Pack -The Beginning

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Pack -The Beginning Page 11

by R.A Cullison

  Chapter Ten


  Back to Normal

  Monday morning I pulled myself out of bed; it was all over the news that Corbin was dead and that there wasn’t going to be a service for him. So I knew at school I was gonna be asked a million questions about what happened. Kyle told me to tell everyone it was an animal attack. That was the public story.

  I walked into school slowly, dreading the day. I went to my locker, took me several tries to open it. Jane strolled up to me.

  “Nora?” I looked at her, “How you holding up?” I shrugged my shoulders, “You know you can talk to me anytime you want, right?” she smiled at me.

  “Yeah, Thanks.” she gave me a light hug and strolled away. I sighed. And thought to myself. And let the day begin.

  I walked into my first hour, I looked back and saw Corbin’s empty seat, fighting the tears I turned and sat down.

  The teacher came in, “Class, I know everyone has heard about Corbin Crow’s death, if anyone needs to talk to guidance counselor just say so and I will give you pass.” she looked at me, I gave her a fake smile. “Ok class, now on to normal business, Graduation is in 5 month, you need to get your cap and gown orders in no later than this week.” she went to her desk, “OK class open to page 233 and read section 1 and 2 then do the questions that follows.” I opened my book and began to read.

  Good shepherd, tell this youth what 'tis to love.

  It is to be all made of sighs and tears;

  it is to be all made of faith and service;

  it is to be all made of fantasy

  Good Old William Shakespeare, he knew the right words to say or at least the word to hit the nail on the head on how I was feeling. I read both sections and answered the questions way before anyone else was even done finishing. I looked around.

  “Nora are you done with the questions?” She stood up and walked over to me.

  “Yes Mrs. Patterson, all done.” I handed her my paper.

  “Very good,” she smiled and took the paper from me. I closed my book and looked around the room; half of the class was staring at me. And the others were whispering to the people in front of them.

  “Quiet class.” she said sternly. A student brought a piece of paper into the class. She read it. “Nora, Mr. Stallings would like for you to come into his office.” I stood up, put my backpack over my shoulder and left. I made my way down the hall to the main office.

  “May I help you?” the thin woman behind the desk asked.

  “Yes, the principal wants to see me, I’m Nora Treeman.” She picked up the phone.

  “Nora Treeman is here to see you.” I heard a faint voice on the phone. “Have a seat, he will be right with you.” she hung up the phone.

  I sat down at the far end of the bench, dreading what was going to happen; in all honesty, I wasn’t in the mood for a bunch of questions.

  “Nora.” I looked up, a grey haired man in a tan blazer and blue jeans standing just inside the office door, “could you come in please?” I smiled and followed him in. “Have a seat.” he pointed to a black leather chair. I sat down. “I bet your wondering why I called you in here.”

  “Yes, I was, it’s been along weekend for me.” I sat back and he sat down.

  “That’s kind of why I called you in here. I wanted to ask you about Corbin Crow, what do you know about his accident?” he took drink of his coffee.

  “Not much really, just what I have read and heard on the news.” I lied

  “I heard you two were close, is that true?” he leaned back in his chair

  “Yeah, we were friends.” I began to fidget.

  “I wanted to let you know if you need someone to talk to, we are here for you. Mr. Gregg the guidance counselor or myself.” he handed me a business card, “ this is his and my number, call us anytime.”

  “Thank you sir.” he stood up so I did too.

  “Don’t want you late for your next class.” I smiled and left the office.

  The next three classes went on like usual, then it was lunchtime. I stood in line and got my food. I saw Jane, who was waving at me like crazy. “Over here Nora!” I had to giggle at her. I made my way over to her.

  “Hey guys!” I greeted everyone.

  “Hi Nora!” all five of them in unison.. I laughed.

  Lunch was normal, I tried to act normal but they could tell I was barely holding on. Tony being the comic, he was trying to cheer me up by telling so raunchy jokes. I snickered at some while the others were making the grossed out sounds. I was thankful that my friends tried to cheer me up and I tried to be cheerful but it was hopeless.

  I walked into my fourth hour and there was Matt sitting at his desk, barely any showing of his near death beating. He saw me and smiled. I smiled back. He looked different. Might because he was a normal human now, he wasn’t a werewolf.

  The rest of the school day zipped by and I was thankful for that. I couldn’t wait to leave the school, away from staring eyes and annoying questions not to mention the, How you doing? Question.

  I got home, the first things I noticed was my parents truck was gone. My heart sank and I got the feeling of being alone again.

  I walked into the house, Grandma was humming and dusting, then I seen my mom, she was baking something in the oven. “Mom?” she looked up then smiled.

  “Hey Nora-bug, how was school?” she pulled out a big pan full of cookies.

  “Annoying, where is dad?” she smiled

  “Working for your grandfather, they are rebuilding the warehouse. Want a cookie?” I walked over and the smell of them was absolutely amazing.

  “MMM they smell great, what kind are they?” I asked while picking one up.

  “Pumpkin pies, my own recipe, try them and let me know how they taste.” I took a big bite of one.

  “MMMM mom these are great!” I said with a mouth full of cookie. She smiled at me and continued placing them on the cooling racks. I grabbed another and headed upstairs to do my homework.

  Half way up the stairs my cell rings, the caller ID said Kyle. I flipped it open, “Hello?” I answered

  “Nora, its Kyle, I need you to come over as soon as you can its kind of important.” he sounded eager.

  “Ok I will leave right now.” as soon as I said that the phone clicked, he hung up. “Well bye then sheesh.” I ran my backpack to my room, shoved my last piece of cookie in my mouth and headed out the door.

  I pulled up in front of the apartment building; Matt was leaning against the wall, looking handsome. He smiled when he saw me, “He called you too?” he asked

  “Yeah, wonder what the big deal is.” I looked around it was quiet out. We both walked into the building, Josh was standing in the doorway to the apartment.

  “Hey guys! Come on in.” He moved over so we could get through the door. Everyone was staring at a piece of paper. Kyle looked at us and had a weird expression on his face.

  “Great you both made it, have a seat.” He motioned to the worn out couch. We both sat down. “I bet your wondering why I called you both here?” we both just shook our head, “Well, I found something in Corbin’s bedroom, in his dresser and its made out to everyone, so I thought you should hear this too.” he started unfolding the letter. Nikki handed me a tissue. Oh great I thought. He cleared his throat,

  “Hey everyone, if you’re reading this it means that I lost to Noah and hopefully he is like me ,dead. I know you all are probably all upset. Anyways let’s get to the point of this letter. To my brother Kyle, I love you man, you’re the best big brother in the world and you took great care of me when mom and dad died.” Kyle’s voice was starting to crack alittle, “ To everyone else HA! Just kidding you know I love you all. You all were here for me when I needed ya. So that leaves Nora, I am so so sorry babe for leaving you like this, I bet your taking this pretty hard, but It had to be done, but I know you, you will handle it perfectly. Thanks for understanding and giving me time to explain things, but now I have to t
ell you to move on. I love you more than you know and I will take all this love with me, you all loved me so much it will be easy to move on. So I think you should give Matt a chance.” I looked at Matt and he looked at me stunned. Kyle cleared his throat. “Matt is a good guy and I know he will protect you with his life like he has before, so give him a try. So with that I must go, oh and baby, Kyle should have a red velvet pouch for you, it was my mothers, I want you to have it. I love you… I love you all as well. So with that I must say Good bye.” Kyle folded up the note, put in his back pocket, and handed me the velvet bag. I looked around everyone was in tears. I placed the velvet bag on my lap and I wiped my tears with my tissue. Matt was stunned, he just sat there. I opened the bag and emptied it out in my hand. A blue sapphire fell into it, it was beautiful.

  “It’s a ring.” I said quietly. I slid it on my finger, perfect fit. I looked around again. The room began to feel stuffy, I had to leave, so I got up said my goodbyes to everyone and hugged Nikki.

  I walked out to my car. I heard my name. “Nora, Hey!” I turned it was Matt. “Yeah, so wanna give it a go?” I raised an eyebrow.

  “Go where?” I giggled. “Umm not sure. Maybe.” I smiled and he did too. “I need time Matt, no offense to you but, the whole Corbin thing.” he smiled

  “I understand, here is my number calls me when you feel like doing something, no pressure.” He handed me a piece of paper and headed to his loud, red car. I folded the paper up and put it in my pocket. I slid in the driver’s seat, started up and headed down the street.






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