Ruthless Queen

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Ruthless Queen Page 10

by K. D Clark

  * * *

  “From now on we will be supplying guns to the Montreal Mafia. We will be running larger quantities from Mexico but Montreal will be picking them up from us. We will be marking them up 20%. In addition to that some of Montreal’s men will be hanging around the casinos. Nothing for you guys to worry about but I don’t want any trouble. They stay far from us we stay far from them.” She looked around the office at each of her capos cramped into her office all wearing freshly pressed suits. Giovanni leaned against the wall behind her desk as still as stone. A silent presence but enough so everyone knew he had her back and would put anyone down that had a problem. She knew he was burning with questions to ask her once everybody left. She intended to leave the meeting with just that but she knew her father would be disappointed. She lifted the roach up to her mouth and inhaled before relaxing back in the chair as she exhaled.

  She sighed. “Any questions?”

  No one spoke.

  “This is not a trick and I won’t repeat myself.” She took notice of Lucas standing off in the corner. His hands balled into fist. He was not happy about this and Cassandra could understand why. In his mind Andre had killed Calvin but per their conversation in this office last time she knew he would stay quiet…for now.

  “Why are we working with the Montreal mafia now? We never have before don’t you think this a little sudden?”

  Cassandra raised a eyebrow at one of the men, Jonas was his name, hardworking guy that had hung around the streets a lot as a kid and worked his way up the ranks. Instead of dragging this on, Cassandra figured being honest was the best way to put all the whispers to a end.

  “As I am sure most of you know of my relationship with the Montreal boss Andre. Rest assured Calvin’s killer has been dealt with and we will not retaliate. We have made a business agreement that benefits us financially and keeps their men off our streets and out of our drugs. Should you experience issues working with the Montreal gang go to Giovanni as he will be sticking around for the next few months. If you have a issue with my relationship please feel free to come to me.”

  The last part was a bit of sarcasm no one would dare come sit down and talk with Cassandra about her relationship. Not unless they wanted their nuts hung from a tree.


  Mumbles of yes boss and head nods answered her back.

  * * *

  Andre jerked awake as the plane hit the runway. He had planned to go to Tempest last night, talk some more things out with Cassandra but he thought better of it and decided to give her the space she needed. He had stayed at his penthouse last night and caught a early flight. He had to remind himself that this was all new to her. She’s not used to answering to anyone but herself, the only drama in her life usually revolved around Cosa Nostra. She’s never had a personal life and Andre wanted to give her time to think, even if it killed him. He got off the plane with the rest of first class and made his way through the busy Montreal–Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport. He walked outside and nodded at the driver standing by an all black Mercedes-Benz. As soon as he turned his phone back on it started to ring.

  “Andre.” He answered.

  “How was the flight Boss?” Liam asked over the phone as Andre slide into the cool leather seats of the car.

  “Cramped. I’m flying private next time. Swing by my place in 20 so we can go over the tributes. Schedule a sit down with the men tonight, we have a lot to discuss.”

  “I’m on it, Boss.” Once Liam hung up Andre leaned back against the seat. It will be nice to start dealing with actual business instead of the front he had put on in the States. He’ll leave that to Matteo, thats where he thrives anyways, plus it looks like he wouldn’t mind the American girls. It was 8am in Montreal so he figured she’d be asleep but decided to pull out his phone and send a text message anyway. I miss you. Before he could slide his phone back in his pocket it vibrated, I know :) He smirked at that, he expected nothing less. It wasn’t a long drive from the airport to his house. As the car pulled around the circle drive

  the house felt more massive then the last time he was here. He had gotten used to Cassandra’s small studio apartment. He could imagine her turning this mini mansion into a space of her own. He walked into the foyer and the mansion felt empty. Liam was already in the dinning room. Andre sat down at the unnecessarily huge dinning room table and looked over a few spreadsheet that were sitting out.

  “I don’t think you need me to tell you who is short on Tribute. The numbers are pretty clear to me. Tribute is in three day, we have the sit down tonight lets see if he keeps it up. As I suspected men are getting a bit wild since I’ve been gone so long.” Andre said.

  “How long until this is permanent? The more time you spend in the States the more they will try doing stupid shit like this.”

  Andre ran a hand over his face. That is something Cassandra and him had omitted from talking about while they were coming up with the plan between their organizations. Andre couldn’t stay in the States forever and Cassandra was so engrossed in every part of Cosa Nostra that her leaving was not a option.

  “I don’t know, lets just focus on the few days i’m here. I have some new business to discuss.”

  Liam nodded as a knock sounded on the door. While he stood up to answer it, Andre gathered the few pieces of paper in front of him and stuffed them in the nearby kitchen drawer. Handshakes, pats on the back and smiles were spread around as made men, made their way into the dinning room. They grabbed themselves a drink and took a seat. The men chatted as they waited for everyone to arrive. Unlike Cassandra who ruled Cosa Nostra with fear and intimidation Andre was much more open in his approach to business.

  The room grew silent as Andre spoke, “As you all know I’ve been away for a minute. I’m glad to see things have ran smoothly. Now that I am back I have a few announcements that will please everybody.” He scanned the room meeting each man’s eyes they all seemed at ease as that drank their whiskey and Cognac.

  “We now have a new gun supplier offering a lower rate and a bigger supply. With the FEDS off our backs we will supply to the West End Gang and Hell’s Angels as well as selling the rest on the street for a higher profit margin. That means I’ll need a gunrunner.”

  A few of his men spoke up showing interest.

  “Perfect we will discuss in further detail, later. The second thing is more gambling opportunity I will need some men stationed in Las Vegas.”

  More men mumbled their interest.

  “Alright I will set up some time later this week to talk with my new gunrunners and Las Vegas friends. Any questions?” They looked back and forth between each other.

  After a moment Andre said.“Good, lets eat.”

  * * *

  It was 4 o’clock and usually she would be dressed and on the way to check out a shipment they had just gotten in. She couldn’t pull her head out of the toilet long enough to get dressed or put on makeup. She wouldn’t allow herself to freak out unless she had a reason to.

  “Leo, I need you to do something for me and for once in your life do not say anything to my dad.”

  Leo lifted his bald head up to meet her eyes. He was currently sitting on the couch watching the news waiting for her to finish getting ready. In the couple of days Andre had been gone she had been able to get back into her routine. It felt good to get back into the flow of things but she felt like something was missing. Her and Andre had sent a few quick text but nothing too personal. When he got back they needed to talk but she was going to avoid it as much as possible until then. Keeping their organizations from having a street war was priority but now she wasn’t sure what to do next especially with what she was about to ask Leo.

  “Whats up?” Leo asked

  She looked down at her phone again to double check. Two weeks late for her period. How could she have not noticed? Her and Andre were sloppy when it came to sex because she couldn’t think straight when she was with Andre. Much less when she was under him.

>   “I need you to stop at the store and pick me up something.”

  Leo cocked an eyebrow.

  She took a deep breath. “I need you to pick up a pregnancy test.”

  Leo grunted, clearly uncomfortable with the whole situation. He stood up and made his way out of the apartment without a word. Once he left she rested back on the couch. She had been feeling nausea for the last few days but that could be anything. She couldn’t be pregnant, not as a Boss of Cosa Nostra. She pulled out her phone and called Gio it rang two times before he picked up.

  “Gio” He answered, his voice filled with sleep. Like herself, there was a good chance Giovanni was just waking up.

  “I need you to go down to the Doc and check on the incoming shipment for me. I was going to go myself but something came up.”

  He yawned. “Alright, will I see you at Tempest tonight?”

  She looked down at her stomach. “Most likely.”

  She hung and started pacing across the hardwood floors, almost burning a hole through her socks, as she waited. It felt like hours before Leo got back to the apartment carrying a plastic grocery bag clear enough that she could see the pink package of the pregnancy test inside. She took the bag from Leo and rushed into the bathroom. She was ready to put all this worrying and nonsense to rest. Once the test came back negative she could get dressed and take care of what she needed to take care of. She wouldn’t let her mind wander to the possibility of anything except a negative result. Her knee shook as she sat on the edge of the bathtub and waited for the longest five minutes of her life. She felt her heart drop as she picked up the pregnancy test and stared at the two pink lines. Positive. She started at those two pink lines for what felt like forever before she sat back down on the edge of the bathtub and let the tears fall down her cheek. There was no way she could do this. She had a bullseye on her back every time she walked out her front door. What kind of person would bring a child into that? At the moment, she wasn’t even sure where she stood with Andre. What was she suppose to do? Stay in Chicago and raise a kid while Andre is off in Canada running his own organization? She slept until 4 o’clock everyday. Babies need to be feed every two hours. She couldn’t bring a baby into a nightclub with men who kill people and sell drugs for a living. She kills people and sells drugs for a living! She put her head between her knees trying to catch her breath. She was so stupid. She should have gotten on the pill as soon as she started seeing Andre. A baby. Andre’s baby was growing inside of her. She made the decision fast before she could talk herself out of it. She didn’t bother to get dressed, instead staying in her sweatpants and t-shirt. She quickly walked out of the apartment, Leo following close behind. They both got into the SUV and she asked Leo to drive her to the clinic. As Leo pulled up to the clinic he looked at her through the rear-view mirror.

  “Not a word to my father.” She reminded him.

  Leo nodded. She sat there for a moment just looking at the clinic, feeling like the biggest coward in the world. It was unrealistic if she thought she could care for a child in this life. Just because she made her decision didn’t make it any easier to go through with. She promised herself she wouldn’t cry, not one tear, until it was over. She could grieve afterwards. Finally she opened the door to the SUV, stowed her shaky hands into the pocket of her hoodie and made her way inside.

  * * *

  The sun seemed brighter as she stepped outside. The tears had long dried on her face. She looked to the street expecting to see Leo with the SUV. Instead she found Andre dressed in his usual business attire, leaning against his Lexus. Her heart dropped to her stomach. He was never suppose to know. The guilt instantly starting eating at her at the sight of him. He didn’t look angry or sad, just concerned. She walked to the car keeping her eyes on the concrete sidewalk to avoid making eye contact with him. When she got close enough to him he grabbed her chin and lifted it so her eyes meet his. His eyebrows came together in a worried expression.

  “You’re going to be OK?” He asked.

  She nodded. They stood there for a moment him staring at her like he wasn’t sure he believed her.

  “Your not mad?” She asked.

  He just shook his head and pulled her into his arms. He smelled like fresh soap and she couldn’t stop the tears from once again falling down her cheek. She had missed him so much during these last several days. She didn’t realize she needed someone to help her shoulder all the weight she felt on her shoulder until she was crying in Andre’s arms. She thought to call him. That would have been the right thing to do, but each time she would chicken out. She knew what he would say once he found out. That everything would be alright and that they would figure it out but she didn’t want to hear that because she had already made up her mind. Andre ushered her into the car sliding in beside her in the backseat. He held her until the tears and hiccups had stopped. She was grateful for the tinted windows. She could only imagine the mess she looked liked right now. Once she had calmed down enough they both made their way to the front seats. He held her hand as he drove through the streets of Chicago until they made it to the garage of Andre’s penthouse. Once they got inside she was amazed again at the beauty of the penthouse.

  “You hungry?” He asked as he made his way into the kitchen.

  “Yea.” Her voice came out scratchy and quieter than she meant it to. She sat on one of the kitchen chairs as Andre walked around the kitchen grabbing ingredients and throwing them together. She watched in silence until he was done. He brought her a plate of pasta and sat down next to her. They ate in silence. The silence seemed to grow louder as they chewed until it was thick in the air. When they both finished their food and Andre had cleared their plates she cleared her throat, breaking the silence.

  “How was your trip?” She asked.

  He raised and eyebrow and shook his head. Coming around the counter he grabbed her hand and pulled her up from the chair. He guided her into a room that looked like a small theater. He sat down on the couch and pulled her into his lap. She leaned into his shoulder. Silence.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked quietly as he ran his hands through the soft waves in her hair. She tensed up. This was the talk she had feared. She looked up at his glum face, his eyes trained on her. She let out a deep breath.

  “It all happened so fast. I found out and I freaked out. I knew if I told you, you would say it was OK and that we would figure it out.”

  He nodded waiting for her to continue.

  “We’re in such a weird place right now. How could we raise a child? You in Canada and me here. We have a bullseye on our back every time we walk out that door. Our child would always be our weakness and anyone who would want to hurt us would know that.” She couldn’t control the tears again as they rolled down her cheek. She was so tired of crying. “When you’re around and when I talk to you its like I can’t think clearly and I needed to think to make the hardest decision in my life.”

  He held her closer to him as she started to hiccup. She was such a mess and she felt so out of control it scared her. “I tried so hard to go through with it, but I couldn’t.” She felt Andre freeze, his arms felt stiff. He placed his fingers under her chin so she looked up at him. Through her eyes his face was blurry from the tears.

  “Are you telling me you’re still pregnant?” He asked, eyes wide.

  She nodded. “I tried but I just couldn’t stop thinking about it, the baby. What would it look like? Would it be more like you or…” She trailed off as his face lifted into a huge smile.

  He dropped a kiss to her salty lips hands on both sides of her face.

  “We’re having a baby?” He asked.

  She nodded. His next words made her feel better then she had all week.

  “I know you don’t want me to say this but we will be fine. If you think I would ever let someone get close to our child you are crazy and I would never leave you to raise our child on your own. Its you and me from here on out. We will figure out all the other stuff. Go it?”

nbsp; It was against everything she learned to rely on Andre but at this moment it felt so right.

  “Were having a baby.” He repeated again.

  She smiled. “Yea were having a baby.”



  Screaming cries echoed through the brown stone house and woke Cassandra up out of her sleep. The baby monitor screeched. She groaned preparing herself to get up and make her way to the nursery but Andre was already out of bed.

  “I got it.” He said as he walked out of the bedroom. After 12 hours of labor Jacob Calvin Rizzuto had made his way into the world just 3 months ago. He was the spitting image of Andre but Andre had no problem pointing out that the baby’s stubbornness was all her. Like Andre promised he had stayed by her side the entire time and she knew Jacob would always have two parents who loved each other and him more than anything in this world. They had moved into the brownstone right before Jacob was born. Although Cassandra would have been fine staying in Andre’s penthouse he wanted a home for Jacob to grow up in his whole life and at least a little bit of a backyard to play in. Cassandra loved the house now. It was warm and inviting and felt like a safe place which is exactly what they had needed considering the lack of safety in their ‘careers’. It felt like things had settled down but she knew in the world they lived in it was only a matter of time before everything got crazy again, but that was the life they lived. While Cassandra had been working from home of sorts she planned to start going back to the club next week. Although she loved being home with Jacob she was itching to get back to being the Boss. Andre had taken a more permanent change and stepped down as Boss so he could stay in the states and do what he was good at for the Montreal Mafia, making money. Their businesses still crossed paths and Andre kept his fake office in the city to keep up appearances. About 20 mins later Andre made his way back into the bedroom looking exhausted.


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