Franco Columbu’s Complete Book of Bodybuilding

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Franco Columbu’s Complete Book of Bodybuilding Page 12

by Franco Columbu

  Vitamins taken in excess of the finite amount utilized in the metabolic processes are valueless and will be excreted from the body or stored. If a person uses common sense, there will not be a problem of taking too many nutritional supplements. I definitely do not believe in taking gigantic quantities of vitamins. I also take as many chewable, and capsulized, supplements as possible for easier assimilation into the body. However, read labels because many chewable vitamins contain sugar. Many tablets are too hard pressed and are difficult for the body to break down for assimilation. Timed-release vitamins involve a process by which vitamins are enrobed in micropellets and combined into a special base for extended release, often taking 10-15 hours for complete absorption by the body. For information on particular vitamins and minerals see the Appendix.

  I do hope that you will learn something from my research and now realize the importance of vitamins and minerals for each of us — especially bodybuilders. In my opinion bodybuilders should represent vibrant good health and in order to do this, many different aspects must be researched along with proper training methods. Proper nutrition not only prevents injuries, it also helps the body heal much faster if an injury should occur.


  The most important nutrient in the body is water — in fact, three-fourths of the total body weight is composed of water. It has been found that a human being can live without food for a month or longer, but only a few days without water. Water is needed for all foods, vitamins, and minerals as a solvent and for digestion; it also transports and removes all wastes, regulates body temperature, and helps prevent constipation. All bodily functions take place with the aid of water.

  Eight to ten glasses of water are recommended for the average person, but during hard training and nutritional supplementation more is needed, depending on the individual. Other liquids should not be substituted for water. For example, if you drink one glass of alcohol, you need water for it to be utilized by the body. Large amounts of water while eating meals is not necessary because it can actually dilute digestive juices; however, a small amount will assist in the transport of HCl,

  Glandular Supplements

  During hard training, the endocrine system — which is composed of eight different glands (pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas, suprarenal [adrenal], ovaries, testes, and pineal) — is highly stressed. The glands of the endocrine system work in harmony with the nervous system to control and coordinate all activities of the body. The substance secreted by an endocrine gland is called a hormone. The hormones pass directly into the blood through the capillaries and are taken to other parts of the body. An excess or deficiency of a particular hormone may result in a specific disease state. Once the endocrine system is out of balance, your body chemistry also is upset.

  Taking glandular supplements can be very beneficial in bodybuilding, because the glands are working harder and can become depleted of their hormones. Glandular supplements are food for the glands and assist them in staying healthy. However, I do not recommend taking any supplements without a complete examination such as a blood test, hair mineral analysis, and muscle testing along with a thorough medical case history.

  In addition to the structural body types (see Chapter 2 on Anatomy), four distinct glandular types of people have been described according to the gland which is inherently dominant in their body. The adrenal type has been described as the stereotypical workaholic, who has high energy and who usually gets the job done. The thyroid type is a high energy individual, usually thin and wiry. The pituitary type is the intellectual, and the gonadal type is usually earthy and comfortable in any surrounding. You should keep this in mind when selecting your glandular supplements because your lifestyle and body type are important considerations in creating a specific nutritional program.

  Chapter 9


  The human body is a complex organism that works to maintain what we call homeostasis, which is a state of equilibrium or balance. No matter what happens to the body, when one structure or organ is affected another area is also affected. We see this daily in vivid detail on spinal x-rays that have been taken in our chiropractic center. Whenever one area of the spine is out of alignment, another area has compensated for the misalignment in order for the structure to stay balanced. The more involved we become with the human body through our chiropractic practice, the more respect we have for its Creator. The human body has been perfectly created and it is a masterpiece in every way. This is why it is so difficult for us to understand how an intelligent person can continue to maintain self-destructive habits, particularly athletes who should be prime examples of excellent health.

  Aside from rigid, ill-informed dieting practices, the most common problem in bodybuilding today is the taking of steroid drugs. I became a Mr. Universe winner before I knew that steroid drugs existed. I have also traveled to many of the so-called underdeveloped countries and have found excellent bodybuilders who just trained hard — some even used cement blocks because they did not have weights — and ate their regular ethnic diet. These people are great examples of what bodybuilding can do because, instead of looking for shortcuts and drugs to make them champions, they stayed with the basic concept of training hard and concentrating on healthful practices.

  The most common steroid drugs that are used in bodybuilding are: dianabol, deca durabolin, winstrol, primobolan, anivar, and testosterone. Other harmful substances that are also used are: thyroid medication, diuretics, salt tablets, etc. I am amazed at what people will do to their bodies in order to look better. It is unfortunate to see so many bodybuilders willing to try any kind of tablet or injection with the hope of becoming a champion and winning the competitive edge, when in reality they are losing their health.

  Steroid drugs have become so popular with athletes because they cause a temporary weight gain — which is interpreted as more size — and a temporary increase in strength so that training can be increased.

  After years of experimenting with these drugs, doctors and bodybuilders have concluded that dianabol is the most effective. They have also decided that 15 mg a day should be taken for a period not longer than 8 weeks, or it becomes ineffective. All drugs should definitely be prescribed by a qualified medical doctor only after all of the necessary lab work has been completed. Even when drugs are no longer being prescribed, the lab work should continue periodically because every drug has side effects which can be disastrous. Some people can tolerate these effects more than others before actually getting into a diseased state, but no one escapes from the bad side effects,

  Since the liver works to detoxify the system, it is really overworked when drugs are taken. And once the period of stress or work is lessened (e.g., when drugs have been discontinued), the liver will slow down and actually become sluggish so that it is not able to take care of its normal functioning. I would recommend that B-complex vitamins and Vitamin B-12 be increased during the period of drug taking, so the liver will continue to function more normally. Steroids cause an almost immediate calcium imbalance. This imbalance should be checked because calcium is probably the most important mineral for developing healthy muscles and bones.

  The Physician’s Desk Reference clearly states, “anabolic steroids do not enhance athletic ability.” I firmly believe that drug taking among athletes should be outlawed in every type of competition. It is not possible to go into complete detail concerning each of the steroid drugs, so I have chosen to quote the Physician’s Desk Reference on dianabol since other steroids have similar effects.

  Contraindications: Hypersensitivity; male patients with carcinoma of the prostate or breast; carcinoma of the breast in some females; pregnancy, because of masculinization of the fetus; nephrosis of nephrotic phase of nephritis (kidney problems).

  Adverse reactions in males: Prepubertal: Phallic enlargement; increased frequency of erection. Postpubertal: Inhibition of testicular function; oligospermia (decrease of spermatozoa in seminal fluid); gynecomastia (abnormally large ma
mmary glands in the male; sometimes may secrete milk).

  Adverse reactions in females: Hirsutism (growth of body hair); male pattern baldness; deepening of the voice; clitoral enlargement; menstrual irregularities; masculinization of the fetus.

  Adverse reactions in both sexes: Increase in blood pressure; nausea; fullness; loss of appetite; vomiting; burning of the tongue; increased or decreased libido; acne (especially in females); inhibition of gonadotropin secretion; jaundice; liver dysfunction.

  There is a sort of rumor among some competitive bodybuilders that steroids in tablet form pass through the liver, but injected steroids bypass the liver. This is just not so; the truth remains that NOTHING BYPASSES THE LIVER. The human body always works as a unit and this cannot be overstressed. And while we’re talking about competitive bodybuilders, remember that several have died as a consequence of taking steroids — all champions, whose bodies (from outwardly appearance) would be expected to ward off side effects with ease.

  Thyroid Medication

  The thyroid is one of the most sensitive glands of the body. The speed of virtually all the basic cellular processes of the body is regulated largely by the thyroid gland. The thyroid hormone functions in at least 20 enzyme systems. One of the major activities of thyroxine involves the acceleration of metabolic activity. This is why thyroid tablets have become so popular among bodybuilders and among those who want to lose weight.

  However, thyroid tablets are of no help to a bodybuilder because a stimulated thyroid makes you lose muscle at the same rate you lose fat. The most devastating effect of thyroid pills is that they stimulate the parathyroid gland at the same time, and the parathyroid gland controls the calcium content of the bones. Stimulated, it takes calcium out of the bones and puts it into the blood tissue. This causes a severe calcium deficiency in the bones, making them brittle. Tendons and ligaments attached to the bones can easily become separated. A blood test would show high calcium content in the blood, and unless the doctor knew that you were taking thyroid medication, he would tell you to stay away from calcium — just when you need it the most. The deficiency would become even worse, leading to muscle spasms and cramps in training, a decrease in performance, and much more serious injuries later.

  I can always tell whether an athlete has been taking thyroid medication just by his or her behavior: extreme hyperactivity and irritability. No title or trophy is worth the price of such negative behavior — and such behavior during a contest is hardly the mark of a true champion.

  Diuretics and Salt Pills

  Both diuretics and salt pills upset the sodium/potassium balance of the interstitial fluid in and around body cells. Since every activity of the body takes place at cellular level, it is dangerous to use these supplements. Diuretics also cause potassium to be excreted causing a mineral imbalance and giving one a dried-up look on stage. It also makes the kidneys work much harder.

  Cigarette Smoking

  Listed below are some of the adverse reactions caused by cigarette smoking: increased likelihood of lung cancer and bladder cancer; stroke; increased serum cholesterol, triglycerides, and fatty acids; increased need for Vitamin C; loss of taste, smell, and hearing ability; decreased sexual drive; incitement of skin to wrinkle 20 years beyond chronological age (particularly for women); marked decrease in visual perception; increased likelihood of blindness; increased susceptibility to allergies, asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema; increased release rate of adrenalin; increased heart rate; increased blood pressure; initiated narrowing and thickening of arteries; cause of small spasms in coronary arteries; ventricular fibrillation (uncontrolled heart muscle contractions); and increase in possibility of heart disease.


  Marijuana, like cigarette smoking, is being linked to more and more disease processes in the body. I cannot discuss this drug at length, but there are a few pertinent facts that I would like to present. A week after a person smokes marijuana, 30 percent of its active agents are still in the body. There is no other drug or medication that is known to linger in the body so long. Of the portion that remains, the body retains 70 percent of that longer than the second week. It gets rid of only 10 percent a month thereafter. The primary damage is in the brain and autonomic nervous system which alters all of the body controls and thinking centers. In heavy users there is atrophy of the body musculature and a corresponding atrophy in the brain. It also is known to cause more lung damage than cigarettes.


  Caffeine is a drug. The immediate effects of caffeine begin soon after it is taken and last about four hours. These may include imperfect balance, racing of the heart, high-pitched voice, insomnia, fatigue, and finger tremor. In the long term, caffeine can raise blood pressure, cause the heart to race or have extra beats, injure the pancreas, make diabetes and hypoglycemia much worse, and cause peptic ulcers and irritability of the nervous system. Any long, continued irritation in the body can turn into a cancer by damaging the chromosome structure of the cells of the body. Birth defects and a host of other diseases have more recently been linked with caffeine.

  A study was done by Loma Linda University on the measure of immunity called the phagocyte index. The researchers found that one 12-ounce cola drink will drop the index from 95 to 70. Anytime your immunity level drops under 70, you are susceptible to infection. However, if you take as little as 20-50 mg of Vitamin C at the same time as the cola, there will be no drop in the phagocyte index. So you can take a little poison if you take the antidote at the same time. Whole fruits have Vitamin C.


  Drinking alcohol causes damage to the brain, heart, and liver. Drinking hastens damage to the brain by cutting off oxygen supply to enormous numbers of small areas of brain tissue, thereby prematurely killing large numbers of brain cells. Successive damage done to the brain accumulates. Brain cells do not multiply and are therefore irreplaceable. The liver and heart are forced to work harder — thus over a period of time all of the organs can become overloaded.

  The more we overwork our bodies with poisons, the less efficient the body becomes and sooner or later we find ourselves in a diseased state. Drugs also have adverse reactions on mental capabilities and can completely change a person’s personality. The less able a person is to cope with problems and stresses of daily life, the more difficult it becomes when that person takes drugs to mask over the symptoms.

  Good nutrition and exercise create a healthy body, mind, and spirit. So many problems can be prevented if we would just take a little time each day to focus on all of the positive aspects of our life and be thankful. Each of us has the power to choose what is right for ourselves. I hope that you choose not to contaminate your body and mind with drugs and negativity. Why choose sickness when you can be vibrantly alive and enjoy every aspect of your life as a learning process?

  Chapter 10


  All the bodybuilding programs we have discussed in this book can be applied to successful muscle development for many years. Muscle development varies from one individual to the next, of course, but it is not unusual at all for the muscles to continue to grow well into a man’s late fifties. And even when a bodybuilding program does outlive its potential to stimulate muscle growth, there are still exercise routines that can be used for health and fitness for many enjoyable years.

  Benefits of Training

  A common misapprehension about bodybuilding is that its benefits are limited to building muscle. Let’s take a final look at some good beneath-the-surface reasons for bodybuilding training.

  First, bodybuilding differs from other sports in that it trains all body parts, not just a few. It also delivers tremendous benefits to your internal organs, such as the liver, heart, stomach, and intestines. And it is one of the best sports for enhancing blood circulation to the brain. Just about all other sports, team oriented or otherwise, are played in a standing position, with the blood going mostly to the legs, much less to the upper body. But bodybuilding
has you squatting, sitting, inclined, or supine as well, and thus your blood is dispersed to different body parts during the course of a single workout. When you bench press, for instance, there’s a tremendous influx of blood to the chest and shoulders, thus to the neck, and on to the brain.

  “Use it or lose it.” Russian research has indicated that the brain and muscles degenerate the least if used the most. We all know that a muscle placed in a cast for any length of time will atrophy completely; the body probably has no worse enemy than inactivity. Bodybuilding improves muscle tone for the entire body better than any other sport. And a dedicated bodybuilder can enjoy improved skin tone because weight training brings an added blood supply to the skin.

  When it comes to reducing fat, bodybuilding does a far better job than most other sports because muscle cells and fat cells simply do not mix. The first deposit of fat in the body occurs in the liver. From there it travels to the pericardium; after fat accumulates around the organs, it builds up under the skin. When fat can be seen under the skin, it’s a cinch that fat cells surround the vital organs, too. So weight training, which directly reduces fat between muscle and skin, obviously reduces fat around the organs at the same time. To me, that is the finest benefit that the sport has to offer. You can’t attach a barbell directly to your heart or your liver, of course, but a sensible weight program will promote the health of those vital organs just as surely as though you were training them directly.


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