us. Besides the queen has always loved surprises. ``he grinned. He knew the queen would rejoice at the sight of a mortal prince in her court. A mortal prince at her mercy.

  "What are you doing?" I whispered to Leonardo concerned. Had he lost his mind? He gave me an intense look and I could not help but hold his gaze.

  "I am not going to lose you again. If she wants to meet you then she will have to meet me as well." He insisted. His warm breaths brushed my skin and for a second I felt something. Something- which I had never felt before.

  I immediately began pushing the feelings away. I could not allow myself to feel this way. I was not allowed to feel this way. Leonardo was a boy I could never have. A boy who was off-limits to people like me.

  "Follow us," Orin instructed. I turned away from Leonardo without looking at him in the eyes. The guards guided us through the hectic streets up to the palace walls. Nobody spoke on the journey and I had not even noticed Cam’s presence until now. Leonardo's eyes had been on me this entire time and when I finally looked up at him, I found him already staring.

  The beautiful palace walls were thousands of meters high blue crystals that matched the ocean. They were perfectly shaped and cut to form indescribable patterns. It was a palace of crystals located in the centre of the city.

  "These mortals are guests of the queen and must be taken to the throne room immediately," Orin instructed. Guests? More like prisoners. The gates opened and revealed the spectacular, shimmering building.

  Guards marched up and down in their golden uniform attracting wanted attention. The Fae were everything but modest. They were mesmerising and took pride in it. Amongst the guards in the courtyard were tens of richly dressed strangers. Most of them were here for the queen. Only a handful of them had ever seen her.

  Orin walked directly to the gigantic door that had two large, blue-beard
ed guards on either side. "I may go no further. Cam shall take you the rest of the way." The heavy enchanted gates opened. Leonardo gave Orin a nod.

  Everyone turned to try and catch a glimpse of what hid behind these doors. Cam was already inside and I took one last breath before following him. Here goes nothing. Leonardo was close on my heel.

  The entrance was empty and hollow. I turned to find ten passages that led off in all different directions. Our steps echoed around the room. The floor was spotless, I could even see my reflection in it. "Stay close." Cam gave me an apologetic look. He was the reason I was here. This was all his fault. He betrayed me. I had walked straight into a trap and I was cursing myself for it.

  We took the third entrance to the left. "Don't touch anything," Cam warned. "These passages play with people's minds." He pushed past a vine curtain to reveal a spectacular floating waterfall as a centrepiece. The water did not even touch the ground, it almost evaporated in thin air. Large clouds of steam floated around the room.

  I gazed in awe. "We need to keep moving." He led us around the back of it into another hallway. Whisper's filled my ear, beckoning me in. The walls in this hallway were covered in plants that grew on the side of the earth walls. I reached out to touch a nearby glowing flower. "Don't touch them!" A hand immediately jerked me back. It was like being shaken out of a dream.

  Leonardo stood beside me with a fierce gaze. I could feel the heat of his body and his bright cat eyes on me. I immediately turned my attention back to the flowers. They were entrancing, their petals vibrant and captivating. "They are poisonous." Deadly too. Just like the Fae. Leonardo removed his grip when he was certain I was fine.

  "Of course they are." Leonardo snapped. "Let's just get this over with." He made an impatient sound. Leonardo was clearly in a foul mood, I did not blame him. Coming here was not my cup of tea either.

  We walked up the same hallway for five more minutes before we reached the grand door. The door was decorated in wings of butterflies and small delicate white flowers. "Behind this door is the royal throne room," Cam announced and placed his hand to the door. The doors opened immediately.

  The sound of sweet and sour music filled my ears. Every note touched your soul and played with your emotions. I had to be careful, I could not allow the Fae to play with my mind. The royal throne room was humongous. At first, I thought I was outside. The earth walls, moss-covered ground, woven vine curtains and twinkling fireflies were the decor. The lavish furnishing filled the room. Above us hung a twig chandelier holding all sorts of gems. Around it, candles floated around us. The beams of light shone through the jewels reflecting pigments of colours around the room.

  The Fae of the court had blueberry blue, plum purple, yolk yellow and radish red hair. They sat in root formed chairs just below a pair of crystal steps. Above the steps on a twig thrown sat a beautiful faerie.

  Her skin is spotless untouched by light. Her eyes are captivating and entrancing. Her gown is long, silk, sky blue and jewelled. Her auburn eyes light up the room. Her long, snow-white hair was braided with silver flowers. She wore a silver crown of jewelled thorns upon her delicate head.

  "Gentlemen and ladies, Au chante." You could feel her wretched smile in her musical voice. The court laughed. I do not know why.

  She looked delicate yet dangerous; wicked yet wise; spectacular yet sly. She was a mixture of personalities. She flashed a devious, calculated smile my way. "Well done Can. You followed through just as promised." I could not help but glare back at him.

  I and Leonardo walked to the centre of the room, in between the queen and her precious court. Whisper's filled the room as the court acknowledged our presence. Most of these Faeries were only here to gossip and our presence was most certainly a juicy surprise.

  The queen's eyes fell on me. I could feel the heavyweight of her look on my shoulder. My cheeks reddened and a smug smile appeared on her blood-red lips. She had me just where she wanted me.

  "Your majesty," Leonardo stepped forward and bowed. The Seelie queen's eyes darted in his direction. No. Leonardo, please stay out of this. Her eyes glinted.

  "Leonardo Da Angelo, well isn't this unexpected." She gave him a flirtatious grin. Of course, she would recognise him. "I must say I wasn't awaiting your presence here." Neither was I. I could not help but tense and Cam noticed.

  Do not hurt Leonardo. Do not. "Yes, well. I thought it was time to visit you." Leonardo lied. The Seelie Queen's eyes flickered from me to him.

  "Did you?" She gave him a distrustful look. Her voice made me shiver, it was like ice: cold and beautiful. It was no secret that the Seelie Queen was cold-hearted, self-centred, wicked, crafty, and untrustworthy.

  Leonardo walked up to her and kissed her hand gently. "I do apologize it took me so long. But I heard you are forgiving as you are beautiful." He complimented her. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Cam nudged me. I had not seen him walk up to me.

  The queen beamed at him. "Well, you are as charismatic as handsome. My spies are right about one thing: you are a charming prince." She grinned. She analysed Leonardo like analysing a new toy and I could not stand it. She was up to something.

  "Leave us." She waved her hand at the rest of her subjects. They did not hesitate to do as she commanded. I wondered whether they loved her as much as they feared her. Fear is a powerful thing and the queen wore it well. The door slammed shut behind them.

  "Do not lie to me prince, it is clear to see you have a far deeper motive for being here." She whispered only loud enough for me to hear. I watched as Leonardo's fist clenched. My heart stopped as a lump in my throat. She saw straight through him. "You're here for her. Father like son." What was that meant to mean? Father like son? What did Isaac da Angelo have to do with this? That was ridiculous Leonardo was not here for me, not like that. We were friends. He had Josephine. He was engaged.

  She gazed at me now. "I may not feel love like mortals but after five thousand years I have learnt to recognise it." She sat on her throne proudly.

  "I don't know what you're talking about." Leonardo stiffened, not looking at me. "I am engaged to another." He said through gritted teeth. Stop this now!

  She laughed cruelly. "An engagement doesn't stop you from having feelings." She paused. "Things of the heart have always been so more complex than that." She smirked. "History has a weird way of repeating itself, doesn't it?"

  "Enough riddles." Leonardo was losing his patience.

  She shook her finger. "Do not lose your temper with me, prince." She gave us both an amused grin and clicked her fingers. Leonardo and Cam vanished without a trace.

  I searched the room, I and the queen were now alone. "Where are they?" I snapped. "TELL ME NOW!" I panicked. What had she done to them?

  "They are safe for now." She slipped a beetle in her mouth and bit down hard. The vile black liquid splurged across her lips. She licked the remains with pleasure. A deep feeling of disgust begins to invade my throat. "I thought it would be better if we were alone. So we can just speak girl to girl." She was not a girl, she was a monster.

  "You know he has deep feelings for you. He yearns for your touch. I can see it in his eyes. The way he watches you." She glanced at me. "Yet you both deny yourselves each other?" She gave me an intrigued look. I wouldn't expect her to understand. I closed my eyes. Leonardo does not feel that way about me. He does not.

  "Enough," I said through gritted teeth. I needed to stop this conversation. This was far too personal. She was mocking me and I hated her for it. "You have had your fun. Now tell me what you want."

  "Demanding aren't you." She smiled. "You remind me so much of someone I used to know. She was impatient and stubborn just like you. It doesn't surprise me you share the same qualities."

  "Who?" I felt completely lost. What was she even talking about?

  "All in good time." She sneered nastily. "I know you are on your way to the tomb of the goddess of destruction. I know your plans. I know everything." She assured me. I tried to remain calm but I felt c
ompletely hopeless.

  I walked up to face her. "Let us get the formalities out of the way. Cam knew that I had magic, you hunted me down for a reason. I am here as you wish. My friends have no reason to be involved."

  "You are smart for a mortal. I will give you that. Yes, I have been looking for one with your gifts for a long time." She admitted and stroked a white cat that I had not even noticed before. "After all, you are but one half to a coin." Did she know the other person?

  "What do you want?" I was sick of her games. She was speaking in riddles and playing with my mind. I needed to stay focused.

  She sipped a bright pink, fizzy, ink-looking drink. She placed the oddly shaped glass down before she spoke. "I wish for you to take part in a tournament."

  "A tournament?" I guess I should have been expecting a trick like this.

  "The Fae games. Three challenges, if you complete them, I will let you all go and I will even give you a very precious secret." The Fae were keepers of secrets and they enjoyed creating mischief.


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