Trusting Him

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Trusting Him Page 10

by L. M. Somerton

  “You’ll do. Let’s get you back into bed.”

  Skye nodded. He made it to the bed, but it was a close thing and he fell rather than climbed in. The sheets and duvet cover had been changed and Luke was grateful that whichever one of the boys had been into the room had been quiet and discreet. He’d have to think of a suitable reward for his staff once Skye was better.

  “You can sleep soon, sweetheart, but I want you to take a couple of tablets first.”

  Skye took the two pills that Luke handed him, swallowing them with water from a glass that he drained to the bottom.

  “I’m so tired.”

  “You can sleep now, for as long as you need. The others will cover your duties tomorrow and for however long they need to.”

  “I’m sorry…”

  “You have nothing to apologize for. Just rest, I’ll be right here.” Luke pulled up the covers. “I’m going to put some pyjamas on and sleep in the chair, just over there.”

  Skye reached for him, “Don’t leave me, Sir. Please. Could you, I mean would you mind, sleeping in the bed with me?”

  Luke considered the situation for a few seconds but, as it was clear that Skye would be distressed if Luke didn’t comply with his wishes, it wasn’t a difficult decision to make.

  “If that’s what you want.” He squeezed Skye’s hand. Skye smiled and the lines of tension on his forehead smoothed. His eyes drifted shut and by the time Luke had dug a pair of rarely used pajama bottoms from a drawer, Skye was sound asleep.

  Chapter Ten

  Luke didn’t get a lot of sleep. Sometime during the night, Skye had turned into an octopus, his arms and legs spread across Luke’s body. The close contact was torment, but Luke didn’t have the heart to move Skye as he nuzzled beneath Luke’s chin, loose strands of hair tickling his nose. Skye talked in his sleep, though the words didn’t make much sense. The only one that Luke could make out was ‘dad’, which Skye repeated several times.

  His fever returned and Skye threw the covers back, exposing them both to the cool night air. Half an hour later, he started shivering. Luke retrieved the covers and held him close until he calmed. Luke saw three a.m. pass on his digital clock then managed a light doze until just after six when Skye awoke with a start. It took him a while to realize where he was.

  “Oh my God, I’m so sorry, Sir.” He rolled away from Luke’s body. “What am I doing in your bed?”

  “You don’t remember?”

  “Did I drink alcohol last night?” Skye asked. “My head is pounding.”

  Luke pulled himself up and sat back against the headboard. “You got sick. You had a fever. Do you not remember anything?”

  “Did we have a shower? Together? That must have been a dream.”

  “We did. You were a bit shaky to say the least. Apart from a headache, how are you feeling?” Luke laid the back of his hand against Skye’s forehead, which was still warmer than it should be.

  “I ache a bit, but, apart from that, not too bad.”

  Luke swung his legs over the side of the bed then stood. He stretched and every joint in his body seem to pop. “I’m going to go downstairs and fetch some fruit juice. I’ll see if I can find the thermometer from the first aid kit too. I want to take your temperature now you’re alert enough not to bite off the end of the thing.” He grabbed his robe from the back of the door but just as he was about to open it, someone knocked. Luke grinned as Skye took a dive beneath the covers so that only the top of his head was showing. “There’s no point in hiding, Skye. They all know you’re in here.” He walked through to the lounge then opened the door to find Rayne standing in the corridor.

  “Tor sent me up here to see if there’s anything you need, Mr. Redding.” Rayne bounced on his toes. He had far too much energy for the time of day, in Luke’s humble opinion.

  “Actually, Rayne, you can make yourself useful. I was just about to go downstairs to get some juice, so if you could fetch that for me it would be a real help. Find the first aid kit that Tor keeps in the kitchen and bring me the thermometer from it. Some fruit and toast would be great if there’s anyone available in the kitchen.

  “Everyone’s up already. We were all worried about Skye. Is he okay?” Rayne tried to peek around the doorway. “Hey, Skye. Hope you’re feeling better. Everyone sends you their love. You know I can see your hair, right?”

  A groan came from beneath the duvet.

  “Rayne, go fetch the juice.”

  “Sure, right, yes. I won’t be long, promise.”

  Luke closed the door with a sigh. He returned to the bedroom. “I think you’re going to be getting a lot of visitors today.”

  “I should be working, I need to lay for breakfast…”

  “If you mention working once more, I’m going to chain you to the bed. I’d rather reserve that for when you’re feeling better, but needs must.”

  Skye peeked from beneath the duvet. “Sorry, Sir.”

  “I want you to drink another glass of water, and swallow some more paracetamol. When Rayne gets back I’ll take your temperature and if it’s too high I’m going to call out the doctor.”

  “I don’t feel that bad, Sir. I wouldn’t want to waste a doctor’s time.”

  “Your health is not a waste of time for anyone, Skye, so stop arguing and do as you’re told.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Skye took the medication and drank a glass of water. “What do you think is wrong with me? I don’t get sick very often, just the odd cold every now and again, the same as anyone else. I had chickenpox as a kid, I think. That’s the itchy one, right?”

  “It is. My guess is that you haven’t been eating and drinking enough over the last few days and that you got dehydrated. That, combined with the stress of a new job, built up and your body decided it was time to rest. You have to look after yourself better and I’ll be making sure you do. I haven’t been doing a very good job of taking care of you, have I?”

  “It’s not your fault, Sir.” Skye nibbled on his lower lip. “I haven’t had much appetite.”

  “A day or two in bed, gallons of water and some of Tor’s home cooking and you’ll be right as rain, I’m sure. Are you warm enough?” Skye’s bare chest was distracting.

  “One minute I’m boiling hot and the next I’m freezing cold.”

  Luke dug around in his dresser drawer and pulled out a long-sleeved T-shirt. It was old, but soft. “Here, put this on. You can always take it off again if you get too hot.”

  Skye pulled the garment over his head. It was too big and the sleeves were too long, so he rolled them up. “Thanks, it’s perfect. Um… Sir? I need to go to the bathroom.”

  “Go ahead but leave the door open in case you feel faint or need help.”

  “I’m kind of naked from the waist down.” Skye peeked beneath the covers as if he needed confirmation.

  “It’s such a shame that I only have one pair of pyjamas, and I’m wearing them,” Luke said, grinning. “But there has to be some compensation for being your mattress all night.”

  There was a distinct sway to Skye’s hips as he made his way to the bathroom.

  “Cheeky little brat,” Luke murmured. “He’s feeling better.”

  Skye did as he’d been asked and left the bathroom door ajar while he used the toilet and swilled his face. He emerged with bright eyes and rosy cheeks, pulling on the hem of his top in a vain attempt to cover his groin. He avoided making eye contact and scuttled into bed, yanking the covers up to his chest.

  “It’s nothing I haven’t seen before, Skye,” Luke said with a wry smile. “And will be seeing a lot of in the future.” There was a light tap at the outer door. “Saved by the… Knock.” Luke opened the door to find Tor standing in the corridor, hefting a sizeable tray. “Here.” He held the door open. “Come through to the bedroom. Let me clear a space on the dresser for that.” He moved a few bits and pieces aside so that there was room for Tor to put the tray down.

  “You’re looking a bit better this morning, Skye. You were as w
hite as a sheet yesterday evening, but now you’ve got some color. You no doubt need some of my food inside you.” Tor removed the covers from the plates on the tray. “I brought plain toast, but there’s homemade marmalade if you want to cheer it up a bit. Then there’s a plate of sliced melon and some strawberries. Fresh fruit juice, or milk to drink. I didn’t think coffee was a very good idea, in case you need to sleep more, so there’s just an individual cafetière for you, Luke. Rayne also dug out the thermometer from the first aid kit and it’s on the side of the tray.”

  “That’s perfect. Thanks, Tor.” Luke picked up the thermometer, removed the cover then gave it a shake. “Once Skye has eaten and is settled, I’ll be down, Tor, though I’m sure you and the boys have everything under control. I’ll probably bring some work up here later on so that I can keep an eye on the patient.” He approached the side of the bed. “Open wide.” He slipped the thermometer beneath Skye’s tongue. “And close. We’ll leave that in there for a minute or so. If you could hang on until I get the reading, Tor. If it’s too high, I’ll get you to call the doctor.”

  “Sure. I’ll ask one of the boys to bring up a few more bottles of water and some fresh ice. You need to stay hydrated, Skye.”

  Luke withdrew the thermometer from Skye’s mouth and squinted at the reading. Without his glasses it was difficult to see. “Dead on a hundred. That’s manageable. I’ll take it again in a few hours just to make sure.”

  “A low-grade fever,” Tor said. “I think you’re right about the dehydration, Luke. If he doesn’t develop any more symptoms today, it’s unlikely to be the flu.”


  Tor made for the door. “Make sure you look after yourself, Skye, and do as you’re told. Let me know when he’s ready for visitors, Luke. All the boys will want to come up here and check on him.”

  “Tell them they have to wait until this afternoon,” Luke said. “I want him to get some more sleep before the hordes descend.”

  “I’ll have that water put outside the door.”

  Luke was glad to be left alone with Skye and relieved that his condition didn’t seem to be serious. “Do you think you can eat something?” he asked.

  “I’m not very hungry, Sir, but I’ll try.”

  “Breakfast in bed should work.” Luke picked up the tray. He settled next to Skye, resting the tray on his lap. “Have some juice first.”

  Skye took the glass. He took a small sip, then a longer drink. “So good…” He drained the rest in one go. “I don’t know why I’m so thirsty.”

  “It’s your body telling you to drink more and if you won’t obey it, you’ll obey me. Toast or fruit?”

  “Fruit please, Sir.”

  Luke speared a cube of melon then held it to Skye’s lips. The flush on Skye’s cheeks deepened, but he opened his mouth and accepted Luke’s offering.

  “So sweet and juicy.”

  Luke was grateful for the length of his robe, because feeding Skye pieces of fruit was an intense erotic experience. Skye made no attempt to take control but waited for each new mouthful to be raised for him to take. He relaxed against his pillows, making the sweetest sounds as he enjoyed the succulent fruits.

  “Enough?” Luke gauged that Skye was chewing slower.

  “Yes, thank you, Sir.” Skye tried to hide a yawn. “I could drink the milk though.” He glugged it down, then yawned again.

  “Don’t try to stay awake. More sleep won’t do you any harm at all.”

  “Are you going to stay with me, Sir?”

  “If I leave, it will only be to go downstairs for a few minutes, then I’ll be back. No getting out of bed if I’m not here, okay?”

  “’kay.” Skye slipped beneath the covers. He turned onto his side and his eyes drifted shut. Soon, his breathing slowed. Luke ate some toast and drank his coffee before sliding off the bed. Skye mumbled and his brow furrowed as if he were concerned about Luke’s absence.

  “I’m still here, Skye.” Luke kept his voice low, hoping that subliminal reassurance would be enough. It seemed to work because Skye snuffled then settled and his breathing evened out. Luke envied him and for a few seconds contemplated joining him, but he couldn’t. His conscience wouldn’t allow him to abandon his job when The Retreat was full of guests deserving of his intention.

  Craving more coffee, he dressed in his usual working attire of plain black trousers and pale blue dress shirt. He pulled on socks and laced his shoes, keeping an eye on Skye in case the rustling disturbed him. In sleep, Skye was even more beautiful. He half-smiled as if dreaming about something enjoyable. Luke was loath to leave him but resolved to be as quick as possible. Though he trusted Tor to have everything under control, he had to run a busy kitchen and couldn’t be all over the minute details that made The Retreat such a special place for its guests.

  Taking the tray, Luke made his way downstairs. The big table in the banqueting hall was already laid for breakfast—Fergus and Henry both scurrying around making last-minute adjustments and bickering over who was doing a better job until they spotted Luke.

  “Good morning, Mr. Redding,” they chorused.

  “Good morning, boys. It looks like you are doing a good job there.”

  “Not as good as Skye does,” Fergus piped up. “Tor said he’s feeling better. Will he be coming down today?”

  “Not today,” Luke said. “He’s confined to bed.”

  Henry giggled. “Sounds fun.”

  “You two brats are incorrigible.” Luke sighed and made his way through to the kitchen where he found Tor and his crew hard at work. Luke left his tray on a clear area of counter.

  “Any chance of some more coffee?” he asked as soon as he caught Tor’s eye.

  “I guess you didn’t get a whole lot of sleep last night,” Tor said. He sent Benjy toward the coffeemaker with a flick of his finger.

  “Not much. It’s been quite a while since I had to deal with sleep deprivation. I’m out of practice. I don’t want to leave Skye alone too long because his temperature is still a bit up and down. He’s sleeping at the moment, so I’m going to grab some paperwork from the office and head back upstairs.”

  “What do you think he could handle for lunch?”

  “He just had fruit and juice for breakfast, so something light. Soup perhaps? I know it’s a bit of a cliché.”

  “Yes, after you mentioned it last night, I dug out some fantastic soup recipes that I haven’t had a chance to try and there should be plenty of home-made bread left over from breakfast. Do you want me to bring a tray up?”

  Luke shook his head. “No, I’ll come down and fetch it around twelve-thirty if that’s okay? It’ll give me a chance to collect some more work and I’ll need to stretch my legs a bit.”

  “Well, the plans for today are straightforward. Rayne is taking out a group of four who are heading for some retail therapy and sightseeing in Oxford, so they’ll be gone most of the day. One of the subs went to university there and wants to show his Dom his old haunts apparently. The rest of the group are staying here and haven’t put in any special requests.”

  “And tonight’s angels and devils theme?”

  “Fergus and Henry have their costumes—red leather thongs and horns.” Tor grinned.

  “Appropriate. Those two are demons in disguise.” Secretly, Luke was glad that Skye would avoid parading around almost naked.

  “Goran told me last night that he has a halo, which I’m having difficulty imagining. He said he wouldn’t be down for breakfast, which isn’t a surprise because it was a very late night last night and he did all the clearing up before he went to bed. He said he’d be around for lunchtime drinks if any of the guests want anything other than Alka-Seltzer. Roy and Saul have requested a light lunch, just sandwiches and salad, which they can come and help themselves to when they’re ready, so there won’t be much service needed. Tonight’s menu is agreed and the boys will be helping set everything up in the dungeon, because that’s where we’re serving the meal this evening.”
br />   “Those red light bulbs I ordered are in a box under my desk in the office. Just send one of the boys to get them later. They should know where the rest of the decorations are stored. If you think you’ll need him, then enlist Rayne’s help tonight. He can wear Skye’s costume. They aren’t that much different in size.”

  “Another one well suited to horns.”

  “Your coffee is ready, Mr. Redding.” Benjy ambled over. “I have a clean mug for you and I’ve made up the coffee how you like it and put it into a flask so it will stay hot. There should be enough to tide you over until lunchtime.”

  “That’s very thoughtful, Benjy. Thank you.”

  Benjy beamed then headed back to his station.

  “Right, I’ll leave you to it. You know where I am if you need me.” Clutching his flask and mug, Luke made a quick stop in his office for his laptop before making his way back upstairs. Skye was still fast asleep and hadn’t even changed position so Luke settled at the desk that sat beneath his window. He could keep an eye on Skye through the open bedroom door. As Luke waited for his laptop to come to life, he stared at the treeline. A layer of mist hovered above the ground, blurring the lines of trunks and branches. A bird of prey hovered, seeking breakfast. The speed of its dive was breathtaking, but it wheeled away, talons empty, crying its frustration into the wind. Luke felt a momentary pang of sympathy for its failure, counterpointed by relief for whatever small creature had escaped. If only his own life could be so simple. He stared at his screen, not seeing the accounts he’d opened. He swiveled on his chair to stare at the young man in his bed.

  Skye’s lips were parted, his cheeks still flushed, but his breathing was slow and even. The covers had slipped enough to expose a shoulder, giving Luke cause to regret lending Skye his top. Skye had the kind of flawless skin that deserved to be on view.

  “But only my view,” Luke murmured. He turned back to his laptop, resolving to focus on his work so that he could give Skye his full attention once he awoke.

  He got much more done that he’d thought he would because Skye slept for four more hours. Luke tested the temperature of his forehead twice and by lunchtime it seemed to be returning to normal and some of the colour in his cheeks had faded. He stirred then woke with a sigh and a smile.


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