Mister Daddy: A Second Chance Secret Baby Romance

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Mister Daddy: A Second Chance Secret Baby Romance Page 12

by Adams, S. C.

  He shakes his head.

  “No sweetheart, those are diamante crytals. They’re pave, and it’s a nice look but I want you to have the real thing. Truthers, would you mind? Let’s see some diamonds of oh .. at least three carats.”

  I gasp, turning wide eyes to him.


  “I’m sure,” he nods. “Nothing but the best for my girl.”

  Truthers, meanwhile, chortles and heads off to the back again. We can hear him rummaging around with various trays and keys until he comes back again, this time with two velvet trays laden with gorgeous earrings sparkling under the light.

  “Now, I wasn’t sure what you meant, so I brought earrings which together, add up to three carats, or we have these,” he says, reaching into his pocket. He pulls out a velvet box and pops open the top, revealing an enormous pair of diamond earrings. Each stone is so big that I gasp again, my eyes go wide.

  “Oh no, I couldn’t,” is my breathless reply. “It’s too much.”

  But Carter won’t hear of it. He latches onto the diamond earrings and says, “Sweetheart, do you have pierced ears?”

  I nod dumbly, and with big fingers he reaches into the box and pulls out a stud before turning to me.

  “Here, let me put it on you,” he rumbles. His big fingers gently stroke my left lobe and it’s so intimate. We’re so close to one another, and I can feel his warm breath on my forehead as he attaches the diamond earring to my ear.

  “Turn,” he directs. I’m so stunned that I do automatically as he commands and swivel so that my right ear faces him. Carter gently brushes my right ear with his fingertips, and before I realize it, the other stud is also in place.

  “Beautiful,” he murmurs. “Absolutely gorgeous.”

  “The lady is ravishing,” breathes Truthers. “Here you go, mademoiselle. Take a look.”

  He proffers a small handheld mirror to me, and I gently clasp the gilded handle. I look at my reflection and gasp. The earrings are gorgeous, flashing in the light with soft brown curls hanging in a gentle see-through veil before each one.

  But it’s the girl herself who makes me catch my breath because this is a new Abby. This Abby has flushed cheeks and a peachy pink pout that looks like it’s often kissed by a man. This Abby has long lashes that sweep down demurely, and also big brown eyes that tell stories of love. Who is this girl? Can it truly be me?

  Yet, I know that’s what Carter does to me. He transforms me and makes me into someone I can’t even recognize, he’s so compelling. I gasp again, as one large hand touches the sparkler in my left lobe.

  “You look amazing,” he growls. “Absolutely ravishing. We’ll take them,” he announces to Truthers.

  The shop keeper chortles because this is probably the biggest sale he’s going to make for the duration of the cruise.

  “Of course sir,” he says, bowing a bit again. “These earrings are sourced from the mines of Africa, but they are conflict-free, I assure you. The lady looks ravishing,” he compliments.

  Carter nods.

  “Yes of course. I make sure that all diamonds carried by my ships are conflict free. It would be crazy for us to have blood diamonds on board.”

  Truthers looks startled and then his eyes squint a bit with confusion.

  “I’m sorry sir, what did you say your name was?”

  Carter grins.

  “I didn’t, but just in case, my name is Carter Jones. I own this cruise ship,” he says with a half-smile. “In fact, I own the entire cruise line.”

  Truthers look like he’s about to blow a big one, but he manages to get himself under control.

  “I’m so sorry sir,” he begins apologizing with tears practically in his eyes. “If I knew it was you, I would have brought out our finest gems first. Would you like to see them? The rubies perhaps, or the emeralds? We also got a lovely aquamarine stone in at our last port. Perhaps the lady would like to try a few items on?”

  Carter merely smiles with amusement.

  “No, it’s okay,” he says. “These diamond earrings are perfect, and like you said, Abby looks stunning. Maybe next time, we’ll take a look at the emeralds,” he says with a sly grin at me. “But for now, I think we’re okay.”

  “Shall I bill this to your room?” Truthers asks with excitement. “The Platinum Suite?”

  “Yes,” says Carter. “And while you do, we’ll also take the necklace, the bracelet, and a few of those charms. Definitely the whale one that Abby was looking at.”

  By now, the shopkeeper looks like he’s going to explode with joy. His face is red, and his eyes bulge from his sockets, like he’s about to have a conniption. But the older man manages to keep everything in check and scurries off with giggles, ready to pack things up.

  I turn to Carter again.

  “You didn’t have to,” is my laugh. “Especially not the whale charm. That’s not necessary.”

  “Oh but it is,” he says, winking at me. “I thought that little whale had meaning to you.”

  “It does,” I say seriously this time. “You know I love scuba diving, and once, a long time ago, I saw a whale while I was underwater. Well, I couldn’t see it too clearly, but there was definitely a massive dark shape in the water.”

  Carter stares at me.

  “You weren’t scared?” he says with surprise. “I would have been scared shitless. I probably would have rocketed to the surface from surprise.”

  I laugh again.

  “No, you can’t, remember? You’re scuba diving, so you can’t go up and down without getting decompression sickness. But I wasn’t scared,” I say, thinking back. “I remember being below surface and looking up. The water was sky blue, and I could see the sky overhead. It was beautiful and really quite magical. The only thing I could hear was my own breathing. And then a shape passed by overhead. I’m still not sure what kind of whale it was, but it was definitely too big to be a porpoise. I guess that’s why I have this connection to whales now. The animals remind me of my dreams, and of the amazing time I always have in the water.”

  Carter leans down to kiss my forehead tenderly.

  “Abby, I want to help you make those dreams come true,” he says with fervor in his voice. “I’ve never heard someone speak so passionately about what they love, and clearly, this accounting job isn’t cutting it. You should have a life at sea, like a mermaid. You should be freed from Corporate America, with its soul-destroying jobs and stultifying routines.”

  I laugh gently, patting his broad chest.

  “I know Carter, but I can’t afford to leave my job. Sure, it’s boring because it’s just about crunching numbers, but I can’t just peace out on a whim. I have obligations.”

  He raises an eyebrow at me.

  “Like what? I thought your students loans were paid off already.”

  I blush.

  “Yes, but I can’t just disappear one day. I have rent, and electric bills, and my parents would be really freaked out if I suddenly just disappeared.”

  He sweeps me into his arms again, whispering in my ear.

  “Abby, those aren’t real things to worry about. Rent is rent. You give them notice, and you’re done. Electricty is the same. And your parents? I’m sure they want what’s best for you, and right now, it seems like you crave a life of adventure.”

  I blush because Carter’s right. My mom and dad have always supported me and been proud of my choices. After all, I’m a responsible, forthright type of girl, and they’ve never had to worry about me. Especially when compared to my younger sister Carrie, who’s been in college six years and still hasn’t managed to graduate.

  “I know what you’re saying,” I say. “But it’s hard to just up and leave!”

  Carter nods, his eyes thoughtful.

  “But think about it, sweetheart. That’s what I did when I bought my first river boat. I left everything I knew behind, and decided to strike out on my own, and look where I am now. A billionaire, and a very happy man.”

  I smile at

  “Yes, but that’s you, Carter. What would I do with scuba diving?”

  He frowns.

  “I thought you wanted to open a dive school,” he says. “One that teaches people to enjoy the water as much as you.”

  “I do,” I say. “But how? And where would I get the money? I just finished paying down my loans, so I don’t have a lot saved up.”

  Carter grins.

  “That’s where I come in, baby girl. I have plenty of the good stuff, loads and loads of it in fact. I’d be happy to help you if you need a loan. Better yet, I’ll take equity in your new company because I know you’re going to be successful,” he winks.

  “Oh you!” I say, playfully slapping his arm. “I can’t believe you’d be willing to stake a start-up like a scuba diving company when you don’t know any of the details. I mean, I could be a complete failure.”

  Carter shrugs nonchalantly.

  “Venture capitalists stake companies on a lot less information than I have now,” he says. “I know you work hard, that you have passion for what you want, and that you won’t let me down. I don’t need more than that,” he says. “How much do you need?”

  My cheeks grow hot again, but this time it’s from embarrassment.

  “I’m not sure,” is my whisper. “I never thought it would become a reality, so I’m actually not even sure how much I need in start-up capital.”

  Carter nods.

  “It’s okay, Abby. We’ll figure it out together okay? I’ll help you put together a pitch, a budget, and an estimate of how much you’ll need immediately as well as how much you need to operate for the next year smoothly.”

  I gasp.

  “But I’m not even sure that I want to do it!” is my breathless protest. “You’re acting like this is a done deal already!”

  The handsome billionaire winks at me.

  “Because it is sweetheart. We’ll talk about it more when we get back to my stateroom, but for now, let’s just enjoy these jewels, okay? Thank you, Truthers,” he says to the older man when handed a velvet bag with my new jewelry inside. “We’ve had an amazing time here, and we’ll be back at the next port,” he says, intimating that I’m about to get another load of jewelry wherever we stop. “Abby is such an amazing woman, and she deserves it wouldn’t you say?”

  Of course, Truthers has no idea what we’re talking about, but as a good merchant he nods and smiles.

  “Of course, Mr. Jones, sir. She’s a lovely woman and deserves to be treated as the best.”

  Carter’s blue eyes gleam.

  “Which is exactly what I intend to do,” he growls. With that, my frame goes shivery and soft as we make our way out of the store. After all, this man likely just bought five figures worth of jewelry if not more, and all if it was for me. Not only that, but he’s pushed me along the path of starting my own business in an area that I adore, and offered me a round of seed money to boot. It’s incredible and as I smile at him with tears in my eyes, my heart feels awash in love. Yes, love, because it’s the only way to explain the tidal wave of happiness coursing through my form as Carter takes my hand in his once more.

  “Thank you,” I say as we enter his stateroom. “You’ve been so supportive in every way, not even counting the jewelry. You’re kind, and you seem to think so many good things about me.”

  The handsome billionaire nods.

  “And like I told you before, Abby, I’m a good judge of people. After all, my job as CEO is to see and understand people. I put different employees into the right slots so that they can do their best work, and for you, I see real promise, sweetheart. I see brains, beauty, and insight, but I also see resourcefulness and grit. These are important qualities for an entrepreneur, and you have them in full.”

  “I do?” I ask through bleary eyes. “But how?”

  He gently strokes my cheek, leaning in for another passionate kiss.

  “You’re responsible, girly girl,” he growls. “You pay your debts, you have a high credit score, a good job, and you treat your friends and family right. I know good people when I see them, and you’re it, Abby Porter. You’re the key, and I’m not letting you go on and on about how you’re not good enough. You are good enough, and you have so much promise, baby girl. It just takes the right man to release your promise, and I’m going to do it for you.”

  With that, I seize his lips in an impassioned kiss, imbuing our liplock with everything that I feel. I never knew that being with a man could be like this. Carter is my friend, my savior, my other, better half, and I know what he’s saying. He must be saying that we’re going to stay together after the cruise is over, right? Because how can he make me feel so good, only to leave me when the time comes?



  Now that Abby and her friends are getting along again, it’s easy to be alone with her. Yesterday, I was on edge, worried that she’d blame me for the fallout. It was kind of my fault. I stole Abby from her friends, so I’m glad they’re back to how they were before.

  “How was breakfast?” I ask when Abby walks into my room. She left early this morning to join Caitlyn and Jessica for the first meal of the day.

  “Amazing. Almost as good as eating in here with you.”

  She gives me a brilliant, seductive smile. We’ve made love at least once a day since we met, most days two or three times. It’s the best sex I’ve had in my life.

  Every cruise I go on, I find a girl to keep me company a few times until we get back to port. It’s like hockey players with their puck bunnies in every city. A guy needs to find his release.

  But with Abby… I can’t picture myself with another girl now that I’ve been with her.

  I’m just not sure how to tell her that.

  “What are your plans for today?” she asks, joining me on the bed. I haven’t bothered to get up since she left.

  “I was thinking we could just hang out. Stay in here for a bit and then wander around the decks. It’s our last day.”

  Her face falls, and so does mine. We haven’t talked about what the end of the cruise means, but we both know that tomorrow, we’ll go our separate ways. I just hope she wants to keep in touch after that happens.

  “I really like that idea,” she says. “I wouldn’t mind staying in this room with you all day. But I do want to get a postcard from the gift shop. I collect them everywhere I go.”

  “Then we will get you a postcard,” I pronounce. I pull back the covers so that she can join me, but she stays where she is. “We’ve been in that bed a lot, and you’ve got this whole big room…”

  My eyes widen. “What did you have in mind?”

  Her gaze falls on the balcony. “Your balcony is so much bigger than ours, and it’s nice and private.”

  I like the way this woman thinks. I take the blanket and follow her out onto my balcony, leaving the door open to air out the room. The blanket goes down first, and then we lie on top of it.

  For a while, we stay in each other’s arms, kissing to the sway of the ship on the water. It’s peaceful. I could stay here with Abby forever.

  Eventually, our kissing becomes more intense but never frantic, and we end up making love slowly and passionately. She’s curvy and so ripe, and I come extra hard when she cries out my name during climax. Suddenly, Abby’s eyes fly open and she screams right when my seed shoots into her sweet slit.

  “Pull out, Mr. Jones! Pull out, pull out!”

  I stare at her for a moment, uncomprehending, and then I jerk myself out. But it’s too late. It’s obvious that I’ve already dumped an enormous load inside her, and even now, I continue to spurt onto her wet, pulsing folds.

  “Sorry, sweetheart,” I pant. She merely smiles and sighs even as ecstasy rushes us in waves. After we’re done, the curvy girl turns toward me.

  “So much for pulling out,” she says with a half-smile.

  “Sweetheart, I’m sure we’re fine,” I growl. “It’s going to be alright, don’t you worry.”

  She sigh
s languorously and snakes her arms around my neck. For a moment, I think she’s going to say more, but nothing comes. Good. After all, our time together may end tomorrow, but right now, I’m not thinking about pulling out and the like. All I’m thinking about is this gorgeous girl before me and enjoying our remaining time together.

  We lie nude on the down blanket, the cool breeze drying our sweaty bodies.

  “Wow,” Abby says, affording the word “wow” with new meaning every time she says it. “It gets better every time.”

  “It sure does,” I chuckle. “We’re dynamite together, you and me.”

  After an hour of resting together on the balcony, we start to shift, ready to be back inside.

  “Hey, how about I give you a private tour of the ship?” I offer. “And then we can stop and get you a post card?”

  She smiles. “I would love that.”

  “Do you want to invite Caitlyn and Jessica?”

  “It’s sweet of you to offer, but we’ve come to an agreement. You and I get the rest of the cruise, and I spend one night a week having dinner with my friends once we return home.”

  “That’s an excellent agreement.”

  “I thought so.”

  We dress in my room, though it’s a slow process with how often we stop to kiss. I have to distance myself from her or we really will end up in my room until we dock tomorrow.

  We start our tour at the bottom of the ship and work our way up. I show her things that the public can’t see, thanks to my private access. The first eight floors are pretty boring, but once we get to floor nine, things get more exciting.

  “This is the theater, obviously,” I tell her when we get to the main part of the ninth floor. We saw a show together two nights ago, so she knows what the theater is. “But I want to take you backstage so that you can see what it’s like back there.”

  “That would be awesome!”

  I lead her through an employees’ only door and down the hall to the backstage area. All of the props for the three shows on board are stored here. She oohs and ahs as she weaves in between the different sets and props. One of our shows is a Mardi Gras extravaganza, so there are lots of boas and green, gold, and purple decorations.


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