The Billionaire Renegade

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The Billionaire Renegade Page 5

by Catherine Mann

  His concern was undeniable. And touching. He cared for his family. Felicity knew that already, but the reminder, especially right now when she was feeling vulnerable, made her edgy. She needed to distance herself. Work had been her buffer for years and she embraced that now as a way of understanding the people around her.

  And she needed to maintain that sense of professionalism. She worried about appearances and letting her guard down around him.

  She gestured toward Conrad’s chair. “We have a lot to cover, so let’s get started.”

  However, with her skin still burning from his touch, she knew she was only kidding herself if she thought it wouldn’t happen again.

  * * *

  Ninety minutes later, Conrad packed his briefcase, the meeting drawing to a close. Felicity had kept the discussion businesslike, moving the agenda along at a brisk pace. Isabeau was already retreating toward the elevator, the office door still open.

  Leaving Conrad alone with Felicity. Worries about Brea showing up and the unrest in the family dogged him. Being around Felicity felt like the only time he wasn’t hounded by the sense that his family was on the brink of another disaster.

  She thumbed through a stack of new children’s books on her desk. “I’m impressed with how seriously you and the committee are taking the reading selection. It’s going to be incredible having therapy dogs sit with the children during story time.”

  “We’re certainly adding to our family library for the little ones.” Try as he might, he felt his gaze drawn to the curve of her pink lips. Natural beauty shone through in her delicate eyebrows, arching as she smoothed back a strand of brown hair.

  “Naomi’s twins were born here.”

  He nodded as he packed a children’s book away. “And Glenna and Broderick’s daughter, too. Her adoption is almost complete.”

  “Adoption?” Felicity passed him a stack with the rest of the books.

  As she leaned forward, he noted the way her blouse hugged her body, suggesting well-appointed curves. Felicity had the kind of beauty that few possessed. It was about more than her looks. It came from her confidence, the way she carried herself.

  Damn mesmerizing.

  “It’s complicated.” He tucked the rest of the storybooks into his briefcase, keeping his distance for now. He wasn’t going to push his luck. “Baby Fleur was abandoned on my brother’s doorstep with a note from the mother saying she didn’t know if the father was Broderick...or Glenna’s first husband.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “I’ve dealt with some complex placements. That had to be so difficult for everyone.”

  “Turned out that Glenna’s first husband had cheated on her just before he died.” He wasn’t sure why Felicity hadn’t booted him out of the office yet. “The baby is, in fact, his biological child. But in the time waiting to learn the paternity results, Glenna and Broderick bonded hard with Fleur.”

  She leaned in, clearly invested in the story. He would take any opportunity—any conversation—to build a firmer connection between them. Stolen time. A date could still be possible. He could feel her interest crackle in the space between them. “And her biological mother?”

  He should have realized Felicity’s professional instincts would kick into gear. “Signed over her rights to them for a private adoption.” He snapped his case closed and locked. “We couldn’t love Fleur any more if she was Broderick’s.”

  “That’s how it should be.” She tapped one of the framed thank-you notes.

  “I agree. Naomi’s twins were conceived with an anonymous sperm donor. Yet, Royce is one hundred percent committed to being their father. He even delivered them in a car in a snowstorm.”

  One of the crazier moments of the last year. But one that his family had welcomed and embraced with open arms. His family anchored him through hard times. With the Steeles so on edge, he found himself...searching.

  A bad reason to want this date with Felicity so much? Maybe. But he wasn’t giving up.

  She angled her head, hair tumbling in front of her eyes. He fought the urge to reach across the desk and sweep it behind her ear. “How did I not know all of this about the Steeles and Mikkelsons?”

  “We’re a big family. There’s a lot to know.” He held her gaze for a moment before turning toward the door. He’d made more progress than expected today. And he was only getting started on his plans for seduction.

  * * *

  Only four days had passed since her meeting with Conrad, and Felicity was starting to worry that by the end of the week, she might not have any space left to move.

  Her office was overflowing with gifts—Swiss chocolates, outrageously expensive Vietnamese coffee beans and two lavish floral arrangements. The scent of roses, lilies and freesia filled her office.

  She needed to walk the flowers down to the children’s ward for the nurses’ station to share with patients who could use a pick-me-up. She felt decadent keeping them for herself even for the short term but it had been a hectic week, each day more stressful than the one before. And today had been the worst, starting early with eleven children being admitted to the hospital for neglect.

  But pampering herself with candy and flowers wasn’t going to make that any easier. She needed to stop dwelling on thoughts of Conrad Steele.

  She scooped up her cell phone to take with her and noticed she had somehow missed a call from Isabeau. Tapping Redial, she didn’t have to wait long.

  Isabeau picked up on the second ring. “Hi, thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I have a favor to ask.”

  “Let me pull up my file on our plans so I’ll have it handy for reference.” She typed in her password to bring the computer screen back to life.

  “Actually, this isn’t about business. It’s a personal favor.” Isabeau’s voice was so heavy with concern it had Felicity sitting up straight with worry.

  “Of course.” Felicity turned away from her computer, her focus fully on the call. “What do you need?”

  A pause filtered through the phone.

  Felicity felt as though her heart became dislodged from her chest, climbing into her throat. Threatening to spill out on her desk amid budget requests and case files.

  “Would you be willing to sit in when the family meets with Breanna?” The words fell out in a fast tumble with a nervous edge. “There will be lawyers present, as if it wasn’t already going to be tense enough. I think they would benefit from having you there.”

  Felicity agreed that having professional help present would be wise, but she wasn’t as sure she was the right person since she knew the family. Not to mention, Isabeau was a Mikkelson, not a Steele.

  And there was the whole crazy draw to Conrad to deal with. “What does the rest of the family have to say?”

  A sigh signaled the weariness Isabeau felt.

  “Jeannie agreed, and she’s going to talk to Jack about it. He listens to her.”

  While she appreciated Isabeau’s heart was in the right place, Felicity still wasn’t sure she was the person for the task. “There are other counselors in the area. I would be glad to give you a list of recommendations.”

  “But we know you. You know us, and that’s no small task, given our huge family tree,” Isabeau said wryly. “But if you’re not comfortable, I understand.”

  Felicity weighed her decision and chose her words carefully. Things were complicated enough, given her feelings for Conrad.


  Felicity pushed aside the wayward thought and settled on a compromise. “If Jack and the others agree, then I’m glad to do what I can to help with any issues that may arise.”

  “Thank you. That’s a huge relief.” A shaky sigh whispered through the phone. “It’s all just so...surreal. Brea coming...being alive, her being this Milla person who was out to harm the company.”

  “I realize this must be stressful for you. I hope you�
��re taking care of yourself and the baby.”

  “Of course I am,” Isabeau said quickly in a way that Felicity interpreted as the end of the conversation about Breanna. “My husband is waiting on me hand and foot, as is the rest of the family. All I have is this project to think about until my son is born.”

  Felicity laughed along with her, even through an ache that lodged in her chest over the woman’s words as they finished the call. Her grip tightened on the silent cell until her fingers numbed.

  There’d been a time when Felicity had dreams of being pregnant, with a doting husband as excited as she was. Yes, her ex had wanted children, but she’d sensed trouble in the marriage and wanted a steady home first. Something that never happened because her ex was a drug addict, hooked on prescription meds. She still couldn’t believe how long it had taken her to discover his addiction. She was a counselor, for heaven’s sake.

  But he was that good of a liar, twisting her inside out over time.

  In a last-ditch effort, she’d begged him to go to counseling together in addition to checking into a rehab center. He’d delayed and delayed until she realized he was never going to change. He didn’t want to. Two weeks after she booted him out, he moved in with another woman.

  Felicity knew she’d dodged a bullet. The heartache would have only been worse the longer they’d stayed together. Still, sometimes, when she heard about other happy couples living the dream, it made her remember all that pain. The betrayal. And yes, it even made her question herself, although she knew in her gut she’d done everything she could.

  Well, everything except having chosen someone different from the start. She could forgive herself for one mistake. But if she repeated the past? She would have no one to blame but herself.

  The scent of roses drew her attention back to the arrangements from Conrad. She really did need to get them out of her office. And the staff would appreciate the chocolates. If only it was that easy to get the man out of her mind. But this was a start.

  Juggling the two arrangements with the box of chocolates tucked under her arm, she made fast tracks down the corridor. She stepped out of the elevator on the floor for pediatric oncology...and stopped short as she caught sight of children seated in a circle in the play area. Story time? It appeared so. She’d forgotten the discussion about having readings here for patients too ill to go to the memory garden.

  Or maybe her subconscious had nudged her this way.

  Sighing at herself, she secured her grip on the flowers and chocolates. If Conrad saw her giving away his gifts, then so be it. Maybe it was for the best.

  As she walked closer, she realized it wasn’t a male voice, but rather a woman’s voice reading, a familiar voice. Her friend Tally, who was engaged to Marshall Steele, held up the kids’ favorite book about the magical horse.

  Felicity passed the flowers and candy to a nurse with a smile, her attention drawn to the children as Tally told them to go to the window for a surprise.

  Curious, Felicity stepped closer, helping a little boy struggling with his wheelchair. Gasps and squeals of delight filled the air. She parked the wheelchair at the window that overlooked the parking lot.

  And found a sight that tugged her heart far more than any roses or chocolate.

  Below the window, Conrad Steele sat astride his horse just like the hero in the storybook, confident, strong...

  And tipping his Stetson in greeting.


  Even from across the parking lot, on his palomino, Conrad could see Felicity was fired up. She charged through the sliding doors out into the elements. The wind tore at her cape as she picked her way past a pile of sludge a snowplow had pushed to the side.

  From the scowl on her face, she wasn’t happy.

  Sexy as hell. But definitely not happy.

  He guided his horse closer, anticipation sizzling through him with each step of Jackson’s hooves. He hadn’t planned on seeing her, but he was damn glad for the opportunity to square off with her, all the same.

  Drawing up alongside her, Conrad gave a gentle tug to the reins. “Hello, beautiful. How’s your day going?”

  “What are you doing?” Her words were soft, but steely.

  “Hopefully, I’m charming a bunch of sick children.” He lifted his Stetson and waved it at the windows where the children were lined up watching. His horse shifted his weight from front hoof to front hoof as if gearing up for a dance and show. Sometimes, he swore the palomino could read his thoughts as they formed.

  Sighing, she tugged the hood of her cape over her ears. “And this has nothing to do with your quest to wear me down.”

  “You’re assuming I planned on you seeing me, which I didn’t since I expected you to be in your office.” And that was the truth. It stung him that she still thought only the worst of him. Although if she already thought that of him, he might as well make the most of the moment. “But hey, if it dazzles you as well, then that’s just a win-win. Let’s give them a show.”

  She eyed him warily. “What do you mean?”

  He extended a gloved hand. “Join me.”

  Picturing the scene now, he imagined the oohs and aahs of the children as he rode off with Felicity. A classic cowboy hero move. A movie brought to life on their doorstep. Some bit of light he could offer them.

  And offer for himself, if he was being honest.

  For a moment she didn’t move. Just stood assessing him as he contemplated how to advance if this impromptu idea backfired.

  Backing up a step, she hugged her cape tighter around her. “You’re kidding.”

  Only one step back, though. She still seemed to be assessing, contemplating. Seizing the indecision, he pressed forward.

  “Not at all. Ride with me.” He might not have planned this, but suddenly he wanted her to join him as much as he wanted his next breath. “The horse trailer is just around the corner, but the children don’t know that. You’ll make their day without risking frostbite.”

  She chewed her bottom lip for so long he was sure she would say no and bolt back into the hospital. Then her chin jutted and she extended her gloved hand. He clasped it and as soon as she placed her foot in the stirrup, he gave a firm tug, maneuvering her in front of him in a smooth sweep. No question, she was at home on a horse. He hadn’t expected to find this common ground with her. A pleasant surprise. And one he intended to make the most of.

  As she straddled the horse, her bottom nestled against him in a sweet pressure that made his teeth ache. His arms slid forward to clasp the reins. Damn, she felt good, right here where she belonged.

  He guided the horse forward with a quick click, click. His thighs pressed against Felicity’s legs. The closeness sent their chemistry into overload. His libido sure had a way of betraying him around this woman.

  He knew this would be short-lived and she would raise those barriers in place soon enough. But for now, he let himself enjoy the sensations of being close to her, the rocking of the horse’s gait generating a tantalizing friction of her body against his.

  She glanced back at him, a wry smile on her face. “The children really did enjoy seeing you out here. Thank you for making the arrangement with Tally.”

  “I have to admit it was Marshall’s idea when he heard Tally planned to read today. He said he would have done it, but he had an appointment.” And now Conrad wondered if somehow his nephew had engineered this. Even if Felicity hadn’t seen him out here on the horse, she would have heard about it. And while he was enjoying having her in his arms, he preferred to keep his family out of his relationships as much as possible.

  Which posed a problem since Felicity was good friends with Marshall’s fiancée. Hell, this was complicated.

  He stopped Jackson to let a car ease past, the child in the backseat watching them with wide eyes. No doubt, the children in the hospital weren’t the only ones noticing this impromptu jaunt.r />
  “Well, thank you all the same for taking time off from the office to do this for the children.”

  Was it Conrad’s imagination, or did she lean back into him more?

  “I can work from home this evening.” An image filled his mind of the two of them side by side on his sofa, laptops open. The thought caught him up short. That kind of shared time ventured into the relationship realm, something more than recreation or sex.

  Jackson stopped at the end of the horse trailer, waiting. Conrad cleared his mind and focused on the present. He swung out of the saddle and held up a hand for Felicity, even though she could clearly handle a dismount on her own. He wanted to touch her again, to feel her fingers clasp his.

  Then they were standing face-to-face, their breaths filling the air between them with puffy clouds that mingled, linked. He wanted to kiss her, but needed her to make the move. They were in her workplace and he knew better than to risk alienating her with a public spectacle.

  He’d already pushed his luck with the shared horseback ride.

  So he stepped back and took to heart the flash of disappointment in her eyes.

  He removed the saddle and saddle pad from Jackson. To his horse’s credit, he didn’t need to slip the bridle off and tie him to the trailer. His palomino had no interest in bolting. He grabbed a hard brush, running it down the horse’s strong frame. Jackson shook from ears to tail, seeming to enjoy the post-riding care. Grabbing the horse’s halter, he unhooked the bridle, slid it down his arm. Conrad led Jackson into the trailer, aware of her gaze on him. She hadn’t left, and that boded well. He didn’t intend to let the opportunity pass.

  “Can I convince you to warm up in the truck cab with me? I have a thermos of hot coffee.” Latching the trailer door shut, he shot her a grin.

  “ weakness,” she said with a rueful smile.

  “I remember.” He made a point of remembering everything about her.

  And he intended to use whatever leverage he could in his quest to get her into his bed. Hopefully, sooner rather than later.


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