The Middle Temple Murder

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The Middle Temple Murder Page 3

by J. S. Fletcher



  Having no clear conception of what had led him to these scenes oflitigation, Spargo went wandering aimlessly about in the great hall andthe adjacent corridors until an official, who took him to be lost,asked him if there was any particular part of the building he wanted.For a moment Spargo stared at the man as if he did not comprehend hisquestion. Then his mental powers reasserted themselves.

  "Isn't Mr. Justice Borrow sitting in one of the courts this morning?"he suddenly asked.

  "Number seven," replied the official. "What's your case--when's itdown?"

  "I haven't got a case," said Spargo. "I'm a pressman--reporter, youknow."

  The official stuck out a finger.

  "Round the corner--first to your right--second on the left," he saidautomatically. "You'll find plenty of room--nothing much doing therethis morning."

  He turned away, and Spargo recommenced his apparently aimlessperambulation of the dreary, depressing corridors.

  "Upon my honour!" he muttered. "Upon my honour, I really don't knowwhat I've come up here for. I've no business here."

  Just then he turned a corner and came face to face with Ronald Breton.The young barrister was now in his wig and gown and carried a bundle ofpapers tied up with pink tape; he was escorting two young ladies, whowere laughing and chattering as they tripped along at his side. AndSpargo, glancing at them meditatively, instinctively told himself whichof them it was that he and Rathbury had overheard as she made herburlesque speech: it was not the elder one, who walked by Ronald Bretonwith something of an air of proprietorship, but the younger, the girlwith the laughing eyes and the vivacious smile, and it suddenly dawnedupon him that somewhere, deep within him, there had been a notion, ahope of seeing this girl again--why, he could not then think.

  Spargo, thus coming face to face with these three, mechanically liftedhis hat. Breton stopped, half inquisitive. His eyes seemed to ask aquestion.

  "Yes," said Spargo. "I--the fact is, I remembered that you said youwere coming up here, and I came after you. I want--when you've time--tohave a talk, to ask you a few questions. About--this affair of the deadman, you know."

  Breton nodded. He tapped Spargo on the arm.

  "Look here," he said. "When this case of mine is over, I can give youas much time as you like. Can you wait a bit? Yes? Well, I say, do me afavour. I was taking these ladies round to the gallery--round there,and up the stairs--and I'm a bit pressed for time--I've a solicitorwaiting for me. You take them--there's a good fellow; then, when thecase is over, bring them down here, and you and I will talk. Here--I'llintroduce you all--no ceremony. Miss Aylmore--Miss Jessie Aylmore. Mr.Spargo--of the _Watchman_. Now, I'm off!" Breton turned on the instant;his gown whisked round a corner, and Spargo found himself staring attwo smiling girls. He saw then that both were pretty and attractive,and that one seemed to be the elder by some three or four years.

  "That is very cool of Ronald," observed the elder young lady. "Perhapshis scheme doesn't fit in with yours, Mr. Spargo? Pray don't--"

  "Oh, it's all right!" said Spargo, feeling himself uncommonly stupid."I've nothing to do. But--where did Mr. Breton say you wished to betaken?"

  "Into the gallery of number seven court," said the younger girlpromptly. "Round this corner--I think I know the way."

  Spargo, still marvelling at the rapidity with which affairs were movingthat morning, bestirred himself to act as cicerone, and presently ledthe two young ladies to the very front of one of those public galleriesfrom which idlers and specially-interested spectators may see and hearthe proceedings which obtain in the badly-ventilated, ill-lighted tankswherein justice is dispensed at the Law Courts. There was no one elsein that gallery; the attendant in the corridor outside seemed to bevastly amazed that any one should wish to enter it, and he presentlyopened the door, beckoned to Spargo, and came half-way down the stairsto meet him.

  "Nothing much going on here this morning," he whispered behind a raisedhand. "But there's a nice breach case in number five--get you threegood seats there if you like."

  Spargo declined this tempting offer, and went back to his charges. Hehad decided by that time that Miss Aylmore was about twenty-three, andher sister about eighteen; he also thought that young Breton was alucky dog to be in possession of such a charming future wife and anequally charming sister-in-law. And he dropped into a seat at MissJessie Aylmore's side, and looked around him as if he were much awed byhis surroundings.

  "I suppose one can talk until the judge enters?" he whispered. "Is thisreally Mr. Breton's first case?"

  "His very first--all on his own responsibility, any way," repliedSpargo's companion, smiling. "And he's very nervous--and so's mysister. Aren't you, now, Evelyn?"

  Evelyn Aylmore looked at Spargo, and smiled quietly.

  "I suppose one's always nervous about first appearances," she said."However, I think Ronald's got plenty of confidence, and, as he says,it's not much of a case: it isn't even a jury case. I'm afraid you'llfind it dull, Mr. Spargo--it's only something about a promissorynote."

  "Oh, I'm all right, thank you," replied Spargo, unconsciously fallingback on a favourite formula. "I always like to hear lawyers--theymanage to say such a lot about--about--"

  "About nothing," said Jessie Aylmore. "But there--so do gentlemen whowrite for the papers, don't they?"

  Spargo was about to admit that there was a good deal to be said on thatpoint when Miss Aylmore suddenly drew her sister's attention to a manwho had just entered the well of the court.

  "Look, Jessie!" she observed. "There's Mr. Elphick!"

  Spargo looked down at the person indicated: an elderly, large-faced,smooth-shaven man, a little inclined to stoutness, who, wigged andgowned, was slowly making his way to a corner seat just outside thatcharmed inner sanctum wherein only King's Counsel are permitted to sit.He dropped into this in a fashion which showed that he was one of thosemen who loved personal comfort; he bestowed his plump person at themost convenient angle and fitting a monocle in his right eye, glancedaround him. There were a few of his professional brethren in hisvicinity; there were half a dozen solicitors and their clerks inconversation with one or other of them; there were court officials. Butthe gentleman of the monocle swept all these with an indifferent lookand cast his eyes upward until he caught sight of the two girls.Thereupon he made a most gracious bow in their direction; his broadface beamed in a genial smile, and he waved a white hand.

  "Do you know Mr. Elphick, Mr. Spargo?" enquired the younger MissAylmore.

  "I rather think I've seen him, somewhere about the Temple," answeredSpargo. "In fact, I'm sure I have."

  "His chambers are in Paper Buildings," said Jessie. "Sometimes he givestea-parties in them. He is Ronald's guardian, and preceptor, andmentor, and all that, and I suppose he's dropped into this court tohear how his pupil goes on."

  "Here is Ronald," whispered Miss Aylmore.

  "And here," said her sister, "is his lordship, looking very cross. Now,Mr. Spargo, you're in for it."

  Spargo, to tell the truth, paid little attention to what went onbeneath him. The case which young Breton presently opened was acommercial one, involving certain rights and properties in a promissorynote; it seemed to the journalist that Breton dealt with it very well,showing himself master of the financial details, and speaking withreadiness and assurance. He was much more interested in his companions,and especially in the younger one, and he was meditating on how hecould improve his further acquaintance when he awoke to the fact thatthe defence, realizing that it stood no chance, had agreed to withdraw,and that Mr. Justice Borrow was already giving judgment in RonaldBreton's favour.

  In another minute he was walking out of the gallery in rear of the twosisters.

  "Very good--very good, indeed," he said, absent-mindedly. "I thought heput his facts very clearly and concisely."

  Downstairs, in the corridor, Ronald Breton was talking to Mr. Elphick.He pointed a finger at Spargo as the latter came up with the girl
s:Spargo gathered that Breton was speaking of the murder and of his,Spargo's, connection with it. And directly they approached, he spoke.

  "This is Mr. Spargo, sub-editor of the _Watchman_." Breton said. "Mr.Elphick--Mr. Spargo. I was just telling Mr. Elphick, Spargo, that yousaw this poor man soon after he was found."

  Spargo, glancing at Mr. Elphick, saw that he was deeply interested. Theelderly barrister took him--literally--by the button-hole.

  "My dear sir!" he said. "You--saw this poor fellow? Lying dead--in thethird entry down Middle Temple Lane! The third entry, eh?"

  "Yes," replied Spargo, simply. "I saw him. It was the third entry."

  "Singular!" said Mr. Elphick, musingly. "I know a man who lives in thathouse. In fact, I visited him last night, and did not leave untilnearly midnight. And this unfortunate man had Mr. Ronald Breton's nameand address in his pocket?"

  Spargo nodded. He looked at Breton, and pulled out his watch. Just thenhe had no idea of playing the part of informant to Mr. Elphick.

  "Yes, that's so," he answered shortly. Then, looking at Bretonsignificantly, he added, "If you can give me those few minutes, now--?"

  "Yes--yes!" responded Ronald Breton, nodding. "I understand.Evelyn--I'll leave you and Jessie to Mr. Elphick; I must go."

  Mr. Elphick seized Spargo once more.

  "My dear sir!" he said, eagerly. "Do you--do you think I could possiblysee--the body?"

  "It's at the mortuary," answered Spargo. "I don't know what theirregulations are."

  Then he escaped with Breton. They had crossed Fleet Street and were inthe quieter shades of the Temple before Spargo spoke.

  "About what I wanted to say to you," he said at last. "It was--this.I--well, I've always wanted, as a journalist, to have a real big murdercase. I think this is one. I want to go right into it--thoroughly,first and last. And--I think you can help me."

  "How do you know that it is a murder case?" asked Breton quietly.

  "It's a murder case," answered Spargo, stolidly. "I feel it. Instinct,perhaps. I'm going to ferret out the truth. And it seems to me--"

  He paused and gave his companion a sharp glance.

  "It seems to me," he presently continued, "that the clue lies in thatscrap of paper. That paper and that man are connecting links betweenyou and--somebody else."

  "Possibly," agreed Breton. "You want to find the somebody else?"

  "I want you to help me to find the somebody else," answered Spargo. "Ibelieve this is a big, very big affair: I want to do it. I don'tbelieve in police methods--much. By the by, I'm just going to meetRathbury. He may have heard of something. Would you like to come?"

  Breton ran into his chambers in King's Bench Walk, left his gown andwig, and walked round with Spargo to the police office. Rathbury cameout as they were stepping in.

  "Oh!" he said. "Ah!--I've got what may be helpful, Mr. Spargo. I toldyou I'd sent a man to Fiskie's, the hatter! Well, he's just returned.The cap which the dead man was wearing was bought at Fiskie's yesterdayafternoon, and it was sent to Mr. Marbury, Room 20, at the Anglo-OrientHotel."

  "Where is that?" asked Spargo.

  "Waterloo district," answered Rathbury. "A small house, I believe.Well, I'm going there. Are you coming?"

  "Yes," replied Spargo. "Of course. And Mr. Breton wants to come, too."

  "If I'm not in the way," said Breton.

  Rathbury laughed.

  "Well, we may find out something about this scrap of paper," heobserved. And he waved a signal to the nearest taxi-cab driver.


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