Darlings of Decay

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Darlings of Decay Page 73

by Chrissy Peebles

  A zombie’s jaws snapped just inches from my neck when a bullet hit him in the head, sending him crashing to the ground. Almost choking on my breath, I shot Tahoe a thankful look and forced myself back into the moment, a hundred thoughts racing through my mind. I didn’t necessarily like the guy, but I had to admit that Tahoe was covering us like a champ, mowing down anything that got too close to us. Had he not been there, that thing would have taken a sizeable chunk out of my throat, and I would have become one of them. Tahoe quite literally saved my neck.

  “Get away from the truck!” Nick yelled a moment before a loud thud echoed through the air.

  The roaring blast sent me tumbling through the air. I landed on my stomach as hot air rushed into my lungs. Everything throbbed, but at least my brain seemed okay. Or is it?

  Groaning, I lifted my head off the ground and turned to peer at the exploded truck—or what was left of it. The stench of burning zombie bodies made me gag. Instead of the truck, I saw snapping jaws and flailing bodies in the flames, their flesh burning from their bones as they held on to the hot metal. The Jeep the girls had been driving was covered in leaping flames that seared everything in their wake. If Nick hadn’t been so paranoid about running over glass, we would have had to fight our way out of there on foot. Finally, I was thankful Nick had refused to budge on that, even though we gave him a bunch of gruff for it.

  “You guys okay?” I called out to the others.

  “Everyone’s here!” Tahoe yelled back.

  I scrambled up, and we all hopped into my Jeep. Just as I slammed the door shut, a burning zombie pounded on the glass. I had never locked a door so fast in my life. When the zombie slammed its pasty, ugly skin against the glass, I shuddered. “Let’s go!” I shouted to Lucas, who now sat in the driver seat.

  Lucas backed up, turned around, and hit the gas pedal so hard that the Jeep jerked forward.

  As we sped off down the road, I glanced out the back window at the shocking scene stretching behind us. Billowing, thick smoke twisted into the air, interspersed with burning bodies. Their pained moans gathered to a crescendo that was only nearly drowned out by the Jeep engine.

  Closing my eyes, I leaned back and let my nerves get the better of me. As we moved away from the burning heap, my hands began to shake from the aftershock. I couldn’t believe we’d survived—again. It had been a tough one, and there had been times when I wouldn’t have bet on us living to tell about it, but we had.


  At one point, the highway became an impenetrable maze of tangled vehicles. I would’ve insisted on driving through, but as usual, Nick made the better decision, and Lucas followed it through. We backtracked through the woods, and I swear we lost hours because of it, but no one complained. Everyone was still in shock, realizing how close we’d all come to losing our lives.

  Val stayed out cold for hours, so I assumed she’d used up all of her energy. How the girls and Tahoe could sleep while we rode over one bumpy road after another was beyond me, especially with Lucas’s music playing on his iPod in the background.

  My brother met my gaze. “You’re so lucky I didn’t park close to the girls like you suggested. If we had, this Jeep would’ve been toast.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” I said. “You’re awesome…and always right. You want a medal?”

  “No, but some respect would be nice.”

  I smiled. “You know I respect your decisions. Heck, I’d probably be dead if it weren’t for you.”

  “I’ll watch your back,” he said, “even if you’re a royal pain in my butt sometimes.”

  I chuckled and closed my eyes again. It wasn’t long before I drifted off, and by the time I woke up, the windows were rolled down, and the sunroof was wide open. The sun cast a warm sensation on my face, while a cool breeze whipped through my hair. I opened the glove compartment and fumbled around, then pulled out a nice pair of men’s sunglasses and slipped them on.

  “Oh yeah,” Nick said, shooting me a sideway glance. “Now you look cool.”

  I noticed he and Lucas must’ve switched seats at some point, and I wondered how long I had been out cold, unaware of anything around me. I chuckled. “They give me character.”

  “They make you look older,” Nick said.

  “Yeah?” I asked.


  “Well, my life has been turned upside down. I guess I do feel more mature. I can’t believe the crap we’ve been through. It’s mind-blowing, you know?”

  “I feel ya, little brother.” Nick let out a long breath, giving me the impression that he had something else on his mind.

  “What’s wrong?” I finally asked.

  He refused to look at me, keeping his gaze focused on the road. “I’m sorry I yelled at you when we first crashed, and I’m even sorrier I even suggested that you should kill Val. That had to be tough, knowing she was our sister.”

  “It was horrible,” I agreed, “but I should’ve just told you the truth. If I had, it would’ve never even crossed your mind, I’m sure.”

  He grimaced, his gaze still focused on the road. “It probably would have, but I might’ve given her another day to live. Letting my sister turn into one of those things…well, I just couldn’t let it happen. The only thing that stopped me was the knowledge you have a possible cure.”

  I considered his words carefully. Would he really kill his own flesh and blood if I didn’t have the vials in my possession? I reasoned that Nick must have thought he was saving her from a fate worse than death, and perhaps he was right. I knew I would have rather been shot dead than become one of those things.

  “I don’t blame you for anything,” Nick said. “Yes, you broke some rules and went outside of protocol, but you saved Val’s life, and I couldn’t be more proud of you.”

  “Gee, thanks,” I said.

  His lips pressed into a grim line, but I could tell something else was bothering him.

  “What?” I asked.

  He shook his head and ran a hand through his disheveled hair, speaking out what I had been trying to push out of my mind ever since boarding that helicopter. “What if the cure doesn’t work, Dean?”

  I clenched my fists, hoping against all odds that it would work. “It will,” I said with less conviction than I wanted.

  “But what if it doesn’t? I don’t think I can bear having a sister one day and having to put her down humanely the next day. It’s just not fair—not freaking fair at all! I never even got a chance to really know her.”

  “I dunno,” I said. “All I know is that we’ll get through this.” I tried to keep my voice from quivering.

  He nodded in agreement and didn’t say another word. He’d never shown me his emotional side before, and I could tell how hard it was on him. I decided not to pry any further; I left him alone and didn’t talk about it any further. Besides, I knew if we continued discussing such touchy subjects and sentimental things, a tear might slip down my cheek, and I wasn’t about to let him witness that.

  We drove for another hour before something caught my eye. The Jeep drove past a zombie, hunched over a dead deer on the side of the road. I didn’t have much time to grasp details, but in the brief second our eyes connected, a chill ran through me. I knew I would never get used to their cold, dead eyes. A few years back, my buddies and I had enjoyed a good laugh and chatted about how the world was going to end. We’d even joked about a zombie apocalypse, but we didn’t think that would really happen, not in a million years. I’d come to realize as of late that life does throw curveballs we never quite expect. The girls slept. Lucas and Nick glanced at the venison-devouring zombie for a second, but then their attention drifted off like it didn’t even faze them. There’s something seriously wrong with this world when we can drive by a zombie feasting on a deer on the side of the road and accept it as normal. Yeah, this is seriously messed up!

  The world seemed to be crumbling all around us, and the undead army seemed to be growing in numbers daily. Sooner or later, though, they would have to
run out of healthy people to infect. My hopes were that we could take the remaining healthy people out of the equation. I wanted to get them into safe cities, even build more cities if we had to. I didn’t understand why the authorities weren’t trying to do just that. It seemed simple to me. I figured the leaders needed to focus on solving major problems first and then deal with after-effects. Getting help to everyone in Zombie Land had to be hard, if not impossible.

  The living dead would eventually die, and survivors could rebuild, but in the meantime, the healthy people out there needed help. They were always on the run or hiding out. I quickly learned that it was an everyday battle to survive, with death lurking around the corner. Life was rough and totally sucked out there, but there was little I could do about it. Whether I wanted to or not, I’d have to deal with it, and I could never give up on thinking humanity might stand a chance after all. Whatever happened, I knew I’d never get accustomed to the things we witnessed out there. My head ached. Thinking about the last days’ events, Mom and Dad, and trying to save Val was driving me insane. I needed sleep—some peace, if only for an hour—but sleep felt as though it wouldn’t come for a long time. Trying to block the image of the half-eaten deer out of my head, I eventually drifted off to the girls’ shallow breathing. It felt as though I had only closed my eyes for a few minutes when someone shook my shoulder hard, jerking me out of my slumber. What?” I groggily opened my eyes to Nick towering over me. “Where are we?”

  “Look up, sleepy head,” Nick said, pointing up to an air traffic control tower. “It’s an airport. I think this would be the best place to stay the night and get some rest.”

  Without another word, I followed him out. It was late afternoon and we’d been driving all day. My whole body felt cramped. I squeezed out and stretched my legs, thankful to get out of the truck. I glimpsed at our surroundings. To the right, there was nothing but woodlands. To the left was a tall, gray building. In front of us, there was a ramp that probably served as a runway. Apart from the usual sounds, such as chirping birds and a soft wind rustling the leaves, the area seemed completely deserted. And I couldn’t believe this would be my third night out here in the middle of Zombie Land.

  No planes were out, but a giant steel hangar lined the north side of the field. For some reason, the hangar doors were slid open, as if somebody was in a quick hurry to leave. I craned my neck until I could see right in. Everything was empty.

  Nick was right: The control tower was the perfect place to spend the night, and I felt like we would be safe. “We can see a zombie coming from anywhere.”

  Lucas playfully slugged me in the arm. “Yeah, but the best part is that we can talk and be as loud as we want.”

  I gave him a fist-bump. “Yeah!”

  “I like it!” Jackie said, grabbing a box of food from the trunk. “I can whip up some dinner with this stuff. How about cold chicken noodle soup with crackers, baked beans, and Spam?”

  “Mmm. A meal fit for a king.” Claire laughed as she grabbed some candles and other supplies.

  I got a crowbar out of the trunk and wedged the lock until it finally snapped. I agreed to stay downstairs with the girls while Nick and Lucas checked things out. We left Tahoe sleeping in the back seat; we weren’t about to carry his sorry butt up all those stairs. But then a thought struck me: Wait a minute…he did save my life back there. Maybe I should cut him a break and not ride him so hard. I decided if he didn’t come up by dark, I would go out and get him. I owed him that much.

  “Your brother is so brave,” Claire said, wearing a big smile. “He’s not afraid of anything. When I’m with him, I just feel so safe.”

  I smiled and decided to put her on the spot. “You have a thing for Nick, don’t you?”

  Her cheeks grew red. “Yeah, he’s really sweet.”

  Jackie grabbed my arm and smiled. “So is Dean here.”

  I flung my arm around her shoulder and pulled her close, my heart racing. “Is that all I am to you? Sweet?” We’d shared a rather passionate kiss, and now I was standing there with my arm around her, so I was pretty sure there was more to it than “sweet”.

  “Is there something wrong with sweet, mister?” she chimed, meeting my gaze.

  “No, but I’d rather be sexy and irresistible.”

  She batted her eyelashes like a puppy dog. “Should I rephrase?”

  “Oh brother,” Claire said.

  “Yes, please do.” I shot her a playful look.

  She wrapped her arms around me and stared into my eyes. “Dean, uh, what’s your last name?”

  “Walters,” I said.

  “Dean Walters, you are sexy and irresistible and sweet, and I like you. I also trust you, and I consider myself lucky to have met you.”

  “That’s more like it.” I softly kissed her lips. “But I could say those same things and more about you.” My lips brushed hers again. When she leaned into me, I put some distance between us. “No, let me tell you what I think about you.” My voice grew slightly husky. “You’re gorgeous and clever, brave and adorable.”

  Her face lit up, and her lips curved into the most beautiful smile I had ever seen.

  “Get a room, you two!” Lucas said.

  Jackie turned around and playfully punched him. “Shut up!”

  He chuckled. “Just because we’re in the middle of a zombie apocalypse doesn’t mean you can’t get arrested for public displays of affection.”

  We all laughed, and the mood seemed lighter.

  “So I take it everything’s safe up there?” Claire asked.

  “All clear,” Nick said.

  We went out to the Jeep to get Val. I scooped her up from the back seat. She was still out cold, but she looked a lot paler, and she was sweating profusely.

  Claire and Jackie glanced over. “Is she okay?” Jackie asked.

  “It’s all part of the process of becoming a zombie,” I said.

  Nick nodded. “We’ll prepare her bed upstairs.”

  Claire didn’t waste a minute. She was right by his side, holding some pillows and blankets and a box of supplies to be carried up.

  “Here, Claire, let me help,” Nick said, taking the box before he turned and looked at me. “You got the vials in case sis changes?”

  I nodded. “Yep.” Carrying Val, I climbed up what felt like a million flights of stairs, but eventually, we reached the open space overlooking the airstrip below, and I could finally lay her down.

  Claire hurried to cover her with a blue blanket.

  Val opened her eyes briefly and said. “Hey, do you know what a lobster feels like when it’s boiled?”

  I shook my head. “Not really.”

  “I do.”

  I could tell she was roasting, so I took off the blanket and chuckled at her attempt at sarcasm, something she’d obviously inherited from our mother. “There. I hope that’s better. Just get some rest, sis.”

  She closed her eyes and drifted back to sleep.

  The view from the top of the control tower was amazing. I could see from every direction. I picked up a pair of binoculars from a desk and realized I could see as far as the woods stretching in the distance. Nothing would get past us.

  “We’re taking those,” Lucas said, pulling me aside.

  “I’m sure nobody cares at this point.”

  He opened my black bag and inspected the vials. “Everything looks good here.”

  “Of course. I’ve been guarding them with my life.”

  “Keep up the good work. You’re doing great.”

  I nodded. “Well, there’s a lot on my shoulders, I’ll tell you that.”

  “Yeah, I know. It’s to be expected since we’re the world’s only hope for survival.”

  “No pressure or anything.”

  His expression darkened. “Seriously, Dean, you’re doing a fantastic job. You really are a hero.”

  “I wonder if they’ll even work. You really think we’ve got the cure?”

  “If not, it’s the closest thing we do ha
ve. We’ve got to get those vials to the scientists in Washington. This is the most important mission of our lives.”

  I bit my lip hard. “I know.”

  His eyes glimmered with hope. “We’re gonna be able to help so many people. We can’t think of this as the end of the world. We need to think of it as the beginning of a new life…for everyone.”

  “I hope it’s the miracle we’ve all been praying for,” I agreed.

  He zipped up the bag. “Well, there’s only one way to tell. We need to test it on your sister.”

  “That’s the plan,” I said.

  “For her sake, as well as the sake of all humanity, I sure hope it works like we want it to.”

  “Doc ensured me this is the final formula, and I believe he was telling me the truth.”

  Lucas nodded gravely. “Yeah, me too.”

  Jackie’s laugh drifted over, and we both smiled. She was joking around with Claire and Nick. When I met her gaze, she smiled; she had the cutest smile, teeth gleaming white like a Hollywood movie star.

  “Hey,” Lucas whispered, “Jackie’s really cute.”

  “Yeah, she’s hot, smart, funny, and super sweet. I like everything about her.”

  “She seems perfect for you. I guess time will only tell.”

  I shook my head. “Yeah, she looks a lot like, uh…”

  “Who?” he asked.

  “A lot like my next girlfriend.” Maybe I was jumping to conclusions. After all, we hardly knew each other, but I was smitten. I wasn’t going to rush anything, especially with everything we were going through. We’d just take it nice and slow. Besides, my main focus right now was saving Val and getting home.

  “She’s all yours,” Lucas said. “Besides, I like your sister. She’s pretty when she isn’t threatening to eat me.”

  “I could tell you like Val,” I said.

  “The second I laid eyes on her back on the island, I was totally blown away. It sucked that I had to arrest her. I really hated that. Would it bother you if I asked her out sometime when this is all said and done?”

  “It’s fine with me if you wanna go after my sister. You’re the most honorable guy I know.” I playfully slugged him. “Just don’t go pulling pranks on her the way you do to the guys back on the island.”


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