His Someone Special

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His Someone Special Page 14

by Sammi Cee

  Sitting back on his haunches, Sarge grabbed the condom and ripped the packet open with his teeth. After rolling it over his generous length, he slathered on some more lube and then caught my chin between his thumb and finger.

  “I’m going to ask you one more time, boy. Are you sure about this?”

  I reached out and placed my hand on his chest where his heart beat erratically under my palm. He might’ve given the appearance of being in control, but he was just as anxious as I was. My decision had already been made, but that just cemented it for me.

  “I’m more than sure,” I told him as I lifted my hips in invitation. “Make me yours.”

  Sarge lined his cock up to my hole before he leaned down to press his forehead against mine. “You already are,” he growled before pushing inside me.

  I’d never felt so full or complete in my life. The brief sting of pain was minute in comparison to the pleasure of having Sarge inside me. It was as if my body was made to be his, and he fit me in such a way I knew no one else ever would.

  “Are you okay?” he asked gruffly. His body trembled as he waited for me to give him his answer.

  “I’m more than okay. Keep going,” I said with a contented sigh.

  Snapping his hips forward, Sarge continued to slide in until he filled me completely. I wrapped my arms around his back and felt his damp skin under my palms. His lips grazed against my neck as he sucked on the sensitive skin there before nipping it with his teeth, marking me in another way. Only when I canted my hips did he finally start to move.

  I expected it to be awkward and clumsy since it was my first time, but I should've known better. Nothing about Sarge was awkward or clumsy. Our bodies moved in sync, as if we'd been doing this for years rather than minutes. What started off as a slow and beautiful thing, turned into a fiery dance of passion and need. I matched him pace for pace, kiss for kiss, and when I finally came, he wasn’t too far behind.

  Sarge didn’t say a word as he climbed off me and disappeared into the bathroom. When he returned, he had a damp cloth in his hand and he gently cleaned me up. After throwing the cloth in the hamper, he crawled back onto the bed and pulled me into his arms.

  “Sleep, boy,” Sarge murmured in my ear before he kissed my temple. “No more nightmares.”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  I closed my eyes and allowed sleep to wash over me. Wrapped in his strong arms, I knew the nightmares wouldn’t disturb me. How could they when I had my Daddy to keep me safe?

  Chapter Eighteen


  Davis buzzed around the house nervously while we waited for the main crew from Full Throttle to arrive for a barbecue. It was actually too cold out to sit outside, but Ralph was manning the grill out back and bringing in the steaks and burgers I’d purchased for us all to eat. How I’d ended up hosting a Sunday dinner, I had no idea, but it’s what my boy wanted, so it’s what we were doing. I watched him rearrange the paper plates and utensils on the kitchen counter for about the hundredth time before walking over and resting my hands on his shoulders. “Boy, take a breath.”

  I felt his shoulders rise under my hands before they fell with the sound of air whooshing out of his mouth accompanying it. He turned in my arms and snuggled into my chest. “I’m sorry, Daddy. I just want today to be perfect. And Billy, Rex, and Ralph haven’t ever even seen your house.”

  I chuckled, completely amused. “You know I don’t really care what they think about my house, right?”

  Davis jerked back and stared at me like I’d lost my mind. “Daddy, they’re going to love your house. In fact, they’re going to like it so much I’m worried that they're all going to wonder what you were thinking moving me in here.”

  I snorted out loud, causing Davis’s lower lip to jut out like it tended to do now when he thought I was making fun of him. It had only been two weeks since our first date and so much had changed. After our talk on Monday night, and the decision to pursue a relationship, we’d both settled into a routine easily. It was so comfortable and seamless that it was like he’d always been here. “Are you kidding me? They all adore you. Hell, I think if we split up there’s a possibility I’d lose Ralph and Bull to you.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Maybe Billy and Law, but I think Ralph and Bull would stick with you.” His lips quirked up into a grin.

  “See, you’re being silly. No one will be here for at least another half-an-hour, so you have to relax. You’re stressing yourself out with all your fussing. What would you like to do until they get here?”

  He shrugged his shoulders, but before I had to figure out a way to occupy his time, the phone rang. “Oh, it’s Billy. I have to take this. He was going to…” He trailed off as he answered the phone and walked away from me.

  Since he and Billy staying on the phone until he got here was a distinct possibility, I went into the bathroom to baby my beard while I had the chance. I’d meant to do it earlier, but after waking Davis up with his cock in my mouth and then decorating his pale chest with my cum, he’d launched out of bed so that we could have breakfast before preparing the sides and desserts for today.

  Rex would only be coming for a little while since he ran the bar tonight and was training a new barback, which is why we were having lunch instead of something later in the afternoon. When Billy had asked what he could bring, I’d waved him off, but he wasn’t having it, so Davis told him to bring chips and dip. I pictured him wandering through the chip aisle right now while he had Davis on the phone. The two of them had only become closer in the last couple of weeks, which is what sparked this little gathering. Davis didn’t think it was fair to have Billy coming in and out to see him if everyone hadn’t been invited over. So far, I’d driven Davis to meet Billy out or at the bar and he wanted him to be able to come to the house. Why they all had to come at once didn’t make a lick of sense to me, but I imagined it had a lot to do with Davis wanting everyone to approve of his place in my life. He really didn’t have one thing to worry about, but I humored him to make him happy.

  I’d just trimmed and combed out my beard when Davis wandered into the bathroom. “What’re you doing, Daddy?”

  I gave him a firm kiss, then turned back to the bathroom mirror. “I’m going to oil my beard.”

  “Is that how you keep it so soft and shiny?” he asked.

  I abandoned the bottle I had just pulled out of the cabinet onto the counter to pull my boy into my arms and nuzzle his neck. “You think it’s soft and shiny, huh?”

  He giggled, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and pushing his slight frame into my larger body. “You know your beard’s freakin’ hot, Daddy.”

  Instead of answering, I buzzed my lips into his neck before releasing him. The truth was, I knew my beard was a draw. I’d worried when the white started coming in that I’d have to shave it because it would be a turn-off, adding to the old man look. I’d been happily surprised to find the more silvery-white it got, the more of a fuck-magnet it was. Men and women alike were drawn to me, more people than I would have predicted creepily trying to get their hands on it for a little tug once they realized they weren’t getting me in bed. But that wasn’t a conversation Davis and I were going to have. All I cared about now was that it turned him on.

  I picked the bottle of oil back up. “Daddy?” I met Davis’s eyes in the mirror as he peered around my shoulder from behind. “Can I do it?” His soft voice was hesitant, but his blue orbs were hopeful. There was no way I could resist.

  “You wanna put Daddy’s oil in his beard, my little duckling?”

  He sucked his bottom lip between his teeth, his gaze darting down to my beard as he nodded his head. I grabbed the oil off of the counter and turned and picked Davis up by the waist and sat him on the counter. He smacked at my shoulder. “You’re ridiculous. I could’ve stood up.”

  “What fun is that?” I leaned forward for a long leisurely kiss, only pulling back after he’d wrapped his legs around my waist to pull me in closer. “We don’t have time for th
at, boy.”

  “But, Daddy.”

  “Don’t whine at me. This was your brilliant idea to interrupt our day off with company, people who will probably want to play cards and never leave. I have no idea what you were thinking.”

  “Me neither now.” Chuckling, I distracted him by turning one of his hands over and putting just a small dollop of oil onto the tips of his fingers. “What do I do?”

  “Oil me up, boy.”

  That earned me an eye roll, even as he rubbed the tips of his fingers together for a moment before running them through my beard. The heat that flared in his eyes as he carded his fingers through the silver strands had my dick half-hard. When a low purring hum issued out of him, I was ready to manhandle him off of the counter, yank his pants down, and oil up his ass to give us both some relief. He continued to stroke the soft hair long after it was necessary, but neither of us wanted to break the sensual atmosphere that this simple act had created. “I think I want to help take care of your beard all the time, Daddy.”

  I cleared my throat, then said gruffly, “I think I like that idea.”

  “Is it weird that I’m completely turned-on right now?” he whispered.

  Before I got my arms under his thighs to carry him to our bed, the chime of the doorbell echoed through the house. I growled in frustration, then pointed a finger in Davis’s face. “We will not be making a habit out of this company thing.”

  I knew Davis had to be feeling the same way I did, but as he grabbed my hand to lead me out of the bathroom so we could greet our guests together, he waited until he was opening the door to a bouncing Billy and a smug Lawson to say, “Oh, having everyone over once a month is fine. I don’t think any more than that is necessary. People do have a life.”


  He laughed up at me when Law’s eyes widened in shock, but then he grabbed a couple of bags from Billy’s hand and they scooted around me as Davis pulled him toward the kitchen.

  Law and I stood in the doorway blinking at each other. “What happened to that timid kid you hired?”

  “Uh, he’s gone?”

  “For fuck’s sake, Sarge. You’ve only been together two weeks. What are you doing to the kid?”

  Billy shouted over his shoulder, “That’s what happens when the shy ones start getting sexed up properly. They get all cray-cray.”

  Davis shhh’d him right as they disappeared into the kitchen, but their giggles were still audible. Law clasped my shoulder as we followed the two troublemakers. “You’re in so much trouble.”

  I had to agree.

  The day went as well as I expected it to which thrilled Davis but was making me cranky. With the exception of Rex, who’d had to leave to open the bar, Law, Ralph, Bull, and Billy appeared to be settled in for the day. I had to admit that we were all having a good time. There had been a lot of teasing Davis and me about how cozy we already were, which I found amusing since I’d let him sit in his own chair all afternoon. That definitely wasn’t typical once we were home. We were both happiest with him curled up by my side or on my lap.

  All of the food had been delicious, and no one had been disappointed when Ralph showed up with a CrockPot full of little smokies in barbecue sauce or his potato salad. I hadn’t even attempted the latter because no one topped Ralph’s. I had served up a mean pot of baked beans—that had received Ralph’s seal of approval—and thankfully, the guys hadn’t ever had Davis’s baked mac’n’cheese before he was all mine. I’d definitely have had competition in the race for his heart.

  Since the guys wanted to play cards, we were waiting until later for dessert, but except for taking the cards out, we hadn’t made a move toward playing. Instead, we’d shared stories and got to know each other better than we already did. With all the time we spent together throughout the week in the bar, you’d think we’d have known more about each other’s families and every day lives, but that atmosphere wasn’t as conducive for this level of sharing.

  Davis kissed my cheek, then hopped up and grabbed the empty beer bottles off of the table. “I’m going to get some more ice water. Can I get anyone else something to drink? Law, another beer? Ralph? Bull?”

  “You’re an excellent host, kid. Much better than the old man, here. He never offers me another beer when I come over, and I even supply it.”

  Flipping him off, I said, “You’re so full of shit.”

  The other two gave Davis their orders, when Billy whined, “Hey, what about me?”

  “You’re coming with me, dork,” Davis said.

  “Why? We’re not on the clock.” He pouted.

  “Because I’m going to replenish their drinks, then we’re gonna clean up the kitchen and gossip without these old fuddy-duddies listening in.”

  “Oh.” Billy jumped out of his seat. “Why didn’t you say so?”

  Bull rolled his eyes at their antics. Before they left the dining room for the kitchen, Davis focused on me. “Daddy, do you want another beer?”

  Billy immediately stopped teasing Bull about being one of the old guys. Ralph stopped whatever he was explaining to Law mid-sentence, and Davis gasped, realizing what he’d said. Since getting together, I’d continued to call him boy or duckling whether we were at work or home, but that had already been my way with him. Davis had reserved “Daddy” for the privacy of our home. Tears pooled in the bottom of his eye lids. His whispered, “I’m sorry, sir,” confused me.

  “For what?”

  Again, he spoke so softly I had to strain to hear. “I called you Daddy in front of everyone. It just slipped out.”

  “Yeah, you did.” Billy whooped. “You’ve been holding out on me, mister. We’ve got things to talk about.”

  I stood up and dropped a kiss on Davis’s temple, ready to take him into the kitchen if this was something he needed to discuss further in privacy. “I’m perfectly happy with you calling me Daddy in front of whoever and whenever you’re comfortable saying it.”

  “Even at work?” He blinked up at me owlishly.

  “Aren’t I still your Daddy no matter where we are or what we do?” He nodded emphatically, so I bent and pressed a kiss to his lips, then straightened. “I’m always proud to hear Daddy fall from your sweet mouth. And I’m honored that you’re willing to be my boy. Don’t ever worry about me caring about that, okay?”

  “Okay, Daddy. Thank you. I didn’t know if that was something—”

  Law’s booming laughter cut him off, and we both turned to look at my idiot best friend, who was right in the middle of collecting money from both Bull and Ralph. “For fuck’s sake, you bet on us?”

  “Hell ya.” Law’s eyes softened as they moved from me to Davis. “Davis, he’s been waiting for you for a long-ass time, he just didn’t know it. But the minute I met you, I knew you were exactly who he needed. And if there is one thing I know about Sarge, it’s that you calling him Daddy in public will just have him strutting around worse than he already does.”

  In a hard voice, I said, “As true as that may be, Law, you’re not distracting me from the fact you bet on us.”

  “Ah, yes. A couple of healthy wagers between friends.”

  “A couple?” Davis squeaked.

  “Well, sure. I won five bucks from Billy when you had sex so fast. He was convinced Davis was too shy to move too quickly in that department.”

  My boy’s face flamed red. “Billy!”

  “Then these two idiots”—Law waved a hand between Bull and Ralph—“doubted the speed with which you’d seal the ‘Daddy’ deal. Bull thought it would take you longer than two months to even talk to the kid about the fact you’re a Daddy, and Ralph was a little more aware than that, but he didn’t believe Davis would call you Daddy in front of anyone until at least the six-month mark. Amateurs.”

  “You’re the idiot.” I glanced over to Billy. “Can you give us a couple of minutes?”

  “Sure.” Billy smiled encouragingly at Davis as I wrapped my arm over my boy’s shoulders and guided him into the kitchen.

  Once we were alone, I took the empty bottles out of Davis’s clenched hands and threw them into the recyclables. When I spun back around, he was right there, burying his head into my chest. “I’m mortified,” he mumbled.

  “Tell me why.” He shook his head against me. I smacked his butt, harder than a love pat. “Boy, that’s not communicating. Tell me what’s going through that mind of yours.”

  He didn’t back up, but he spoke loud enough that I could hear him. “First, I slipped up and called you Daddy, which I guess is fine since you don’t mind, but I wish I’d talked to you about it first. And then”—he tilted his head up to gaze at me—“they’re betting on us.”

  The second part had me chuckling. “I own a bar, my little duckling. My dumbass best friend, and Ralph and Bull, who honestly are more friends than employees after all these years, bet on everything. They bet each other, they bet the regulars, they half live to throw their money at each other. You know this.”

  He smashed his face back into my chest. “I know, but gah, we’re the bar gossip.”

  Billy walked in right then. “Sorry, I couldn’t wait any longer. And, sugar, I hate to tell you, but you two have been the bar gossip since the first time you made simpering eyes across the room at each other.”

  Boisterous laughter echoed from the dining room, answering Billy’s overly-loud claim. The little pip pointed back over his shoulder with his thumb. “My point.”

  With that, Davis shook away the lingering embarrassment, shooed me back to the other room, and we continued on with our day. My boy casually slipped in a Daddy here and there, flushing beautifully each time as his gaze flitted around checking for reactions. By the time our guests left and we spooned on our bed, we were exhausted from a long day, and my boy needed his rest. “Daddy?”


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