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by Dan Snow

  37. Wolfe to Sackville, 24 May 1758, Halifax, in Willson, The Life and Letters of James Wolfe, 369.

  38. Wolfe to Pitt, 2 September 1759, Montmorency, PRO, CO 5/51.

  39. The last mention of grenades actually being used is in a drill manual from 1728. Houlding has identified their use for reviews in 1769 and 1777. See J. Houlding, Fit for Service: The Training of the British Army, 1715-1795(Oxford, 1981), 263.

  40. In 1762 Lieutenant Alexander Baillie of the 1st/60th analysed a fully laden grenadier. His findings are in R. May and G. Embleton, Wolfe’s Army (Reading, 1997), 35.

  41. Moncrief, A Short Account of the Expedition against Quebec Commanded by Major-General Wolfe in the Year 1759, 11.

  42. Knox, Journal, I: 386.

  43. Lee to Miss Sidney Lee, Schenectady, 18 June 1756, in NYSHC: Lee Papers, I: 1-4, quoted in S. Brumwell, Redcoats: The British Soldier and War in the Americas: 1755-63(Cambridge, 2002).

  44. Bougainville’s Journal for 1756 in E. P. Hamilton, ed., Adventure in the Wilderness: The American Journal of Louis Antoine de Bougainville, 1756-1760(Norman, OK, 1990), 9, 40.

  45. Hamilton, Bougainville, 103.

  46. I. Steele, Warpaths: Invasions of North America (Oxford, 1994), 198.

  47. ‘Considerations upon the Site, Interests and Service of North America by Thomas Pownall, 1755’, in S. Pargellis, ed., Military Affairs in North America, 1748-65: Selected Documents from the Cumberland Papers in Windsor Castle (New York, 1936), 163.

  48. I. McCulloch and T. Todish, eds., Through So Many Dangers: The Memoirs and Adventures of Robert Kirk, Late of the Royal Highland Regiment (Toronto, 2004), 45.

  49. I am very grateful to Andrew Birley for bringing this to my attention.

  50. Wolfe’s ‘Family Journal’, PRONI, DOD 162/77 C, 24.

  51. Hamilton, Bougainville, 243.

  52. Vaudreuil to Berryer, 30 March 1759, Montreal, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 951.

  53. Hamilton, Bougainville, 36.

  54. Ibid., 9.

  55. Ibid., 165.

  56. Quoted in an exhibition on Native warfare at the Musée Canadien de la Guerre in Ottawa.

  57. ‘Journal of Cholmley’s Batman’, in C. Hamilton, ed., Braddock’s Defeat (Norman, OK, 1959), 29.

  58. Quoted in C. Duffy, The Military Experience in the Age of Reason (London, 1987), 281.

  59. Hamilton, Bougainville, 142.

  60. ‘John Johnson’s Journal’, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec,

  V: 166.

  61. Hamilton, Bougainville, 41, 143.

  62. Knox, Journal, I: 74.

  63. Hamilton, Bougainville, 149.

  64. Wolfe’s ‘Family Journal’, PRONI, DOD 162/77 C, 4.

  65. ‘Journal du siège de Québec’, in The Northcliffe Collection, XXX: 237.

  66. Memoirs of the Siege of Quebec, the Capital of all Canada, and of the Retreat of Monsieur de Bourlemaque (Quebec, 1901), 20.

  67. Léger, Le Journal de Montcalm, 461.

  68. ‘Journal of Captain Montresor’, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec, IV: 309-10.

  69. ‘Journal du siège de Québec’, in The Northcliffe Collection, XXX: 237.

  70. ‘Extract of a Journal Kept at the Army Commanded by the Late Lt Gen de Montcalm’, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 1020; ‘Narrative of the Siege of Quebec, Published by the French [Département de la Guerre]’, in ibid., X: 995-6.

  71. J.-F. Récher, Journal du siège de Québec en 1759(Quebec, 1959), entry for 30 June 1759.

  72. Léger, Le Journal de Montcalm, 462.

  73. Panet’s Journal, 3 July 1759.

  74. ‘Extract of a Journal Kept at the Army Commanded by the Late Lt Gen de Montcalm’, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 1020.

  75. Wolfe’s Journal, 30 June 1759.

  76. Extract from a Manuscript Journal Relating to the Operations before Quebec in 1759, Kept by Colonel Malcolm Fraser, the Lt of the 78th (Fraser’s Highlanders) and Serving in that Campaign (Literary and Historical Society of Quebec: Historical Documents, Second Series, Quebec, 1868), 30 June 1759, 4.

  77. Thompson’s Journal quoted in McCulloch and Todish, Sons of the Mountain, I: 179.

  78. Wolfe’s Journal, 1 July 1759.

  79. Wolfe’s ‘Family Journal’, PRONI, DOD 162/77 C, 4, 20.

  80. ‘Journal of Captain Montresor’, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec,IV: 310; Wolfe’s Journal, 30 June 1759.

  81. Knox, Journal, I: 393.

  82. Wolfe’s ‘Family Journal’, PRONI, DOD 162/77 C, 4.

  83. P. D. G. Thomas, ‘Barré, Isaac (1726-1802)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford, 2004); online edn, May 2006.

  84. Wolfe’s ‘Family Journal’, PRONI, DOD 162/77 C, 22.

  85. Barré to Monckton, 1 July 1759, Point of Orleans, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec, VI: 63-4.

  86. Wolfe’s Journal, 1 July 1759.

  87. Ibid., 2 July 1759.

  88. ‘Journal du siège de Québec’, in The Northcliffe Collection, XXX: 238.

  89. ‘Narrative of the Siege of Quebec, Published by the French [Département de la Guerre]’, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 997.

  90. Wolfe’s Journal, 8 July 1759.

  91. ‘Journal of Captain Montresor’, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec,IV: 310; see also ‘Letter of Montresor to Father, Colonel James Montresor, Montmorency, 10 August 1759’, ibid., 320.

  92. Moncrief, A Short Account of the Expedition against Quebec Commanded by Major-General Wolfe in the Year 1759, 11-12.

  93. General Orders in Wolfe’s Army, 16.

  94. Wolfe’s ‘Family Journal’, PRONI, DOD 162/77 C, 5.

  95. Wolfe’s Journal, 3 July 1759.

  96. Wolfe to Major Walter Wolfe, 19 May 1759, Louisbourg, in Willson, The Life and Letters of James Wolfe, 429.

  97. Wolfe’s Journal, 3 July 1759.

  98. Moncrief, A Short Account of the Expedition against Quebec Commanded by Major-General Wolfe in the Year 1759, 12.

  99. Wolfe’s Journal, 4 July 1759.

  100. Logs: Stirling Castle, 6 July, 7 July, 16 August 1759, in Wood, The Logs of the Conquest of Canada, 305, 306, 311.

  101. Wolfe’s Journal, 6 July 1759.

  102. J. B. N. R. de Ramezay, Mémoire du sieur de Ramezay, commandant à Québec, au sujet de la reddition de cette ville, le 18 septembre 1759(Quebec, 1861).

  103. Logs: Stirling Castle, 5 July 1759, in Wood, The Logs of the Conquest of Canada, 305.

  104. This is a description by the French explorer Lahontan. It was plagiarized by Robert Kirk, a soldier in the Black Watch who published the story of his adventures in North America. Thus it appears in McCulloch and Todish, Through So Many Dangers, 71.

  105. Hamilton, Bougainville, 246.

  106. McCulloch and Todish, Through So Many Dangers, 71.

  107. ‘Relation du siège de Québec, posé par les Anglois en l’anée 1759’, in The Northcliffe Collection, XXVII: 216.

  108. ‘Extracts from Journal of the Particular Transactions during the Siege of Quebec’, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec, V: 169.

  109. ‘Relation du siège de Québec, posé par les Anglois en l’anée 1759’, in The Northcliffe Collection, XXVII: 216.

  110. Logs: Stirling Castle, 7 July 1759, in Wood, The Logs of the Conquest of Canada, 306.

  111. Wolfe’s ‘Family Journal’, PRONI, DOD 162/77 C, 5.

  112. Bell’s Journal, 7 July 1759.

  113. Wolfe’s Journal, 8 July 1759.

  114. Wolfe’s ‘Family Journal’, PRONI, DOD 162/77 C, 27.

  115. Ibid., 27-8.

  116. ‘Journal du siège de Québec’, in The Northcliffe Collection, XXX: 241.

  117. Wolfe’s Journal, 5 July 1759.

  118. Moncrief, A Short Account of the Expedition against Quebec Commanded by Major-General Wolfe in the Year 1759, 12.

  119. ‘Journal du siège de Québec’, in The Northcliffe Collection, XXX: 238.<
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  120. ‘Extracts from Journal of the Particular Transactions during the Siege of Quebec’, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec, V: 169.

  121. Orderly Book and Journal of Major John Hawks, On the Ticonderoga-Crown Point Campaign, under General Jeffrey Amherst, 1759-1760(New York, 1911), 16.

  122. ‘Journal du siège de Québec’, in The Northcliffe Collection, XXX: 239; this is confirmed by Knox who was watching from the south shore. Knox, Journal, I: 398.

  123. Récher, Journal du siège, entry for 4 July 1759.

  124. Ibid.

  125. ‘Genuine Letters from a Volunteer in the British Service at Quebec’, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec, V: 17.

  126. Panet’s Journal, 1 July.

  127. ‘Narrative of the Siege of Quebec, Published by the French [Département de la Guerre]’, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 996.

  128. ‘Journal du siège de Québec’, in The Northcliffe Collection, XXX: 238.

  129. ‘Extract of a Journal Kept at the Army Commanded by the Late Lt Gen de Montcalm’, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 1020.

  130. ‘Journal du siège de Québec’, in The Northcliffe Collection, XXX: 240, 238.

  131. Knox, Journal, I: 396.

  Chapter Six: A New Kind of War

  1. Wolfe’s ‘Family Journal’, PRONI, DOD 162/77 C, 5.

  2. Ibid; Townshend made a detailed headcount of his brigade before the march and produced a figure of 1,487 men. Two hundred and forty-three of them were grenadiers, 160 of them were light infantry, and there were just over a thousand standard infantrymen. See ‘Brigadier Townshend’s Journal of the Voyage to America and Campaign against Quebec, 1759’, in A. Doughty and G. Parmelee, eds., The Siege of Quebec and the Battle of the Plains of Abraham (6 vols., Quebec, 1901), V: 241.

  3. Wolfe to Captain Parr, 8 July 1759, ‘Camp at the Island of Orleans’, in Henry Parr Papers, LAC, MG 18 L 9.

  4. Wolfe’s ‘Family Journal’, PRONI, DOD 162/77 C, 5.

  5. Ibid.

  6. ‘Journal du siège de Québec’, in The Northcliffe Collection (Ottawa, 1926), XXX: 240.

  7. Memoirs of the Siege of Quebec, the Capital of all Canada, and of the Retreat of Monsieur de Bourlemaque (Quebec, 1901), 21.

  8. ‘Journal du siège de Québec’, in The Northcliffe Collection, XXX: 241.

  9. ‘Journal of Captain Montresor’, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec, IV: 311.

  10. Although the ‘Journal du siège’ suggests that the mortars were landing on the right of the French army, which means by the St Charles River, possibly there were two bomb ketches operating that night. ‘Journal du siège de Québec’, in The Northcliffe Collection, XXX: 241.

  11. Wolfe’s ‘Family Journal’, PRONI, DOD 162/77 C, 5.

  12. A. Doughty, ed., An Historical Journal of the Campaigns in North America: For the Years 1757, 1758, 1759and 1760by Captain John Knox (3 vols., Toronto, 1914-16), I: 375.

  13. ‘Extract of a Letter from an Officer in Major General Wolfe’s Army, Island of Orleans, 10th August 1759’, in S. Pargellis, ed., Military Affairs in North America, 1748-65: Selected Documents from the Cumberland Papers in Windsor Castle (New York, 1936), 433-4.

  14. Wolfe’s ‘Family Journal’, PRONI, DOD 162/77 C, 5.

  15. ‘Brigadier Townshend’s Journal of the Voyage to America and Campaign against Quebec, 1759’, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec, V: 242.

  16. Townshend to Lady Ferrers, 5 October 1759, Quebec, LAC, MG 18 L 7, fol. 122.

  17. Wolfe’s Journal, 7 July 1759.

  18. Wolfe’s ‘Family Journal’, PRONI, DOD 162/77 C, 21.

  19. ‘Brigadier Townshend’s Journal of the Voyage to America and Campaign against Quebec, 1759’, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec, V: 243.

  20. C. V. F. Townshend, The Military Life of George First Marquess Townshend (Toronto, 1907), 178.

  21. Ibid., 179; ‘Brigadier Townshend’s Journal of the Voyage to America and Campaign against Quebec, 1759’, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec, V: 244-5.

  22. Wolfe’s ‘Family Journal’, PRONI, DOD 162/77 C, 7.

  23. Panet’s Journal, 7 July 1759.

  24. Wolfe to Pitt, 2 September PRO, CO 5/51.

  25. Townshend, The Military Life of George First Marquess Townshend, 176; other descriptions of the skirmish are in A Journal of the Expedition up the River St Lawrence (by a Sgt Major in Hopson’s Grenadiers) (Boston, 1759), 2; ‘A Journal of the Expedition up the River St Lawrence’, in ibid.

  26. Panet’s Journal, 7 July 1759.

  27. Ibid.; Wolfe’s ‘Family Journal’, PRONI, DOD 162/77 C, 6.

  28. Johnson’s account of the campaign in reprinted in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec,V: 71-166; this passage is on p. 97.

  29. List of Medical Supplies is in LAC, Monckton Papers, XX, which are also on rl C-366.

  30. ‘John Johnson’s Journal’, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec, V: 72-3.

  31. S. Brumwell, White Devil: An Epic Story of Revenge from the Savage War that Inspired Last of the Mohicans (London, 2004), 111; see also S. Brumwell, ‘Home from the Wars’, History Today, 52, 3 (March 2002), 41-7.

  32. Memoirs of the Siege of Quebec, the Capital of all Canada, and of the Retreat of Monsieur de Bourlemaque (Quebec, 1901), 21-2.

  33. ‘Extract of a Journal Kept at the Army Commanded by the Late Lt Gen de Montcalm’, in E. O’Callaghan and B. Fernow, eds., Documents Relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York; Procured in Holland, England and France (15 vols., Albany, NY, 1853-87), X: 1022.

  34. General Orders in Wolfe’s Army during the Expedition up the River St Lawrence, 1759(Literary and Historical Society of Quebec: Historical Documents, Fourth Series, Quebec, 1875), 19.

  35. Major Moncrief, A Short Account of the Expedition against Quebec Commanded by Major-General Wolfe in the Year 1759(Quebec, 1901), 31.

  36. Knox, Journal, I: 411.

  37. General Orders in Wolfe’s Army, 15, 19.

  38. Wolfe’s Proclamation, 27 June 1759, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 1046-7.

  39. Williamson to Sackville, 20 September 1759, Quebec, in LAC, MG 18 N 21 and rl A-573.

  40. J. B. N. R. de Ramezay, Mémoire du sieur de Ramezay, commandant à Québec, au sujet de la reddition de cette ville, le 18 septembre 1759(Quebec, 1861).

  41. ‘Extracts from Journal of the Particular Transactions during the Siege of Quebec’, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec, V: 168.

  42. ‘John Johnson’s Journal’, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec, V: 81-2.

  43. General Orders in Wolfe’s Army, 15, 18.

  44. Extract from a Manuscript Journal Relating to the Operations before Quebec in 1759, Kept by Colonel Malcolm Fraser, the Lt of the 78th (Fraser’s Highlanders) and Serving in that Campaign (Literary and Historical Society of Quebec: Historical Documents, Second Series, 1868), 6-7; Knox, Journal,I: 410.

  45. Knox, Journal,I: 401.

  46. Wolfe to Monckton, 12 July 1759, Montmorency, LAC, Monckton Papers, XXII, rl C-336.

  47. Knox, Journal,I: 411.

  48. Knox, Journal,I: 403-4.

  49. At the battle of Minden, 1 August 1759, Prince Ferdinand commanded around one hundred and eighty cannon, very slightly more than these two ships. Even at the Marquess of Wellington’s greatest victory, Vittoria, he only had around ninety-six guns.

  50. Williamson to Sackville, 20 September 1759, Quebec, in LAC, MG 18 N 21 and rl A-573.

  51. T. Clayton, Tars (London, 2007), 216-17.

  52. Panet’s Journal, 10 July 1759.

  53. Knox, Journal,I: 412, 408; ‘Journal of Captain Montresor’, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec,IV: 312.

  54. Quoted in A. McNairn, Behold the Hero: General Wolfe and the Arts in the Eighteenth Century (Montreal, 1997), 38.

  55. ‘Journal du siège de Québec’, in The Northcliffe Collection, XXX: 241, 239.

  56. Knox, Journal,I: 410.

57. ‘Journal du siège de Québec’, in The Northcliffe Collection, XXX: 242.

  58. ‘Narrative of the Siege of Quebec, Published by the French [Département de la Guerre]’, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 998.

  59. ‘Journal du siège de Québec’, in The Northcliffe Collection, XXX: 242.

  60. ‘Narrative of the Siege of Quebec, Published by the French [Département de la Guerre]’, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 998; for the attitude of the regulars see R. Léger, ed., Le Journal du Chevalier de Lévis (Montreal, 2008), 136.

  61. J. B. N. R. de Ramezay, Mémoire du sieur de Ramezay, commandant à Québec, au sujet de la reddition de cette ville, le 18 septembre 1759.

  62. R. Léger, ed., Le Journal de Montcalm (Montreal, 2007), 468.

  63. ‘Extract of a Journal Kept at the Army Commanded by the Late Lt Gen de Montcalm’, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 1022.

  64. Etienne Taillemite, ‘Dumas, Jean Daniel (1721-1794)’, in J. English and R. Bélanger, eds., Dictionary of Canadian Biography online, mas.

  65. ‘Extract of a Journal Kept at the Army Commanded by the Late Lt Gen de Montcalm’, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 1023.

  66. J. B. N. R. de Ramezay, Mémoire du sieur de Ramezay, commandant à Québec, au sujet de la reddition de cette ville, le 18 septembre 1759, July 1759.

  67. ‘Journal du siège de Québec’, in The Northcliffe Collection, XXX: 243.

  68. ‘Relation du siège de Québec, posé par les Anglois en l’anée 1759’, in The Northcliffe Collection, XXVII: 217.

  69. Panet’s Journal, 12 July 1759.

  70. ‘Extract of a Journal Kept at the Army Commanded by the Late Lt Gen de Montcalm’, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 1023.

  71. Ibid.

  72. Panet’s Journal, 12 July 1759.

  73. ‘Journal du siège de Québec’, in The Northcliffe Collection, XXX: 243.

  74. ‘Extract of a Journal Kept at the Army Commanded by the Late Lt Gen de Montcalm’, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 1023.

  75. Ibid., X: 1023.

  76. ‘Journal du siège de Québec’, in The Northcliffe Collection, XXX: 243.


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