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Ransom Page 33

by Julie Garwood

  “I’m not worried about the Church.”

  “You should be,” she countered.

  Gritting his teeth, he said, “Don’t argue with me.”

  “I’m not arguing. I’m simply stating fact. You needn’t get surly.”

  He gripped her shoulders and hauled her close. “I’m starting over. I’m going to explain, and I want you to follow along.”

  “Are you insulting me?”

  “No, sweetheart. Just listen.”

  She was so surprised by the endearment, her eyes got misty. “All right,” she whispered, “I’ll listen. What is it you want to explain?”

  “You told me you loved me. You did admit it, didn’t you? You can’t take the words back.”

  His vulnerability was showing, and she immediately sought to assure him. “I don’t want to take the words back. I do love you.”

  He relaxed his grip on her arms. “Tonight . . .”


  “I . . . that is, we . . . ah, hell.”

  “Brodick, what in heaven’s name is wrong with you?”

  “You,” he muttered. “You’re what’s wrong with me.”

  She pushed his hands away. “Your moods change with the wind. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have more important things to do than to stand here and listen to you grumble at me.” She swung around, pulled the door open with both hands, and marched outside.

  He gave up. He knew he’d made a muck of things, but he figured everything would work tonight. Gillian was an astute woman. Surely by the time he’d taken her clothes off her and carried her to bed, she’d have worked it all out in her mind. If not, then he’d tell her.

  Ramsey walked inside, saw Brodick, and immediately guessed what had happened. “You still didn’t tell her, did you?”

  “No, but God knows I tried.”

  “It’s simple enough, Brodick.”

  “No, it isn’t.”

  “How about, ‘Gillian, you’re married’? How complicated is that?”

  “I’m telling you, I tried, damn it. If you think it’s so easy, you tell her.”

  Ramsey laughed. “By God, you’re afraid to tell her, aren’t you?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Yes, you are. What do you think she’ll do?”

  Brodick quit trying to bluster his way through the conversation. “Yes, I am afraid. She’ll run. She’ll panic, and then she’ll try to run. Damn it, I tricked her, and I shouldn’t have done that.”

  “You also deceived a priest.”

  “Yes, well . . . I’m more worried about Gillian. I’m telling you, I shouldn’t have tricked her. It was wrong.”

  “But you’d do it again, wouldn’t you?”

  With a shrug he admitted he would. “Yes. I can’t imagine living without her, and if you laugh at me for admitting such a weakness, I swear I’ll put my fist through your face.”

  Ramsey slapped Brodick’s shoulder. “Take heart,” he suggested.

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  “Gillian might panic when she first hears she’s married to you. Hell, any woman would.”

  “Ramsey, you’re not helping.”

  “But she won’t run, Brodick.”

  “I’ll tell her at supper. Yes,” he added with a firm nod, “I’ll tell her then.”

  Brodick all but ripped the door off its hinges as he pulled it open to leave.


  The anticipation of finally being reunited with her older sister was almost more than Gillian could handle. As she dressed to meet Ramsey’s followers, her hands actually shook and her stomach felt as though it were filled with butterflies.

  She wore a golden colored gown with embroidered threads along the hem of the skirt and the wristband of the fitted sleeves. A servant helped her pleat the Buchanan plaid around her waist and drape one end over her shoulder. The fabric was secured with a braided leather belt.

  Gillian still wasn’t ready to go downstairs just yet, and so she stayed in the chamber Ramsey had assigned to her at the end of the hallway, pacing back and forth in front of the hearth and rehearsing what she would say when she greeted Christen.

  Bridgid was sent up to get her. She opened the door, took a step inside, spotted Gillian in the firelight of the hearth, and came to a sudden stop. “Oh, Gillian, you look beautiful. The color suits you.”

  “Thank you, but I’m pale in comparison to you.”

  Bridgid laughed. “Aren’t we a pair? Praising one another like silly girls.”

  “I’m sincere. You look radiant, and the man you love will surely notice you tonight.”

  Bridgid snorted. “I predict he will continue to look right through me. He always does. I’m getting used to it,” she added with a nod. “Are you ready to go downstairs?”

  “Yes,” she answered as she turned to put her brush back on the chest. She steadied her hands and forced herself to take a deep breath. “I’m so excited about seeing my sister again I’m actually trembling.”

  “Do you think you’ll meet her tonight?”

  “I do,” she answered. “And I’ve been practicing what I will say to her. I want our reunion to be perfect, and I want her to like me. Isn’t that a foolish worry? Of course she’ll like me. I’m her sister, for heaven’s sake.”

  “Come along,” Bridgid said then. “We mustn’t keep Laird Ramsey waiting. Brodick’s with him, by the way, and so are Brisbane and Otis. I’ll warn you none of them look very happy. Something’s wrong, but no one will tell me what it is. I’ll wager it has to do with the MacPhersons, though. That man Proster is always making trouble. Anthony and Faudron are constantly complaining about him and his cohorts.”

  “Who are Anthony and Faudron?” Gillian asked as she pinched her cheeks for color and followed Bridgid out the doorway.

  “They’re Gideon’s close friends, and Gideon is—”

  “Ramsey’s commander.”

  “Yes,” Bridgid said. “You rarely see one without the other two, and whenever Gideon is away from the holding, then Anthony takes over his position.”

  When they reached the bottom step, the door opened and a soldier came hurrying inside. He was tall, thin, and had deep creases in his brow.

  “That’s Anthony,” Bridgid whispered. “I’ll introduce you after you’ve spoken to Ramsey. You shouldn’t keep him waiting.”

  The men were at the far end of the hall. Ramsey and Brodick stood together talking in low whispers while Brisbane and Otis sat at the table watching the lairds. The old men looked as though they’d just lost their best friend. Otis noticed her coming toward them, nudged his friend, and then stood up.

  Gillian’s smile of greeting faltered when she saw Brodick’s expression. He looked furious, and after she had bowed to Ramsey, she folded her hands together and waited to find out what was wrong.

  The duty of breaking her heart fell on Brodick’s shoulders, and he decided to get it over and done with as quickly as possible. “Your sister has refused to meet with you.”

  She wouldn’t believe what she had just heard. She made him repeat the news.

  “Why would she refuse to see me?”

  Brodick looked to Brisbane for an answer. The old man scraped his chair on the floor as he pushed it aside and rounded the table. With a long face, he explained, “She’s been a MacPherson for almost as long as she can remember, and she feels no loyalty to England.”

  “What about her family?” Gillian cried out. “Does she feel no loyalty to me and our Uncle Morgan?”

  “Her family is here,” Brisbane said. “She has a mother and father and—”

  She cut him off. “Her mother and father are buried in England.”

  Brisbane’s shoulders sagged even more than was their usual inclination. “And she has a husband,” he hurriedly added. “She is . . . content.”

  “Content? She’s content?” she repeated in a near shout. The picture of her Uncle Morgan came into her mind and she began to shake with fury. A kind, gentle man�
��s life was at stake, and Gillian didn’t care how content Christen was.

  She took a step toward Brisbane, but Brodick stopped her by putting his arm around her waist and pulling her into his side.

  “Try to understand, Lady Gillian,” Brisbane pleaded.

  “I don’t have time to understand,” she countered. “I must speak to my sister as soon as possible.”

  “Did she tell you she wouldn’t see Gillian or did her husband speak for her?” Brodick asked.

  The question surprised Brisbane, and he mulled it over for several seconds before admitting, “Her husband explained. She didn’t speak at all, but she was there, and she heard every word he said. If she didn’t agree, she could have protested.”

  “Does she know that I only want to talk to her? That I won’t make any demands?”

  “Yes, I told her that you only wanted to see her again, but I don’t think she or her husband believed me. Remember, lass, in the past there have been inquiries about her whereabouts. She fears you’ll force her to return to England or tell others where she is.”

  Gillian put her hand to her forehead. “I would do no such thing.”

  She leaned into Brodick and tried to think. How could she rid her sister of her fears? And how could Christen believe that her own sister would betray her?

  “Ramsey?” Brodick called out. “What the hell are you going to do about this?”

  “I’ll give her one day to change her mind.”

  “And if she doesn’t?” Brisbane asked.

  “Then I’ll speak to her on Gillian’s behalf. If she still refuses, I’ll order her to come forward. If I have to drag her here, I will. I would prefer, however, that she come to this decision on her own.”

  “Her husband won’t like it,” Brisbane blurted.

  “I don’t give a damn if he likes it or not,” Ramsey said.

  “He’s a proud MacPherson.” Otis stepped forward to join in the heated discussion.

  “He’s a Sinclair now,” Ramsey snapped. “He pledged his loyalty to me, did he not?”

  “All the MacPhersons did,” Brisbane said.

  “The MacPherson soldiers are all loyal to you, Laird,” Otis said. “But since you have brought up this issue, I will tell you that every one of them has been made to feel as though they are outcasts, especially the soldiers. Your commander, Gideon, and his soldiers, Anthony and Faudron, constantly ridicule and mock their efforts. The MacPhersons have still not been trained properly, and I tell you this, there will be an insurrection if something isn’t done and soon.”

  Ramsey didn’t immediately respond to the fervent speech, but Brodick knew he was furious.

  “Are you suggesting that Ramsey pamper or give special consideration to the MacPherson soldiers?” Brodick asked.

  Otis shook his head. “I’m suggesting they only be given a fair chance to show their strength.”

  “Tomorrow I will take charge of the training, and when Gideon returns, I’ll discuss the problem with him,” Ramsey stated. “Does that satisfy you?”

  Otis appeared vastly relieved. “Yes, thank you.”

  Brisbane sought to be as accommodating as Ramsey. “With your permission, Laird, I would like to return to Lady Gillian’s sister first thing in the morning. I’ll stress the fact that Lady Gillian has promised me she only wants to talk to her sister.” He looked pointedly at Gillian when he made the last remark.

  “Yes, that is all I want,” she assured him.

  After Ramsey agreed, Brodick said, “Brisbane, when you speak to her, make certain her husband isn’t in the room. He could be making the decisions for her.”

  “Why do you think that?” she asked.

  “It’s what I’d do.”

  “But why?” she pressed.

  “Your sister’s husband would certainly try to protect her.”

  Brisbane rubbed his jaw. “Now that I reflect upon the meeting, I’ll tell you I believe that’s exactly what happened. I don’t believe she had a say in the matter.”

  What they said made sense, and Gillian began to relax. She grabbed hold of the idea that it was Christen’s husband who was denying her and not her sister. She didn’t fault the man, for as Brodick had suggested, he was only trying to protect his wife. But she believed with all her heart that if she could just spend a few minutes with Christen, she would be able to put her fears to rest.

  “You’re going to have to be patient a little longer,” Brodick said.

  “I don’t have time to be patient.”

  He kissed her forehead and whispered, “I don’t want you to worry about this tonight. Put it aside for now. Tonight should be a joyous occasion.”

  “Why? What happens tonight?”

  Her face was turned up toward his, and he simply couldn’t resist the temptation. He kissed her sweet, soft lips. Because they weren’t alone, he didn’t deepen the kiss, but it damn near killed him, and when he pulled back, his frustration was palpable. He wasn’t used to denying himself, and even though he only had to wait a few more hours to make her completely his, he was tense in anticipation.

  And worried. In truth, he wasn’t sure how she was going to react to finding out she was married, and the not knowing was making him as edgy as a caged animal.

  He swallowed, took a deep breath, and then said, “Gillian, I have something to tell you.” He cleared his throat again and said, “I want you to know that . . .”


  “You see . . . damn, your eyes are pretty.”

  What in heaven’s name was the matter with him? If she didn’t know better she would have thought he was actually nervous. That was ridiculous of course, because Brodick was one of the most self-assured men she’d ever known. She waited another couple of seconds for him to tell her what was on his mind, then tried to help him. “Did you want to tell me something about tonight?”

  Sweat broke out on his brow. “Yes,” he said. “It’s about tonight.” He gripped her arms as he added, “I don’t want you to be upset. What’s done is done, and you’re just going to have to come to terms with it.”

  Thoroughly confused, she asked, “Come to terms with what?”

  He let out a loud sigh. “Hell,” he muttered. “I cannot believe I’m having so much trouble getting the words out.”

  “Brodick, what’s going to happen tonight?”

  Brisbane and Otis were hanging on their every word, but Ramsey diverted their attention by escorting them outdoors. Having privacy didn’t make Brodick’s task any easier, and he decided to wait a little longer. He’d do it during supper, he decided. Yes, he’d take her aside and tell her then.

  “I asked you a question,” she reminded him. “What happens tonight?”

  “You’re going to make me very happy.”

  It wasn’t what he said but how he said it, in such a sensual gruff whisper, that sent tremors racing through her middle. All he had to do was look at her with those beautiful eyes of his and she melted. His smoldering gaze robbed her of the ability to think. She couldn’t even remember what he had just said to her, and since he seemed to need a response, she said on a sigh, “That’s nice.”


  For the next two hours Gillian stood on the steps with Ramsey at her side as each man came forward to meet her. Brodick stood behind her, and when weariness set in and she began to shift her weight from foot to foot, he coaxed her to lean back against him.

  A good number of the followers brought their wives with them, and Gillian noticed that all the females stared starry-eyed at Ramsey and warily at Brodick.

  How in heaven’s name was she going to find the traitor among so many? Impossible, she thought, as impossible as finding a Highlander who was fond of King John.

  It seemed to her that she looked at a thousand faces by the time sunset colored the sky. The light was rapidly fading, and with Ramsey’s command, soldiers lit fiery torches around the perimeter of the courtyard and the edge of the path beyond.

  “What reason did
you give your followers for assembling?” she asked Ramsey in a whisper.

  “I didn’t give them a reason,” he replied. “They’re here because I have requested their presence.”

  His arrogance made her smile. Then Brodick, gruff as usual, suggested she pay attention to the task at hand.

  Yet another hour passed as she greeted each man and woman who came forward. Her stomach began to rumble, and she was shivering from the cold breeze, so she pressed her back against Brodick to gain more of his heat.

  There was one moment of levity. The two boys who had tried to steal kisses from her and Bridgid came forward together. They looked as though the blood had drained from their faces as both, with eyes bulging, stared at Brodick.

  “Good evening, Donal,” she said.

  The soldier’s knees buckled and he went down hard. His friend grabbed him by the arm and hauled him upright, but he never once looked at him. No, his gaze was glued to Brodick.

  “Do you know this man?” Ramsey asked.

  Donal held his breath while he waited for her to answer. She heard Bridgid laugh.

  “Yes, I do know him. I was introduced to him earlier today.”

  “And the other one?” Brodick asked.

  Stewart looked as if he were going to cry. “I met him as well,” she said.

  “Where did you meet them?” Brodick asked, a decided chill in his voice now. “Were you on the hill by chance?”

  She gave him an indirect answer. “Donal and Stewart are friends of Bridgid’s. She introduced me to them.”

  “Gillian . . .”

  She put her hand on top of Brodick’s. “Let it go,” she whispered.

  He decided to let her have her way. The last group to come forward was led by an angry looking young man with an arrogant swagger much like Brodick’s. His brown hair hung down in his face as he strutted forward, gave a curt nod to his laird in lieu of a formal bow, and then turned to leave.

  Ramsey stopped him. “Proster, come back here.”

  The soldier stiffened, then did as he was ordered. The young men who had come forward with him quickly moved back to give him room.

  “Yes, Laird?”


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