Soteria- The Crisis Forge

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Soteria- The Crisis Forge Page 17

by Roberto Arcoleo

  “Is that what you are really interested in? How many languages I speak? Come on, did you ever ask yourself how it is you learn languages so quickly, yourself? How you move so fast and strike with such force? How you could always see what an adversary was going to do even before he was aware of it himself? Did you ever ask yourself where all this power came from? You have many questions inside you, Feiyan, I’m sorry, I mean Saya. What you really need to know is not where I’m from or how I know your language, but rather who you are.”

  Saya stopped dead in her tracks. Her back muscles firmed as her body tensed. Her mind sought the safety of her skills. She thought of running. The memory of running along the mountainside as a student rushed into her brain, but she instinctively knew there was no place to run from this man.

  She tightened her fist but quickly reconsidered. She recalled the first time she was struck and knocked unconscious to the floor by her teacher; how helpless she felt. Who is this man? She thought. How does he know these things? Am I lost? Is today the day I die? Saya did not know how she knew of Jason’s overwhelming power, how she knew that all her skill and strength would be useless, but she did.

  Without hesitation, Jason, reading her mind, responded to Saya’s concerns. “Don’t worry. I told you that I am not here to harm you, and I am not a ghost! But I’m special, and in a way, we have known each other for a long time. Don’t fear me. I would like to get to know you better. I think we could be friends,” he spoke softly.

  “I don’t think we can be friends if I’m afraid of you. You have to tell me everything. Who are you? What are you?”

  Almost on cue, the sky opened up, and it started to pour. The drops fell large and furious. They both took shelter under the metal awning of a Spanish bodega. The rain crashed down upon the roof, echoing in their ears as if they were standing inside a drum. Other people on the street rushed for shelter, and four rats jumped out of some garbage cans a few feet away. The red and blue neon lights from the store window cast patterns on the wet pavement. Jason took her hand and smiled. Saya’s mind seemed to drift, his touch brought reassurance.

  Looking at him she said softly, “I’ve always loved the sound of rain, I love the way the drops seem to talk to each other. When I was a child, I would always… Oh, never mind…”

  Jason put his arm around her. “What do you fear, Saya, your end? What is waiting for you or not waiting for you? I think you have faced those thoughts before.” He stared intently into her eyes. “Your end will not come from me. I promise you that. Is that any help? Saya, you are special, different. Maybe we…” He paused.

  “Who are you?” she asked.

  He did not answer for a moment and then said, “I am going to let you try to figure it out yourself.”

  “But I have your word that you will not harm me?”

  “You have my word and more.” He leaned forward, putting his hand on her lower back, his lips inches from hers. “I promise.” Kissing her gently, his touch was meant to comfort rather than excite.

  When they reached her door, Jason said, “I won’t come up. We have already had a long night, but I am hoping you may be surprised when you go upstairs. You will understand more when you are home.” They kissed quickly again, and Jason walked away, Saya’s eyes trailing him.

  When Saya opened the door, she took off her coat and threw it on the sofa. What could he have meant, you may be surprised when you get upstairs? Then she saw it in the corner; there was no mistaking its nobility. The delicate carving, the horsehair strings, the worn marks of her Mistress’s hand were all there. She had held it in her hands many times. It was the most beautiful instrument in the temple, the erhu reserved for her teacher and only played when Saya had practiced her movements many years ago.

  She picked up the bow, slowly drawing it across the strings. Her hand rested on the worn indentations of the wand left by her teacher. Her Mistress had promised it would be hers one day, but she had left this and many other dreams behind when she had fled the temple. Now it was here. Not since her childhood had she felt so safe.

  Chapter 26: An Emergency Meeting

  The Supreme Council rushed to meet. Dronin instructed Elgert and Allaceia to drop all matters and come to the high chambers immediately.

  “We are receiving communications from Mark. He demands to know what is going to be asked of himself and Jason,” said Dronin.

  “Demands?” replied Allaceia. “This is a new development. They have never made such a bold overture before.”

  “I know. They are reaching their full strength. They just stood facing each other outside the plasma and communicated. They are growing stronger each day and will soon have power equal to ours,” answered Dronin.

  “We allow them to make demands of us. That would show weakness on our part. We will treat this as an inquiry and answer a question with another question. Furthermore, we should not look upon them as adversaries; they are my children. We will tell them we would like to communicate directly. Once they enter the portal together, we will see them face to face and can explain to them their purpose and their task,” said Allaceia.

  “Well, you are the diplomat, Allaceia, but they will soon be at full power. They will be able to challenge us,” he said, hoping this bait would encourage her into revealing priorities, not in the interests of Eldern.

  These events will be the opportunity I need to begin to turn Dronin against her and bring him into my web. Elgert laid his trap. He awaited Allaceia’s reaction, and to his surprise, she took the bait.

  “But they are my children; they will not turn against us.”

  She shows herself, thought Elgert. Again, he spoke, “There is another issue. Triptonians have been detected on Earth. They have been sighted in the vicinity of Jason.”

  “How did they get past our probes? This is a treaty violation!” exclaimed Dronin angrily.

  Allaceia calmly interjected, “I will contact the ambassador immediately.”

  “I’m sure it wasn’t an officially sanctioned visit, rather a rogue group of fans that snuck onto the planet. I have no idea how the probes did not detect them. They must have some sort of cloaking technology,” continued Elgert.

  Allaceia was well aware of the visits to earth by those furry little beings. She had allowed it as a favor to her friend, Mananken, the Ambassador of the Triptonians. “I must launch a protest and demand that it be stopped. If New Tripton gets involved in any way with our plans, it could be disastrous,” she responded.

  “Why? What could they do?” asked Dronin.

  “They could be real trouble. You know, New Tripton is the only planet in the federation that is allowed to keep battleships. The agreement is centrons old; it was deemed by past councils that New Tripton’s position on the outer edge of the galaxy was best suited to protect the other planets. This treaty binds us, but they can be difficult, and if they have acquired advanced cloaking technology, it could be extremely problematic. They are a capricious race, unpredictable at best. You say you believe it was not sanctioned; maybe it is just an innocent adventure, but do we really want them to know what we are up to on Earth? No. This could become a real issue. We must get to the bottom of it. Find out what they know, and why they went to Earth,” said Allaceia, doing her best to display anger and dismay.

  “I am sure you’re correct and they’re just fans of Jason’s,” said Elgert. “You know how popular he is with them. They probably mean no harm.”

  “Let’s hope so,” she replied.

  Allaceia believed she had sold her innocence, but more than ever she had the feeling that Elgert was up to something.

  “This is all the more reason to expedite our discussion with the twins,” said Dronin, completely unaware of the dance of deceit and manipulation in which Elgert and Allaceia were engaging. He continued, “Allaceia, how do you suggest we proceed?”

  “We must tell Mark to confer with Jason and plan to enter the portal with him. We will tell him it is time to reveal their purpose on earth.”
  “Yes, Allaceia, but how do you see this unfolding?” asked Dronin.

  “We tell them the truth. We have been preparing them for this their whole lives. They will come to understand their duty, and we will stress that we will do all we can to ensure that they will survive. We should express our concern for them in an unwavering manner.”

  “But they may suffer, Allaceia. They may suffer beyond imagination!” said Dronin.

  “Dronin, I will feel the pain of their suffering,” Allaceia surprised herself with these words. She paused and spoke with authority, “As a member of the Council, there is no one more interested in their survival than me,” she corrected herself coolly. “Yes, and we must acknowledge that they may suffer, especially Jason. But we will ask for their courage and promise our support.”

  “I might not be very satisfied with these words if I were them, as we are seated safely here, far from any danger or pain,” said Dronin.

  “They know that their purpose on Earth is to save it from destruction, and they know there will be perils. It is just the details and the magnitude that they have yet to learn…and this protégé of Jason continues to trouble me, the human who calls herself Saya. She is evolving rapidly. We don’t know what she may become. Not to mention if she has offspring, she could develop a whole new race. My first assistant thinks she should be destroyed!” exclaimed Elgert.

  “I don’t agree,” replied Allaceia. “We do not want to upset Jason at this point in time. You are far afield now, Elgert. Your proposal could be disastrous. We will leave her be for now.”

  “I defer to your judgment, Allaceia,” responded Elgert, watching as an expression of dismay overtook Dronin.

  So, we are here, Elgert relished, Dronin will have no choice but to turn to me.

  Chapter 27: Not All Wounds Bleed

  Saya awoke in her room. She got up and slowly walked into the kitchen, half-consciously filling her teakettle. She put it on the stove. She was different somehow. Something had changed within her, but she was not sure what. Can this really be? Her thoughts in a whirl, she looked across the room at the ehru that once rested in the most hidden part of the temple, but now sat in the corner near her window.

  He isn’t human. He must be some form of spirit, a guide from beyond this world. Saya thought back on all her teachings, the words of the monks and her Mistress when she was called Feiyan. Never had she heard of such a man. He said I shouldn’t fear him, that he would protect me, but why does he care about me? He saw something, felt something special that attracted him. I know he wants me, but there is more; I feel him in my mind. When he touched me, he penetrated me. This isn’t just a physical thing. And then the erhu! How did it get here?

  Saya knew that the answers would only come when Jason allowed her to understand, but the same question kept haunting her: Why me?

  Up until now, the great influences in her life had been the two women who had guided her. One was a Chinese monk and the other the wife of a Japanese silk trader. Both were strong and noble women. But Saya felt an influence even greater now, driving her to search for an understanding. Why do I feel I’ve already known him for so long? This connection is like a primal passage deep within my mind.

  The memories of the loss of her Mistress at the monastery, as well as not having seen Mistress Kaya for years, made her sad. The beautiful home in Japan where she first learned of love made Saya pause. Taking in a breath, she thought, I miss them both dearly, but I am happy to be free of my obligations. Saya chose to think only of the beautiful moments. All these thoughts had been locked inside her, lost in another place until today. Meeting Jason brought everything back.

  Saya looked again at the erhu and wiped away a tear. As she heard the teakettle rattling, her stomach started to grumble, returning her mind to the present. I’m in the mood for some soba, she thought. Every time I think of Japan, I want some. Somehow it always fills my loneliness. Angela told me about this new place on 2nd Avenue called MIE. I think I’ll give it a try.

  She looked across the room at a chair where a pair of jeans and a t-shirt were sprawled, then picked up the top. It had a few holes in it. Loving its comfort, she felt alive under its veiled sexiness. She turned off the stove and, grabbing a coat out of her closet, set off for the street. As she walked into the hall, she saw her landlady at the foot of the stairs, a gray-haired Italian woman named Rosa, sweeping. Her warm expression was always there, yet it seemed that gravity had begun to win the battle, for even within the last few years, Saya had noticed that her neck was showing those telltale lines, and her eyelids had drooped a notch. And while all the women Saya knew were talking about their biological clocks, she knew that since the death of her husband, Rosa’s thoughts were often about the last toll of the bell. Still, without fail, the building was always spotlessly clean, thanks to her obsession with tidiness.

  “Morning, Saya! How are you, and how is your Italian girlfriend?”

  “I’m fine, Rosa. And Angela is great. I’ll tell her you said hello.”

  Rosa had often seen her with Angela, for the two of them had been spending a lot of time together lately.

  Then as she was walking out the door, Saya thought she heard Rosa say, “They are both so beautiful. Too bad they are lesbians.” But she knew Rosa would never make such a bold remark.

  Did I really hear that? She thought. It was almost as if she was thinking out loud. Strange, it was as if… “What did you say, Rosa?” Saya turned and raised her eyes toward Rosa cleaning the stairs. The old woman was embarrassed, casting her eyes down towards the floor as if a deep secret had been unearthed.

  “Me? I didn’t say anything.” But Saya could see the surprised look on her face.

  Chapter 28: Knowledge Comes

  Jason had just left Saya at her door. What were the chances I’d stumble upon her, the one who has been haunting my memories since I was a child? He thought of the mysteries and pleasures he had felt with Angela. He thought of Helena, with all her beauty and soaring ambitions that so quickly turned sugar into vinegar. But Saya… this is different.

  When he entered his apartment, he set his thoughts aside; Mark was waiting for him.

  Mark’s calls were heard on Eldern. He and Jason were to be granted an audience. Mark was informed that all would be explained.

  “What have you learned from the Council? Have they told us anything?” asked Jason.

  “They have told me nothing except that they want to meet with us. We’re to enter the portal together, and we’ll meet them there. They’re calling us their ‘children’. There are three of them. They said that we will learn everything we wish to know.”


  “When we choose to. When we are ready,” said Mark.

  “Let’s do it now. This very second.”

  “We could, but I think we should wait. Let’s be strategic and consider what we want to say. I’d like to speak with Dr. Abernathy, first. He’s always helped me to be clear.”

  “Yes,” responded Jason thoughtfully. “That might be a good idea. He has proven himself insightful. He could be a good sounding board.” Jason hesitated. “I don’t know why, but the thought of this meeting unsettles me. I feel it. I don’t know why, but I feel it.”

  “Yes, I feel uncomfortable as well, but perhaps that is simply because of the importance of this meeting. We both know we are here to save this world from destruction, but the how is the mystery.”

  “Yes, and maybe more than that. Listen, Mark, speaking of mysteries, I’ve been seeing strange little beings. I’m not sure how to describe them except as walking teddy bears. I realize how ridiculous this sounds. But, have you seen anything like that?”

  “I see them in your mind now, but I have not seen them in the world. They must be interested in only you.”

  “Well,” responded Jason, “they are not from Earth for sure, and they are not from our home world, either. I doubt they mean us harm. In fact, I got a very friendly feeling from them, but they would not communicat
e. They vanished when I tried to approach them. Should we ask the Council about them?”

  “No, let’s keep it between us for now. What do you think they want from you?” asked Mark seriously.

  “They did not seem to want anything but to observe me. They were… It’s strange. They reminded me of groupies, the people who love the band. They were acting silly too. Sweet and silly. I didn’t feel threatened.”

  “Well,” responded Mark, “I imagine it means something. It’s strange that this is occurring now, just as this meeting is approaching.”

  “Yes, it’s all very strange,” said Jason.

  “Well, we can think about what it all means later. For now, we should focus on the conversation with the Council. We need a plan.”

  “I agree. Let’s try and see Abernathy beforehand,” said Jason.

  Mark picked up the phone and dialed the doctor.

  Martha answered. “Dr. Abernathy’s office. May I help you?”

  “Yes, Martha. This is Mark. I need an emergency appointment as soon as possible.”

  “Mark,” she responded in an annoyed tone. “You cannot keep asking for emergency appointments. We don’t operate like that around here, you know. Well, there is next Tuesday at 2 PM, and, let’s see…”

  “No, Martha. This is an emergency. Tell the doctor I will be bringing my brother with me. We can’t wait until next week!”

  “Well, let me talk to the Doctor. Wait, he is in Boston for a conference. He always calls me at the end of the day. Call me back around 6pm. I will see if he is able to make some time for you both.”

  “Thank you, Martha. I really appreciate it. I’ll bring you some flowers when we drop in.”

  “Hmmm…” she replied, still sounding annoyed.


  As Allaceia watched her children on her private viewing screen, her first assistant asked permission to speak to her. “Grand Mistress, I have some alarming news.”


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