Hunter (Revenge & Legacy Book 1)

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Hunter (Revenge & Legacy Book 1) Page 7

by M. C. Cerny

  “Yeah, you’d want to be my wife? Wait for me to come home, cook for me, stand around barefoot, and have my babies?” The thought of filling her with something of mine, owning her in a primal way and shouldering that responsibility hit at a core need I hadn’t realized I had inside me.

  Licking her plump lips, she craned her neck up to me and whispered against my cheek, “Ask me and find out, soldier boy.” Her body teased me and I let the feelings drown away any doubt. It was impulsive, maybe stupid right now, but I loved her. I always loved her, and I always would.

  So, I did it.

  I married that girl. I put a ring on it and showed our friends and family she was mine.

  It was the best three years of my life.

  But it was also the worst because I knew I would never have it again.



  My exhausted bride curled up on the bed. Still in her finery save for the sheet I covered her with. My hand traced down her buttoned-up silk backside. My fingers traced each button as my hand got lost in her skirt. I pushed up the fabric, over her rump into the divot behind her knee. I leaned over her to kiss the spot. Tender pale skin like fresh milk barely touched by the sun and limbs wrapped in lace garters. She was finally mine.

  Dark curls damp with perspiration wrapped around her neck and upper arms like climbing ivy. Pretty, but still invasive. I plucked a pin out placing it on the bedside table. Loose locks bounced over the palm of my hand. Delicate. Soft. Strong in its resiliency. My need to have her was tempered with the reality that I could never have the happy ending we all wanted. Elizabeth was too good for this even if I refused to admit it out loud.

  Lord how she’d fought me to get on the plane screaming like a banshee once she revived from her faint at the dockyard. The drugged water I gave her was only enough to dull her senses, not enough to knock her out and then I let things get completely out of hand. Poor pilot must have been deaf until she passed out over the Carolinas and again over the ocean from Miami to my private island. It would seem she was less enamored of her honeymoon gift. Two hundred and thirty miles over the ocean was an awfully longtime to subdue an unruly passenger.

  Sitting on the bed, I rested my back against the headboard propping my feet up. Watching her made me hard again. Elizabeth shivered in her sleep despite the balmy island breeze. Clenching my jaw, I pulled my shit together. I would make her my wife in all the ways that mattered. I would handle my brother, the business, and our father in due time. Tonight, was for her. I reached for my pills and slipped one in my mouth followed by a shot a whiskey uncaring of the possible side effects.

  Her chest heaved up and down roughly in her troubled slumber. If she were dreaming of boogiemen under her bed, I hated to wake her and tell her I was already here. I cooed to her softly hoping she would calm down. Frightening her now wouldn’t serve my greater purpose.

  She woke slowly, the change evident in her breathing and her stillness. “What are you doing?” she asked, a tremble in her voice.

  “So sweet and innocent.” I pushed her hair over her shoulder, exposing the soft skin. Her dark hair a stark contrast to the white sheets and her skin. Gripping her shoulder, I rolled her over to me. Blue eyes met green like a vortex of trouble. She was the ice to my fire. My dick ached to take her cherry. I could taste the tartness of her reluctance to trust me. She shouldn’t trust me at all. I was determined to stick to my plan despite the change in my diagnosis. My endgame was a long-term strategy in manipulating the players and learning to be flexible, no matter the challenges. However, that didn’t mean I couldn’t make her a mess underneath me binding her to me in all the ways that counted.

  “Elizabeth Huntley, my wife.” I mused.

  “Adam.” She leaned up, the sheet slipping, her dress wrinkled beyond repair, rust color splatters marring the pristine fabric like a tarnish tattoo.

  “The bright bead on my string.” I viewed Elizabeth as the luminescent pearl dangling, teasing, my predetermined and cursed yarn string. The Fates were cruel bitches.

  Standing now, I shoved her gently over the edge of the high bed. Her hands tangled in the dress and I hauled her hips up forcing her on her knees pulling her close.

  “What are you doing?” She peeked over her shoulder to look at me with bright accusing eyes. The drugged water was definitely out of her system with hate fueling her glare vividly.

  “Did you seriously not use the gifts I sent you?” I asked needing to know exactly how far to take this claiming. I didn’t want to hurt her, but I didn’t know if I could hold back as much as I should, and I wasn’t interested in pangs of guilt.

  “A-Adam? I don’t understand.”

  I petted her back like she was a ruffled hissing kitten needing comfort. My fingers catching on the pearl buttons.

  “I’ll take that as a no, my darling bird.” I couldn’t say I was surprised or disappointed. For a girl who was born into shit and supplanted into my world, Elizabeth had prudish ideas about sex. She definitely wasn’t making this any easier on herself.

  My micro panther growled, cheeks flushed, vibrating under my touch. “I’d hardly call those toys gifts.”

  She moved back and forth sneering bravely. I pinched her hips still. Always testing me.

  “I’m giving you a taste of what’s to come birthday girl.”

  I slowly undid each button drawing out the agony when I wanted to rip through, destroy, own, and conquer. I tugged the dress down her body with little resistance. White silk was replaced by pink flesh.

  “It’s cold in here.”

  “Hush, little bird.”

  I reached around her front, palming her breasts and then plucking her nipples, sucking on her neck. “I want you naked, wife.”

  I pressed my swollen, hard cock against her. Grinding. Needing. Taking. I peeled her lace panties from her wet center to the side slipping my fingers through her arousal. It pleased me that she overflowed with honey sticking to her thighs. Poor girl had no idea what turned her on. All the better to train her to my liking, even if I wasn’t keeping her.

  I pushed her face down on the bed to pull the lace scrap down her thighs and off her legs tossing them behind me once I untangled her ankle from the lace. Her heels caught it and I took a small key from my pocket to undo the lock slipping them off. I could fuck her with shoes on later. I had years ahead of me if things went according to plan.

  Her feet still bore the deep scar tissue in the pad of muscles. Flipping her over onto her back, I rubbed the silvery lines digging my thumbs into the divots until she groaned pressing her foot back into my chest. “You still have them.” I leaned down to kiss a scar licking up her leg on the inside. It seemed like so long ago she talked back to me on a roof top making me smile. I massaged the spot deeply earning a strangled moan.

  “I do. I’ll always have them.” Her soft voice wavered as she turned her head away from me. The urge to make the pain go away threatened my agenda. I could not be soft with her, not ever. Revenge didn’t have a soft side. Softness exposed your underbelly, a weakness I could not afford.

  “Yes, Elizabeth. You will.” I kept up the pressure lulling her into a relaxed state until my mouth reached her center giving it a soft kiss under her muffled whimpers.

  “Stop it.” She groaned pushing her body into mine. I doubted she meant it with the way she eagerly presented herself for more.

  “Interesting.” I murmured close enough to her cunt where I smelled her arousal. Sharp and tangy. Her center pulsed greedy as my thumb rubbed up and down her inner slit gathering her juices to cover the little knot that throbbed under my touch. I fingered the tight knot pressing experimentally feeling out her reaction. Tense but willing to proceed. I should have grabbed the platinum plug for this but I couldn’t wait to claim her any longer. I wanted my pound of flesh four year overdue. I bided my time long enough.

  “Please.” She whimpered tucking her head down into the pillows. Her hair sheltered her face while her tiny hands fisted in the bed like
she couldn’t control her impending orgasm. I could give her that. One time, where it felt good and genuine before I went back to the task at hand. I reminded myself that she signed up for this. She agreed to be mine in any and every way. We had a contract of sorts and I expected her to honor it to the bloody end.

  “You know that you’re mine, Elizabeth. No one touches this. No one comes close enough to taste this juicy cunt except me.” I don’t wait for her to answer because I don’t care. She hadn’t run away from me yet, I doubted she’d ever try.

  “I hate you.” She hissed striking out with words as she white knuckled the sheets.

  I kissed her belly swirling my tongue from her clit to her belly button in a slow circle keeping my eyes on her.

  “This hate is starting to feel like a good time, wife.”

  “I’d kill you if I could.” Tears pooled in her azure depths but did not fall.

  I made a tisking sound giving her my smirk she hated so much. “Elizabeth, you know better than to threaten me with a good time.”

  I hooked my arms around her legs dragging her down the bed to me, legs extended over my shoulders. Her breathy gasp, lips parted, eyes clenched shut. My tongue licked up her slit eating up her arousal that coated her lips like a sticky dessert. As expected, she squealed unable to get away.

  “Don’t fight it little bird. Let it consume you.” I bit her inner thigh listening to her howl and thrash through the unchartered wave of desire drowning her innocent mind.

  “Adam.” She cried through the first orgasm and lay spent after the second. I’d have given her a third, but I wasn’t that nice of a husband or a gentleman considering I craved her asshole next. It was a good thing I packed this love nest with plenty of lube for what I had planned. My Queen had an awful lot of work ahead of her to earning her crown.

  I positioned my doll just the way I wanted her, holding her arms above her head. I kissed my way down her body cataloging every nuance I could about her. I prepared myself and made her slick enough, so that she was hard to hold onto. I’d take this one virginity as my own.

  “I’ll never forgive you.” She said biting her lip as I pressed inside her tight star feeling her clench on every rigid inch. I bucked my hips as she hissed.

  “You got the wrong man for that.” I kissed her as if she were mine forever, as if she’d never touch another soul, never want another fire. Then I fucked my wife properly until we were spent.



  I laid back on the bed staring at the ceiling wondering how I’d come to this impasse. My hand reached for my wife lightly snoring. Her soft skin made me sigh, but considering no one could see me, I let myself smile and enjoy the moment. I had so much work to do and sadly little time, or at least the time I did have slowly dwindled away. A glance at the bedside table showed a bottle of drugs I’d become dependent on, and my cellphone was strangely glowing in the night with an incoming call. No one should have been calling me disturbing my honeymoon with Elizabeth.

  I picked up the phone, recognizing the secure number. I rolled my eyes annoyed. Motherfucker just wouldn’t get a clue, would he?

  “Dad.” I drawled sarcastically.

  “Congratulations, she’s finally legal.” He made it sound like I won the lottery and if he’d had any idea how tight her ass had been, he might have been cheering me on as well, from one sadist to another considering I knew what his proclivities were.

  “Of course, she is. I may be into kinky shit, but I’m not a fucking pervert.” Unlike the man who fathered me.

  “Funny, the FBI tells me differently.” He could be sarcastic all he wanted. He wasn’t goading me on my honeymoon.

  “Well, you might like dick too, if you were forced to suck it for dinner hopping through foster families like a basketball, so thanks for that.” I drawled. Those experiences might have warped a child’s mind, but even I knew they had nothing to do with my sexual preferences. I just liked goading the bastard.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to set her up with a nice agent once you’re gone. He’ll be glad to tear her up and spunk in her face for fun.”

  I ignored his comment feeling the fire fuel me. I wanted to gut him.

  “Sweet, planning my funeral already. I’ll make sure Nelson forgets your invitation as well as the one for my kid’s first christening. You know, the one who will inherit my empire, and annoy you until the end of time.” My house manager wasn’t exactly pleased I married the girl, but he’d fall in line and deal with it. I patted Elizabeth’s butt massaging her backside as she moaned sweetly in her sleep. My wife was a good distraction.

  He hated the idea of me fathering a child almost as much as I did. I knew I was damaged goods. That’s why I had a contingency plan and a brother chock full of healthy DNA to see the job done.

  “I spoke to him last night.”

  My father was a more than a master manipulator and destroyer of lives. I sat up in the bed ignoring the sharp pain low in my stomach. I grabbed the pill bottle and cracked the top to pop one.

  “And?” I demanded over the dry swallow praying for numb oblivion.

  “Aaron is so much like you. You could be twins.”

  I hated the almost admiration in his voice. He should have thought about the first time he knocked my mother up and left her like she was nothing more than a joy ride to him. Considering Aaron and I shared the same parents it wasn’t impossible for us to look closely identical. Unfortunately, I got all the crazy ass genes while he got the annoying do-gooder left overs. Aaron was going to be a hard sell on the coming future, but I needed him and I would make him need me just as much for this to work. There was no going back.

  “How will you get him there?”

  “He thinks he’s being recruited to stop you from selling arms to a Middle Eastern sheik on our watchlist. He’ll be escorting a peace convey with supplies.”

  The truth was that I needed him there to facilitate the exchange. The armored cargo of peace supplies he was escorting had the arms. The rebels on the ground needed to see me to allow the trucks over the border. My reputation was in good faith but my physical presence assured the exchange would happen. The problem was that I couldn’t get there, but Aaron could, and he’d never know the difference while I moved my own players to swap out the shipment.

  “Good.” Once I had all the pieces in play, things would move much more smoothly. My brother thought he was stopping me, the big bad wolf, but really, he was helping me stop our piece of shit father from starting another war for profit, with the intent of lining the Perry coffers for the next presidential bid. I liked selling arms and illegal goods as much as the next criminal, but even I had a set of unshakable patriotic morals floating around somewhere between my fetish for sodomy and pretty brunette girls that reminded me of my mother.

  He stole my life and condemned me to hell. I’d use whoever and whatever means to take it back, wrapped up in a tidy little bow.

  “When do you start the treatments?” He asked.

  My cancer was off the table for discussion.

  “Once he’s been brought in. I know how much this deal means to you.” I said what I had to in order to placate him. With all my money, even I didn’t have access to the drugs not yet FDA cleared for my cancer. I needed this lifeline, this medical extension on the ticking time bomb inside me from being exposed to heavy metals in the paint and water as a kid in the system. The kind of shit that mutated genes and tissue dormant until now. They say living in a foster home is hell, but it seemed like everything else was out to kill me, including dear old dad.

  “I know how much this experimental treatment means to you. You make this happen and that’ll make us even. Dr. Clerval will have the clearance he needs.” He chuffed. I didn’t find a damn thing about this cute or funny and I’d make him suffer as my last final rite.

  “Not even close.”

  Not even close, old man.

  “I will send you the coordinates once the convey is on the ground with his Inf
inity SEAL team.”

  “Excellent.” I hung up the phone letting my hand fall back down to the bed suddenly tired from all the bullshit. I let the off-market ecstasy take effect drowning out everything else. The room pulsated and my phone slipped from my hand to fall to the floor bouncing off the carpet. Elizabeth didn’t stir once, and for a moment I was grateful to just be, without the mask slipped on. It was a good thing I didn't buy into religion. My faith was a Grand Canyon of flaws and false promises. Drugs were my higher power when life was low and control fleeting. My mother brilliantly self-medicated to the very end, and I could see the allure living in so much pain and anger. Lucky for Elizabeth, I wanted better for her. I wanted her to have the life I never would, even if I had to hurt her a little to get there. My love for her was blasphemous, and I eagerly lead my lamb to slaughter.



  Flying back to the private airport was subdued to say the least. I watched the outside world pass me by in colorful greens and pinks of the island flowers. My nose twinged from the salty air. My body did the same in places I didn’t have words for deep inside when I sat down, and again when I stood up to walk. I wasn’t hurt in the least, but I was far from normal. My thoughts drifted away in a hazy fantasy as I rested my head against the cool glass letting the interior air conditioning cool me down. I wonder how he medicated me for the flight this time. No sneaky syringe or chalky pill. It could have been the water. Maybe the tangy fresh squeezed orange juice or the rich coffee. Whatever it was, it kept me mellow, and the panic of flying at bay.

  My head lolled to the side so I could glance over at my husband who was busy typing a message on his phone. His broad shoulders dominated the space filling the plush leather captain’s chair next to me. His angular jaw was taught. Brows furrowed meaning he must not have liked the message he received on the screen. I was learning to read him and gauge his moods carefully.


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