Gryff The Griffin Rider 3 (A Fantastic Harem)

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Gryff The Griffin Rider 3 (A Fantastic Harem) Page 5

by Marcus Sloss

  “I need to know, if Maurta cuts off my shamans, if there is a pool of energy for us to use. I want to move armies myself and Maurta will prevent this eventually.” I said feeling myself being pulled back to my body. Of course…

  “Send your soul into Vin when you get home. Then show your black magic casters what you find. We prepared for your eventual severance from Maurta, for now, utilize his power until it is cut off. I cannot hold you here any longer. Good luck my son, Yvette is stubborn…”


  The ominous farewell rang in my head as I awoke on Entria. I was shaken awake by Gravin whose face was concerned. When my eyes opened he visibly relaxed. I scowled my face in anger and his eyes widened.

  I found the pink tendrils and went on the offensive. Yvette was unprepared for my sudden awakening as I found her magic floating lazily around her body. I yanked every loose strand of pink into my soul. She staggered from my sudden absorption of her magic. I capitalized on this by rising to my feet quickly to tower over her. Gravin raced away to give us space. He wanted to not get drawn into our struggle.

  I never gave her a chance. I shot a hand out and gripped her neck while I swept her legs. As she was off balance, I slammed us into the ground knocking the wind from her. She tried to fight my strength. It was irrelevant. I sucked her pink aura into my soul with control. Her struggles became weaker and I released her neck. Queen Yvette figure this was an opening. She seethed with rage trying to regain control. I bitch smacked her across the face so hard the clap that sounded deafened my hearing. Finally, she held hands up in submittal.

  “By the gods what are you? You control magic and have the strength of a full god. Yet I do not sense your divinity?” Yvette said while rubbing her cheek.

  I did not answer. I would show her. I tossed the curvaceous babe over my shoulder and stomped into her home. The nicest balcony was on the third floor so I entered the foyer and bounded up the spiral staircase. I found that the largest doors on the third floor were locked and bolted. I poured aura into my right leg and destroyed the door with a mighty kick. Wood splintered and shattered from the force. The entire time Yvette did not ask to be put down or fight me. She gasped when I busted her entrance though. I saw the bed and tossed her onto it.

  Her pink eyes glared with uncertainty. I did not give her a chance to do anything. I was her master and this was her lesson. I shredded her clothes off her and her large tits bounded free. With a finger, I pointed at her panties and indicated to remove them. This was her first test. She shook her head no. I lunged for her and she fought me again. I easily overpowered her with my purple aura. With a twist, I spun her onto her belly.

  The spanking she received for denying my request was legendary. The smacks left welts and her ass was turning purple when she halted me. Facedown she raised her knees up and slid her panties down. She was dripping wet. I saw her moist little pink vagina swollen in anticipation. She loved this. I loved the view and the candy smell. I stripped naked while she twirled her pearl waiting for me. She spread her lady lips just the perfect amount to show her little hole clinching with desire.

  Once I was naked I mounted her and glided my large cock into her little tunnel. She clinched the bed for a moment and screamed out. The lady was part sadist, as that was a mix of pleasure with pain she yearned for. The moans were of incredible satisfaction. There was no middle ground here. I was dominating her and I fucked her so hard she screamed. When I climaxed in her ten minutes later she pouted for more. I knew I was still pumping sperm out so I grabbed a small empty cup on the nightstand and finished my load in there.

  “Gravin… Fly in here and take this to your wife. It was part of our agreement…” I said. A tiny griffin flew into the room and used his front paws to grasp the cup then was gone. “You need to prepare your things, Yvette. We are going back to Vin as soon as he returns.”

  Queen Yvette whipped her head to glare at me. When she saw I was serious she did not fight me on it. Instead, she went to her closet and packed her things.

  “How many other wives… will you add me or make me your sex slave?” She asked as she readied her things.

  “Five and they are great women. If you can get their approval you will be the sixth. If not Lily said to give you a pink baby. So I will do as my mistress asks. You will be at my side in the fields of battle. Well you will be at my side all the time until you decide you want to speed up your pregnancy,” I said this and she scoffed. I bubbled us in a silence shield. “I am a demigod. Lily the goddess of magic, that helped you become what you are, is my mother. I am her champion. You are destined to support me. Your pink aura triggered an event that sent me to her. Which was not fun… I despise collapsing. I did get a few minutes to learn some things.”

  “This would explain a lot. I thought I was being claimed as a slave… based on your brash behavior. We are free, yet still slaves here. I remember two billion years ago. I was told to wait for a champion. I always thought it would be an elvath though. That was why I submitted… to survive. Now I understand why you forced me to. Lily said I was stubborn didn’t she?” Yvette said and I nodded. “I was much younger back then. I am a queen of nothing now, and tired of this cage. You are going to change both of those aren't you?”

  “My dear Yvette, I most certainly am freeing you of this planet. Then I will make you the mightiest queen the elvath have ever seen. We have allies, new magic, and secret weapons to use against the endless Horde. For once the retreating four are going on the offensive. Now no more god talk. Hurry up, I see a giant eagle approaching. Glowvia said I was to take back three thousand of your best soldiers.” I was interrupted at this part.

  “You are actually serious. A god of the Horde is freeing us to fight her own armies. I had five thousand planned. Five Brigades of the most lethal archers in this universe. All of us with over a billion years of training… I am so excited. Finally, I am leaving this prison to bring ruin to my foes. The hunky hung stud is the bonus. Talk about an awesome day. It will take me hours to ready my division. I need to oversee this part. I will see you tonight demigod Gryff. If you are serious about our marriage then I deserve a proper proposal later and a celebration of blood. Six hours tops… portal back here and we will go home with you to this new world.”

  I was rushed at and she folded into my chest, raised on her tippy toes for what I thought was a kiss. “Spank me later my master,” Yvette said then slammed a kiss against my cheek. I went to the balcony and was scooped up by Gravin who shifted from an eagle into dragon form.

  “I just want you to know Gravin, your talent is awesome. Can we rely on your champion to aid us?” I asked as we flew for the rising palace. The tour must have been over.

  “Warg’s champion Raxrune killed her a few years ago. She was a human too, on a planet called Alpha Prime. She fought the Horde to a standstill until he showed up. Raxrune is a thirty foot ogre with as much strength and speed as you. Not as limber but much tougher to kill. She fought valiantly. My new champion is only two so no help there. Perception has a twelve year old champion, she is gifted in all things science and is helping her mother develop tools and toys to help you. Then there is Icandria’s champion. You may be able to free her as she is trapped in hiding on a Horde dominated planet. The ice is hard to conquer. Koko is a foxumi as we gods like to call them. White furred torso, elvath bottom half, with a slender tail. When you secure your homeworld and need a mission I will get you her location.”

  The god of nature for plants and animals landed us back on the platform. Where my group awaited. I saw all the monox were gone. I gave a questioning look when Nate spoke up.

  “The elvath children loved those monox. We can trade with these people. To give thanks for their willingness to barter we gave them fourteen monox to have fun managing.” Nate gave a chuckle as if he told a hilarious joke. “Ah… They will be giving them back soon or asking for more. Time will tell. Those little trouble makers will doubtlessly get into mischief. How did your visit go?”

  “Probably added a sixth wife and five thousand combat ready archers… And you?”

  Nate whistled at this and the elvath pregnant ladies were overjoyed. They mentioned how a lot of them were too young to remember what battle was like. They were excited to be taught by those who excelled in such things. Everyone wanted vengeance. As we talked the floating palace zoomed across the landscape. So fast the ground below me was a blur.

  The flying city slowed until we descended to land by an island in the middle of the ocean. Thousands of elvath waited here with slave collars on and heads held high. All they carried were large bags on their backs. There were no weapons, tools, or other survival essentials. These were going to have to go to Fernlan. I wanted to add them directly to Livina. I couldn’t though. They needed support to restart their lives. I bet they would hate the cold in their thin garments.

  “Here is your marker for Parxa, it should get you more than your one million troops. They have never met me or my son. The marker should get you far, if you claim to be my son even farther. Try to keep it from going overboard and starting a drastic scene though. I would like to keep the fact I am without a champion unknown for now,” Glowvia said and then snapped her fingers at the assembled elvath. “Before we knew who my elvath were going to, we prepared them for the worst. Take good care of them. I want to see lots of paintings of victories and babies. I will eagerly stash them in my private vault.”

  I went to shake her hand to conclude our business when she pulled me into a hug. I thought I felt two slight kicks from her belly. It could have been my imagination or only the baby god kicked me twice. I shook Gravin’s hand and we traded promises to see each other. We exited the palace to arrive on the beach. A young looking elvath approached.

  “I am Lady Helina, I present the contract fulfilled. The five thousand and one hundred female elvath behind me thank you for your hospitality in relocating us. We are grateful not to go as slaves, but as citizens. Lady Liranda is my mother. She spoke highly of Vin and said a Lady Linzy will handle our integration until the Queen establishes rule.” She hesitated at this part and I knew I needed to intercede.

  “I am in charge. I am Emperor Gryff, you will follow my rules and be contributing citizens. I say this to enforce something from the start. If Lady Linzy or Queen Yvette give you orders it is at my request or with my allowance. I do not need an uprising or dispute of my reign. The rules and laws are simple. Actually, I have designated Lady Linzy to handle all orientation and in processing paperwork.

  “Once we are on Vin expect to follow her to a briefing warehouse while I attend to other business. Virtue, create a portal to eastern Fernlan. As soon as it opens follow me through.” I said.

  The elvath wanted to talk more but I ignored her. I knew she could handle whatever it was and Glowvia doubtfully would placate the woman. I saw the black portal open up and I stepped through.


  A quality portal transition always felt nice as I returned home. The perfect temperature was gone, exchanged for the chilly pre snowfall of Fernlan. The new eastern business district was a bustle of people for the first sets of buildings. Behind the nearest structures to Dais, it was quiet and empty. A few people still moved goods via hand carts out of the underground and into the city proper. I decided on giving everyone free rent for now. I needed the people working more than the extra revenue of gold in my treasury. Amber, as well as Addilyn, had fought me on this until I agreed to only a two month free lease. We needed to tax the citizens somehow.

  “Griffins, I need Lady Linzy to handle these new recruits. I have no runner. I can shout with air magic or…” I said and was interrupted.

  “Why are you talking to the air? I needed to tell you all our needs, and you simply left. If we are your subjects we need to be cared for.” Lady Helina said after entering Fernlan. “It is so blasted cold.”

  She kept going… As did I. I distanced myself from the nagging woman. Traz with his blue tipped feathers came flying down to me with Linzy on his back. Perfect.

  “Thank you Traz. How is Dina?” I asked my friend.

  “Labor could be at any moment. Dina is a hellion of burning anger at her pregnancy pains. She hasn’t even started delivery yet. She is turning her anger at the elvath swelling her belly into aggression on me. Hence why I rocketed away from her… I even said I was rocketing away. She scowled fiercely.” Traz said as Lady Linzy stepped down the saddle ladder. “How did elvath shopping go? We have wagers on if your con was going to work.”

  “No to the con for reasons I am sworn not to disclose. Nothing personal. Hey Traz sorry about Dina. It was kind of my fault. I do hope she has the cubs safely and quickly. I need a griffin test subject though once this portal closes. Is Xar around?”

  Lord Nova answered. “We are on our way from Vertex, what test do you need?”

  “I need to see if Xar can move in a portal from eastern Fernlan to western Fernlan. I again… am bound to not disclose the how or the why. Merely need to test.” I said speaking to the air. Lady Linzy watched the elvath streaming through the portal. “Linzy, I need you to escort our new residents to an orientation. They have a general idea of how things work here. Then I need you to prepare for five thousand more elvath to arrive by tonight. Queen Yvette…”

  I watched as the woman deflated at the name. Then she stood tall, quickly recovering. She walked over to Nate who was helping sort the new arrivals. I did not get to hear what was said, but the man beamed when she finished talking. He even got a kiss on the cheek. I think Linzy realized she would not be courted by me if Queen Yvette was here. Having babies was a big deal to the elvath. Nate was a great choice and I knew he was a good man.

  Lord Nova and Xar thudded into a field not far away. There was not enough room for them to land where Traz and I stood on the road. I walked their way and waved Virtue to follow me. The shaman kept his tendrils into the portal as it consumed aura to stay active. I watched as it required more the further away he was. When he arrived we waited patiently for the elvath to finish moving from Entria to Vin. Ten minutes later and the elvath ceased to arrive. That was the last of this batch.

  “Virtue, a short portal to the other side of the city. Xar try to go through.” I said and Xar looked to Lord Nova who nodded.

  Virtue spun a portal wide and tall. It was perfectly done. Xar tried to walk through it and he hit a wall. Well, it was like he hit an invisible wall, there was no actual wall. A random citizen was watching us.

  “You. Walkthrough that portal. Five gold. You will be fine. I think.” I said to the old lady. She shook her head no. Nate ran up to tell me something in excitement. “Nate through the portal now.”

  He frowned at the order but obeyed. He slithered through no problem and was gone. Xar attempted to get through again. Nope. He launched into the air and slammed into the portal trying to force his way through. Still no. Seven hells.

  “Enough Xar. The next war boar I acquire is all yours big guy. Thanks for the help.” I said and Lord Nova dismissed him. The old griffin left without a word.

  “Not the worst thing. We can make it to the master portal in half a day if we fly hard without the extra weight of riders or supplies. It will only add to our attack timeline minimally,” Lord Nova said.

  “Sure, I am thinking beyond Vin though. There will be time to figure that out later. For now, we work with what we got. Let me know if King Aves wants to change anything. I have to go buy slaves. I need armies to march in the field. Especially if you are stuck on Vin.” I said and Lord Nova wished me luck before flying off to Vertex.

  I knew Nate was on his way back and I wanted to take him to Parxa to buy dvaren. I also figured an expert on dvaren was needed.

  “Virtue go to Uhara and bring me Major Ista or a representative he feels worthy of helping me purchase dvaren. Be quick.” I ordered and the shaman created a single person portal and was gone. The efficient old shaman was nice to have around.

  Alone on the field, I decided to utilize the free
time to dig into the core of Vin. This turned out to be much harder than I anticipated. I reached into the ground with my aura but did not get very far. I decided to lay down in the field. I heard the clank of my guards arriving. A quick word telling them I was testing something did not stop them from judging me spread eagle, face down in the dirt. Oh well.

  I closed my eyes and focused my core. I noticed the pink, the brightest purple, the black, the yellow, and the white. My range of magic was increasing and my auras were all growing. I expanded them as one and once again hit an invisible wall down into the depths of Vin. I cut off all my magic besides the black. Lily had said to send my soul to the core. Since this was black magic I tried to send my portion of the black down.

  Again I hit an invisible barrier. I heard Nate talking to me as I tried to focus. I decided to take a break.

  “Nate I was in the middle of humping the ground… What did you say?” I asked my friend who was still catching his breath.


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