Thorns of Fate

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Thorns of Fate Page 19

by Hayley Todd

  Anton looked up at me as though it had taken a moment to realize I was speaking to him. “I'm siphoning your out of control emotions,” he responded quietly, as though that made sense.

  Carson sighed and stepped forward. “Anton is an empath. He can feel and manipulate other’s emotions. Newborns' emotions tend to be out of control as they adjust to the heightened emotions that vampires experience. At some point, this should become normal for you but right now you can't control it. Anton is helping by taking some of the emotion away from you and filtering it through himself. He's trying to keep your head straight so you don't make some sort of grave mistake.”

  My head shot to him at the dig but he had a small grin on his face.

  I glanced to Anton. He was staring at the floor, avoiding anyone’s gaze. I clutched his hand for a second and he looked up at me. His pain was carved into his features. “Thank you,” I said. His face lit up for a moment and he nodded.

  I looked back toward my mother. “Now what?” I asked, ready to have something to do.

  My mom smiled softly at me. “Now we get you ready for your coronation. Your father is adamant that everything go according to plan. He said that you've been through too much already in this life to mess this up too.”

  I smiled a little at the thought. Maybe an overprotective dad wasn't exactly a bad thing.

  “You have a few things on the agenda,” my mother continued. “Dance lessons to work on your ballroom dance skills. Kellic is taking you to pick out a dress, Gabrielle and myself with take you shopping for a tiara, and Carson will take you coronation gift shopping.

  The first thing we did was go to find a dress. Anton stayed close by with the excuse of waiting for another explosive episode from myself. Carson stayed glued to my side, checking at all times for danger. Kellic chatted on and on about dress styles and me getting to be a real princess.

  “You should definitely wear something form fitting,” she was saying as we made our way down a hall of endless doors to what I was told was the location of a shopping center. Anton opened the door for us, letting us through, Carson bringing up the rear. Inside was a huge room that looked like a bridal studio.

  A woman greet us at the door with pale blue eyes. She curtsied at me. “My princess, we are eager to help you find your coronation gown. What type of dress may we pull for you?”

  Kellic stepped forward and whispered instructions into her ear. The woman nodded and dashed off, down an aisle laden with dresses. Anton sauntered to the runway and lounged in a chair there. Kellic stood nervously at the edge of the runway. Carson stepped up beside me, clutching my hand.

  The woman emerged a moment later carrying three dressed over her arm. She hung the dresses inside the adjacent dressing room and helped me in. Kellic followed after, carrying a lingerie-esque corset over her arm.

  She waited for me to undress before assisting me in stepping into the complicated trap. She began lacing the corset around my torso, my breasts pushing to peaks under the fabric.

  She then helped me into the first dress which did actually cling to my frame. It fit my every curve, looking to be made out of silk. It cast the light back at me in a glow. The dress was crimson red with an underskirt of black. It had a sweetheart halter top and cutouts along my hips exposing lines of skin. There was a slit in the skirt to my thigh where Kellic had slipped up thigh high dark tights. She produced a pair of insanely high, black stiletto pumps.

  With a click, she swung the dressing room door open, helping me slide out. In the heels the dress skim only a few inches across the floor. I stepped up onto the runway, Carson navigating to a closer position beside me. Kellic positioned herself along the row of chairs Anton still lounged over. She was scrutinizing me as I walked toward her.

  She spun her finger in the air and I twirled around, the skirt blossoming around me before settling back along my thighs.

  Carson had stopped walking and now stared wide eyed at me. “Damn, Ky,” he whistled appreciatively. My cheeks burned.

  Even Anton stared up from his position, his eyes pouring over me.

  I glared at Kellic. She did this on purpose. She smiled at me and blew me a kiss with one hand. “Real funny,” I mumbled beneath my breath. She approached, holding one hand aloft and ushering me back to the dressing room.

  She helped me remove this first dress and handed me a second. This dress was electric blue and had an unfamiliar crest emblazoned on the chest. “This one has your father's crest,” Kellic explained, gesturing to it. She helped me into the dress, giving me the same shoes. This dress was so short that I immediately felt self-conscious. It zipped up my back, exposing my shoulders but coming to a necklace color. This dress too was skin tight down my curves.

  She swung the door open again and helped me out. I glance down showed my legs were a long mass of supple curve. The look was foreign to me. I

  Carson's eyes were wide on me again. He looked breathless as Kellic helped me up onto the catwalk. I stepped forward again, swaying my hips with each step. Kellic whistled this time, glee on her face. “Get it, girl!” She shrieked in joy.

  It was like the room had been frozen in crystalline glass which shattered at the sound. Anton wolf whistled and cat called from across the room while Kellic directed me to spin and sway. I obliged, feeling a calm settle over me that I hadn't felt since my mom had been found.

  Kellic guided me once more back to the dressing room. This dress seemed to be much easier to get off at least. She produced the last dress, a sparkly silver number. She helped me into it and I was stunned by my reflection.

  The dress had a heart shaped neckline that hung off my shoulders, exposing a good bit of cleavage. It had long sleeves that tapered to a point over my middle knuckle. The skirt was clingy and long, dragging along the floor. It sported a wide slit to just above my knee and from behind, a sheer train flowed onto the ground.

  Kellic produced a pair of silver stiletto pumps instead of the black ones which she helped me slide into. She produced a silver dummy tiara from a displace and arranged my hair in a cascade of waves at the back of my head. She tucked the tiara into place atop the crown of my head.

  She reached forward, again swinging the door open and allowing me to stretch out into the room. She helped me up onto the runway for the last time. The room was silent. Carson and Anton stared. I don't think either of them realized that they sat their dumbfounded.

  I spun at the end of the walk, turning and strutting back again. This dress felt perfect, it felt right. Carson extended his hand and assisted me down from the catwalk. He pulled me close, pressing a kiss to my lips.

  “You could be less obvious about it,” Anton called, fidgeting with his phone and not looking at us.

  Carson smiled into my lips. He deepened the kiss and I just barely caught Anton's sneer to our side. We broke apart, Carson kissing me on the forehead.

  “Well, it's about time we get headed to bed,” Kellic announced. “We've all had an...overwhelming day. I think we have a dress, right Kyra?” She asked, glancing between the boutique lady and myself. I nodded eagerly and Kellic relayed the message.

  Carson kissed me once more before I leaned to his ear. “Will you help me change back?” I asked. His face roved over my body in this dress, enjoying the view. He nodded and followed me back to the changing room. He followed me in, unzipping the gown and pressing kisses along my exposed spine. Once he revealed the corset his eyes widened. He pressed me against the wall gently, his hand sweeping behind my back and crushing himself to me.

  “We don't have all day,” Kellic teased from outside and we sprang apart. He helped untie the corset, dropping it to the ground and gathering my clothing for me. I had a new outfit waiting for me, not covered in blood and dirt. He produced an adorable red sweater with cutouts along the shoulders and a pair of tight dark wash jeans. I slid my clothing on and stepped back into the boutique with him.

  Kellic threw her arms around me, pressing a kiss to my cheek. “I'll see yo
u tomorrow night,” she whispered and it felt good to do something as normal as clutch to each other.

  Carson took my hand and led me out of the boutique, leaving Anton behind and parting ways with Kellic. He guided me through the maze to his door. I still wasn't sure we were in the right place until he swung open the door and revealed the same suite from the night before.

  We had only barely made it to the bedroom before he smothered me with his kisses and I began working through the buttons of his shirt, sliding it over his shoulders. He took me to his bed, a burning mixture of joy and pain tying us together long into the night.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The next day was a practice in patience. Anton and Carson seemed to be working together now to lock me down. I wasn’t certain as to if this was worse than their bickering or not. Carson’s lorded his overwhelming chivalrousness into making me feel helpless. And Anton kept up his snarky teasing.

  Part of me longed for a moment alone. I had still yet to have a moment to myself, to let out my feelings about Will and Henrick. I fought hard to stay strong in front of them. Carson because I couldn’t bear to see his pity and Anton because I also couldn’t handle his incessant tormenting.

  I mostly stayed quiet. For most of the morning, I let mindless television drone in the background while debating what I wanted to do to Henrick. Carson buzzed around the suite, making me food and Anton lounged on the couch, half asleep.

  “Can I check in on the club?” I asked, quietly after endless silence. Carson shot a look at me and even Anton cracked an eye open.

  “Do you think that’s a safe idea?” Carson asked at last, resuming his food prep. He chopped casually but cut fine slices of whatever her was dicing. He turned the knife, working back the other way deftly. The only thing better than watching him cook was watching the way his muscles turned under the effort.

  I butted my lower lip out while I considered. I would have him and Anton. Plus a whole battalion of bouncers. And we’d be in public. It was unlikely that Henrick would make a move then. “I need to feel like I have some control over something,” I offered and I saw the emotions play over Carson’s face. “Plus, I think I need the experience around humans now that my bloodlust has started to settle.”

  I could watch the debate fumbling through his mind. “Fine,” he groaned at last. “But we take some of Damien’s guys to buff up security.”

  I nodded. “Deal.”

  We rolled up to the club dressed to the nines and looking for a place to blow off some steam. There was already a line outside the doors of the club. Music thundered out, shaking the street and casting strobing lights all across the sidewalk.

  There were a line of cars following us to the club. They scattered, finding different places to park and sweeping the entire block. The man driving the sleek vehicle we rode in pulled the vehicle to a halt.

  Carson climbed out of the car, dressed all in black. He held his hand to me and I placed a black high heeled foot onto the pavement, hoisting myself out. I wore that gorgeous black dress again, revealing parts of me I blushed to consider.

  A car pulled behind ours and Kellic climbed out, followed by Anton. She looked marvelous. Her hair was piled into a bun atop her head, her eyes alight and her cheeks rosy. She wore a short gown with a sheer fabric covered slit from just above her right breast, down over her hip and coming out above her thigh. Kellic had always been insanely confident, but she had just seemed to come even more out of her shell since turning.

  We met and made our way to the club together. Men in suits stepped before us, dividing the crowd. They nodded to the bouncers outside the door who opened the door, ushering us in. Two more suited men waited inside and took up our front while the other two fell behind.

  I felt far more important than I was. As far as this crowd knew anyway.

  I took careful breaths as we entered, separating the scent of humans from my awareness as Carson had told me to. My mind stayed clear and I felt like this was going to go better than we'd hoped.

  Tyler met us at the door and had me in his arms before I could respond. Carson had my hand locked into his and felt my reassuring squeeze. He hesitated, watching us closely.

  “Kyra!” Tyler exclaimed, pulling away from me and looking me over. “Damn, boss lady, you clean up nice,” he gasped appreciatively.

  I chuckled, feeling like my skin burnt beneath his gaze. Carson sized him up beside me and my skin crawled with tension. “Thanks,” I sputtered, my hands covering my belly.

  “So, what brings you down tonight?” He asked, stepping aside to look over the club. The bar was busy, seven different bartenders assisting customers and a line still formed far behind them. On the other side of the room, the bass pumped and the lights danced, the gyrating crowd flowing to the beat of the music.

  I smiled up at Tyler, tugging Carson close. “We're here to have a good time,” I replied and made my way into the crowd, Carson's hand wrapped in mine.

  We became part of the crowd, flowing to the sexual rhythm. Carson pulled close to me, arching around me protectively but swaying with me as well. I pulled him down to my face and pressed a kiss to his lips. He beamed and rolled against me but his eyes continued to survey the crowd.

  I didn't mind. His hands weaved around my back pulling me closer to him. We melded together to the beat, swaying in perfect symphony.

  I could feel the swelling bass filling me. And then it dropped, the crowd swaying in unison again. The smell of the bodies around me was second to Carson. I kept my focus on him and felt nothing for those nearby.

  The beat slow, more of a pulsating rhythm and Carson turned me to face away from him, leaning into me. We swayed, immersed in each other. His hands ran across my abdomen, massaging along my skin.

  His breath was suddenly at my neck, sending chills down my spine. “Ready for a drink?” He asked, chuckling against my skin. My eyes went wide, staring around at our oblivious neighbors. It was dark, the pulsing lights blinding, no one would know that he wasn't just kissing me.

  I shook my head, a jolt of excitement running through me.

  I felt his laugh against me again and then he leaned forward and bit into me with the beat of the music. He still ground against me, his hands exploring me.

  I reached my arms around his neck, pulling him towards me as the ecstasy rose. The warmth built in my belly, his touch surrounding me. As the song transitioned, he released me, cleaning his mess with a quick flick of his tongue.

  He pulsed in time with me.

  Kellic's hand wrapped around my arm, pulling me out of the crowd. I grabbed Carson's hand and pulled him along. She led us to the bar where Anton stood with a tray of a dozen shots.

  Kellic gave me a knowing look.

  “Can we even get drunk?” I shouted over the music. Anton reached forward, grabbing a shot glass.

  “What would life be if we couldn't?” He asked. He tipped the glass up to us with a nod before tossing it down his throat with a grimace. “You're going to have to catch up!” He taunted, grabbing a second glass.

  Oh, this is going to be fun.

  I grabbed a glass in each hand, lifting them to my friends with a grin. They mimicked the gesture, Kellic on my right, Carson on my left and tossed the liquid down from one and then the other. It burned heartily on the way down. Anton was downing his third as I reached for two more.

  I stared down at him as I tossed the two new shots down. Warmth pooled in my belly. Carson reached across me and grabbed another shot, giving me a playful look and drinking it down.

  I grabbed two more, Kellic having grabbed another tray for herself. Down they went and my head started to spin. “It's time to dance!” I shouted, pulling on Carson and Kellic. They yielded, following me across the dance floor and joining the human throng. Anton trailed behind us, the beat guiding his steps.

  We ground into the club goers, a combination of the alcohol buzz, bloodletting, and overall atmosphere had us flowing to the beat. The crowd pulsed to the electric beat. Anton
gave us a look before shouting just loud enough for us to hear.

  “I think it's time for a drink with the buzz,” he said cheerily. He grabbed a nearby girl and pulled her close, grinding against her. I watched with wide eyes as he traced his lips down her neck and clamped down. She moaned into him, oblivious to this bizarre quality of this hickey. He pulled away at last, wiping his lips free of blood and cleaning her neck. He bit into his wrist and pressed it to her lips. As he did, the wound on her neck knit closed and her eyes grew wide. “Forget what happened here,” he said mesmerizingly.

  She nodded, echoed, “Forget,” and wandered away.

  “What was that?” I yelled.

  He leaned close. “I can manipulate emotions. With a direct blood transfer for the heal and a touch of power, I can influence them to forget.” He grinned at me, looking like a child with a piece of cake.

  He gestured at another girl dancing lithely beside us. “Wanna try? It's pretty great when they're high or drunk!” He yelled.

  I glanced up to Carson. He looked disapproving but gestured for me to go ahead.

  I stepped toward Anton and he pulled the girl near. “Dance with her,” he whispered to me. “I have to touch her but I'll manipulate her emotions.” He touched her neck, urging her closer to me. She was shorter than me and I turned her to face Anton. He danced along her front while I swayed to the beat behind her. His fingers ran along her neck and he traded a glance with me.

  My eyes were wide as I sank my teeth into her neck. She bucked in surprise but didn't react otherwise. She ground into me as though nothing had changed. Her blood bloomed into me and I focused hard on the dancing and beat of the music while I drew from her.

  I felt when she flinched at Anton's bite as he latched onto the other side of her neck. She swayed with us gently. I finally pulled away, wiping my lips. Anton released her as well. I breathed through my mouth for a moment, savoring the taste of blood along my tongue.


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