Thorns of Fate

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Thorns of Fate Page 32

by Hayley Todd

  There was a long pause and my father slipped down the steps and joined our group, taking my mother’s hand. They stood before Carson and myself, the last two to head in other than us.

  “Introducing Gabrielle Santina, accompanied by Mr. Liam Maxwell,” The emcee called. I saw Liam cringe at the “mister” in front of his name. He really held some sort of a grudge.

  Gabrielle looped her arm around Liam’s when he didn’t react and dragged him into the room and down the line of waiting Magicks. He averted his gaze from the crowd, seeming awkward and out of place.

  My mother and father turned, taking Carson and I in once more. “You’ll do great,” my mother whispered with a grin. She hugged me again before the emcee continued.

  “If everyone would please give a warm round of applause to our hosts and King and Queen.” I hadn’t considered it but I suppose it were true. My mother and father had been married once which would make my mother the queen. “Join me in welcoming King Damien Lucius and his lovely bride, Naomi Lucius!”

  The crowd erupted into a dizzying and cheers and well wishes as the doors swept open and my parents made their way through the ballroom.

  The doors closed and aside from the servants opening them, Carson and I were completely alone. Nerves bubbled in my belly and I fought hard to not let them take hold of me. Carson grabbed my shoulders, turning me gently toward him.

  He lifted my chin with a finger and pressed a kiss to my lips. “You’ve got this,” he whispered and he gave me a look just like DJ Sean had all that time ago.

  I grinned up at him and threw my arms around his neck, kissing him hard. I was breathless when I pulled away and he grinned down at me.

  “And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for, please help me introduce our princess and future queen, Lady Kyra Lucius and her escort, Mr. Carson Carder!” If I had thought the crowd had roared before then they were collectively losing their minds now.

  Carson wrapped his arm through mine, guiding me past dozens of eager faces, all trying to catch a glimpse of their princess. The walk felt like it took an eternity, all eyes on us. I was grateful that I managed to walk with poise and grace despite the massive heels that I wore.

  My hand clenched tightly on Carson’s arm and I was relieved to see the end of the line approaching. My mother, father, aunt, cousin, and bodyguards stood on a raised dais at the front of the room, waiting for us.

  I glanced at each of their faces and could feel their joy, pride, and excitement. Except for Liam anyway. He seemed to be pouting and wasn’t focused on us.

  We finally reached them after an endless amount of time and my father and mother each took turns pulling me into their arms. When my mother touched my skin, a jolt of electricity sizzled into my skin. I looked into her eyes to see playful excitement there. I smiled at her.

  They turned me around to face the crowd, Carson still at my side. There was a final roar of cheers before the music swelled and the crowd broke off into groups, speaking to one another eagerly.

  My father stepped up alongside us. “These are your people,” he said gesturing to the crowd with a swing of his hand.

  I gazed onward seeing hundreds of individuals with brightly colored eyes. Some of them returned gazes, staring in awe up at me and my family.

  A group of people walked up to us, one woman and three men. The woman was exquisite. She was tall and lithe with a gorgeous face and long blonde hair. She had plump lips and a tiny slightly pointed chin but was the vision of beauty. She had round blue eyes that stared up at us eagerly.

  The man beside her was handsome, looking to be in his mid-thirties, with black hair, a thin black beard and deep blue-grey eyes. He looked maybe Greek in origin and was tall and broad. He walked oddly, as though there were a stitch in his back.

  Beside him was another man who was frightening to look at, even at a glance. He was hunched forward and was one of the only people in the room to actually look old. He walked with a cane tenderly poised beneath a wrinkled hand. He had snowy white-grey hair and a matching beard and his skin was pallid, even for a vampire. It didn’t have the right color to it. While the Magicks and these others surrounding us all had a pink, lively tinge to their skin, his was almost grey in comparison. His nails were gnarled, chipped flecks at the ends of his fingers and he didn’t feel right.

  The last man to step up was tall, at least as tall as Carson and broad-chested with lots of muscle hidden beneath his suit jacket. He had sandy blonde hair and his eyes were crimson red, tinged on the outer edge with a touch of what I thought was brown. His skin looked a bit less alive than the rest of the group but not nearly to the extent of the old man.

  Damien stepped forward, sparing me from having to initiate conversation. “Kyra, I’d like to introduce you to the representatives of the Council of Five. This,” he gestured to the woman, “Is Ashanti Rellik. She is the leader of the Succubus/Incubus clan.” Ashanti full on curtsied, drawing her dress wide around her head and dipping low. “Beside her,” he then pointed to the dark haired man beside her, “is Maximus Shell, the leader of the Aeronyx people.” Maximus bowed but not low and I caught a glimpse of...feathers? Sticking out of the back of his jacket. “Then we have, Archibald Crane, the leader of the Nosferatu people.”

  I cringed when the old man reached between us and took my hand, pressing a dry kiss to the back of my knuckles. I fought the urge to jerk my hand from his grasp and to breathe evenly. I knew I was clenching Carson’s arm too hard because he fidgeted in my grasp, trying not to draw attention to it. I loosened my grip, shooting him an apologetic gaze. He smiled down at me with patience in his eyes.

  Archibald Crane stared up at me with nearly white eyes. It was startling and again I had to choke down the urge to be away from him.

  “And last, but not least, here is Lucas Fifth, the leader of the Vampyre clan.” The last man with sandy blonde hair bent deeply at the waist, following Archibald’s cue and taking my hand in his. When he pressed his lips to my knuckles, his kiss was cold but not nearly as revolting. When he pulled away, I noticed he and Carson exchange a wary glance.

  “Pleased to meet you all,” I said, pulling my skirt up in a curtsy. “I’m so glad that you were able to come out tonight for the occasion.” I plastered my best polite smile across my lips.

  Everyone but Archibald smiled politely in response and spat well-wishes and congratulations before milling back into the crowd. I looked up at Carson as they departed and I knew he could see the fear and anxiety mixing on my face.

  He leaned down close to me and barely whispered in my ear so only I would hear, “Nosferatu tend to be a bit...creepy,” he supplied, “He won’t be able to get you alone though so just ignore him.”

  I nodded gently in response and turned back to where Damien and my mother chatted quietly with Lucas Fifth. My father slapped him on the shoulder as they completed their conversation and Lucas beamed in response to whatever had been said.

  “Kyra,” my father greeted, pulling me and by extension, Carson closer. “Lucas here is an ally to myself and the Magick people. He’s an old friend.”

  Lucas turned to me and I took a deep breath, not shying from his memorable red eyes. I tried not to think back to Raoul and his other Vampyre friend but I couldn’t stop the images of that night from flashing through my mind. I shivered and Carson pulled me closer to him gently.

  “It is a pleasure to meet you at long last,” Lucas said, bowing again. “Your father and I go way back,” his eyes flickered to Damien, “I’m sorry for what happened to your friend and the other atrocities Henrick has wreaked on you.” His expression went hard as he bit Henrick’s name out.

  “Thank you for your consideration,” I replied, not sure how else to respond to that.

  He suddenly took my hand, too fast, even for Magicks. “I’m also sorry for what Raoul did after he escaped. He and whoever assisted him took out dozens of my best men in the process. As a whole, the Vampyres very much support your reign and I will do what I ca
n to keep them from interfering.”

  “Thank you,” I replied with a careful nod, feeling awkward.

  He nodded back, gave Damien a respectful nod and ventured back into the crowd.

  My father looked down at me, tense. “Lucas is an honorable man. He has worked well with Magicks for hundreds of years despite inter-species warring. He’s dealt with countless coup attempts over the years, so he’s familiar with what you’re going through. He lost his wife that way.”

  I could feel my head nodding in acceptance without truly giving it permission to.

  My father smiled down at me reassuringly.

  Another group of people walked up to us, halting further discussion about Lucas Fifth. Lady Evelyn was with them.

  “Ah,” Damien said, turning to them. “The Council.”

  Evelyn walked up to me and without a word pulled me into an embrace. I floundered for a moment, the hug unexpected, and Carson’s hand was pulled from mine.

  “Hello, my princess,” Evelyn said, pulling back and bowing low before me.

  “You don’t have to do that,” I said quietly to her as she righted herself. She grinned up at me and bowed her head in acquiescence. I liked Lady Evelyn. She seemed so genuine and though I hadn’t gotten to know her well, I trusted her.

  Evelyn stepped back, allowing the other people I had first seen in the council meeting to step closer.

  “I know you didn’t get much of an opportunity to meet with the rest of the council members but I can at least formally introduce you,” my father said. He gestured first to a small red-haired woman with warm green eyes. They were a different shade than Carson’s or my father’s but they were rich and lively. “This is Lady Alicia Roth.”

  The woman stepped towards me, curtsying. “My princess,” she greeted in a an accent that I was thinking was German. I nodded in greeting.

  My father moved quickly to the next individual. “This is Lord Austin Wells,” he supplied, pointing to a younger looking blonde haired and blue eyed man. His eyes were light colored, the color of the sky. Lord Wells bowed before me and I returned with a small curtsy.

  “This is Lord Alexei Romanoff,” Damien continued, pointing to a dark haired man beside Austin. The man was burly, covered in dark hair, but he had kind dark reddish-brown eyes. He smiled at me and it changed the bitter expression twisted on his face into a friendly one.

  “And of course,” my father continued, “You’re familiar with the other members of the council. Lady Evelyn Stark, Lord Aron Valencia, myself, and the currently absent position once held by Henrick.”

  Every single member of the council snarled at his name. Evidently, they were not supporting Henrick anymore than my own father was. The angry chorus of hisses sent a chill down my spine.

  “I’m pleased to meet you all,” I said, not sure what else might diffuse the crowd around me. I received a variety of pleased smiles, bows, and curtsies which seemed to all be positive so I figured I hadn’t botched it too badly.

  The music around us swelled dramatically and my father looked down to me. “That’s your cue,” he said with a smile. “Time for the suitor’s dance.” People mingled along the edges of what turned out to be a massive ballroom floor. It had been hard to tell its size with hundreds of people milling about on it.

  Carson stepped in front of me and swooped down onto one knee. My heart started hammering in my chest. “May I have this dance, my princess,” he said, his eyes twinkling and his hand extended to me.

  A wide grin split my face and I took his hand. His warm touch was a calm in the midst of my storm of nervous emotions.

  He swept me in a spin closer to him and I reveled in the touch. I shrieked as i spun into him, giggling and loving the public display of his playful attitude.

  He pulled me close to his chest and pressed his hand into my shoulder as he had done before. I placed my hand near the small of his back and he smiled down at me as he reached behind himself and adjusted the position.

  “Just like that, my beautiful princess,” he chimed, pressing a gentle kiss to my lips. He was grinning from ear to ear. My face burned as he cupped his free hand in mine and guided me to the dance floor in sweeping circles, my dress pooling along the floor behind me.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Dozens of other couples swarmed around us, and I found myself recognizing some of the closest faces. My father and mother twirled delicately, executing practice spins flawlessly. Kellic and Anton danced nearby, whispering to each other, grins on both of their faces. Gabrielle and Liam stood side by side near the dais, not participating. Liam’s eyes scanned the area shrewdly.

  Carson again proved to be an excellent dancer and I took my cues from him. His hand behind my shoulder guided me when I got too far separated or didn’t anticipate his next step.

  When he pulled me in close to him he spoke to me, his breath warm against my ear. “So, you’re about to officially be a princess in vampire society. What do you think?” He asked. The playful smile he held still dancing on his face, sending chills of pleasure down my spine.

  I paused, debating on how to say the words. “It’s...a bit overwhelming,” I finally replayed, watching him as he nodded, smiling.

  “I would imagine it would be for anyone not raised in the court.”

  He spun me away from him in a delicate spin, not releasing my hand clutched in his. Then he spun me back, pressing my chest against his and putting his hand along my back again.

  “Are there other Magicks?” I asked, “Not in the court I mean?”

  He nodded gently. “Yes, there are. There are plenty of ‘normal’ people in vampire society. The court is specifically for royalty and their houses.”

  His hand felt so warm in mine as we spun about, my steps quickly matching his now. He looked down at me, no longer struggling to keep up with him and loosened his grip at my back.

  “You’re getting better,” he said, his eyes roving admiringly over my body.

  “You’re an excellent teacher,” I replied, gazing up at him.

  He laughed and the world seemed to fall away from the jingling sound of it until we were alone, dancing elegantly and enjoying the feel of each other’s touch.

  “I don’t know about that,” he responded, “But I thoroughly enjoy teaching you what I can.” His grin was wicked, his eyes hungry, for just a moment before the playful look returned.

  “Well, I have thoroughly enjoyed being taught,” I returned and we shared a sly gaze filled with longing.

  There was a long moment of comfortable silence between us and I couldn’t help my mind drifting to Will.

  In Will’s junior year of high school, he hadn’t had a date to prom. Kellic has been adamant that he attend but he hadn’t wanted to go alone. I had told him that I had two left feet and didn’t know a dance from a hole in the wall but that I’d happily attend with him. He had been elated and the image of his overjoyed smile still frequently appeared in my mind.

  We’d had an amazing night, family and friends all coming together just to have some fun. The dance had actually stirred my involvement in techno and house music which proved to be quite valuable when working with DJ Sean to choose music mixes for the club.

  Will didn’t have the dance gene like it seemed Carson did but he wasn’t half bad either. We shied away from slow dances, enjoying our time dancing raucously with our friends and Kellic to fast thumping beats instead.

  Will carried fun in his blood. Whatever room he entered lit with happiness and joy. Any game he chose to partake in became more thrilling and exciting. He had his serious moments too. He had a hand in making me the woman I was but that goofy grin was never far from the surface.

  I hadn’t realized I had started crying until Carson lifted my chin and gazed down at me. “Hey, it’s alright. What’s wrong?” He asked, tucking close to me and preventing others from seeing my tears, which I greatly appreciated. I didn’t need to make a scene and draw the attention of hundreds of vampires. I needed to hold up the image o
f a strong successor to the throne.

  “I-I…” I began, stumbling and choking on my words.

  Carson’s eyes darkened a bit. “Will?” He asked, softly.

  I nodded, unable to articulate the storm of emotions welling within me.

  Then a hand touched my shoulder and most of my pain slipped away. Carson looked over me and I twisted around, wiping tears from my eyes.

  Anton and Kellic stood behind us. It was Anton who had reached out to me and his touch on my bare shoulder had been all that had been needed to draw away the dark emotions stirring in me. I gave him a half-hearted smile, trying to draw myself from the shadow of pain.

  “Thank you,” Carson said to Anton, not even a trace of vitriol in his words. They seemed to be getting along better all the time and I wondered if it had anything to do with Anton’s interest in Kellic.

  Anton smiled softly at us. “Any time,” he replied, drawing his hand away and almost immediately getting lost in Kellic again as they swayed away from us.

  Fortunately, the crushing wave of emotion stayed at bay and I could breathe more easily.

  I peered up at Carson. He had been watching Anton but his eyes flicked to mine. “You guys seem to be getting along,” I said, watching him carefully.

  He smiled and it was a shy, impish expression that made him look several years younger. “It’s hard to hate the guy that is giving the love of your life the one thing that you can’t,” he replied, lifting his free hand to wipe tears from my cheeks.

  I lifted my hand and cupped it over his. The warmth on my cheek had nothing to do with nerves and embarrassment this time. “And what’s that?” I asked, trying to calm my racing heart that had accelerated at his touch.

  He gazed down at me; his eyes were touched with sorrow. “Peace,” he replied, simply. I felt a pang of horror at the word, as though it were my fault that I felt too strongly and couldn’t rein in my emotions. I understood what he meant but the words felt hollow in my belly.


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