Rise of the Wolves

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Rise of the Wolves Page 6

by J E Reed

  “That means…”

  K.J. nodded. “You’ll be the first to confront the enemy.”

  Elite stood. “That’s absurd. Didn’t you see what happened a few minutes ago?”

  K.J. remained calm. “I did, but once we learn to control it—”

  “Controlling it requires practice. The fire is one thing, but the lightning almost killed her.”

  Palindrome folded her hands. “Technically, the exertion almost killed her and the fact that Kiuno pulled from the storm’s lightning. We only want her out there for a few minutes, just to throw the enemy off balance.”

  K.J. continued, “I don’t foresee any immediate issues. We have the forest to deal with for now. In the meantime, I’ll have you with Palindrome’s main force. The rest—”

  “You’re putting her at the front anyway?” Elite curled his fists.

  “We station all those with magic at the front. They take out what they can before the ground forces close in.”

  “But you lose them.”

  “As is with any battle.”

  “I won’t have it.”

  “Elite.” Kiuno placed a hand on his arm, but he pulled away.

  “I won’t see you on the front lines, you’ve done enough fighting.”

  “If I can help, I want to. Maltack will be with me.”

  “Absolutely not. I won’t see my wife dead on the battlefield. There are plenty of other things you can do.”

  The entire group fell silent.

  Kiuno stood to be level with him. “I’m not a weak little girl that needs protection.”

  “Have you forgotten that you were half dead when I dragged you off that field?”

  Her anger flared. “And have you forgotten that if it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t even be here?”

  “You’re not going.”

  She scoffed. “Is that so, just who do you think you are?”

  “Your husband and if you respect me at all, you’ll do as I ask.”

  “Respect? You’re going to talk about respect while trying to command me to do something?”

  “You could die out there,” he shouted.

  “So, could any of them,” she shouted back.

  His face hardened. “I don’t give a damn about them.”

  “Well I do.” She turned to K.J. and lowered her voice. “When the time comes, I’ll be there.” She glared at Elite who looked ready to burst. “I’m not a child and if I can protect someone, then I will and there’s nothing, nothing you can do about it.”

  11: Elite

  Realm: 5

  Day: 246

  Elite’s boots pounded against the grass as he flew through the outer gate. His eyes darted across the open field in the dimming light. He paused outside to catch his breath and collapsed against the wall. He’d searched everywhere. The training grounds, their room, the main hall…

  He cursed and slammed his fist against the wall then jogged back toward the castle. Why does she think it’s okay to put herself in danger?

  Their room was still empty, so he ran back down the stairs toward the main hall and looked out over the sea of faces. When she’d stormed out, he’d remained in the room, but no one commented on their argument. Am I in the wrong? Shouldn’t I have the right to protect my wife?

  He sighed and walked up the stairs again toward the tower he’d found her at the other night. He’d looked twice already, but he didn’t doubt her moving around to avoid him. She never enjoyed confrontation.

  Why hadn’t he grabbed her and prevented her from leaving his sight? They’d been apart for so long. He’d spent night after night wondering if she lay bundled in an inn or scared and cold outside, a victim of the elements.

  As Elite opened the tower door, he saw the one person he wanted to avoid.

  K.J. stood with his arms draped over the stone railing and turned when the hinges creaked.

  Elite glared at him and bit his tongue. K.J. would get an earful later, right now he needed to find Kiuno.

  “You can’t keep her from fighting,” K.J. called.

  Elite stopped, his fists clenching and unclenching. “So, placing her at the center of battle is your solution?”

  “It is.”

  Anger pulsed through him. “You’re going to get her killed.”


  “Tell me. Did you ever question why she was there that day?”

  “I assumed she was with you.”

  “Across the field? Away from my forces when I knew nothing of her abilities?”

  Elite remained silent.

  “I told her to stay behind.” K.J. turned to face Elite. “I had her escorted to a room. I had people keeping an eye on her, but it didn’t matter. She followed me. She fought where I couldn’t protect her. So, let me ask you. Is it safer to include her in the battle plans or hope we get to her when she rushes in on her own?”

  “I prefer to keep her away from it altogether.”

  K.J. clicked his tongue. “And how do you propose we do that? Tie her up? Lock her away? Do you want her to hate you? Here’s a lesson on strong-willed women—they’ll do as they please. It’s our job to ensure they’re safe in the process.”

  Elite’s mind floated back to past arguments. Her stubbornness went unmatched. She did what she wanted or convinced him otherwise.

  When she’d trained with Scorpios earlier in the day, their friend hadn’t tried to hold her back. Instead, he’d encouraged her. All Elite had done was worry.

  “Want my advice?”

  “Not really.”

  K.J. smirked. “Talk with her. Calmly. That woman loves you more than anything in this world. She was willing to give up her life for you. Never forget that because she’ll do it again.”

  Elite clenched his jaw. “Do you know where she is?”

  K.J. pointed to a tower on the outer curtain wall. “She’s at the tower I gave to the felinian.”

  12: Never Forget

  Realm: 5

  Day: 246

  Kiuno wrapped her arms around her knees and rocked back and forth with tears falling down her face. She hated this. Hated this world, and hated fighting with Elite. He had to understand. None of them had the luxury of sitting on the sidelines.

  “Hiding out?”

  Kiuno turned to Jim’s voice as he walked through the doorway. Nikita kicked up the wind as she flew in from the side and landed with catlike grace.

  Kiuno wiped her tears. “I’m trying.”

  Jim ruffled Nikita’s fur, and the animal lifted her chin for him to scratch beneath. She stood almost to Jim’s waist now. Her shoulders had widened, and her wingspan doubled. Curiosity replaced the usual suspicion in those emerald eyes.

  Nikita tucked her wings in and crept toward Kiuno. She sniffed the air, then nuzzled the top of Kiuno’s head. Kiuno couldn’t help but smile and reached up to scratch behind one ear. The animal gave a deep purr in response.

  “I suppose I’m accepted now?”

  “She can sense you’re upset. Why are you out here alone?”

  Kiuno bit the inside of her cheek. “I had a fight with Elite.”

  Jim chuckled. “A lover’s quarrel.”

  “I don’t see how that’s funny.”

  Jim leaned against the stone balcony that surrounded the tower. “You’ll run headfirst into battle to save him, yet when an argument arises, you run and hide. Ironic, isn’t it?”

  She looked away, watching the rise and fall of Nikita’s side as she laced her fingers through the soft fur. “I guess it is kind of silly.”

  “What’s this argument about?”

  “He doesn’t want me fighting.”

  Jim chuckled. “Does he know who he’s talking to?”

  A smile fought through her tears.

  “Don’t worry too much. You have decent instincts. Elite will come to terms with it. He just wants to protect you the way you want to protect the innocent.”

  Her heart clenched. “I don’t like hurting him.”

  “We have a
funny way of hurting those we’re closest to.”

  Nikita raised her head and the two turned to see a breathless Elite at the top of the stairs.

  Jim stood from the wall. “This is where I take my leave.” He nodded to Elite in passing.

  Nikita stood and peered over the edge of the balcony. Her tail flicked from side to side as she waited for Jim to exit below. Kiuno watched the felinian spread her feathered wings, jump from the edge, and soar into the night.

  Elite took Jim’s place and leaned against the cold stone. Deafening silence filled the space between them. She looked to the sky, noticing even the stars hid themselves from view on this dreary night.

  “When we first met, I thought you were quiet because you were shy.” Elite smirked. “But I quickly learned it was because you listened. You listen to the people around you and create ripples when you speak. Most aren’t likely to challenge you because you weigh the pros and cons before acting. I understand this makes you leadership material, but you’re still my wife.” He shifted. “How am I supposed to stand by and watch knowing the worst could happen?”

  Kiuno’s heart thundered as she searched for words that would convey her feelings. “What would you do if someone asked you not to protect me?”

  “You already know the answer.”

  “Then you can’t expect the same of me. I refuse to sit idle when I know I can make a difference.”

  Elite’s eyes softened and he averted his gaze. “And if you get hurt?”

  “Then it’s a consequence I’ll have to face.”

  “It’s one I’ll also face.”

  Kiuno fell silent and Elite approached and held out one hand. She looked up into his face and took it, wanting nothing more than the arms that enveloped her. Elite sighed and buried his face in her hair.

  “I wouldn’t know what to do if I lost you. I thought I did once.” His grip tightened, crushing her body against his. “I thought you fell, and my entire world fell with you.”

  Kiuno pulled back to look in his saddened eyes. “I won’t fall.”

  Elite’s hand traced her cheek and his warm fingertips left a trail on her skin. “How long has it been since you smiled?”

  Her breath hitched while he searched her gaze.

  “I see pain written all over you, consuming you.” His hand threaded through her hair. “Smile for me,” he whispered.

  He pressed his lips against hers and she returned it with tears slipping down her cheeks.

  Elite took one hand and held it out, then placed his other on her waist. “Have you forgotten how to dance too?” He took a step and she mirrored it as the familiar movements fell into place. His warm body pressed against hers in a rhythm only the two of them knew. A song beneath the stars. A promise of two hearts sworn together.

  Kiuno laid her head on his shoulder and moved with his steps, allowing the memories of their home life to wash over her. The days they’d learned. The nights that spoke of dreams and promises of their future.

  She pulled back and smiled and Elite cupped her face again. “There it is. Never forget how to dance.” He pressed another kiss to her lips. “I know you want to save the world, but you are my world and losing you would be the same as dying.”

  Another tear rolled down her cheek. “I won’t forget.”

  13: The Forest

  Realm: 5

  Day: 248

  The wagon rolled across the grassy path left by those who traveled ahead and jostled Kiuno from side to side. She glanced at Maltack, her young friend struggling to scribble in a journal. Kiuno wasn’t sure she wanted to remember this place once they returned home.

  Commotion from the front sent Kiuno’s heart racing. She jumped from the wagon and stared at a forest that stretched an impossibly long distance in either direction. The trees stood three times taller than those from other forests of this world. The wind passed through the branches and Kiuno shivered. It appeared as though they hadn’t been disturbed for millennia and harbored ancient secrets within their knotted branches.

  The meadow stopped a few feet before the trees as if even it were hesitant to cross that threshold.

  Twenty yards from the forest edge sat a wall of barriers, each manned by at least three guards. A ditch filled with murky water sat behind it.

  The horses stopped, and those in charge set them loose to graze in the field. She joined Scorpios and Maltack to unpack their supplies. K.J. and Palindrome headed to his general’s tent for updates on their progress.

  As she lifted box after box and carried them to a designated tent, Kiuno’s mind wandered to Reece. She’d promised to visit him within a few weeks but found she hadn’t had the time. She made a mental note to stop by as soon as they returned.

  Work occupied the better part of their afternoon until K.J. called them in for an update. “A few men have gone missing already. Because of this, everyone will stay in pairs. No one is to go out on their own.” His eyes locked with Kiuno when he dismissed everyone else.

  “I need you to stay with Palindrome, if you don’t mind.”

  “Elite will be with Maltack then?”

  K.J. nodded and Maltack agreed.

  Elite followed her from the tent before she could run to find her charge. “Don’t be gone too long.”

  She gave him a quick kiss. “I won’t.”

  He caught her arm. “Don’t leave her side.”

  “I won’t. I’ll be in the camp, nothing will happen.”

  Elite’s hand lingered until she pried herself away.

  Kiuno wandered around those setting up tents and others sharpening their weapons. Her gaze floated toward a stack of wood and she found Palindrome setting her load beneath a tent.

  The woman took a moment to rest when she saw Kiuno approaching. “Do you need something?”

  “K.J. assigned me to you.”

  She tried to stifle a laugh. “Of course, he did. Who is with Elite?”

  “Maltack.” Kiuno glanced at the stack of wood. “What are you doing?”

  “Connecting with the people. Doing whatever needs to be done. I’m sure you understand the importance.” She turned to a pile of freshly chopped wood. The smell of cedar floated through the air. “Right now, I’m getting these in that tent. It looks like it might rain tonight.”

  Kiuno looked at the clouds in the sky, sure it wouldn’t rain, but she helped Palindrome anyway. Dusk fell fast, and she wanted to be in before nightfall.

  With their task of stacking wood finished, Palindrome directed her to another area and then another. Palindrome mingled with person after person, each delighting in her presence. Many tried to refuse her help, but she wouldn’t listen. She made herself loved, thus strengthening their alliance.

  Night fell around the camp and the pair shifted another pile of wood. Kiuno imagined Elite pacing their tent, but she couldn’t leave until Palindrome finished what she’d set her mind to.

  Fires popped up around the camp, many on the outskirts to aid the guards watching for anything sinister crawling through the night.

  Kiuno dropped the logs beside an unlit fire and stood to wipe her brow. Palindrome went back for another armful and Kiuno turned her gaze toward the sky. She stretched the ache in her backside.

  She liked the hard work and understood Palindrome’s draw to being productive. Perhaps Kiuno could help others with similar tasks once they returned home. Provided she had free time.

  Kiuno tilted her head toward the ominous trees that loomed ahead. Everything about them made her skin tingle and crawl. She usually found the forest a welcome sight, but here it seemed like the branches watched, waiting to consume her with their shadowy grip.

  Kiuno entered the tent and paused when Palindrome wasn’t there. She turned back toward the unlit fire and ignited it with her magic.

  “Palindrome,” she called.

  No one answered.

  Kiuno’s hair stood on end as she called the woman’s name again.


  Her heart jolted and s
he dashed around the pile of wood. Her legs pounded the ground in time to her heart and she burst through K.J.’s tent to find him leaning over a map. Her eyes scanned the area, but Palindrome wasn’t here either.

  “Palindrome is gone.”

  K.J. stood straight. “What do you mean?”

  “She went back to the tent for wood and then was just gone.”

  “Where was she last seen?”

  Kiuno pointed and took off with K.J. and his companion following. The three of them alerted everyone in the vicinity and K.J.’s companion directed a small group of messengers to each alliance.

  Kiuno followed K.J. back to his tent, and he kicked a chair across the area. It crashed into a desk and splintered across the floor. He ran his fingers through dark hair before turning to head out.

  “What do you want me to do?” she asked.

  He paused but didn’t turn. “You’ve done enough.” He exited, leaving her in the cold aftermath of his words.

  Kiuno fell into another chair and tried to slow her racing heart. To her knowledge they hadn’t found the missing people yet.

  She glanced at the bottle of ink on his desk. She knew she’d face repercussions later, but Kiuno couldn’t do nothing. She scribbled a few words, took two daggers from the rack at the entrance, and disappeared into the night.

  14: K.J.

  Realm: 5

  Day: 248

  An hour passed and for the first time in years K.J. felt hopelessness settle in his gut like a nasty case of the flu. They’d scanned the perimeter twice and informed the alliances of her disappearance, but to them she was just another missing case.

  He slammed his fist against the table and fell into a chair, staring at the broken one he’d kicked earlier. Four hours stood between them and sunrise. He rested his head in his hands. The likelihood of her lasting that long…

  K.J. rubbed at tired eyes then glanced to a scribbled note on the table. His heart leapt.

  I’ll bring her back.


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